How to use char_is_of_type method of pts_strings class

Best Phoronix-test-suite code snippet using pts_strings.char_is_of_type


Source:pts_strings.php Github


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...255 }256 }257 return $longest_string;258 }259 public static function char_is_of_type($char, $attributes)260 {261 $i = ord($char);262 if(($attributes & self::CHAR_LETTER) && (($i > 64 && $i < 91) || ($i > 96 && $i < 123)))263 {264 $is_of_type = true;265 }266 else if(($attributes & self::CHAR_NUMERIC) && $i > 47 && $i < 58)267 {268 $is_of_type = true;269 }270 else if(($attributes & self::CHAR_DECIMAL) && $i == 46)271 {272 $is_of_type = true;273 }274 else if(($attributes & self::CHAR_DASH) && $i == 45)275 {276 $is_of_type = true;277 }278 else if(($attributes & self::CHAR_UNDERSCORE) && $i == 95)279 {280 $is_of_type = true;281 }282 else if(($attributes & self::CHAR_COLON) && $i == 58)283 {284 $is_of_type = true;285 }286 else if(($attributes & self::CHAR_SPACE) && $i == 32)287 {288 $is_of_type = true;289 }290 else if(($attributes & self::CHAR_COMMA) && $i == 44)291 {292 $is_of_type = true;293 }294 else if(($attributes & self::CHAR_AT) && $i == 64)295 {296 $is_of_type = true;297 }298 else if(($attributes & self::CHAR_PLUS) && $i == 43)299 {300 $is_of_type = true;301 }302 else if(($attributes & self::CHAR_SEMICOLON) && $i == 59)303 {304 $is_of_type = true;305 }306 else if(($attributes & self::CHAR_EQUAL) && $i == 61)307 {308 $is_of_type = true;309 }310 else if(($attributes & self::CHAR_SLASH) && ($i == 47 || $i == 92))311 {312 $is_of_type = true;313 }314 else315 {316 $is_of_type = false;317 }318 return $is_of_type;319 }320 public static function trim_spaces($str)321 {322 // get rid of multiple/redundant spaces that are next to each other323 $new_str = null;324 for($i = strlen($str); $i > 0; $i--)325 {326 // 32 is a ASCII space327 if(ord($str[($i - 1)]) != 32 || ($i < 2 || ord($str[($i - 2)]) != 32))328 {329 $new_str = $str[$i - 1] . $new_str;330 }331 }332 return trim($new_str);333 }334 public static function remove_redundant($string, $redundant_char)335 {336 $prev_char = null;337 $new_string = null;338 for($i = 0, $l = strlen($string); $i < $l; $i++)339 {340 $this_char = $string[$i];341 if($this_char != $redundant_char || $prev_char != $redundant_char)342 {343 $new_string .= $this_char;344 }345 $prev_char = $this_char;346 }347 return trim($new_string);348 }349 public static function strip_string($str)350 {351 // Clean a string containing hardware information of some common things to change/strip out352 $change_phrases = array(353 'MCH' => 'Memory Controller Hub',354 'AMD' => 'Advanced Micro Devices',355 'MSI' => 'MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL',356 'SiS' => 'Silicon Integrated Systems',357 'Abit' => '',358 'ASUS' => 'ASUSTeK',359 'HP' => 'Hewlett-Packard',360 'NVIDIA' => 'nVidia',361 'HDD' => 'HARDDISK',362 'Intel' => 'Intel64',363 'HD' => 'High Definition',364 'IGP' => array('Integrated Graphics Controller', 'Express Graphics Controller', 'Integrated Graphics Device', 'Chipset Integrated')365 );366 foreach($change_phrases as $new_phrase => $original_phrase)367 {368 $str = str_ireplace($original_phrase, $new_phrase, $str);369 }370 $remove_phrases = array('incorporation', 'corporation', 'corp.', 'invalid', 'technologies', 'technology', 'version', ' project ', 'computer', 'To Be Filled By', 'ODM', 'O.E.M.', 'Desktop Reference Platform', 'small form factor', 'convertible', ' group', 'chipset', 'community', 'reference', 'communications', 'semiconductor', 'processor', 'host bridge', 'adapter', ' CPU', 'platform', 'international', 'express', 'graphics', ' none', 'electronics', 'integrated', 'alternate', 'quad-core', 'memory', 'series', 'network', 'motherboard', 'electric ', 'industrial ', 'serverengines', 'Manufacturer', 'x86/mmx/sse2', '/AGP/SSE/3DNOW!', '/AGP/SSE2', 'controller', '(extreme graphics innovation)', 'pci-e_gfx and ht3 k8 part', 'pci-e_gfx and ht1 k8 part', 'Northbridge only', 'dual slot', 'dual-core', 'dual core', 'microsystems', 'not specified', 'single slot', 'genuine', 'unknown device', 'systemberatung', 'gmbh', 'graphics adapter', 'video device', 'http://', 'www.', '.com', '.tw/', '/pci/sse2/3dnow!', '/pcie/sse2', '/pci/sse2', 'balloon', 'network connection', 'ethernet', 'limited.', ' system', 'compliant', 'co. ltd', 'co.', 'ltd.', 'LTD ', ' LTD', '\AE', '(r)', '(tm)', 'inc.', 'inc', '6.00 PG', ',', '\'', '_ ', '_ ', 'corp', 'product name', 'base board', 'mainboard', 'pci to pci', ' release ', 'nee ', 'default string', ' AG ', 'with Radeon HD', '/DRAM');371 $str = str_ireplace($remove_phrases, ' ', $str);372 if(($w = stripos($str, 'WARNING')) !== false)373 {374 // to get rid of Scheisse like 'Gtk-WARNING **: Unable'375 $str = substr($str, 0, strrpos($str, ' ', (0 - (strlen($str) - $w))));376 }377 $str = pts_strings::trim_spaces($str);378 // Fixes an AMD string issue like 'FX -4100' due to stripping (TM) from in between characters, possibly other cases too379 $str = str_replace(' -', '-', $str);380 return $str;381 }382 public static function remove_line_timestamps($log)383 {384 // Try to strip out timestamps from lines like Xorg.0.log and dmesg, e.g.:385 // [ 326.390358] EXT4-fs (dm-1): initial error at 1306235400: ext4_journal_start_sb:251386 $log = explode(PHP_EOL, $log);387 foreach($log as &$line)388 {389 if(substr($line, 0, 1) == '[' && ($t = strpos($line, '] ', 2)) !== false)390 {391 $encased_segment = trim(substr($line, 1, ($t - 1)));392 if(is_numeric($encased_segment))393 {394 $line = substr($line, ($t + 2));395 }396 }397 }398 $log = implode(PHP_EOL, $log);399 return $log;400 }401 public static function remove_lines_containing($contents, $contains)402 {403 foreach($contains as $needle)404 {405 while(($x = stripos($contents, $needle)) !== false)406 {407 $affected_line_begins = strrpos($contents, PHP_EOL, (0 - strlen($contents) + $x));408 $affected_line_ends = strpos($contents, PHP_EOL, $x);409 $contents = substr($contents, 0, $affected_line_begins) . ($affected_line_ends === false ? null : substr($contents, $affected_line_ends));410 }411 }412 return $contents;413 }414 public static function pts_version_to_codename($version)415 {416 $version = substr($version, 0, 3);417 $codenames = pts_version_codenames();418 return isset($codenames[$version]) ? $codenames[$version] : null;419 }420 public static function parse_week_string($week_string, $delimiter = ' ')421 {422 $return_array = array();423 foreach(array('S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'TH', 'F', 'S') as $day_int => $day_char)424 {425 if($week_string[$day_int] == 1)426 {427 $return_array[] = $day_char;428 }429 }430 return implode($delimiter, $return_array);431 }432 public static function remove_from_string($string, $attributes)433 {434 $string_r = str_split($string);435 $new_string = null;436 foreach($string_r as $char)437 {438 if(pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, $attributes) == false)439 {440 $new_string .= $char;441 }442 }443 return $new_string;444 }445 public static function keep_in_string($string, $attributes)446 {447 $string_r = str_split($string);448 $new_string = null;449 foreach($string_r as $char)450 {451 if(pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, $attributes) == true)452 {453 $new_string .= $char;454 }455 }456 return $new_string;457 }458 public static function string_only_contains($string, $attributes)459 {460 $string_r = str_split($string);461 foreach($string_r as $char)462 {463 if(pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, $attributes) == false)464 {465 return false;466 }467 }468 return true;469 }470 public static function string_contains($string, $attributes)471 {472 $string_r = str_split($string);473 foreach($string_r as $char)474 {475 if(pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, $attributes) == true)476 {477 return true;478 }479 }480 return false;481 }482 public static function times_occurred($string, $attributes)483 {484 $string_r = str_split($string);485 $times_matched = 0;486 foreach($string_r as $char)487 {488 if(pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, $attributes) == true)489 {490 $times_matched++;491 }492 }493 return $times_matched;494 }495 public static function proximity_match($search, $match_to)496 {497 // Proximity search in $search string for * against $match_to498 $search = explode('*', $search);499 $is_match = true;500 if(count($search) == 1)501 {502 $is_match = false;...

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1require_once('pts_strings.php');2$char = 'a';3if(pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'alpha'))4{5 echo 'The character is an alphabetic character';6}7{8 echo 'The character is not an alphabetic character';9}10require_once('pts_strings.php');11$char = 'a';12if(pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'alpha'))13{14 echo 'The character is an alphabetic character';15}16{17 echo 'The character is not an alphabetic character';18}19require_once('pts_strings.php');20$char = 'a';21if(pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'alpha'))22{23 echo 'The character is an alphabetic character';24}25{26 echo 'The character is not an alphabetic character';27}28require_once('pts_strings.php');29$char = 'a';30if(pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'alpha'))31{32 echo 'The character is an alphabetic character';33}34{35 echo 'The character is not an alphabetic character';36}37require_once('pts_strings.php');38$char = 'a';39if(pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'alpha'))40{41 echo 'The character is an alphabetic character';42}43{44 echo 'The character is not an alphabetic character';45}46require_once('pts_strings.php');47$char = 'a';48if(pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'alpha'))49{50 echo 'The character is an alphabetic character';51}52{

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1$char = 'a';2if (pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'letter'))3{4echo "The character $char is a letter";5}6{7echo "The character $char is not a letter";8}9$char = '1';10if (pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'digit'))11{12echo "The character $char is a digit";13}14{15echo "The character $char is not a digit";16}17$char = 'a';18if (pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'letter_or_digit'))19{20echo "The character $char is a letter or digit";21}22{23echo "The character $char is not a letter or digit";24}25$char = '_';26if (pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'letter_or_digit_or_underscore'))27{28echo "The character $char is a letter or digit or underscore";29}30{31echo "The character $char is not a letter or digit or underscore";32}33$char = ' ';34if (pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'letter_or_digit_or_underscore_or_space_or_hyphen'))35{36echo "The character $char is a letter or digit or underscore or space or hyphen";37}38{39echo "The character $char is not a letter or digit or underscore or space or hyphen";40}41$char = '.';42if (pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'letter_or_digit_or_underscore_or_space_or_hyphen_or_period_or_comma_or_colon'))43{

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once 'classes/pts_strings.php';2$pts_strings = new pts_strings();3$char = 'a';4$is_of_type = $pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, 'alpha');5';6$char = '1';7$is_of_type = $pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, 'numeric');8';9$char = 'a';10$is_of_type = $pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, 'numeric');11';12$char = 'A';13$is_of_type = $pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, 'alpha');14';15$char = 'a';16$is_of_type = $pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, 'upper');17';18$char = 'A';19$is_of_type = $pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, 'lower');20';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1include_once 'pts_strings.php';2echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('1','digit');3echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('a','digit');4include_once 'pts_strings.php';5echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('!','special');6echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('a','special');7include_once 'pts_strings.php';8echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('a','letter');9echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('1','letter');10include_once 'pts_strings.php';11echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('a','lower');12echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('A','lower');13include_once 'pts_strings.php';14echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('A','upper');15echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('a','upper');16include_once 'pts_strings.php';17echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('a','vowel');18echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('b','vowel');19include_once 'pts_strings.php';20echo pts_strings::char_is_of_type('b','consonant');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts_strings.php');2$char = '1';3if (pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'digit'))4{5 echo "The character '$char' is a digit";6}7{8 echo "The character '$char' is not a digit";9}10Related Posts: PHP | str_pad() Function11PHP | str_replace() Function12PHP | str_split() Function13PHP | str_word_count() Function14PHP | strrev() Function15PHP | str_shuffle() Function16PHP | str_repeat() Function17PHP | str_rot13() Function18PHP | strcasecmp() Function19PHP | strcmp() Function20PHP | strcspn() Function21PHP | strip_tags() Function22PHP | stripos() Function23PHP | strlen() Function24PHP | strnatcmp() Function25PHP | strnatcasecmp() Function26PHP | strncasecmp() Function27PHP | strncmp() Function28PHP | strpbrk() Function29PHP | strpos() Function30PHP | strrchr() Function31PHP | strrev() Function32PHP | strripos() Function33PHP | strrpos() Function34PHP | strspn() Function35PHP | strstr() Function36PHP | strtok() Function37PHP | strtolower() Function38PHP | strtoupper() Function39PHP | substr_compare() Function40PHP | substr_count() Function41PHP | substr_replace() Function42PHP | substr() Function43PHP | trim() Function44PHP | ucfirst() Function45PHP | ucwords() Function46PHP | wordwrap() Function47PHP | sprintf() Function48PHP | str_ireplace() Function49PHP | str_pad() Function50PHP | str_replace() Function51PHP | str_split() Function52PHP | str_word_count() Function53PHP | strrev() Function54PHP | str_shuffle() Function55PHP | str_repeat() Function56PHP | str_rot13() Function57PHP | strcasecmp() Function58PHP | strcmp() Function59PHP | strcspn() Function60PHP | strip_tags() Function61PHP | stripos() Function62PHP | strlen() Function63PHP | strnatcmp() Function64PHP | strnatcasecmp() Function65PHP | strncasecmp() Function66PHP | strncmp() Function67PHP | strpbrk()

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once 'pts_strings.php';2$mychar = 'a';3if (pts_strings::char_is_of_type($mychar, 'digit')) {4";5} else {6";7}8if (pts_strings::char_is_of_type($mychar, 'letter')) {9";10} else {11";12}13if (pts_strings::char_is_of_type($mychar, 'space')) {14";15} else {16";17}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1include_once("pts_strings.php");2$pts_strings = new pts_strings();3$string = "this is a string";4$char = " ";5if($pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, "letter")){6 echo "The character is a letter";7}8else{9 echo "The character is not a letter";10}11if($pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, "number")){12 echo "The character is a number";13}14else{15 echo "The character is not a number";16}17if($pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, "letter_or_number")){18 echo "The character is a letter or number";19}20else{21 echo "The character is not a letter or number";22}23if($pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, "space")){24 echo "The character is a space";25}26else{27 echo "The character is not a space";28}29if($pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, "punctuation")){30 echo "The character is a punctuation mark";31}32else{33 echo "The character is not a punctuation mark";34}35if($pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, "letter_or_number_or_space")){36 echo "The character is a letter, number, or space";37}38else{39 echo "The character is not a letter, number, or space";40}41if($pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, "letter_or_number_or_space_or_punctuation")){42 echo "The character is a letter, number, space, or punctuation";43}44else{45 echo "The character is not a letter, number, space, or punctuation";46}47if($pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, "letter_or_number_or_space_or_punctuation_or_symbol")){

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once '../lib/pts_strings.php';2$char = 'a';3if(pts_strings::char_is_of_type($char, 'digit'))4{5 echo "Is a digit";6}7{8 echo "Is not a digit";9}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts_strings.php');2$pts_strings = new pts_strings();3$char = 'A';4if ($pts_strings->char_is_of_type($char, 'uppercase'))5{6 echo 'The character is an uppercase letter';7}8{9 echo 'The character is not an uppercase letter';10}

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