How to use getTypeHintAsString method of for class

Best Mockery code snippet using for.getTypeHintAsString


Source:MethodDefinitionPass.php Github


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...64 * @var \ReflectionParameter[] $params65 */66 $params = $method->getParameters();67 foreach ($params as $param) {68 $paramDef = $this->getTypeHintAsString($param);69 $paramDef .= $param->isPassedByReference() ? ' &' : ' ';70 $paramDef .= '$'.$param->getName();71 if (false !== $param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {72 $paramDef .= ' = '.var_export($param->getDefaultValue(), true);73 } elseif ($param->isOptional()) {74 $paramDef .= ' = null';75 }76 $methodParams[] = $paramDef;77 }78 return '('.implode(', ', $methodParams).')';79 }80 /**81 * 작성한 메소드 목록을 클래스 코드에 추가한다.82 *83 * @param string $class 클래스 코드84 * @param string $code 메소드 선언부 코드85 *86 * @return string87 */88 protected function appendToClass($class, $code)89 {90 $lastBrace = strrpos($class, "}");91 $class = substr($class, 0, $lastBrace).$code."\n}\n";92 return $class;93 }94 /**95 * 메소드 내부 코드를 생성한다. 메소드가 실행될 때, Interception(AOP) 로직을 호출한다.96 *97 * @param bool $isCallMagicMethod __call 메소드일 경우 별도 처리한다.98 *99 * @return string100 */101 private function renderMethodBody($isCallMagicMethod = false)102 {103 $invoke = '$this->_proxyMethodCall';104 if ($isCallMagicMethod) {105 $body = <<<BODY106 {107 \$argv = func_get_args();108 \$method = array_shift(\$argv);109 \$ret = {$invoke}(\$method, \$argv, true);110 return \$ret;111 }112BODY;113 } else {114 $body = <<<BODY115 {116 \$argv = func_get_args();117 \$ret = {$invoke}(__FUNCTION__, \$argv);118 return \$ret;119 }120BODY;121 }122 return $body;123 }124 /**125 * 파라메터의 TypeHint를 반환한다.126 *127 * @param \ReflectionParameter $rfp 파라메터 정보128 *129 * @return string130 */131 protected function getTypeHintAsString(\ReflectionParameter $rfp)132 {133 if (method_exists($rfp, 'getTypehintText')) {134 // Available in HHVM135 $typehint = $rfp->getTypehintText();136 // not exhaustive, but will do for now137 if (in_array($typehint, array('int', 'integer', 'float', 'string', 'bool', 'boolean'))) {138 return '';139 }140 return $typehint;141 }142 if ($rfp->isArray()) {143 return 'array';144 }145 /*...

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1{2 public function __construct($a, $b, $c)3 {4 }5}6$ref = new ReflectionMethod('A', '__construct');7foreach ($ref->getParameters() as $param) {8 echo $param->getTypeHintAsString() . "9";10}

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1{2 public function bar($param1, $param2)3 {4 }5}6$reflector = new ReflectionClass('Foo');7$method = $reflector->getMethod('bar');8$params = $method->getParameters();9foreach ($params as $param) {10 echo $param->getTypeHintAsString();11}12Related Posts: PHP 7.1 ReflectionParameter::getType() Method13PHP 7.1 ReflectionMethod::getReturnType() Method14PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getConstructor() Method15PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getDestructor() Method16PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getProperties() Method17PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getProperty() Method18PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getMethods() Method19PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getMethod() Method20PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getConstants() Method21PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getConstant() Method22PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getInterfaces() Method23PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getInterfaceNames() Method24PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getTraitAliases() Method25PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getTraitNames() Method26PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getTraits() Method27PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::getModifiers() Method28PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::isAbstract() Method29PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::isAnonymous() Method30PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::isCloneable() Method31PHP 7.1 ReflectionClass::isFinal() Method

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1class A {2 public function __construct($a, $b, $c = 1, $d = 2) {3 var_dump($a, $b, $c, $d);4 }5}6$reflection = new ReflectionClass('A');7$constructor = $reflection->getConstructor();8foreach($constructor->getParameters() as $parameter) {9 var_dump($parameter->getTypeHintAsString());10}11string(1) "a"12string(1) "b"13string(1) "c"14string(1) "d"

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1class A {2 public function foo($x, $y) {3 $r = new ReflectionMethod('A', 'foo');4 $p = $r->getParameters();5 var_dump($p[0]->getTypeHintAsString());6 var_dump($p[1]->getTypeHintAsString());7 }8}9$a = new A();10$a->foo(1, 2);11string(1) "i"12string(1) "i"13class A {14 public function foo($x, $y) {15 $r = new ReflectionMethod('A', 'foo');16 $p = $r->getParameters();17 var_dump($p[0]->getTypeHintAsString());18 var_dump($p[1]->getTypeHintAsString());19 }20}21$a = new A();22$a->foo(1, 2);23Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Type hint for parameter is not available in C:\xampp\htdocs\php7.4\1.php:13 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\php7.4\1.php(13): ReflectionParameter->getTypeHintAsString() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\php7.4\1.php on line 1324class A {25 public function foo($x, $y) {26 $r = new ReflectionMethod('A', 'foo');27 $p = $r->getParameters();28 var_dump($p[0]->getTypeHintAsString());29 var_dump($p[1]->getTypeHintAsString());30 }31}32$a = new A();33$a->foo(1, 2);34Deprecated: Method ReflectionParameter::getTypeHintAsString() is deprecated in C:\xampp\htdocs\php7.4\1.php on line 1335string(

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1class A {2 public function b($c, $d) {3 }4}5$ref = new ReflectionMethod('A', 'b');6foreach ($ref->getParameters() as $param) {7 echo $param->getTypeHintAsString();8}9Related Posts: PHP | ReflectionMethod::getParameters() Method10PHP | ReflectionMethod::getReturnType() Method11PHP | ReflectionMethod::getReturnTypeText() Method12PHP | ReflectionMethod::getModifiers() Method13PHP | ReflectionMethod::getNumberOfParameters() Method14PHP | ReflectionMethod::getNumberOfRequiredParameters() Method15PHP | ReflectionMethod::getPrototype() Method16PHP | ReflectionMethod::getShortName() Method17PHP | ReflectionMethod::getStartLine() Method18PHP | ReflectionMethod::getStaticVariables() Method19PHP | ReflectionMethod::invoke() Method20PHP | ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() Method21PHP | ReflectionMethod::isAbstract() Method22PHP | ReflectionMethod::isConstructor() Method23PHP | ReflectionMethod::isDestructor() Method24PHP | ReflectionMethod::isFinal() Method25PHP | ReflectionMethod::isPrivate() Method26PHP | ReflectionMethod::isProtected() Method27PHP | ReflectionMethod::isPublic() Method28PHP | ReflectionMethod::isStatic() Method29PHP | ReflectionMethod::isVariadic() Method30PHP | ReflectionMethod::setAccessible() Method31PHP | ReflectionMethod::toString() Method32PHP | ReflectionMethod::__clone() Method33PHP | ReflectionMethod::__construct() Method34PHP | ReflectionMethod::__toString() Method

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1{2 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)3 {4";5 }6}7{8 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)9 {10";11 }12}13{14 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)15 {16";17 }18}19{20 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)21 {22";23 }24}25{26 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)27 {28";29 }30}31{32 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)33 {34";35 }36}37{38 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)39 {40";41 }42}43{44 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)45 {46";47 }48}49{50 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)51 {52";53 }54}55{56 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)57 {58";59 }60}61{62 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)63 {64";65 }66}67{68 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)69 {70";71 }72}73{74 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)75 {76";77 }78}79{80 public function __construct($a, $b, $c, $d)81 {82";83 }84}85{86 public function __construct($a, $b, $c

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1{2 public function foo($a, $b, $c = 1) {}3}4$a = new A;5$rc = new ReflectionClass($a);6$rm = $rc->getMethod('foo');7$rp = $rm->getParameters();8foreach ($rp as $param) {9 echo $param->getTypeHintAsString();10}

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1function test( $a, $b, $c, $d, $e ) {2 $func = new ReflectionFunction( 'test' );3 $params = $func->getParameters();4 foreach( $params as $param ) {5 echo $param->getName() . " : " . $param->getTypeHintAsString() . "6";7 }8}9test( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );10Related posts: PHP : ReflectionFunction::getParameters() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getStaticVariables() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getFileName() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getStartLine() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getEndLine() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getDocComment() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getClosure() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getClosureThis() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getClosureScopeClass() PHP : ReflectionFunction::inNamespace() PHP : ReflectionFunction::isClosure() PHP : ReflectionFunction::isDeprecated() PHP : ReflectionFunction::isInternal() PHP : ReflectionFunction::isUserDefined() PHP : ReflectionFunction::isGenerator() PHP : ReflectionFunction::isVariadic() PHP : ReflectionFunction::returnsReference() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getExtension() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getExtensionName() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getNumberOfParameters() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getNumberOfRequiredParameters() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getParameters() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getShortName() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getNamespaceName() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getNumberOfParameters() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getNumberOfRequiredParameters() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getParameters() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getShortName() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getNamespaceName() PHP : ReflectionFunction::isDisabled() PHP : ReflectionFunction::isGenerator() PHP : ReflectionFunction::isInternal() PHP : ReflectionFunction::isUserDefined() PHP : ReflectionFunction::isVariadic() PHP : ReflectionFunction::returnsReference() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getClosure() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getClosureThis() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getClosureScopeClass() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getDocComment() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getEndLine() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getExtension() PHP : ReflectionFunction::getExtensionName() PHP : ReflectionFunction::get

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1{2 function test(ReflectionParameter $param)3 {4 echo $param->getTypeHintAsString();5 }6}7$refl = new ReflectionMethod('Test', 'test');8$refl->invoke(new Test(), new ReflectionParameter(array('Test', 'test'), 0));9Related Posts PHP – ReflectionParameter::getDeclaringFunction() Function10PHP – ReflectionParameter::getDeclaringFunction() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::getDeclaringClass() Function11PHP – ReflectionParameter::getDeclaringClass() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValue() Function12PHP – ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValue() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValueConstantName() Function13PHP – ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValueConstantName() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::isDefaultValueAvailable() Function14PHP – ReflectionParameter::isDefaultValueAvailable() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::isOptional() Function15PHP – ReflectionParameter::isOptional() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::isPassedByReference() Function16PHP – ReflectionParameter::isPassedByReference() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::getName() Function17PHP – ReflectionParameter::getName() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::getPosition() Function18PHP – ReflectionParameter::getPosition() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::isArray() Function19PHP – ReflectionParameter::isArray() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::isCallable() Function20PHP – ReflectionParameter::isCallable() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::isDefaultValueConstant() Function21PHP – ReflectionParameter::isDefaultValueConstant() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::allowsNull() Function22PHP – ReflectionParameter::allowsNull() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::isOptional() Function23PHP – ReflectionParameter::isOptional() Function PHP – ReflectionParameter::isPassedByReference() Function

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