How to use IsReadableStreamDisturbed method in wpt

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Source:22_body.js Github


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1// Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.2// @ts-check3/// <reference path="../webidl/internal.d.ts" />4/// <reference path="../url/internal.d.ts" />5/// <reference path="../url/lib.deno_url.d.ts" />6/// <reference path="../web/internal.d.ts" />7/// <reference path="../file/internal.d.ts" />8/// <reference path="../file/lib.deno_file.d.ts" />9/// <reference path="./internal.d.ts" />10/// <reference path="./11_streams_types.d.ts" />11/// <reference path="./lib.deno_fetch.d.ts" />12/// <reference lib="esnext" />13"use strict";14((window) => {15 const core = window.Deno.core;16 const webidl = globalThis.__bootstrap.webidl;17 const { parseUrlEncoded } = globalThis.__bootstrap.url;18 const { parseFormData, formDataFromEntries, encodeFormData } =19 globalThis.__bootstrap.formData;20 const mimesniff = globalThis.__bootstrap.mimesniff;21 const { isReadableStreamDisturbed, errorReadableStream } =22 globalThis.__bootstrap.streams;23 class InnerBody {24 /** @type {ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | { body: Uint8Array, consumed: boolean }} */25 streamOrStatic;26 /** @type {null | Uint8Array | Blob | FormData} */27 source = null;28 /** @type {null | number} */29 length = null;30 /**31 * @param {ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | { body: Uint8Array, consumed: boolean }} stream32 */33 constructor(stream) {34 this.streamOrStatic = stream ??35 { body: new Uint8Array(), consumed: false };36 }37 get stream() {38 if (!(this.streamOrStatic instanceof ReadableStream)) {39 const { body, consumed } = this.streamOrStatic;40 this.streamOrStatic = new ReadableStream({41 start(controller) {42 controller.enqueue(body);43 controller.close();44 },45 });46 if (consumed) {47 this.streamOrStatic.cancel();48 }49 }50 return this.streamOrStatic;51 }52 /**53 * * @returns {boolean}55 */56 unusable() {57 if (this.streamOrStatic instanceof ReadableStream) {58 return this.streamOrStatic.locked ||59 isReadableStreamDisturbed(this.streamOrStatic);60 }61 return this.streamOrStatic.consumed;62 }63 /**64 * @returns {boolean}65 */66 consumed() {67 if (this.streamOrStatic instanceof ReadableStream) {68 return isReadableStreamDisturbed(this.streamOrStatic);69 }70 return this.streamOrStatic.consumed;71 }72 /**73 * * @returns {Promise<Uint8Array>}75 */76 async consume() {77 if (this.unusable()) throw new TypeError("Body already consumed.");78 if (this.streamOrStatic instanceof ReadableStream) {79 const reader =;80 /** @type {Uint8Array[]} */81 const chunks = [];82 let totalLength = 0;83 while (true) {84 const { value: chunk, done } = await;85 if (done) break;86 chunks.push(chunk);87 totalLength += chunk.byteLength;88 }89 const finalBuffer = new Uint8Array(totalLength);90 let i = 0;91 for (const chunk of chunks) {92 finalBuffer.set(chunk, i);93 i += chunk.byteLength;94 }95 return finalBuffer;96 } else {97 this.streamOrStatic.consumed = true;98 return this.streamOrStatic.body;99 }100 }101 cancel(error) {102 if (this.streamOrStatic instanceof ReadableStream) {103 this.streamOrStatic.cancel(error);104 } else {105 this.streamOrStatic.consumed = true;106 }107 }108 error(error) {109 if (this.streamOrStatic instanceof ReadableStream) {110 errorReadableStream(this.streamOrStatic, error);111 } else {112 this.streamOrStatic.consumed = true;113 }114 }115 /**116 * @returns {InnerBody}117 */118 clone() {119 const [out1, out2] =;120 this.streamOrStatic = out1;121 const second = new InnerBody(out2);122 second.source = core.deserialize(core.serialize(this.source));123 second.length = this.length;124 return second;125 }126 }127 /**128 * @param {any} prototype129 * @param {symbol} bodySymbol130 * @param {symbol} mimeTypeSymbol131 * @returns {void}132 */133 function mixinBody(prototype, bodySymbol, mimeTypeSymbol) {134 function consumeBody(object) {135 if (object[bodySymbol] !== null) {136 return object[bodySymbol].consume();137 }138 return Promise.resolve(new Uint8Array());139 }140 /** @type {PropertyDescriptorMap} */141 const mixin = {142 body: {143 /**144 * @returns {ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null}145 */146 get() {147 webidl.assertBranded(this, prototype);148 if (this[bodySymbol] === null) {149 return null;150 } else {151 return this[bodySymbol].stream;152 }153 },154 configurable: true,155 enumerable: true,156 },157 bodyUsed: {158 /**159 * @returns {boolean}160 */161 get() {162 webidl.assertBranded(this, prototype);163 if (this[bodySymbol] !== null) {164 return this[bodySymbol].consumed();165 }166 return false;167 },168 configurable: true,169 enumerable: true,170 },171 arrayBuffer: {172 /** @returns {Promise<ArrayBuffer>} */173 value: async function arrayBuffer() {174 webidl.assertBranded(this, prototype);175 const body = await consumeBody(this);176 return packageData(body, "ArrayBuffer");177 },178 writable: true,179 configurable: true,180 enumerable: true,181 },182 blob: {183 /** @returns {Promise<Blob>} */184 value: async function blob() {185 webidl.assertBranded(this, prototype);186 const body = await consumeBody(this);187 return packageData(body, "Blob", this[mimeTypeSymbol]);188 },189 writable: true,190 configurable: true,191 enumerable: true,192 },193 formData: {194 /** @returns {Promise<FormData>} */195 value: async function formData() {196 webidl.assertBranded(this, prototype);197 const body = await consumeBody(this);198 return packageData(body, "FormData", this[mimeTypeSymbol]);199 },200 writable: true,201 configurable: true,202 enumerable: true,203 },204 json: {205 /** @returns {Promise<any>} */206 value: async function json() {207 webidl.assertBranded(this, prototype);208 const body = await consumeBody(this);209 return packageData(body, "JSON");210 },211 writable: true,212 configurable: true,213 enumerable: true,214 },215 text: {216 /** @returns {Promise<string>} */217 value: async function text() {218 webidl.assertBranded(this, prototype);219 const body = await consumeBody(this);220 return packageData(body, "text");221 },222 writable: true,223 configurable: true,224 enumerable: true,225 },226 };227 return Object.defineProperties(prototype.prototype, mixin);228 }229 /**230 * * @param {Uint8Array} bytes232 * @param {"ArrayBuffer" | "Blob" | "FormData" | "JSON" | "text"} type233 * @param {MimeType | null} [mimeType]234 */235 function packageData(bytes, type, mimeType) {236 switch (type) {237 case "ArrayBuffer":238 return bytes.buffer;239 case "Blob":240 return new Blob([bytes], {241 type: mimeType !== null ? mimesniff.serializeMimeType(mimeType) : "",242 });243 case "FormData": {244 if (mimeType !== null) {245 if (mimeType !== null) {246 const essence = mimesniff.essence(mimeType);247 if (essence === "multipart/form-data") {248 const boundary = mimeType.parameters.get("boundary");249 if (boundary === null) {250 throw new TypeError(251 "Missing boundary parameter in mime type of multipart formdata.",252 );253 }254 return parseFormData(bytes, boundary);255 } else if (essence === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") {256 const entries = parseUrlEncoded(bytes);257 return formDataFromEntries(258 => ({ name: x[0], value: x[1] })),259 );260 }261 }262 throw new TypeError("Invalid form data");263 }264 throw new TypeError("Missing content type");265 }266 case "JSON":267 return JSON.parse(core.decode(bytes));268 case "text":269 return core.decode(bytes);270 }271 }272 /**273 * @param {BodyInit} object274 * @returns {{body: InnerBody, contentType: string | null}}275 */276 function extractBody(object) {277 /** @type {ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | { body: Uint8Array, consumed: boolean }} */278 let stream;279 let source = null;280 let length = null;281 let contentType = null;282 if (object instanceof Blob) {283 stream =;284 source = object;285 length = object.size;286 if (object.type.length !== 0) {287 contentType = object.type;288 }289 } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(object) || object instanceof ArrayBuffer) {290 const u8 = ArrayBuffer.isView(object)291 ? new Uint8Array(292 object.buffer,293 object.byteOffset,294 object.byteLength,295 )296 : new Uint8Array(object);297 const copy = u8.slice(0, u8.byteLength);298 source = copy;299 } else if (object instanceof FormData) {300 const res = encodeFormData(object);301 stream = { body: res.body, consumed: false };302 source = object;303 length = res.body.byteLength;304 contentType = res.contentType;305 } else if (object instanceof URLSearchParams) {306 source = core.encode(object.toString());307 contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8";308 } else if (typeof object === "string") {309 source = core.encode(object);310 contentType = "text/plain;charset=UTF-8";311 } else if (object instanceof ReadableStream) {312 stream = object;313 if (object.locked || isReadableStreamDisturbed(object)) {314 throw new TypeError("ReadableStream is locked or disturbed");315 }316 }317 if (source instanceof Uint8Array) {318 stream = { body: source, consumed: false };319 length = source.byteLength;320 }321 const body = new InnerBody(stream);322 body.source = source;323 body.length = length;324 return { body, contentType };325 }326 webidl.converters["BodyInit"] = (V, opts) => {327 // Union for (ReadableStream or Blob or ArrayBufferView or ArrayBuffer or FormData or URLSearchParams or USVString)328 if (V instanceof ReadableStream) {329 // TODO(lucacasonato): ReadableStream is not branded330 return V;331 } else if (V instanceof Blob) {332 return webidl.converters["Blob"](V, opts);333 } else if (V instanceof FormData) {334 return webidl.converters["FormData"](V, opts);335 } else if (V instanceof URLSearchParams) {336 // TODO(lucacasonato): URLSearchParams is not branded337 return V;338 }339 if (typeof V === "object") {340 if (V instanceof ArrayBuffer || V instanceof SharedArrayBuffer) {341 return webidl.converters["ArrayBuffer"](V, opts);342 }343 if (ArrayBuffer.isView(V)) {344 return webidl.converters["ArrayBufferView"](V, opts);345 }346 }347 return webidl.converters["USVString"](V, opts);348 };349 webidl.converters["BodyInit?"] = webidl.createNullableConverter(350 webidl.converters["BodyInit"],351 );352 window.__bootstrap.fetchBody = { mixinBody, InnerBody, extractBody };...

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1const assert = require('assert');2const { ReadableStream, IsReadableStreamDisturbed } = require('stream/web');3const rs = new ReadableStream({4 start(controller) {5 controller.enqueue('a');6 controller.enqueue('b');7 controller.enqueue('c');8 }9});10const reader = rs.getReader();11assert.strictEqual(IsReadableStreamDisturbed(rs), false);12assert.strictEqual(IsReadableStreamDisturbed(reader), false); => {14 assert.strictEqual(IsReadableStreamDisturbed(rs), true);15 assert.strictEqual(IsReadableStreamDisturbed(reader), true);16 console.log('done');17});

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1const { ReadableStream } = require('stream/web');2const rs = new ReadableStream({3 start(controller) {4 controller.enqueue('a');5 controller.enqueue('b');6 controller.close();7 }8});9const { ReadableStream, CountQueuingStrategy } = require('stream/web');10const rs = new ReadableStream({11 start(controller) {12 controller.enqueue('a');13 controller.enqueue('b');14 controller.close();15 }16}, new CountQueuingStrategy({ highWaterMark: 1 }));17const { ReadableStream, CountQueuingStrategy } = require('stream/web');18const rs = new ReadableStream({19 start(controller) {20 controller.enqueue('a');21 controller.enqueue('b');22 controller.close();23 }24}, new CountQueuingStrategy({ highWaterMark: 1 }));25const reader = rs.getReader();26const { ReadableStream, CountQueuingStrategy } = require('stream/web');27const rs = new ReadableStream({28 start(controller) {29 controller.enqueue('a');30 controller.enqueue('b');31 controller.close();32 }33}, new CountQueuingStrategy({ highWaterMark: 1 }));34const reader = rs.getReader();35const { ReadableStream, CountQueuingStrategy } = require('stream/web');36const rs = new ReadableStream({37 start(controller) {38 controller.enqueue('a');39 controller.enqueue('b

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1const { IsReadableStreamDisturbed } = require('stream/web');2const { ReadableStream } = require('stream/web');3const rs = new ReadableStream({4 start(controller) {5 controller.enqueue('a');6 controller.enqueue('b');7 controller.enqueue('c');8 },9 pull(controller) {10 console.log(controller.desiredSize);11 controller.close();12 },13});14const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' });15const read = async () => {16 const { value, done } = await Uint8Array(4));17 console.log(value);18 console.log(done);19}20read();21console.log(IsReadableStreamDisturbed(rs));22> const { IsReadableStreamDisturbed } = require('stream/web');23> const { ReadableStream } = require('stream/web');24> const rs = new ReadableStream({25> start(controller) {26> controller.enqueue('a');27> controller.enqueue('b');28> controller.enqueue('c');29> },30> pull(controller) {31> console.log(controller.desiredSize);32> controller.close();33> },34> });35> const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' });36> const read = async () => {37> const { value, done } = await Uint8Array(4));38> console.log(value);39> console.log(done);40> }41> read();42> console.log(IsReadableStreamDisturbed(rs));43Uint8Array(3) [ 97, 98, 99 ]

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1const assert = require('assert');2const { ReadableStream } = require('stream/web');3const { IsReadableStreamDisturbed } = require('internal/webstreams/readablestream');4const readable = new ReadableStream({5 start(c) {6 c.enqueue('a');7 c.enqueue('b');8 c.close();9 }10});11readable.getReader().read().then(console.log);12readable.getReader().read().then(console.log);13assert.strictEqual(IsReadableStreamDisturbed(readable), true);14const assert = require('assert');15const { ReadableStream } = require('stream/web');16const { IsReadableStreamLocked } = require('internal/webstreams/readablestream');17const readable = new ReadableStream({18 start(c) {19 c.enqueue('a');20 c.enqueue('b');21 c.close();22 }23});24assert.strictEqual(IsReadableStreamLocked(readable), false);25const reader = readable.getReader();26assert.strictEqual(IsReadableStreamLocked(readable), true);27reader.releaseLock();28assert.strictEqual(IsReadableStreamLocked(readable), false);29const assert = require('assert');30const { ReadableStream, isReadableStreamDefaultReader } = require('stream/web');31const { IsReadableStreamDefaultReader } = require('internal/webstreams/readablestream');32const readable = new ReadableStream({33 start(c) {34 c.enqueue('a');35 c.enqueue('b');36 c.close();37 }38});39const reader = readable.getReader();40assert.strictEqual(isReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader), true);41assert.strictEqual(IsReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader), true);42const assert = require('assert');43const { ReadableStream, isReadableStreamBYOBReader } = require('stream/web');44const { IsReadableStreamBYOBReader } = require('internal/webstreams/readablestream');45const readable = new ReadableStream({46 start(c) {47 const buffer = Buffer.from('abc');48 c.enqueue(buffer);49 c.close();50 }51});52const reader = readable.getReader({ mode: 'byob' });53assert.strictEqual(isReadableStreamBYOBReader(reader), true);54assert.strictEqual(IsReadableStreamBYOBReader(reader), true);

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1const assert = require("assert");2const { IsReadableStreamDisturbed } = require("./disturbed.js");3const { ReadableStream } = require("stream/web");4const rs = new ReadableStream();5assert.strictEqual(IsReadableStreamDisturbed(rs), false);6rs.cancel();7assert.strictEqual(IsReadableStreamDisturbed(rs), true);8const {9} = require("stream/web");10const {11} = require("internal/webstreams/readablestream");12module.exports.IsReadableStreamDisturbed = function IsReadableStreamDisturbed(stream) {13 if (stream === undefined) {14 return false;15 }16 return stream[kState].disturbed;17};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { IsReadableStreamDisturbed } = require('stream/web');2const { ReadableStream } = require('stream/web');3const rs = new ReadableStream();4console.log(IsReadableStreamDisturbed(rs));5const { IsReadableStreamDisturbed } = require('web-streams-polyfill/ponyfill');6const { ReadableStream } = require('web-streams-polyfill/ponyfill');7const rs = new ReadableStream();8console.log(IsReadableStreamDisturbed(rs));9const { Readable } = require('stream');10const rs = new Readable();11console.log(rs.readableEnded);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var rs = new ReadableStream({2 start(controller) {3 controller.enqueue("a");4 controller.close();5 }6});7var reader = rs.getReader();8var result =;9result.then(function(result) {10 console.log(result);11 var isDisturbed = rs.isDisturbed;12 console.log(isDisturbed);13});14var rs = new ReadableStream({15 start(controller) {16 controller.enqueue("a");17 controller.close();18 }19});20var reader = rs.getReader();21var result =;22result.then(function(result) {23 console.log(result);24 var isDisturbed = rs.isDisturbed;25 console.log(isDisturbed);26});27var rs = new ReadableStream({28 start(controller) {29 controller.enqueue("a");30 controller.close();31 }32});33var reader = rs.getReader();34var result =;35result.then(function(result) {36 console.log(result);37 var isDisturbed = rs.isDisturbed;38 console.log(isDisturbed);39});40var rs = new ReadableStream({41 start(controller) {42 controller.enqueue("a");43 controller.close();44 }45});46var reader = rs.getReader();47var result =;48result.then(function(result) {49 console.log(result);50 var isDisturbed = rs.isDisturbed;51 console.log(isDisturbed);52});53var rs = new ReadableStream({54 start(controller) {55 controller.enqueue("a");56 controller.close();57 }58});59var reader = rs.getReader();60var result =;61result.then(function(result) {62 console.log(result);63 var isDisturbed = rs.isDisturbed;64 console.log(isDisturbed);65});66var rs = new ReadableStream({67 start(controller) {68 controller.enqueue("a");69 controller.close();70 }71});72var reader = rs.getReader();73var result =;74result.then(function(result) {75 console.log(result);76 var isDisturbed = rs.isDisturbed;77 console.log(isDisturbed

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1const { ReadableStream } = require('stream/web');2const rs = new ReadableStream();3rs.cancel();4console.log(rs.locked);5console.log(rs.getReader().closed);6const { ReadableStream } = require('stream/web');7const rs = new ReadableStream();8console.log(rs.locked);9console.log(rs.getReader().closed);10const { ReadableStream } = require('stream/web');11const rs = new ReadableStream();12rs.getReader();13console.log(rs.locked);14console.log(rs.getReader().closed);

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