Best Python code snippet using autotest_python
...85 try:86 out.write(pb_job.SerializeToString())87 finally:88 out.close()89 def set_afe_job_id_and_tag(self, pb_job, tag):90 """Sets the pb job's afe_job_id and tag field.91 @param92 pb_job: the pb job that will have it's fields set.93 tag: used to set pb_job.tag and pb_job.afe_job_id.94 """95 pb_job.tag = tag96 pb_job.afe_job_id = utils.get_afe_job_id(tag)97 # getter setter methods98 def get_tko_job(self, job):99 """Creates a a new tko job object from the pb job object.100 Uses getter methods on the pb objects to extract all the101 attributes and finally constructs a tko job object using the102 models.job constructor.103 @param104 job: a pb job where data is being extracted from.105 @return a tko job object.106 """107 fields_dict = self.get_trivial_attr(job, self.job_type_dict)108 fields_dict['tests'] = [self.get_tko_test(test) for test in job.tests]109 fields_dict['keyval_dict'] = dict((, keyval.value)110 for keyval in job.keyval_dict)111 newjob = models.job(fields_dict['dir'], fields_dict['user'],112 fields_dict['label'],113 fields_dict['machine'],114 fields_dict['queued_time'],115 fields_dict['started_time'],116 fields_dict['finished_time'],117 fields_dict['machine_owner'],118 fields_dict['machine_group'],119 fields_dict['aborted_by'],120 fields_dict['aborted_on'],121 fields_dict['keyval_dict'])122 newjob.tests.extend(fields_dict['tests'])123 return newjob124 def set_pb_job(self, tko_job, pb_job, tag):125 """Set the fields for the new job object.126 Method takes in a tko job and an empty protocol buffer job127 object. Then safely sets all the appropriate field by first128 testing if the value in the original object is None.129 @param130 tko_job: a tko job instance that will have it's values131 transfered to the new job132 pb_job: a new instance of the job class provided in the133 protocol buffer.134 tag: used to set pb_job.tag and pb_job.afe_job_id.135 """136 self.set_trivial_attr(tko_job, pb_job, self.job_type_dict)137 self.set_afe_job_id_and_tag(pb_job, tag)138 for test in tko_job.tests:139 newtest = pb_job.tests.add()140 self.set_pb_test(test, newtest)141 for key, val in tko_job.keyval_dict.iteritems():142 newkeyval = pb_job.keyval_dict.add()143 = key144 newkeyval.value = str(val)145 def get_tko_test(self, test):146 """Creates a tko test from pb_test.147 Extracts data from pb_test by calling helper methods and148 creates a tko test using the models.test constructor.149 @param:150 test: a pb_test where fields will be extracted from.151 @return a new instance of models.test...
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