How to use add_text_element method of pts_svg_dom class

Best Phoronix-test-suite code snippet using pts_svg_dom.add_text_element


Source:pts_graph_core.php Github


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...579 {580 self::$c['size']['headers'] -= 0.5;581 }582 }583 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($this->graph_title, array('x' => 6, 'y' => (self::$c['size']['headers'] + 2), 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['headers'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start', 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => $href, 'font-weight' => 'bold'));584 foreach($this->graph_sub_titles as $i => $sub_title)585 {586 $vertical_offset = 12 + self::$c['size']['headers'] + (($i + 1) * (self::$c['size']['sub_headers'] - 4));587 $sub_title_size = self::$c['size']['sub_headers'];588 if(isset($sub_title[69]))589 {590 while(self::text_string_width($sub_title, $sub_title_size) > ($this->i['graph_left_end'] - 20))591 $sub_title_size -= 0.5;592 }593 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($sub_title, array('x' => 6, 'y' => $vertical_offset, 'font-size' => $sub_title_size, 'font-weight' => 'bold', 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start'));594 }595 // SVG version of PTS thanks to $this->svg_dom->add_element('path', array('d' => 'm74 22v9m-5-16v16m-5-28v28m-23-2h12.5c2.485281 0 4.5-2.014719 4.5-4.5s-2.014719-4.5-4.5-4.5h-8c-2.485281 0-4.5-2.014719-4.5-4.5s2.014719-4.5 4.5-4.5h12.5m-21 5h-11m11 13h-2c-4.970563 0-9-4.029437-9-9v-20m-24 40v-20c0-4.970563 4.0294373-9 9-9 4.970563 0 9 4.029437 9 9s-4.029437 9-9 9h-9', 'stroke' => '#ffffff', 'stroke-width' => 4, 'fill' => 'none', 'transform' => 'translate(' . ceil($this->i['graph_left_end'] - 77) . ',' . (ceil($this->i['top_heading_height'] / 40 + 2)) . ')'));597 }598 else599 {600 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($this->graph_title, array('x' => round($this->i['graph_left_end'] / 2), 'y' => (self::$c['size']['headers'] + 2), 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['headers'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['main_headers'], 'text-anchor' => 'middle', 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => $href));601 foreach($this->graph_sub_titles as $i => $sub_title)602 {603 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($sub_title, array('x' => round($this->i['graph_left_end'] / 2), 'y' => (31 + (($i + 1) * 18)), 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['sub_headers'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['main_headers'], 'text-anchor' => 'middle'));604 }605 if($with_version)606 {607 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($this->i['graph_version'], array('x' => $this->i['graph_left_end'] , 'y' => ($this->i['top_start'] - 3), 'font-size' => 7, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['body_light'], 'text-anchor' => 'end', 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => ''));608 }609 }610 }611 protected function render_graph_post()612 {613 if($this->i['iveland_view'])614 {615 $bottom_heading_start = $this->i['graph_top_end'] + $this->i['bottom_offset'] + 22;616 $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 0, 'y' => $bottom_heading_start, 'width' => $this->i['graph_width'], 'height' => ($this->i['graph_height'] - $bottom_heading_start), 'fill' => self::$c['color']['main_headers']));617 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($this->i['graph_version'], array('x' => $this->i['graph_left_end'], 'y' => ($bottom_heading_start + self::$c['size']['key'] + 3), 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['key'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'end', 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => ''));618 if(isset($this->d['link_alternate_view']) && $this->d['link_alternate_view'])619 {620 // add SVG version: $a = $this->svg_dom->make_a($this->d['link_alternate_view']);622 $g = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('transform' => 'translate(' . 4 . ',' . ($bottom_heading_start + 1) . ')', 'width' => 10, 'height' => 16), $a);623 $this->svg_dom->add_element('path', array('d' => 'M5 0v6.5L0 11l3-3-3-3.5L5 0', 'fill' => '#038bb8'), $g);624 $this->svg_dom->add_element('path', array('d' => 'M5 0v6.5l5 4.5-3-3 3-3.5L5 0', 'fill' => '#25b3e8'), $g);625 $this->svg_dom->add_element('path', array('d' => 'M5 16V9l5-4.5V11l-5 5', 'fill' => '#e4f4fd'), $g);626 $this->svg_dom->add_element('path', array('d' => 'M5 16V9L0 4.5V11l5 5', 'fill' => '#65cbf4'), $g);627 }628 if(!empty($this->i['notes']))629 {630 $estimated_height = 0;631 foreach($this->i['notes'] as $i => $note_r)632 {633 $this->svg_dom->add_textarea_element(($i + 1) . '. ' . $note_r['note'], array('x' => 5, 'y' => ($bottom_heading_start + (self::$c['size']['key'] * 2) + 8 + $estimated_height), 'font-size' => (self::$c['size']['key'] - 1), 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start', 'xlink:title' => $note_r['hover-title']), $estimated_height);634 }635 }636 }637 }638 protected function render_graph_base($left_start, $top_start, $left_end, $top_end)639 {640 if($this->i['graph_orientation'] == 'HORIZONTAL' || $this->i['iveland_view'])641 {642 $g = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('stroke' => self::$c['color']['notches'], 'stroke-width' => 1));643 $this->svg_dom->add_element('line', array('x1' => $left_start, 'y1' => $top_start, 'x2' => $left_start, 'y2' => ($top_end + 1)), $g);644 $this->svg_dom->add_element('line', array('x1' => $left_start, 'y1' => $top_end, 'x2' => ($left_end + 1), 'y2' => $top_end), $g);645 if(!empty(self::$c['text']['watermark']))646 {647 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element(self::$c['text']['watermark'], array('x' => $left_end, 'y' => ($top_start - 5), 'font-size' => 8, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'text-anchor' => 'end', 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => self::$c['text']['watermark_url']));648 }649 }650 else651 {652 $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => $left_start, 'y' => $top_start, 'width' => ($left_end - $left_start), 'height' => ($top_end - $top_start), 'fill' => self::$c['color']['body'], 'stroke' => self::$c['color']['notches'], 'stroke-width' => 1));653 if(self::$c['text']['watermark'] != null)654 {655 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element(self::$c['text']['watermark'], array('x' => ($left_end - 2), 'y' => ($top_start + 12), 'font-size' => 10, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'text-anchor' => 'end', 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => self::$c['text']['watermark_url']));656 }657 }658 if(!empty($this->graph_y_title) && $this->i['hide_y_title'] == false)659 {660 $str = $this->graph_y_title;661 $offset = 0;662 if($this->i['graph_proportion'] != null)663 {664 $proportion = null;665 switch($this->i['graph_proportion'])666 {667 case 'LIB':668 $proportion = 'Less Is Better';669 $offset += 12;670 if($this->i['graph_orientation'] == 'HORIZONTAL')671 {672 $this->draw_arrow($left_start, $top_start - 8, $left_start + 9, $top_start - 8, self::$c['color']['text'], self::$c['color']['body_light'], 1);673 }674 else675 {676 $this->draw_arrow($left_start + 4, $top_start - 4, $left_start + 4, $top_start - 11, self::$c['color']['text'], self::$c['color']['body_light'], 1);677 }678 break;679 case 'HIB':680 $proportion = 'More Is Better';681 $offset += 12;682 if($this->i['graph_orientation'] == 'HORIZONTAL')683 {684 $this->draw_arrow($left_start + 9, $top_start - 8, $left_start, $top_start - 8, self::$c['color']['text'], self::$c['color']['body_light'], 1);685 }686 else687 {688 $this->draw_arrow($left_start + 4, $top_start - 11, $left_start + 4, $top_start - 4, self::$c['color']['text'], self::$c['color']['body_light'], 1);689 }690 break;691 }692 if($proportion)693 {694 if($str)695 {696 $str .= ', ';697 }698 $str .= $proportion;699 }700 }701 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($str, array('x' => ($left_start + $offset), 'y' => ($top_start - 5), 'font-size' => 8, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'text-anchor' => 'start'));702 }703 }704 protected function render_graph_value_ticks($left_start, $top_start, $left_end, $top_end, $show_numbers = true)705 {706 $increment = round($this->i['graph_max_value'] / $this->i['mark_count'], $this->i['graph_max_value'] < 10 ? 4 : 2);707 if($this->i['graph_orientation'] == 'HORIZONTAL')708 {709 $tick_width = round(($left_end - $left_start) / $this->i['mark_count']);710 $display_value = 0;711 $g = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('font-size' => self::$c['size']['tick_mark'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'text-anchor' => 'middle'));712 $g_lines = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('stroke' => self::$c['color']['body'], 'stroke-width' => 1));713 for($i = 0; $i < $this->i['mark_count']; $i++)714 {715 $px_from_left = $left_start + ($tick_width * $i);716 if($i != 0)717 {718 $show_numbers && $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($display_value, array('x' => $px_from_left + 2, 'y' => ($top_end + 5 + self::$c['size']['tick_mark'])), $g);719 $this->svg_dom->add_element('line', array('x1' => ($px_from_left + 2), 'y1' => ($top_start), 'x2' => ($px_from_left + 2), 'y2' => ($top_end - 5), 'stroke-dasharray' => '5,5'), $g_lines);720 $this->svg_dom->add_element('line', array('x1' => ($px_from_left + 2), 'y1' => ($top_end - 4), 'x2' => ($px_from_left + 2), 'y2' => ($top_end + 5)), $g_lines);721 }722 $display_value += $increment;723 }724 }725 else726 {727 $tick_width = round(($top_end - $top_start) / $this->i['mark_count']);728 $px_from_left_start = $left_start - 5;729 $px_from_left_end = $left_start + 5;730 $display_value = 0;731 $g_lines = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('stroke' => self::$c['color']['notches'], 'stroke-width' => 1, 'stroke-dasharray' => '5,5'));732 $g_lines_2 = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('stroke' => self::$c['color']['notches'], 'stroke-width' => 1));733 $g_background_lines = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('stroke' => self::$c['color']['body_light'], 'stroke-width' => 1, 'stroke-dasharray' => '5,5'));734 $g_text = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('font-size' => self::$c['size']['tick_mark'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'text-anchor' => 'end'));735 for($i = 0; $i < $this->i['mark_count']; $i++)736 {737 $px_from_top = round($top_end - ($tick_width * $i));738 if($i != 0)739 {740 $show_numbers && $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($display_value, array('x' => ($px_from_left_start - 4), 'y' => round($px_from_top + (self::$c['size']['tick_mark'] / 2))), $g_text);741 if($this->i['show_background_lines'])742 {743 $this->svg_dom->add_element('line', array('x1' => ($px_from_left_end + 6), 'y1' => ($px_from_top + 1), 'x2' => ($this->i['graph_left_end']), 'y2' => ($px_from_top + 1)), $g_background_lines);744 }745 $this->svg_dom->add_element('line', array('x1' => ($left_start), 'y1' => ($px_from_top + 1), 'x2' => ($left_end), 'y2' => ($px_from_top + 1)), $g_lines);746 $this->svg_dom->add_element('line', array('x1' => ($left_start - 4), 'y1' => ($px_from_top + 1), 'x2' => ($left_start + 4), 'y2' => ($px_from_top + 1)), $g_lines_2);747 }748 $display_value += $increment;749 }750 }751 }752 protected function render_graph_identifiers()753 {754 return;755 }756 protected function render_graph_result()757 {758 return;759 }760 protected function graph_key_height()761 {762 if((count($this->results) < 2 || $this->i['show_graph_key'] == false) && !$this->is_multi_way_comparison) // TODO likely should be OR763 {764 return 0;765 }766 $this->i['key_line_height'] = 16;767 $ak = array_keys($this->results);768 $this->i['key_item_width'] = 20 + self::text_string_width(pts_strings::find_longest_string($ak), self::$c['size']['key']);769 $this->i['keys_per_line'] = max(1, floor(($this->i['graph_left_end'] - $this->i['left_start']) / $this->i['key_item_width']));770 return ceil(count($this->results) / $this->i['keys_per_line']) * $this->i['key_line_height'];771 }772 protected function render_graph_key()773 {774 if($this->i['key_line_height'] == 0)775 {776 return;777 }778 $y = $this->i['top_start'] - $this->graph_key_height() - 7;779 $i = 0;780 $g_rect = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('stroke' => self::$c['color']['notches'], 'stroke-width' => 1));781 $g_text = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('font-size' => self::$c['size']['key'], 'text-anchor' => 'start', 'font-weight' => 'bold'));782 if(!is_array($this->results))783 {784 return false;785 }786 foreach(array_keys($this->results) as $title)787 {788 if(!empty($title))789 {790 $this_color = $this->get_paint_color($title);791 if($i != 0 && $i % $this->i['keys_per_line'] == 0)792 {793 $y += $this->i['key_line_height'];794 }795 $x = $this->i['left_start'] + 13 + ($this->i['key_item_width'] * ($i % $this->i['keys_per_line']));796 $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => ($x - 13), 'y' => ($y - 5), 'width' => 10, 'height' => 10, 'fill' => $this_color), $g_rect);797 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($title, array('x' => $x, 'y' => ($y + 4), 'fill' => $this_color), $g_text);798 $i++;799 }800 }801 }802 protected function draw_arrow($tip_x1, $tip_y1, $tail_x1, $tail_y1, $background_color, $border_color = null, $border_width = 0)803 {804 $is_vertical = ($tip_x1 == $tail_x1);805 if($is_vertical)806 {807 // Vertical arrow808 $arrow_length = sqrt(pow(($tail_x1 - $tip_x1), 2) + pow(($tail_y1 - $tip_y1), 2));809 $arrow_length_half = $arrow_length / 2;810 $arrow_points = array(811 $tip_x1 . ',' . $tip_y1,...

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Source:pts_ResultFileCompactSystemsTable.php Github


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...77 $this->render_graph_pre_init();78 $this->render_graph_init();79 // Header80 $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 2, 'y' => 1, 'width' => ($this->i['graph_width'] - 3), 'height' => ($this->i['top_heading_height'] - 1), 'fill' => self::$c['color']['main_headers'], 'stroke' => self::$c['color']['border'], 'stroke-width' => 1));81 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($this->graph_title, array('x' => ($this->i['graph_width'] / 2), 'y' => (2 + self::$c['size']['headers']), 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['headers'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'middle', 'font-weight' => 'bold'));82 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element(self::$c['text']['watermark'], array('x' => 4, 'y' => ($this->i['top_heading_height'] - 3), 'font-size' => 8, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start', 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => self::$c['text']['watermark_url'], 'font-weight' => 'bold'));83 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($this->i['graph_version'], array('x' => ($this->i['graph_width'] - 4), 'y' => ($this->i['top_heading_height'] - 3), 'font-size' => 8, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'end', 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => '', 'font-weight' => 'bold'));84 // Body85 $offset = $this->i['top_heading_height'];86 $dash = false;87 $g1 = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('fill' => self::$c['color']['body_light']));88 $g2 = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('fill' => 'none', 'stroke-width' => 1, 'stroke' => self::$c['color']['highlight']));89 $g3 = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('font-size' => $this->i['identifier_size'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'text-anchor' => 'middle', 'font-weight' => 'bold'));90 $g4 = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('font-size' => 7, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['text'], 'text-anchor' => 'end'));91 $g_line = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('stroke' => self::$c['color']['notches'], 'stroke-width' => 1));92 foreach($this->components as $type => $component)93 {94 if(is_array($this->intent[0]) && ($key = array_search($type, $this->intent[0])) !== false)95 {96 $component = array();97 foreach($this->intent[1] as $s)98 {99 if(isset($s[$key]))100 {101 $component[] = $s[$key];102 }103 }104 // Eliminate duplicates from printing105 $component = array_unique($component);106 $next_offset = $offset + ($component_header_height * count($component));107 }108 else109 {110 $next_offset = $offset + $component_header_height;111 $component = array($component);112 }113 if($dash)114 {115 $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 0, 'y' => $offset, 'width' => $this->i['graph_width'], 'height' => ($next_offset - $offset)), $g1);116 }117 $this->svg_dom->add_element('line', array('x1' => 0, 'y1' => $offset, 'x2' => $this->i['graph_width'], 'y2' => $offset), $g_line);118 if(isset($component[1]))119 {120 $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 1, 'y' => ($offset + 1), 'width' => ($this->i['graph_width'] - 2), 'height' => ($next_offset - $offset - 1)), $g2);121 }122 $text = $type . (isset($component[1]) && substr($type, -1) != 'y' && substr($type, -1) != 's' ? 's' : null);123 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($text, array('x' => ($this->i['graph_width'] - 4), 'y' => ($offset + 9)), $g4);124 $offset += 2;125 foreach($component as $c)126 {127 $c = pts_result_file_analyzer::system_value_to_ir_value($c, $type);128 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element($c, array('x' => ($this->i['graph_width'] / 2), 'y' => ($offset + $component_header_height - 5), 'xlink:title' => $type . ': ' . $c, 'xlink:href' => $c->get_attribute('href')), $g3);129 $offset += $component_header_height;130 }131 $offset = $next_offset;132 $dash = !$dash;133 }134 // Footer135 $this->svg_dom->add_element('rect', array('x' => 1, 'y' => ($this->i['graph_height'] - $bottom_footer), 'width' => ($this->i['graph_width'] - 2), 'height' => $bottom_footer, 'fill' => self::$c['color']['main_headers']));136 //$this->svg_dom->add_element('image', array('http_link' => '', 'xlink:href' => pts_svg_dom::embed_png_image(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'images/pts-80x42-white.png'), 'x' => 10, 'y' => ($this->i['graph_height'] - 46), 'width' => 80, 'height' => 42));137 if(defined('OPENBENCHMARKING_IDS'))138 {139 $back_width = $this->i['graph_width'] - 4;140 $g_ob = $this->svg_dom->make_g(array('text-anchor' => 'end', 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'font-size' => 8));141 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element(OPENBENCHMARKING_TITLE, array('x' => $back_width, 'y' => ($this->i['graph_height'] - $bottom_footer + 12), 'font-weight' => 'bold', 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => '' . OPENBENCHMARKING_IDS), $g_ob);142 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element('System Logs', array('x' => $back_width, 'y' => ($this->i['graph_height'] - 20), 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => '' . OPENBENCHMARKING_IDS), $g_ob);143 $this->svg_dom->add_text_element('OPC Classification', array('x' => $back_width, 'y' => ($this->i['graph_height'] - 6), 'xlink:show' => 'new', 'xlink:href' => '' . OPENBENCHMARKING_IDS), $g_ob);144 }145 if(!empty($this->i['notes']))146 {147 $estimated_height = 0;148 foreach($this->i['notes'] as $i => $note_r)149 {150 $this->svg_dom->add_textarea_element('- ' . $note_r['note'], array('x' => 4, 'y' => ($this->i['graph_height'] - $bottom_footer + $estimated_height + 21), 'font-size' => self::$c['size']['key'], 'fill' => self::$c['color']['background'], 'text-anchor' => 'start', 'xlink:title' => $note_r['hover-title']), $estimated_height);151 }152 }153 }154 public function render_graph_finish()155 {156 }157}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts_svg_dom.php');2$svg = new pts_svg_dom();3$svg->add_text_element(10, 10, 'Hello World', array('font-size' => 30));4$svg->save('2.svg');5require_once('pts_svg_dom.php');6$svg = new pts_svg_dom();7$svg->add_circle_element(10, 10, 5, array('fill' => 'red'));8$svg->save('3.svg');9require_once('pts_svg_dom.php');10$svg = new pts_svg_dom();11$svg->add_rect_element(10, 10, 100, 100, array('fill' => 'red'));12$svg->save('4.svg');13require_once('pts_svg_dom.php');14$svg = new pts_svg_dom();15$svg->add_ellipse_element(10, 10, 10, 5, array('fill' => 'red'));16$svg->save('5.svg');17require_once('pts_svg_dom.php');18$svg = new pts_svg_dom();19$svg->add_line_element(10, 10, 100, 100, array('stroke' => 'red'));20$svg->save('6.svg');21require_once('pts_svg_dom.php');22$svg = new pts_svg_dom();23$svg->add_path_element(array('M10,10', 'L100,100'), array('stroke' => 'red'));24$svg->save('7.svg');25require_once('pts_svg_dom.php');26$svg = new pts_svg_dom();27$svg->add_polygon_element(array(10, 10, 100, 100, 10, 100), array('fill' => 'red'));28$svg->save('8.svg');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$dom = new pts_svg_dom();2$dom->add_text_element( 100, 100, 'Hello World' );3echo $dom->get_svg_xml();4$dom = new pts_svg_dom();5$dom->add_circle_element( 50, 50, 50 );6echo $dom->get_svg_xml();7$dom = new pts_svg_dom();8$dom->add_line_element( 0, 0, 100, 100 );9echo $dom->get_svg_xml();10$dom = new pts_svg_dom();11$dom->add_rect_element( 10, 10, 50, 50 );12echo $dom->get_svg_xml();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1include_once("pts_svg_dom.php");2$svg = new pts_svg_dom();3$svg->add_text_element("Hello World",100,100);4$svg->display();5include_once("pts_svg_dom.php");6$svg = new pts_svg_dom();7$style = array("font-family"=>"Arial","font-size"=>"20","fill"=>"red","stroke"=>"blue","stroke-width"=>"1");8$svg->add_text_element("Hello World",100,100,$style);9$svg->display();10include_once("pts_svg_dom.php");11$svg = new pts_svg_dom();12$style = array("font-family"=>"Arial","font-size"=>"20","fill"=>"red","stroke"=>"blue","stroke-width"=>"1");13$svg->add_text_element("Hello World",100,100,$style,"text1");14$svg->display();15include_once("pts_svg_dom.php");16$svg = new pts_svg_dom();17$style = array("font-family"=>"Arial","font-size"=>"20","fill"=>"red","stroke"=>"blue","stroke-width"=>"1");18$transform = array("translate(100,100)");19$svg->add_text_element("Hello World",100,100,$style,"text1",$transform);20$svg->display();21include_once("pts_svg_dom.php");22$svg = new pts_svg_dom();23$style = array("font-family"=>"Arial","font-size"=>"20","fill"=>"red","stroke"=>"blue","stroke-width"=>"1");24$transform = array("translate(100,100)");25$svg->add_text_element("Hello World",100,100,$style,"text1",$transform,"alert('Hello World')");26$svg->display();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$svg_dom->add_text_element(array('x'=>'100', 'y'=>'100'), 'Hello World');2$svg_dom->add_text_element(array('x'=>'100', 'y'=>'100'), 'Hello World');3$svg_dom->add_text_element(array('x'=>'100', 'y'=>'100'), 'Hello World');4$svg_dom->add_text_element(array('x'=>'100', 'y'=>'100'), 'Hello World');5$svg_dom->add_text_element(array('x'=>'100', 'y'=>'100'), 'Hello World');6$svg_dom->add_text_element(array('x'=>'100', 'y'=>'100'), 'Hello World');7$svg_dom->add_text_element(array('x'=>'100', 'y'=>'100'), 'Hello World');8$svg_dom->add_text_element(array('x'=>'100', 'y'=>'100'), 'Hello World');9$svg_dom->add_text_element(array('x'=>'100', 'y'=>'100'), 'Hello World');10$svg_dom->add_text_element(array('x'=>'

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$doc = new pts_svg_dom();2$text = $doc->add_text_element('Hello, World!');3$doc->add_child($text);4$doc->save('2.svg');5$doc = new pts_svg_dom();6$text = $doc->add_text_element('Hello, World!');7$doc->add_child($text);8$doc->save('3.svg');9$doc = new pts_svg_dom();10$text = $doc->add_text_element('Hello, World!');11$doc->add_child($text);12$doc->save('4.svg');13$doc = new pts_svg_dom();14$text = $doc->add_text_element('Hello, World!');15$doc->add_child($text);16$doc->save('5.svg');17$doc = new pts_svg_dom();18$text = $doc->add_text_element('Hello,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1include "svg_dom.php";2$svg = new pts_svg_dom();3$svg->set_width(500);4$svg->set_height(500);5$svg->set_font("Arial");6$svg->set_font_size(20);7$svg->set_font_style("italic");8$svg->set_font_weight("bold");9$svg->set_text_anchor("middle");10$svg->set_fill("red");11$svg->set_stroke("blue");12$svg->set_stroke_width(2);13$svg->set_x(50);14$svg->set_y(50);15$svg->set_text("This is the first text element");16$svg->add_text_element();17$svg->set_x(50);18$svg->set_y(100);19$svg->set_text("This is the second text element");20$svg->add_text_element();21$svg->set_x(50);22$svg->set_y(150);23$svg->set_text("This is the third text element");24$svg->add_text_element();25$svg->set_x(50);26$svg->set_y(200);27$svg->set_text("This is the fourth text element");

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