How to use generate method of phpObject class

Best Atoum code snippet using phpObject.generate


Source:phpClassGenerator.plugin.class.php Github


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...92 $this->setCodeIdent("\t\t");93 }949596 function generate()97 {9899 $code = $this->getPHPClass();100101 return $code;102103 }104105 /**106 * @return a String containing the getter function107 * @param fieldName fieldName to construct Getter for108 * @desc This function constructs a getter function for a fieldName in a class109 */110 function constructGetter($fieldName)111 {112113 $getterFunction = "";114 $getterFunction .= $this->buildCommentsForFunction("get".ucfirst($fieldName),$this->getCodeIdent(),"Getting value for variable $".$fieldName,"y","returns value of variable $".$fieldName,"n");115116117 $getterFunction .= $this->getCodeIdent().118 "function get".ucfirst($fieldName)."()\n".119 $this->getCodeIdent()."{\n".120 $this->getCodeIdent().$this->getCodeIdent()."return \$this->".$fieldName.";\n".121 $this->getCodeIdent()."}\n\n";122123 return $getterFunction;124125 }126127 /**128 * @return a String containg the setter function129 * @param fieldName fieldName to construct a Setter function for130 * @desc This function constructs a setter function for a fieldName in a class131 */132 function constructSetter($fieldName)133 {134135 $setterFunction = "";136 $setterFunction .= $this->buildCommentsForFunction("set".ucfirst($fieldName),$this->getCodeIdent(),"Setting value for $".$fieldName,"n","","y","value to be saved in variable $".$fieldName);137138 $setterFunction .= $this->getCodeIdent().139 "function set".ucfirst($fieldName)."(\$value)\n".140 $this->getCodeIdent()."{\n".141 $this->getCodeIdent().$this->getCodeIdent()."\$this->".$fieldName." = \$value;\n".142 $this->getCodeIdent()."}\n\n";143144 return $setterFunction;145 }146147148 /**149 * @return a String containing the comment block150 * @param functionName name of the function that we are building comment for151 * @param indent identation used to generate the comment152 * @param description The description to put in the definition line of the function153 * @param parameters Parameters passed to the function154 * @param haveReturn does the function being built have a return value? takes "y" or "n", "y" by default155 * @desc This function builds the commments Block to be put on top of functions156 */157 function buildCommentsForFunction($functionName,$indent,158 $description="put description here... ",159 $haveReturn="y",160 $returnDescription="put return description here..",161 $haveParameter="y",162 $parameterDescription=" parameter passed to function",163 $numberOfParameters="1")164 {165 $lineSeparator = "\n"; ...

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Source:sfCrudGenerator.class.php Github


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...8 */9/**10 * CRUD generator.11 *12 * This class generates a basic CRUD module.13 *14 * @package symfony15 * @subpackage generator16 * @author Fabien Potencier <>17 * @version SVN: $Id: sfPropelCrudGenerator.class.php 2342 2006-10-06 07:19:22Z chtito $18 */19abstract class sfCrudGenerator extends sfGenerator20{21 protected22 $singularName = '',23 $pluralName = '',24 $peerClassName = '',25 $map = null,26 $tableMap = null,27 $primaryKey = array(),28 $className = '',29 $params = array();30 public function generate($params = array())31 {32 $this->params = $params;33 $required_parameters = array('model_class', 'moduleName');34 foreach ($required_parameters as $entry)35 {36 if (!isset($this->params[$entry]))37 {38 $error = 'You must specify a "%s"';39 $error = sprintf($error, $entry);40 throw new sfParseException($error);41 }42 }43 $modelClass = $this->params['model_class'];44 if (!class_exists($modelClass))45 {46 $error = 'Unable to scaffold unexistant model "%s"';47 $error = sprintf($error, $modelClass);48 throw new sfInitializationException($error);49 }50 $this->setScaffoldingClassName($modelClass);51 // generated module name52 $this->setGeneratedModuleName('auto'.ucfirst($this->params['moduleName']));53 $this->setModuleName($this->params['moduleName']);54 // get some model metadata55 $this->loadMapBuilderClasses();56 // load all primary keys57 $this->loadPrimaryKeys();58 // theme exists?59 $theme = isset($this->params['theme']) ? $this->params['theme'] : 'default';60 $themeDir = sfLoader::getGeneratorTemplate($this->getGeneratorClass(), $theme, '');61 if (!is_dir($themeDir))62 {63 $error = 'The theme "%s" does not exist.';64 $error = sprintf($error, $theme);65 throw new sfConfigurationException($error);66 }67 $this->setTheme($theme);68 $templateFiles = sfFinder::type('file')->name('*.php')->relative()->in($themeDir.'/templates');69 $this->generatePhpFiles($this->generatedModuleName, $templateFiles);70 // require generated action class71 $data = "require_once(sfConfig::get('sf_module_cache_dir').'/".$this->generatedModuleName."/actions/actions.class.php');\n";72 return $data;73 }74 public function getRetrieveByPkParamsForAction($indent)75 {76 $params = array();77 foreach ($this->getPrimaryKey() as $pk)78 {79 $params[] = "\$this->getRequestParameter('".sfInflector::underscore($pk->getPhpName())."')";80 }81 return implode(",\n".str_repeat(' ', max(0, $indent - strlen($this->singularName.$this->className))), $params);82 }83 public function getMethodParamsForGetOrCreate()84 {85 $method_params = array();86 foreach ($this->getPrimaryKey() as $pk)87 {88 $fieldName = sfInflector::underscore($pk->getPhpName());89 $method_params[] = "\$$fieldName = '$fieldName'";90 }91 return implode(', ', $method_params);92 }93 public function getTestPksForGetOrCreate()94 {95 $test_pks = array();96 foreach ($this->getPrimaryKey() as $pk)97 {98 $fieldName = sfInflector::underscore($pk->getPhpName());99 $test_pks[] = "!\$this->getRequestParameter('$fieldName', 0)";100 }101 return implode("\n || ", $test_pks);102 }103 public function getRetrieveByPkParamsForGetOrCreate()104 {105 $retrieve_params = array();106 foreach ($this->getPrimaryKey() as $pk)107 {108 $fieldName = sfInflector::underscore($pk->getPhpName());109 $retrieve_params[] = "\$this->getRequestParameter(\$$fieldName)";110 }111 return implode(",\n".str_repeat(' ', max(0, 45 - strlen($this->singularName.$this->className))), $retrieve_params);112 }113 public function getTableMap()114 {115 return $this->tableMap;116 }117 /**118 * Sets the class name to use for scaffolding119 *120 * @param string class name121 */122 protected function setScaffoldingClassName($className)123 {124 $this->singularName = sfInflector::underscore($className);125 $this->pluralName = $this->singularName.'s';126 $this->className = $className;127 $this->peerClassName = $className.'Peer';128 }129 /**130 * Gets the singular name for current scaffolding class.131 *132 * @return string133 */134 public function getSingularName()135 {136 return $this->singularName;137 }138 /**139 * Gets the plural name for current scaffolding class.140 *141 * @return string142 */143 public function getPluralName()144 {145 return $this->pluralName;146 }147 /**148 * Gets the class name for current scaffolding class.149 *150 * @return string151 */152 public function getClassName()153 {154 return $this->className;155 }156 public function getPeerClassName()157 {158 return $this->peerClassName;159 }160 public function getPrimaryKey()161 {162 return $this->primaryKey;163 }164 public function getMap()165 {166 return $this->map;167 }168 public function getPrimaryKeyUrlParams($prefix = '')169 {170 $params = array();171 foreach ($this->getPrimaryKey() as $pk)172 {173 $phpName = $pk->getPhpName();174 $fieldName = sfInflector::underscore($phpName);175 $params[] = "$fieldName='.".$this->getColumnGetter($pk, true, $prefix);176 }177 return implode(".'&", $params);178 }179 public function getPrimaryKeyIsSet($prefix = '')180 {181 $params = array();182 foreach ($this->getPrimaryKey() as $pk)183 {184 $params[] = $this->getColumnGetter($pk, true, $prefix);185 }186 return implode(' && ', $params);187 }188 protected function getObjectTagParams($params, $default_params = array())189 {190 return var_export(array_merge($default_params, $params), true);191 }192 public function getColumnListTag($column, $params = array())193 {194 $type = $column->getCreoleType();195 196 $columnGetter = $this->getColumnGetter($column, true);197 if ($type == CreoleTypes::DATE || $type == CreoleTypes::TIMESTAMP)198 {199 return "format_date($columnGetter, 'f')";200 }201 else202 {203 return "$columnGetter";204 }205 }206 public function getCrudColumnEditTag($column, $params = array())207 {208 $type = $column->getCreoleType();209 if ($column->isForeignKey())210 {211 $params = $this->getObjectTagParams($params, array('related_class' => $this->getRelatedClassName($column)));212 return $this->getPHPObjectHelper('select_tag', $column, $params);213 }214 else if ($type == CreoleTypes::DATE)215 {216 // rich=false not yet implemented217 $params = $this->getObjectTagParams($params, array('rich' => true));218 return $this->getPHPObjectHelper('input_date_tag', $column, $params);219 }220 else if ($type == CreoleTypes::TIMESTAMP)221 {222 // rich=false not yet implemented223 $params = $this->getObjectTagParams($params, array('rich' => true, 'withtime' => true));224 return $this->getPHPObjectHelper('input_date_tag', $column, $params);225 }226 else if ($type == CreoleTypes::BOOLEAN)227 {228 $params = $this->getObjectTagParams($params);229 return $this->getPHPObjectHelper('checkbox_tag', $column, $params);230 }231 else if ($type == CreoleTypes::CHAR || $type == CreoleTypes::VARCHAR)232 {233 $size = ($column->getSize() > 20 ? ($column->getSize() < 80 ? $column->getSize() : 80) : 20);234 $params = $this->getObjectTagParams($params, array('size' => $size));235 return $this->getPHPObjectHelper('input_tag', $column, $params);236 }237 else if ($type == CreoleTypes::INTEGER || $type == CreoleTypes::TINYINT || $type == CreoleTypes::SMALLINT || $type == CreoleTypes::BIGINT)238 {239 $params = $this->getObjectTagParams($params, array('size' => 7));240 return $this->getPHPObjectHelper('input_tag', $column, $params);241 }242 else if ($type == CreoleTypes::FLOAT || $type == CreoleTypes::DOUBLE || $type == CreoleTypes::DECIMAL || $type == CreoleTypes::NUMERIC || $type == CreoleTypes::REAL)243 {244 $params = $this->getObjectTagParams($params, array('size' => 7));245 return $this->getPHPObjectHelper('input_tag', $column, $params);246 }247 else if ($type == CreoleTypes::TEXT || $type == CreoleTypes::LONGVARCHAR)248 {249 $params = $this->getObjectTagParams($params, array('size' => '30x3'));250 return $this->getPHPObjectHelper('textarea_tag', $column, $params);251 }252 else253 {254 $params = $this->getObjectTagParams($params, array('disabled' => true));255 return $this->getPHPObjectHelper('input_tag', $column, $params);256 }257 }258 // here come the ORM specific functions259 abstract protected function loadPrimaryKeys();260 abstract protected function loadMapBuilderClasses();261 // generates a PHP call to an object helper262 abstract function getPHPObjectHelper($helperName, $column, $params);263 // returns the getter either non-developped: 'getFoo'264 // or developped: '$class->getFoo()'265 abstract function getColumnGetter($column, $developed = false , $prefix = '');266 // used for foreign keys only; this method should be removed when we use267 // sfAdminColumn instead268 abstract function getRelatedClassName($column);269}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$phpObj = new phpObject();2$phpObj->generate();3$phpObj = new phpObject();4$phpObj->generate();5$phpObj = new phpObject();6$phpObj->generate();7$phpObj = new phpObject();8$phpObj->generate();9$phpObj = new phpObject();10$phpObj->generate();11$phpObj = new phpObject();12$phpObj->generate();13$phpObj = new phpObject();14$phpObj->generate();15$phpObj = new phpObject();16$phpObj->generate();17$phpObj = new phpObject();18$phpObj->generate();19$phpObj = new phpObject();20$phpObj->generate();21$phpObj = new phpObject();22$phpObj->generate();23$phpObj = new phpObject();24$phpObj->generate();25$phpObj = new phpObject();26$phpObj->generate();27$phpObj = new phpObject();28$phpObj->generate();29$phpObj = new phpObject();30$phpObj->generate();31$phpObj = new phpObject();32$phpObj->generate();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$phpObject = new phpObject();2$phpObject->generate();3$phpObject = new phpObject();4$phpObject->generate();5$phpObject = new phpObject();6$phpObject->generate();7$phpObject = new phpObject();8$phpObject->generate();9$phpObject = new phpObject();10$phpObject->generate();11$phpObject = new phpObject();12$phpObject->generate();13$phpObject = new phpObject();14$phpObject->generate();15$phpObject = new phpObject();16$phpObject->generate();17$phpObject = new phpObject();18$phpObject->generate();19$phpObject = new phpObject();20$phpObject->generate();21$phpObject = new phpObject();22$phpObject->generate();23$phpObject = new phpObject();24$phpObject->generate();25$phpObject = new phpObject();26$phpObject->generate();27$phpObject = new phpObject();28$phpObject->generate();29$phpObject = new phpObject();30$phpObject->generate();31$phpObject = new phpObject();32$phpObject->generate();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once 'phpObject.class.php';2$phpObj = new phpObject();3$phpObj->generate();4require_once 'phpObject.class.php';5$phpObj = new phpObject();6$phpObj->generate();7require_once 'phpObject.class.php';8$phpObj = new phpObject();9$phpObj->generate();10require_once 'phpObject.class.php';11$phpObj = new phpObject();12$phpObj->generate();13require_once 'phpObject.class.php';14$phpObj = new phpObject();15$phpObj->generate();16require_once 'phpObject.class.php';17$phpObj = new phpObject();18$phpObj->generate();19require_once 'phpObject.class.php';20$phpObj = new phpObject();21$phpObj->generate();22require_once 'phpObject.class.php';23$phpObj = new phpObject();24$phpObj->generate();25require_once 'phpObject.class.php';26$phpObj = new phpObject();27$phpObj->generate();28require_once 'phpObject.class.php';29$phpObj = new phpObject();30$phpObj->generate();31require_once 'phpObject.class.php';32$phpObj = new phpObject();33$phpObj->generate();34require_once 'phpObject.class.php';35$phpObj = new phpObject();36$phpObj->generate();37require_once 'phpObject.class.php';38$phpObj = new phpObject();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1include("class.phpObject.php");2$phpObject = new phpObject();3$phpObject->generate();4include("class.phpObject.php");5$phpObject = new phpObject();6$phpObject->generate();7include("class.phpObject.php");8$phpObject = new phpObject();9$phpObject->generate();10include("class.phpObject.php");11$phpObject = new phpObject();12$phpObject->generate();13include("class.phpObject.php");14$phpObject = new phpObject();15$phpObject->generate();16include("class.phpObject.php");17$phpObject = new phpObject();18$phpObject->generate();19include("class.phpObject.php");20$phpObject = new phpObject();21$phpObject->generate();22include("class.phpObject.php");23$phpObject = new phpObject();24$phpObject->generate();25include("class.php

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