How to use promiseDocumentReady method in wpt

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Source:ExtensionContent.jsm Github


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...208 }209 async injectInto(window) {210 let context = this.extension.getContext(window);211 if (this.runAt === "document_end") {212 await promiseDocumentReady(window.document);213 } else if (this.runAt === "document_idle") {214 let readyThenIdle = promiseDocumentReady(window.document).then(() => {215 return new Promise(resolve =>216 window.requestIdleCallback(resolve, {timeout: idleTimeout}));217 });218 await Promise.race([219 readyThenIdle,220 promiseDocumentLoaded(window.document),221 ]);222 }223 return this.inject(context);224 }225 /**226 * Tries to inject this script into the given window and sandbox, if227 * there are pending operations for the window's current load state.228 *229 * @param {BaseContext} context230 * The content script context into which to inject the scripts.231 * @returns {Promise<any>}232 * Resolves to the last value in the evaluated script, when233 * execution is complete.234 */235 async inject(context) {236 DocumentManager.lazyInit();237 if (this.requiresCleanup) {238 context.addScript(this);239 }240 let cssPromise;241 if (this.cssURLs.length) {242 let window = context.contentWindow;243 let winUtils = getWinUtils(window);244 let type = this.cssOrigin === "user" ? winUtils.USER_SHEET : winUtils.AUTHOR_SHEET;245 if (this.removeCSS) {246 for (let url of this.cssURLs) {247 this.cssCache.deleteDocument(url, window.document);248 runSafeSyncWithoutClone(winUtils.removeSheetUsingURIString, url, type);249 }250 } else {251 cssPromise = Promise.all(this.loadCSS()).then(sheets => {252 let window = context.contentWindow;253 if (!window) {254 return;255 }256 for (let {url, sheet} of sheets) {257 this.cssCache.addDocument(url, window.document);258 runSafeSyncWithoutClone(winUtils.addSheet, sheet, type);259 }260 });261 }262 }263 let scriptPromises = this.compileScripts();264 let scripts = => promise.script);265 // If not all scripts are already available in the cache, block266 // parsing and wait all promises to resolve.267 if (!scripts.every(script => script)) {268 let promise = Promise.all(scriptPromises);269 // If we're supposed to inject at the start of the document load,270 // and we haven't already missed that point, block further parsing271 // until the scripts have been loaded.272 let {document} = context.contentWindow;273 if (this.runAt === "document_start" && document.readyState !== "complete") {274 document.blockParsing(promise, {blockScriptCreated: false});275 }276 scripts = await promise;277 }278 let result;279 // The evaluations below may throw, in which case the promise will be280 // automatically rejected.281 TelemetryStopwatch.start(CONTENT_SCRIPT_INJECTION_HISTOGRAM, context);282 try {283 for (let script of scripts) {284 result = script.executeInGlobal(context.cloneScope);285 }286 if (this.matcher.jsCode) {287 result = Cu.evalInSandbox(this.matcher.jsCode, context.cloneScope, "latest");288 }289 } finally {290 TelemetryStopwatch.finish(CONTENT_SCRIPT_INJECTION_HISTOGRAM, context);291 }292 await cssPromise;293 return result;294 }295}296defineLazyGetter(Script.prototype, "cssURLs", function() {297 // We can handle CSS urls (css) and CSS code (cssCode).298 let urls = this.css.slice();299 if (this.matcher.cssCode) {300 urls.push("data:text/css;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(this.matcher.cssCode));301 }302 return urls;303});304/**305 * An execution context for semi-privileged extension content scripts.306 *307 * This is the child side of the ContentScriptContextParent class308 * defined in ExtensionParent.jsm.309 */310class ContentScriptContextChild extends BaseContext {311 constructor(extension, contentWindow) {312 super("content_child", extension);313 this.setContentWindow(contentWindow);314 let frameId = WebNavigationFrames.getFrameId(contentWindow);315 this.frameId = frameId;316 this.scripts = [];317 let contentPrincipal = contentWindow.document.nodePrincipal;318 let ssm = Services.scriptSecurityManager;319 // Copy origin attributes from the content window origin attributes to320 // preserve the user context id.321 let attrs = contentPrincipal.originAttributes;322 let extensionPrincipal = ssm.createCodebasePrincipal(this.extension.baseURI, attrs);323 this.isExtensionPage = contentPrincipal.equals(extensionPrincipal);324 let principal;325 if (ssm.isSystemPrincipal(contentPrincipal)) {326 // Make sure we don't hand out the system principal by accident.327 // also make sure that the null principal has the right origin attributes328 principal = ssm.createNullPrincipal(attrs);329 } else if (this.isExtensionPage) {330 principal = contentPrincipal;331 } else {332 principal = [contentPrincipal, extensionPrincipal];333 }334 if (this.isExtensionPage) {335 // This is an iframe with content script API enabled and its principal336 // should be the contentWindow itself. We create a sandbox with the337 // contentWindow as principal and with X-rays disabled because it338 // enables us to create the APIs object in this sandbox object and then339 // copying it into the iframe's window. See bug 1214658.340 this.sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(contentWindow, {341 sandboxPrototype: contentWindow,342 sameZoneAs: contentWindow,343 wantXrays: false,344 isWebExtensionContentScript: true,345 });346 } else {347 // This metadata is required by the Developer Tools, in order for348 // the content script to be associated with both the extension and349 // the tab holding the content page.350 let metadata = {351 "inner-window-id": this.innerWindowID,352 addonId: extensionPrincipal.addonId,353 };354 this.sandbox = Cu.Sandbox(principal, {355 metadata,356 sandboxPrototype: contentWindow,357 sameZoneAs: contentWindow,358 wantXrays: true,359 isWebExtensionContentScript: true,360 wantExportHelpers: true,361 wantGlobalProperties: ["XMLHttpRequest", "fetch"],362 originAttributes: attrs,363 });364 Cu.evalInSandbox(`365 window.JSON = JSON;366 window.XMLHttpRequest = XMLHttpRequest;367 window.fetch = fetch;368 `, this.sandbox);369 }370 Object.defineProperty(this, "principal", {371 value: Cu.getObjectPrincipal(this.sandbox),372 enumerable: true,373 configurable: true,374 });375 this.url = contentWindow.location.href;376 defineLazyGetter(this, "chromeObj", () => {377 let chromeObj = Cu.createObjectIn(this.sandbox);378 Schemas.inject(chromeObj, this.childManager);379 return chromeObj;380 });381 Schemas.exportLazyGetter(this.sandbox, "browser", () => this.chromeObj);382 Schemas.exportLazyGetter(this.sandbox, "chrome", () => this.chromeObj);383 }384 injectAPI() {385 if (!this.isExtensionPage) {386 throw new Error("Cannot inject extension API into non-extension window");387 }388 // This is an iframe with content script API enabled (bug 1214658)389 Schemas.exportLazyGetter(this.contentWindow,390 "browser", () => this.chromeObj);391 Schemas.exportLazyGetter(this.contentWindow,392 "chrome", () => this.chromeObj);393 }394 get cloneScope() {395 return this.sandbox;396 }397 addScript(script) {398 if (script.requiresCleanup) {399 this.scripts.push(script);400 }401 }402 close() {403 super.unload();404 if (this.contentWindow) {405 for (let script of this.scripts) {406 script.cleanup(this.contentWindow);407 }408 // Overwrite the content script APIs with an empty object if the APIs objects are still409 // defined in the content window (bug 1214658).410 if (this.isExtensionPage) {411 Cu.createObjectIn(this.contentWindow, {defineAs: "browser"});412 Cu.createObjectIn(this.contentWindow, {defineAs: "chrome"});413 }414 }415 Cu.nukeSandbox(this.sandbox);416 this.sandbox = null;417 }418}419defineLazyGetter(ContentScriptContextChild.prototype, "messenger", function() {420 // The |sender| parameter is passed directly to the extension.421 let sender = {id:, frameId: this.frameId, url: this.url};422 let filter = {extensionId:};423 let optionalFilter = {frameId: this.frameId};424 return new Messenger(this, [this.messageManager], sender, filter, optionalFilter);425});426defineLazyGetter(ContentScriptContextChild.prototype, "childManager", function() {427 apiManager.lazyInit();428 let localApis = {};429 let can = new CanOfAPIs(this, apiManager, localApis);430 let childManager = new ChildAPIManager(this, this.messageManager, can, {431 envType: "content_parent",432 url: this.url,433 });434 this.callOnClose(childManager);435 return childManager;436});437// Responsible for creating ExtensionContexts and injecting content438// scripts into them when new documents are created.439DocumentManager = {440 // Map[windowId -> Map[ExtensionChild -> ContentScriptContextChild]]441 contexts: new Map(),442 initialized: false,443 lazyInit() {444 if (this.initialized) {445 return;446 }447 this.initialized = true;448 Services.obs.addObserver(this, "inner-window-destroyed");449 Services.obs.addObserver(this, "memory-pressure");450 },451 uninit() {452 Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "inner-window-destroyed");453 Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "memory-pressure");454 },455 observers: {456 "inner-window-destroyed"(subject, topic, data) {457 let windowId = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint64).data;458 MessageChannel.abortResponses({innerWindowID: windowId});459 // Close any existent content-script context for the destroyed window.460 if (this.contexts.has(windowId)) {461 let extensions = this.contexts.get(windowId);462 for (let context of extensions.values()) {463 context.close();464 }465 this.contexts.delete(windowId);466 }467 },468 "memory-pressure"(subject, topic, data) {469 let timeout = data === "heap-minimize" ? 0 : undefined;470 for (let cache of ChromeUtils.nondeterministicGetWeakSetKeys(scriptCaches)) {471 cache.clear(timeout);472 }473 },474 },475 observe(subject, topic, data) {476 this.observers[topic].call(this, subject, topic, data);477 },478 shutdownExtension(extension) {479 for (let extensions of this.contexts.values()) {480 let context = extensions.get(extension);481 if (context) {482 context.close();483 extensions.delete(extension);484 }485 }486 },487 getContexts(window) {488 let winId = getInnerWindowID(window);489 let extensions = this.contexts.get(winId);490 if (!extensions) {491 extensions = new Map();492 this.contexts.set(winId, extensions);493 }494 return extensions;495 },496 // For test use only.497 getContext(extensionId, window) {498 for (let [extension, context] of this.getContexts(window)) {499 if ( === extensionId) {500 return context;501 }502 }503 },504 getContentScriptGlobals(window) {505 let extensions = this.contexts.get(getInnerWindowID(window));506 if (extensions) {507 return Array.from(extensions.values(), ctx => ctx.sandbox);508 }509 return [];510 },511 initExtensionContext(extension, window) {512 extension.getContext(window).injectAPI();513 },514};515this.ExtensionContent = {516 BrowserExtensionContent,517 Script,518 shutdownExtension(extension) {519 DocumentManager.shutdownExtension(extension);520 },521 // This helper is exported to be integrated in the devtools RDP actors,522 // that can use it to retrieve the existent WebExtensions ContentScripts523 // of a target window and be able to show the ContentScripts source in the524 // DevTools Debugger panel.525 getContentScriptGlobals(window) {526 return DocumentManager.getContentScriptGlobals(window);527 },528 initExtensionContext(extension, window) {529 DocumentManager.initExtensionContext(extension, window);530 },531 getContext(extension, window) {532 let extensions = DocumentManager.getContexts(window);533 let context = extensions.get(extension);534 if (!context) {535 context = new ContentScriptContextChild(extension, window);536 extensions.set(extension, context);537 }538 return context;539 },540 handleExtensionCapture(global, width, height, options) {541 let win = global.content;542 const XHTML_NS = "";543 let canvas = win.document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "canvas");544 canvas.width = width;545 canvas.height = height;546 canvas.mozOpaque = true;547 let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");548 // We need to scale the image to the visible size of the browser,549 // in order for the result to appear as the user sees it when550 // settings like full zoom come into play.551 ctx.scale(canvas.width / win.innerWidth, canvas.height / win.innerHeight);552 ctx.drawWindow(win, win.scrollX, win.scrollY, win.innerWidth, win.innerHeight, "#fff");553 return canvas.toDataURL(`image/${options.format}`, options.quality / 100);554 },555 handleDetectLanguage(global, target) {556 let doc = target.content.document;557 return promiseDocumentReady(doc).then(() => {558 let elem = doc.documentElement;559 let language = (elem.getAttribute("xml:lang") || elem.getAttribute("lang") ||560 doc.contentLanguage || null);561 // We only want the last element of the TLD here.562 // Only country codes have any effect on the results, but other563 // values cause no harm.564 let tld = doc.location.hostname.match(/[a-z]*$/)[0];565 // The CLD2 library used by the language detector is capable of566 // analyzing raw HTML. Unfortunately, that takes much more memory,567 // and since it's hosted by emscripten, and therefore can't shrink568 // its heap after it's grown, it has a performance cost.569 // So we send plain text instead.570 let encoder = new DocumentEncoder(doc, "text/plain", Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder.SkipInvisibleContent);571 let text = encoder.encodeToStringWithMaxLength(60 * 1024);...

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Source:ExtensionUtils.jsm Github


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...135 *136 * @param {Document} doc The document to await the load of.137 * @returns {Promise<Document>}138 */139function promiseDocumentReady(doc) {140 if (doc.readyState == "interactive" || doc.readyState == "complete") {141 return Promise.resolve(doc);142 }143 return new Promise(resolve => {144 doc.addEventListener(145 "DOMContentLoaded",146 function onReady(event) {147 if ( === event.currentTarget) {148 doc.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onReady, true);149 resolve(doc);150 }151 },152 true153 );...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptools = require('wptools');2var rp = require('request-promise');3var cheerio = require('cheerio');4var fs = require('fs');5var data = [];6function getWikiData() {7 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {8 {9 var infobox = page.infobox;10 var table = page.tables;11 var infoboxes = [];12 var tables = [];13 for (var key in infobox) {14 if (infobox.hasOwnProperty(key)) {15 var info = {};16 info['key'] = key;17 info['value'] = infobox[key];18 infoboxes.push(info);19 }20 }21 for (var i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {22 var tableData = table[i].data;23 for (var j = 0; j < tableData.length; j++) {24 var tableRow = tableData[j];25 var city = {};26 for (var k = 0; k < tableRow.length; k++) {27 var row = tableRow[k];28 var key = row.key;29 var value = row.value;30 if (key) {31 city[key] = value;32 }33 }34 tables.push(city);35 }36 }37 resolve({38 });39 }).catch(function(err) {40 reject(err);41 });42 });43}44function getWikiDataUsingRequest() {45 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {46 rp(url).then(function(html) {47 var $ = cheerio.load(html);48 var infobox = $('.infobox');49 var infoboxes = [];50 var tables = [];51 infobox.find('tr').each(function(i, tr) {52 var info = {};53 var key = $(tr).find('th').text();54 var value = $(tr).find('td').text();55 info['key'] = key;56 info['value'] = value;57 infoboxes.push(info);58 });59 var table = $('table.wikitable');60 table.find('tr').each(function(i, tr) {61 var city = {};62 $(tr

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Using AI Code Generation


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1function testPromiseDocumentReady() {2 promiseDocumentReady().then(function() {3 console.log('Document is ready.');4 });5}6function testPromiseElementReady() {7 promiseElementReady('p').then(function() {8 console.log('Paragraph is ready.');9 });10}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptools = require('wptools');2var Promise = require('bluebird');3var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));4var page ='Barack_Obama');5page.get().then(function(data) {6 fs.writeFileAsync('data.json', JSON.stringify(data));7});8var wptools = require('wptools');9var Promise = require('bluebird');10var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));11var page ='Barack_Obama');12page.get().then(function(data) {13 fs.writeFileAsync('data.json', JSON.stringify(data));14});15var wptools = require('wptools');16var Promise = require('bluebird');17var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));18var page ='Barack_Obama');19page.get().then(function(data) {20 fs.writeFileAsync('data.json', JSON.stringify(data));21});22var wptools = require('wptools');23var Promise = require('bluebird');24var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));25var page ='Barack_Obama');26page.get().then(function(data) {27 fs.writeFileAsync('data.json', JSON.stringify(data));28});29var wptools = require('wptools');30var Promise = require('bluebird');31var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));32var page ='Barack_Obama');33page.get().then(function(data) {34 fs.writeFileAsync('data.json', JSON.stringify(data));35});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wptools = require('wptools');2let getWikiPage = (wikiPage) => {3 return wptools.promiseDocumentReady(wikiPage);4}5module.exports = {6}7const { getWikiPage } = require('./test');8getWikiPage('javascript').then((doc) => {9 console.log(doc);10});11const { getWikiPage } = require('./test');12getWikiPage('javascript').then((doc) => {13 console.log(doc);14});15const { getWikiPage } = require('./test');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1wpt.promiseDocumentReady().then(function() {2 var myVar = setInterval(function(){ myTimer() }, 1000);3 var timeleft = 5;4 var d = new Date();5 var n = d.getTime();6 var d1 = new Date();7 var n1 = d1.getTime();8 function myTimer() {9 var d1 = new Date();10 var n1 = d1.getTime();11 if (timeleft == 0) {12 clearInterval(myVar);13 var d = new Date();14 var n = d.getTime();15 var time = n-n1;16 wpt.logData('time', time);17 } else {18 timeleft--;19 }20 }21});

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