How to use writePngChunk method in wpt

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Source:pdfjs.js Github


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...205 const data = new Uint8Array(pngLength);206 let offset = 0;207 data.set(PNG_HEADER, offset);208 offset += PNG_HEADER.length;209 writePngChunk('IHDR', ihdr, data, offset);210 offset += CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE + ihdr.length;211 writePngChunk('IDATA', idat, data, offset);212 offset += CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE + idat.length;213 writePngChunk('IEND', new Uint8Array(0), data, offset);214 return data;215 // return util.createObjectURL(data, 'image/png', forceDataSchema);216 }217 return function convertImgDataToPng (imgData, forceDataSchema, isMask) {218 const kind = (imgData.kind === undefined ? ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP : imgData.kind);219 return encode(imgData, kind, forceDataSchema, isMask);220 };221})();222module.exports = {223 convertImgDataToPng,...

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Source:helper.ts Github


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...81 crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ b;82 }83 return crc ^ -1;84 }85 function writePngChunk(type, body, data, offset) {86 let p = offset;87 const len = body.length;88 data[p] = (len >> 24) & 0xff;89 data[p + 1] = (len >> 16) & 0xff;90 data[p + 2] = (len >> 8) & 0xff;91 data[p + 3] = len & 0xff;92 p += 4;93 data[p] = type.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff;94 data[p + 1] = type.charCodeAt(1) & 0xff;95 data[p + 2] = type.charCodeAt(2) & 0xff;96 data[p + 3] = type.charCodeAt(3) & 0xff;97 p += 4;98 data.set(body, p);99 p += body.length;100 const crc = crc32(data, offset + 4, p);101 data[p] = (crc >> 24) & 0xff;102 data[p + 1] = (crc >> 16) & 0xff;103 data[p + 2] = (crc >> 8) & 0xff;104 data[p + 3] = crc & 0xff;105 }106 function deflateSync(literals) {107 let input;108 if (parseInt(process.versions.node, 10) >= 8) {109 input = literals;110 } else {111 input = new Buffer(literals);112 }113 const output = require('zlib').deflateSync(input, {114 level: 9,115 });116 return output instanceof Uint8Array ? output : new Uint8Array(output);117 }118 function encode(imgData, kind, isMask) {119 const { width, height, data: bytes } = imgData;120 let bitDepth;121 let colorType;122 let lineSize;123 switch (kind) {124 case ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP:125 colorType = 0;126 bitDepth = 1;127 lineSize = (width + 7) >> 3;128 break;129 case ImageKind.RGB_24BPP:130 colorType = 2;131 bitDepth = 8;132 lineSize = width * 3;133 break;134 case ImageKind.RGBA_32BPP:135 colorType = 6;136 bitDepth = 8;137 lineSize = width * 4;138 break;139 default:140 throw new Error('invalid format');141 }142 const literals = new Uint8Array((1 + lineSize) * height);143 let offsetLiterals = 0;144 let offsetBytes = 0;145 for (let y = 0; y < height; ++y) {146 literals[offsetLiterals++] = 0;147 literals.set(bytes.subarray(offsetBytes, offsetBytes + lineSize), offsetLiterals);148 offsetBytes += lineSize;149 offsetLiterals += lineSize;150 }151 if (kind === ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP && isMask) {152 offsetLiterals = 0;153 for (let _y = 0; _y < height; _y++) {154 offsetLiterals++;155 for (let _i3 = 0; _i3 < lineSize; _i3++) {156 literals[offsetLiterals++] ^= 0xff;157 }158 }159 }160 const ihdr = new Uint8Array([161 (width >> 24) & 0xff,162 (width >> 16) & 0xff,163 (width >> 8) & 0xff,164 width & 0xff,165 (height >> 24) & 0xff,166 (height >> 16) & 0xff,167 (height >> 8) & 0xff,168 height & 0xff,169 bitDepth,170 colorType,171 0x00,172 0x00,173 0x00,174 ]);175 const idat = deflateSync(literals);176 const pngLength = PNG_HEADER.length + CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE * 3 + ihdr.length + idat.length;177 const data = new Uint8Array(pngLength);178 let offset = 0;179 data.set(PNG_HEADER, offset);180 offset += PNG_HEADER.length;181 writePngChunk('IHDR', ihdr, data, offset);182 offset += CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE + ihdr.length;183 writePngChunk('IDATA', idat, data, offset);184 offset += CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE + idat.length;185 writePngChunk('IEND', new Uint8Array(0), data, offset);186 return data;187 }188 const kind = imgData.kind === undefined ? ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP : imgData.kind;189 return encode(imgData, kind, isMask);190};191export {192 pf,193 matrixToCoords,194 convertImgDataToPng,195 IDENTITY_MATRIX,196 FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX,197 LINE_CAP_STYLES,198 LINE_JOIN_STYLES,199};

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Source:helpers.js Github


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...46 str.charCodeAt(2),47 str.charCodeAt(3)48 );49}50function writePngChunk(type, body, data, offset) {51 let p = offset;52 const len = body.length;53 p = writeNumber(data, p, len);54 p = writeChars(data, p, type);55 data.set(body, p);56 p += body.length;57 const crc = crc32(data, offset + 4, p);58 p = writeNumber(data, p, crc);59}60function deflateSync(literals) {61 const output = zlib.deflateSync(literals, { level: 9 });62 return output instanceof Uint8Array ? output : new Uint8Array(output);63}64function getKindParams(kind, width) {65 switch (kind) {66 case 2:67 return { colorType: 2, bitDepth: 8, lineSize: width * 3 };68 case 3:69 return { colorType: 6, bitDepth: 8, lineSize: width * 4 };70 default:71 return { colorType: 0, bitDepth: 1, lineSize: (width + 7) >> 3 };72 }73}74function convertImgDataToPng(imgData, isMask) {75 const kind = imgData.kind || 1;76 const { width, height } = imgData;77 const bytes =;78 const { bitDepth, colorType, lineSize } = getKindParams(kind, width);79 const literals = new Uint8Array((1 + lineSize) * height);80 let offsetLiterals = 0;81 let offsetBytes = 0;82 for (let y = 0; y < height; y += 1) {83 literals[offsetLiterals] = 0;84 offsetLiterals += 1;85 literals.set(86 bytes.subarray(offsetBytes, offsetBytes + lineSize),87 offsetLiterals88 );89 offsetBytes += lineSize;90 offsetLiterals += lineSize;91 }92 if (kind === 1 && isMask) {93 offsetLiterals = 0;94 for (let y = 0; y < height; y += 1) {95 offsetLiterals += 1;96 for (let i = 0; i < lineSize; i += 1) {97 literals[offsetLiterals] ^= 0xff;98 offsetLiterals += 1;99 }100 }101 }102 const ihdr = new Uint8Array(13);103 writeNumber(ihdr, 0, width);104 writeNumber(ihdr, 4, height);105 ihdr[8] = bitDepth;106 ihdr[9] = colorType;107 const idat = deflateSync(literals);108 const pngLength =109 PNG_HEADER.length + CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE * 3 + ihdr.length + idat.length;110 const data = new Uint8Array(pngLength);111 let offset = 0;112 data.set(PNG_HEADER, offset);113 offset += PNG_HEADER.length;114 writePngChunk('IHDR', ihdr, data, offset);115 offset += CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE + ihdr.length;116 writePngChunk('IDATA', idat, data, offset);117 offset += CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE + idat.length;118 writePngChunk('IEND', new Uint8Array(0), data, offset);119 return data;120}121module.exports = {122 convertImgDataToPng,...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptools = require('wp-tools');2wptools.writePngChunk('test.png', 'test', 'test', function(err) {3 if (err) {4 console.log(err);5 } else {6 console.log('Chunk written');7 }8});9var wptools = require('wp-tools');10wptools.readPngChunk('test.png', 'test', function(err, data) {11 if (err) {12 console.log(err);13 } else {14 console.log(data);15 }16});17var wptools = require('wp-tools');18wptools.removePngChunk('test.png', 'test', function(err) {19 if (err) {20 console.log(err);21 } else {22 console.log('Chunk removed');23 }24});25var wptools = require('wp-tools');26wptools.getPngChunks('test.png', function(err, chunks) {27 if (err) {28 console.log(err);29 } else {30 console.log(chunks);31 }32});33var wptools = require('wp-tools');34wptools.isPngChunkPresent('test.png', 'test', function(err, isPresent) {35 if (err) {36 console.log(err);37 } else {38 console.log(isPresent);39 }40});41var wptools = require('wp-tools');42wptools.getPngChunk('test.png', 'test', function(err, chunk) {43 if (err) {44 console.log(err);45 } else {46 console.log(chunk);47 }48});49var wptools = require('wp-tools');50wptools.getPngChunkData('test.png', 'test', function(err, data) {51 if (err) {52 console.log(err);53 } else {54 console.log(data);55 }56});57var wptools = require('wp-tools');58wptools.getJpegChunks('test.jpg', function(err, chunks) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wptools = require('wp-tools');2const fs = require('fs');3const out = fs.createWriteStream('out.png');4const in = fs.createReadStream('in.png');5wptools.writePngChunk(in, out, 'test', 'test data', function(err) {6 if (err) {7 console.error(err);8 return;9 }10 console.log('done');11});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptools = require('wp-tools');2var fs = require('fs');3var path = require('path');4var png = fs.readFileSync('test.png');5var chunk = {6};7var newPng = wptools.writePngChunk(png, chunk);8fs.writeFileSync('test2.png', newPng);9var wptools = require('wp-tools');10var fs = require('fs');11var path = require('path');12var png = fs.readFileSync('test2.png');13var chunk = wptools.readPngChunk(png, 'tEXt');14console.log(chunk);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptools = require('wptools');2var fs = require('fs');3var png = fs.readFileSync('test.png');4var chunk = {5};6wptools.writePngChunk(png, chunk, function(err, newPng) {7 fs.writeFileSync('test-out.png', newPng);8});9var wptools = require('wptools');10var fs = require('fs');11var png = fs.readFileSync('test.png');12 {13 },14 {15 }16];17wptools.writePngChunks(png, chunks, function(err, newPng) {18 fs.writeFileSync('test-out.png', newPng);19});20var wptools = require('wptools');21var fs = require('fs');22var png = fs.readFileSync('test.png');23var chunk = {24};25wptools.writePngChunk(png, chunk, function(err, newPng) {26 fs.writeFileSync('test-out.png', newPng);27});28var wptools = require('wptools');29var fs = require('fs');30var png = fs.readFileSync('test.png');31 {32 },33 {34 }35];36wptools.writePngChunks(png, chunks,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptools = require('wptools');2var png = new wptools.PNG();3png.readPngFile('test.png', function(err){4 if (err) {5 console.log('error reading file');6 }7 png.writePngChunk('tEXt', 'testchunk', 'testvalue', function(err){8 if (err) {9 console.log('error writing chunk');10 }11 png.writePngFile('test2.png', function(err){12 if (err) {13 console.log('error writing file');14 }15 console.log('done');16 });17 });18});19 function readPngChunk() {20 var png = new wptools.PNG();21 png.readPngFile('test.png', function(err){22 if (err) {23 console.log('error reading file');24 }25 png.readPngChunk('tEXt', 'testchunk', function(err, data){26 if (err) {27 console.log('error reading chunk');28 }29 console.log('data = ' + data);30 });31 });32 }33<button onclick="readPngChunk()">Read chunk</button>34 function writePngChunk() {35 var png = new wptools.PNG();36 png.readPngFile('test.png', function(err){37 if (err) {38 console.log('error reading file');39 }40 png.writePngChunk('tEXt', 'testchunk', 'testvalue', function(err){41 if (err) {42 console.log('error writing chunk');43 }44 png.writePngFile('test2.png', function(err){45 if (err) {46 console.log('error writing file');47 }48 console.log('done');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptools = require('wp-tools');2var fs = require('fs');3var path = require('path');4var buffer = new Buffer(100);5buffer.write("Hello World",0,100);6var pngChunk = wptools.writePngChunk(buffer, "test");7fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "test.png"), pngChunk);8var wptools = require('wp-tools');9var fs = require('fs');10var path = require('path');11var file = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "test.png"));12var buffer = wptools.readPngChunk(file);13console.log(buffer.toString());14var wptools = require('wp-tools');15var fs = require('fs');16var path = require('path');17var buffer = new Buffer(100);18buffer.write("Hello World",0,100);19var pngChunk = wptools.writePngChunk(buffer, "test");20fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "test.png"), pngChunk);21var wptools = require('wp-tools');22var fs = require('fs');23var path = require('path');24var file = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "test.png"));25var buffer = wptools.readPngChunk(file);26console.log(buffer.toString());27var wptools = require('wp-tools');28var fs = require('fs');29var path = require('path');30var buffer = new Buffer(100);31buffer.write("Hello World",0,100);32var pngChunk = wptools.writePngChunk(buffer, "test");33fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "test.png"), pngChunk);34var wptools = require('wp-tools');35var fs = require('fs');36var path = require('path');

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