How to use isAnnotationRenderable method in wpt

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...35var _operator_list = require("./operator_list.js");36var _evaluator = require("./evaluator.js");37const DEFAULT_USER_UNIT = 1.0;38const LETTER_SIZE_MEDIABOX = [0, 0, 612, 792];39function isAnnotationRenderable(annotation, intent) {40 return intent === "display" && annotation.viewable || intent === "print" && annotation.printable;41}42class Page {43 constructor({44 pdfManager,45 xref,46 pageIndex,47 pageDict,48 ref,49 globalIdFactory,50 fontCache,51 builtInCMapCache,52 globalImageCache53 }) {54 this.pdfManager = pdfManager;55 this.pageIndex = pageIndex;56 this.pageDict = pageDict;57 this.xref = xref;58 this.ref = ref;59 this.fontCache = fontCache;60 this.builtInCMapCache = builtInCMapCache;61 this.globalImageCache = globalImageCache;62 this.evaluatorOptions = pdfManager.evaluatorOptions;63 this.resourcesPromise = null;64 const idCounters = {65 obj: 066 };67 this._localIdFactory = class extends globalIdFactory {68 static createObjId() {69 return `p${pageIndex}_${++idCounters.obj}`;70 }71 };72 }73 _getInheritableProperty(key, getArray = false) {74 const value = (0, _core_utils.getInheritableProperty)({75 dict: this.pageDict,76 key,77 getArray,78 stopWhenFound: false79 });80 if (!Array.isArray(value)) {81 return value;82 }83 if (value.length === 1 || !(0, _primitives.isDict)(value[0])) {84 return value[0];85 }86 return _primitives.Dict.merge({87 xref: this.xref,88 dictArray: value89 });90 }91 get content() {92 return this.pageDict.get("Contents");93 }94 get resources() {95 return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "resources", this._getInheritableProperty("Resources") || _primitives.Dict.empty);96 }97 _getBoundingBox(name) {98 const box = this._getInheritableProperty(name, true);99 if (Array.isArray(box) && box.length === 4) {100 if (box[2] - box[0] !== 0 && box[3] - box[1] !== 0) {101 return box;102 }103 (0, _util.warn)(`Empty /${name} entry.`);104 }105 return null;106 }107 get mediaBox() {108 return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "mediaBox", this._getBoundingBox("MediaBox") || LETTER_SIZE_MEDIABOX);109 }110 get cropBox() {111 return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "cropBox", this._getBoundingBox("CropBox") || this.mediaBox);112 }113 get userUnit() {114 let obj = this.pageDict.get("UserUnit");115 if (!(0, _util.isNum)(obj) || obj <= 0) {116 obj = DEFAULT_USER_UNIT;117 }118 return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "userUnit", obj);119 }120 get view() {121 const {122 cropBox,123 mediaBox124 } = this;125 let view;126 if (cropBox === mediaBox || (0, _util.isArrayEqual)(cropBox, mediaBox)) {127 view = mediaBox;128 } else {129 const box = _util.Util.intersect(cropBox, mediaBox);130 if (box && box[2] - box[0] !== 0 && box[3] - box[1] !== 0) {131 view = box;132 } else {133 (0, _util.warn)("Empty /CropBox and /MediaBox intersection.");134 }135 }136 return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "view", view || mediaBox);137 }138 get rotate() {139 let rotate = this._getInheritableProperty("Rotate") || 0;140 if (rotate % 90 !== 0) {141 rotate = 0;142 } else if (rotate >= 360) {143 rotate = rotate % 360;144 } else if (rotate < 0) {145 rotate = (rotate % 360 + 360) % 360;146 }147 return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "rotate", rotate);148 }149 getContentStream() {150 const content = this.content;151 let stream;152 if (Array.isArray(content)) {153 const xref = this.xref;154 const streams = [];155 for (const subStream of content) {156 streams.push(xref.fetchIfRef(subStream));157 }158 stream = new _stream.StreamsSequenceStream(streams);159 } else if ((0, _primitives.isStream)(content)) {160 stream = content;161 } else {162 stream = new _stream.NullStream();163 }164 return stream;165 }166 save(handler, task, annotationStorage) {167 const partialEvaluator = new _evaluator.PartialEvaluator({168 xref: this.xref,169 handler,170 pageIndex: this.pageIndex,171 idFactory: this._localIdFactory,172 fontCache: this.fontCache,173 builtInCMapCache: this.builtInCMapCache,174 globalImageCache: this.globalImageCache,175 options: this.evaluatorOptions176 });177 return this._parsedAnnotations.then(function (annotations) {178 const newRefsPromises = [];179 for (const annotation of annotations) {180 if (!isAnnotationRenderable(annotation, "print")) {181 continue;182 }183 newRefsPromises.push(, task, annotationStorage).catch(function (reason) {184 (0, _util.warn)("save - ignoring annotation data during " + `"${}" task: "${reason}".`);185 return null;186 }));187 }188 return Promise.all(newRefsPromises);189 });190 }191 loadResources(keys) {192 if (!this.resourcesPromise) {193 this.resourcesPromise = this.pdfManager.ensure(this, "resources");194 }195 return this.resourcesPromise.then(() => {196 const objectLoader = new _obj.ObjectLoader(this.resources, keys, this.xref);197 return objectLoader.load();198 });199 }200 getOperatorList({201 handler,202 sink,203 task,204 intent,205 renderInteractiveForms,206 annotationStorage207 }) {208 const contentStreamPromise = this.pdfManager.ensure(this, "getContentStream");209 const resourcesPromise = this.loadResources(["ExtGState", "ColorSpace", "Pattern", "Shading", "XObject", "Font"]);210 const partialEvaluator = new _evaluator.PartialEvaluator({211 xref: this.xref,212 handler,213 pageIndex: this.pageIndex,214 idFactory: this._localIdFactory,215 fontCache: this.fontCache,216 builtInCMapCache: this.builtInCMapCache,217 globalImageCache: this.globalImageCache,218 options: this.evaluatorOptions219 });220 const dataPromises = Promise.all([contentStreamPromise, resourcesPromise]);221 const pageListPromise = dataPromises.then(([contentStream]) => {222 const opList = new _operator_list.OperatorList(intent, sink);223 handler.send("StartRenderPage", {224 transparency: partialEvaluator.hasBlendModes(this.resources),225 pageIndex: this.pageIndex,226 intent227 });228 return partialEvaluator.getOperatorList({229 stream: contentStream,230 task,231 resources: this.resources,232 operatorList: opList233 }).then(function () {234 return opList;235 });236 });237 return Promise.all([pageListPromise, this._parsedAnnotations]).then(function ([pageOpList, annotations]) {238 if (annotations.length === 0) {239 pageOpList.flush(true);240 return {241 length: pageOpList.totalLength242 };243 }244 const opListPromises = [];245 for (const annotation of annotations) {246 if (isAnnotationRenderable(annotation, intent)) {247 opListPromises.push(annotation.getOperatorList(partialEvaluator, task, renderInteractiveForms, annotationStorage).catch(function (reason) {248 (0, _util.warn)("getOperatorList - ignoring annotation data during " + `"${}" task: "${reason}".`);249 return null;250 }));251 }252 }253 return Promise.all(opListPromises).then(function (opLists) {254 pageOpList.addOp(_util.OPS.beginAnnotations, []);255 for (const opList of opLists) {256 pageOpList.addOpList(opList);257 }258 pageOpList.addOp(_util.OPS.endAnnotations, []);259 pageOpList.flush(true);260 return {261 length: pageOpList.totalLength262 };263 });264 });265 }266 extractTextContent({267 handler,268 task,269 normalizeWhitespace,270 sink,271 combineTextItems272 }) {273 const contentStreamPromise = this.pdfManager.ensure(this, "getContentStream");274 const resourcesPromise = this.loadResources(["ExtGState", "XObject", "Font"]);275 const dataPromises = Promise.all([contentStreamPromise, resourcesPromise]);276 return dataPromises.then(([contentStream]) => {277 const partialEvaluator = new _evaluator.PartialEvaluator({278 xref: this.xref,279 handler,280 pageIndex: this.pageIndex,281 idFactory: this._localIdFactory,282 fontCache: this.fontCache,283 builtInCMapCache: this.builtInCMapCache,284 globalImageCache: this.globalImageCache,285 options: this.evaluatorOptions286 });287 return partialEvaluator.getTextContent({288 stream: contentStream,289 task,290 resources: this.resources,291 normalizeWhitespace,292 combineTextItems,293 sink294 });295 });296 }297 getAnnotationsData(intent) {298 return this._parsedAnnotations.then(function (annotations) {299 const annotationsData = [];300 for (let i = 0, ii = annotations.length; i < ii; i++) {301 if (!intent || isAnnotationRenderable(annotations[i], intent)) {302 annotationsData.push(annotations[i].data);303 }304 }305 return annotationsData;306 });307 }308 get annotations() {309 return (0, _util.shadow)(this, "annotations", this._getInheritableProperty("Annots") || []);310 }311 get _parsedAnnotations() {312 const parsedAnnotations = this.pdfManager.ensure(this, "annotations").then(() => {313 const annotationPromises = [];314 for (const annotationRef of this.annotations) {315 annotationPromises.push(_annotation.AnnotationFactory.create(this.xref, annotationRef, this.pdfManager, this._localIdFactory).catch(function (reason) {...

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1var wptextselectionmanager = require("wptextselectionmanager");2var isAnnotationRenderable = wptextselectionmanager.isAnnotationRenderable;3var wptextselectionmanager = require("wptextselectionmanager");4var isAnnotationRenderable = wptextselectionmanager.isAnnotationRenderable;5var wptextselectionmanager = require("wptextselectionmanager");6var isAnnotationRenderable = wptextselectionmanager.isAnnotationRenderable;7var wptextselectionmanager = require("wptextselectionmanager");8var isAnnotationRenderable = wptextselectionmanager.isAnnotationRenderable;9var wptextselectionmanager = require("wptextselectionmanager");10var isAnnotationRenderable = wptextselectionmanager.isAnnotationRenderable;11var wptextselectionmanager = require("wptextselectionmanager");12var isAnnotationRenderable = wptextselectionmanager.isAnnotationRenderable;13var wptextselectionmanager = require("wptextselectionmanager");14var isAnnotationRenderable = wptextselectionmanager.isAnnotationRenderable;15var wptextselectionmanager = require("wptextselectionmanager");16var isAnnotationRenderable = wptextselectionmanager.isAnnotationRenderable;17var wptextselectionmanager = require("wptextselectionmanager");18var isAnnotationRenderable = wptextselectionmanager.isAnnotationRenderable;19var wptextselectionmanager = require("wptextselectionmanager");20var isAnnotationRenderable = wptextselectionmanager.isAnnotationRenderable;21var wptextselectionmanager = require("wptextselectionmanager");

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1var selection = new WPTextSelection();2var isRenderable = selection.isAnnotationRenderable("wp-annotation");3console.log(isRenderable);4WPTextSelection.prototype.isAnnotationRenderable = function(annotationType) {5 var selectedText = this.getSelectedText();6 var annotation = this.getAnnotation(annotationType);7 if(annotation != null){8 var annotationText = annotation.getText();9 if(annotationText != null && annotationText.length > 0){10 return selectedText == annotationText;11 }12 }13 return false;14}15WPTextSelection.prototype.getAnnotation = function(annotationType) {16 var selectedText = this.getSelectedText();17 if(selectedText != null && selectedText.length > 0){18 var annotations = this.getAnnotations();19 if(annotations != null && annotations.length > 0){20 for(var i=0; i<annotations.length; i++){21 var annotation = annotations[i];22 if(annotation.getType() == annotationType){23 return annotation;24 }25 }26 }27 }28 return null;29}30WPTextSelection.prototype.getAnnotations = function() {31 var selectedText = this.getSelectedText();32 if(selectedText != null && selectedText.length > 0){33 var annotations = this.editor.getAnnotations();34 if(annotations != null && annotations.length > 0){35 var selectedAnnotations = [];36 for(var i=0; i<annotations.length; i++){37 var annotation = annotations[i];38 if(annotation.getText() == selectedText){39 selectedAnnotations.push(annotation);40 }41 }42 return selectedAnnotations;43 }44 }45 return null;46}47var selection = new WPTextSelection();48var isRenderable = selection.isAnnotationRenderable("wp-annotation");49console.log(isRenderable);

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1var selection = new WPTextSelection();2console.log(selection.isAnnotationRenderable('test', 'text'));3WPTextSelection.prototype.isAnnotationRenderable = function (annotation, type) {4 var renderable = false;5 var annotationType = type;6 if (annotationType === 'text') {7 var textAnnotation = annotation;8 if (textAnnotation) {9 renderable = true;10 }11 }12 return renderable;13};14WPTextSelection.prototype.getAnnotation = function (annotationId, type) {15 var annotation;16 var annotationType = type;17 if (annotationType === 'text') {18 var textAnnotation = this.getTextAnnotation(annotationId);19 if (textAnnotation) {20 annotation = textAnnotation;21 }22 }23 return annotation;24};25WPTextSelection.prototype.getTextAnnotation = function (annotationId) {26 var textAnnotation;27 if (annotationId) {28 var annotation = this.getAnnotationById(annotationId);29 if (annotation) {30 textAnnotation = annotation;31 }32 }33 return textAnnotation;34};35WPTextSelection.prototype.getAnnotationById = function (annotationId) {36 var annotation;37 if (annotationId) {38 annotation = this.annotations[annotationId];39 }40 return annotation;41};42WPTextSelection.prototype.getAnnotations = function (start, end, type) {43 var annotations = [];44 var annotationType = type;45 if (annotationType === 'text') {46 var textAnnotations = this.getTextAnnotations(start, end);47 if (textAnnotations) {48 annotations = textAnnotations;49 }50 }51 return annotations;52};53WPTextSelection.prototype.getTextAnnotations = function (start, end) {54 var textAnnotations = [];55 if (start && end) {56 var annotations = this.getAnnotationsByRange(start, end);57 if (annotations) {58 textAnnotations = annotations;59 }60 }

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1var annotation = new WP.Annotation('text', 'text', 0, 1);2var textSelection = new WP.TextSelection();3var isRenderable = textSelection.isAnnotationRenderable(annotation);4console.log(isRenderable);5WP.TextSelection.prototype.isAnnotationRenderable = function(annotation) {6 var isRenderable = false;7 if(annotation.type === 'text') {8 isRenderable = true;9 }10 return isRenderable;11};12WP.Annotation = function(type, value, start, end) {13 this.type = type;14 this.value = value;15 this.start = start;16 this.end = end;17};18WP.Annotation.prototype = {19};20WP.Annotation.prototype.isRenderable = function() {21 var isRenderable = false;22 if(this.type === 'text') {23 isRenderable = true;24 }25 return isRenderable;26};27WP.Annotation.prototype.render = function() {28 var rendered = '';29 if(this.type === 'text') {30 rendered = this.value;31 }32 return rendered;33};34WP.Annotation.prototype.toString = function() {35 return this.value;36};37WP.Annotation.prototype.equals = function(annotation) {38 return this.type === annotation.type && this.value === annotation.value && this.start === annotation.start && this.end === annotation.end;39};40WP.Annotation.prototype.toData = function() {41 return {42 };43};44WP.Annotation.prototype.fromData = function(data) {45 this.type = data.type;46 this.value = data.value;47 this.start = data.start;48 this.end = data.end;49};50WP.Annotation.prototype.clone = function() {51 return new WP.Annotation(this.type, this.value, this.start, this.end);52};53WP.Annotation.prototype.setStart = function(start) {

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1var selection = new WPTextSelection();2var isRenderable = selection.isAnnotationRenderable( "annotation", "annotationValue" );3console.log( isRenderable );4var selection = new WPTextSelection();5var annotationValue = selection.getAnnotationValue( "annotation" );6console.log( annotationValue );7var selection = new WPTextSelection();8var annotations = selection.getAnnotations();9console.log( annotations );10var selection = new WPTextSelection();11var annotations = selection.getAnnotations();12console.log( annotations );13var selection = new WPTextSelection();14var annotations = selection.getAnnotations();15console.log( annotations );16var selection = new WPTextSelection();17var annotations = selection.getAnnotations();18console.log( annotations );19var selection = new WPTextSelection();20var annotations = selection.getAnnotations();21console.log( annotations );22var selection = new WPTextSelection();23var annotations = selection.getAnnotations();24console.log( annotations );25var selection = new WPTextSelection();26var annotations = selection.getAnnotations();27console.log( annotations );28var selection = new WPTextSelection();29var annotations = selection.getAnnotations();30console.log( annotations );31var selection = new WPTextSelection();32var annotations = selection.getAnnotations();33console.log( annotations );34var selection = new WPTextSelection();35var annotations = selection.getAnnotations();36console.log( annotations );

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