How to use matches method of phpString class

Best Atoum code snippet using phpString.matches


Source:utils.php Github


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...1065 }1066 return true;1067 }1068 else1069 return false; //if format of ip address doesn't matches1070 }1071 1072 static function validateEmailAddress($email) {1073 //TODO: chequear esto y ver de agregar validacion de dominio1074 if (ereg("^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@([_a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,200}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$", $email ) ) {1075 return true;1076 } 1077 else {1078 return false;1079 } 1080 1081 }1082 1083 static function validarTelefono($telefono) {1084 //TODO: chequear esto y ver de agregar validacion de dominio1085 $telefono = trim($telefono);1086 if (ereg("^(\(\+?[0-9]{1,4}\))?[0-9-]+$", $telefono) ) {1087 return true;1088 } 1089 else {1090 return false;1091 } 1092 1093 }1094 1095 /**1096 * 1097 * Dada una IP la devuelve separada en octetos 1098 * @param string $ip1099 */1100 static function explodeIPAddress($ip)1101 {1102 $octetosIP = explode(".",$ip);1103 foreach ($octetosIP as $octeto) {1104 $ret[] = (int) $octeto;1105 }1106 return $ret;1107 }1108 1109 /**1110 * 1111 * Dada una IP en octetos la devuelve en string 1112 * @param array $ip1113 */1114 static function implodeIPAddress($octetosIP)1115 {1116 return implode('.', $octetosIP);1117 }1118 1119 /**1120 * Converts tabs to the appropriate amount of spaces while preserving formatting1121 *1122 * @author Aidan Lister <>1123 * @version 1.2.01124 * @link * @param string $text The text to convert1126 * @param int $spaces Number of spaces per tab column1127 * @return string The text with tabs replaced1128 */1129 static function tab2HTMLSpace($text, $spaces = 4)1130 {1131 // Explode the text into an array of single lines1132 $lines = explode("\n", $text);1133 1134 // Loop through each line1135 foreach ($lines as $line)1136 {1137 // Break out of the loop when there are no more tabs to replace1138 while (false !== $tab_pos = strpos($line, "\t"))1139 {1140 // Break the string apart, insert spaces then concatenate1141 $start = substr($line, 0, $tab_pos);1142 $tab = str_repeat('&nbsp;', $spaces - $tab_pos % $spaces);1143 $end = substr($line, $tab_pos + 1);1144 $line = $start . $tab . $end;1145 }1146 1147 $result[] = $line;1148 }1149 1150 return implode("\n", $result);1151 }1152 1153 static function parseTable($html)1154 {1155 // Find the table1156 preg_match("/<table.*?>.*?<\/[\s]*table>/s", $html, $table_html);1157 1158 // Get title for each row1159 $head = preg_match_all("/<th.*?>(.*?)<\/[\s]*th>/", $table_html[0], $matches);1160 $row_headers = $matches[1];1161 1162 // Iterate each row1163 preg_match_all("/<tr.*?>(.*?)<\/[\s]*tr>/s", $table_html[0], $matches);1164 1165 $table = array();1166 1167 foreach($matches[1] as $row_html)1168 {1169 preg_match_all("/<td.*?>(.*?)<\/[\s]*td>/", $row_html, $td_matches);1170 $row = array();1171 for($i=0; $i<count($td_matches[1]); $i++)1172 {1173 $td = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($td_matches[1][$i]));1174 if($head)1175 {1176 $row[$row_headers[$i]] = $td;1177 }1178 else 1179 {1180 $row[$i] = $td;1181 }1182 }1183 1184 if(count($row) > 0)1185 $table[] = $row;1186 }1187 return $table; ...

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Source:Compiler.php Github


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...153 protected function isArrayOfConstants($str)154 {155 $str = trim($str);156 if (0 === strpos($str, 'array(') || 0 === strpos($str, '[')) {157 // This pattern matches against array constants: useful for "data-" attributes (see test attrs-data.jade)158 //159 // simpler regex - explanation160 //161 // arrray\(\) - matches against the old array construct162 // [] - matches against the new/shorter array construct163 // (const=>)?const(,recursion) - matches against the value list, values can be a constant or a new array built of constants164 if (preg_match("/array[ \t]*\((?R)\)|\\[(?R)\\]|(" . static::CONSTANT_VALUE . '=>)?' . static::CONSTANT_VALUE . '(,(?R))?/', $str, $matches)) {165 // cant use ^ and $ because the patter is recursive166 if (strlen($matches[0]) == strlen($str)) {167 return true;168 }169 }170 }171 return false;172 }173 /**174 * @param string $str175 *176 * @return bool|int177 */178 protected function isConstant($str)179 {180 return preg_match('/^' . static::CONSTANT_VALUE . '$/', trim($str));...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once("phpString.php");2$str = new phpString("This is a test string");3if ($str->matches("/test/")) {4 echo "Match found";5} else {6 echo "Match not found";7}8require_once("phpString.php");9$str = new phpString("This is a test string");10echo $str->replace("/test/", "TEST");11require_once("phpString.php");12$str = new phpString("This is a test string");13echo $str->replace("/test/", "TEST", 1);14require_once("phpString.php");15$str = new phpString("This is a test string");16echo $str->replace("/test/", "TEST", 0);17require_once("phpString.php");18$str = new phpString("This is a test string");19echo $str->replace("/test/", "TEST", -1);20require_once("phpString.php");21$str = new phpString("This is a test string");22echo $str->replace("/test/", "TEST", 2);23require_once("phpString.php");24$str = new phpString("This is a test string");25echo $str->replace("/test/", "TEST", 3);26require_once("phpString.php");27$str = new phpString("This is a test string");28echo $str->replace("/test/", "TEST", 4);29require_once("phpString.php");30$str = new phpString("This is a test string");31echo $str->replace("/test/", "TEST", -2);32require_once("phpString.php");33$str = new phpString("This is a test string");34echo $str->replace("/test/", "TEST

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1$phpstring = new phpString("This is a string");2$phpstring = new phpString("This is a string");3$phpstring = new phpString("This is a string");4$phpstring = new phpString("This is a string");5$phpstring = new phpString("This is a string");6$phpstring = new phpString("This is a string");7$phpstring = new phpString("This is a string");8$phpstring = new phpString("This is a string");9$phpstring = new phpString("This is a string");10$phpstring = new phpString("This is a string");11$phpstring = new phpString("This is a string");12$phpstring = new phpString("This is a string");

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1require_once('phpString.php');2$str = 'This is a test string';3$pattern = '/is/';4$matches = phpString::matches($str, $pattern);5var_dump($matches);6require_once('phpString.php');7$str = 'This is a test string';8$pattern = '/is/';9$matches = phpString::matches($str, $pattern);10var_dump($matches);11PHP require_once() Function12PHP include_once() Function13PHP include() Function14PHP preg_match_all() Function

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1$phpString = new phpString();2$string = "This is a string";3$pattern = "/This is/";4if($phpString->matches($string, $pattern))5{6 echo "Matched";7}8{9 echo "Not Matched";10}11string replace(string, pattern, replacement)12$phpString = new phpString();13$string = "This is a string";14$pattern = "/is/";15$replacement = "are";16echo $phpString->replace($string, $pattern, $replacement);17array split(string, delimiter)18$phpString = new phpString();19$string = "This is a string";20$delimiter = " ";21print_r($phpString->split($string, $delimiter));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$phpString = new phpString('I am an example string');2if ($phpString->matches('/example/i')) {3 echo 'Found a match!';4} else {5 echo 'No match found';6}7$phpString = new phpString('I am an example string');8echo $phpString->replace('/example/i', 'sample');9$phpString = new phpString('I AM AN EXAMPLE STRING');10echo $phpString->toLower();11$phpString = new phpString('i am an example string');12echo $phpString->toUpper();13$phpString = new phpString('I AM AN EXAMPLE STRING');14echo $phpString->toLowerFirst();15$phpString = new phpString('i am an example string');16echo $phpString->toUpperFirst();17$phpString = new phpString('i am an example string');18echo $phpString->toCamelCase();19$phpString = new phpString('i am an example string');20echo $phpString->toSnakeCase();21$phpString = new phpString('i am an example string');22echo $phpString->toStudlyCaps();23$phpString = new phpString('i am an example string');24echo $phpString->toTitleCase();25$phpString = new phpString('i_am_an_example_string');26echo $phpString->toHuman();

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1require_once 'phpString.class.php';2$string = new phpString();3$string->setString('This is a string');4if ($string->matches('/string/')) {5 echo 'String matches';6} else {7 echo 'String does not match';8}9require_once 'phpString.class.php';10$string = new phpString();11$string->setString('This is a string');12$string->replace('string', 'text');13echo $string->getString();14require_once 'phpString.class.php';15$string = new phpString();16$string->setString('This is a string');17echo $string->reverse();18require_once 'phpString.class.php';19$string = new phpString();20$string->setString('This is a string');21print_r($string->split('/\s/'));22require_once 'phpString.class.php';23$string = new phpString();24$string->setString('This is a string');25if ($string->startsWith('This')) {26 echo 'String starts with "This"';27} else {28 echo 'String does not start with "This"';29}30require_once 'phpString.class.php';31$string = new phpString();32$string->setString('This is a string');33if ($string->endsWith('string')) {34 echo 'String ends with "string"';35} else {36 echo 'String does not end with "string"';37}38require_once 'phpString.class.php';39$string = new phpString();40$string->setString('This is a string');41echo $string->toLowerCase();42require_once 'phpString.class.php';43$string = new phpString();44$string->setString('This is a string');45echo $string->toUpperCase();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1include('phpString.php');2$str = new phpString();3$string = 'This is a test string';4$pattern = '/is/';5$matches = $str->matches($string, $pattern);6print_r($matches);7include('phpString.php');8$str = new phpString();9$string = 'This is a test string';10$pattern = '/is/';11$matches = $str->matches($string, $pattern, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);12print_r($matches);13 (14 (15 (16 (17Related posts: PHP preg_match_all() function PHP preg_replace() function PHP preg_replace_callback() function PHP preg_split() function PHP preg_quote() function

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$pattern = '/^([a-z]+)([0-9]+)$/';2$subject = 'abc123';3$regex = new phpString($pattern);4$regex->matches($subject);5$pattern = '/^([a-z]+)([0-9]+)$/';6$subject = '123abc';7$regex = new phpString($pattern);8$regex->matches($subject);9$pattern = '/^([a-z]+)$/';10$subject = 'abc123';11$regex = new phpString($pattern);12$regex->matches($subject);13$pattern = '/^([a-z]+)$/';14$subject = '123abc';15$regex = new phpString($pattern);16$regex->matches($subject);17$pattern = '/([0-9]+)$/';18$subject = 'abc123';19$regex = new phpString($pattern);20$regex->matches($subject);21$pattern = '/([0-9]+)$/';22$subject = '123abc';23$regex = new phpString($pattern);24$regex->matches($subject);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('String.php');2$myString = new phpString('I am a string');3if ($myString->matches('/^I am/')) {4 echo "The string matches the regular expression";5} else {6 echo "The string does not match the regular expression";7}8require_once('String.php');9$myString = new phpString('I am a string');10if ($myString->contains('string')) {11 echo "The string contains the substring";12} else {13 echo "The string does not contain the substring";14}15require_once('String.php');16$myString = new phpString('I am a string');17echo $myString->replace('string', 'sentence');18require_once('String.php');19$myString = new phpString('I am a string');20echo $myString->replaceFirst('string', 'sentence');21require_once('String.php');22$myString = new phpString('I am a string');23echo $myString->replaceLast('string', 'sentence');24require_once('String.php');25$myString = new phpString('I am a string');26if ($myString->startsWith('I am')) {27 echo "The string starts with the substring";28} else {29 echo "The string does not start with the substring";30}31require_once('String.php');32$myString = new phpString('I am a string');33if ($myString->endsWith('string')) {34 echo "The string ends with the substring";35} else {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$phpString = new phpString();2$string = 'PHP is a great language';3$pattern = '/PHP/';4$match = $phpString->matches($pattern, $string);5echo $match;6Related Posts: PHP | strtr() Function7PHP | str_replace() Function8PHP | str_word_count() Function9PHP | strrev() Function10PHP | str_shuffle() Function11PHP | str_repeat() Function12PHP | str_pad() Function13PHP | str_ireplace() Function14PHP | str_getcsv() Function15PHP | str_contains() Function16PHP | strcasecmp() Function17PHP | str_split() Function18PHP | str_rot13() Function

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