How to use bitlist_to_string method in avocado

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...37 bits = bin(ord(char))[2:]38 bits = '0' * (8 - len(bits)) + bits39 bitlist.extend(map(int, bits))40 return bitlist41 def bitlist_to_string(self, bitlist):42 chars = []43 for i in range(len(bitlist) // 8):44 byte = bitlist[i*8:(i+1)*8]45 byte_str = ''.join(map(str, byte))46 chars.append(chr(int(byte_str, 2)))47 return ''.join(chars)48 def prepare_data(self, data):49 if len(data) % BLOCK_SIZE != 0:50 data += PAD_SYMBOL * (BLOCK_SIZE - len(data) % BLOCK_SIZE)51 return data52 def prepare_result(self, result):53 return result[:-BLOCK_SIZE] + result[-BLOCK_SIZE:].rstrip(PAD_SYMBOL)54 def synchromail_crypt(self):55 iv = self.prepare_data(self.iv)56 iv = self.string_to_bitlist(iv)57 return self.ecb_crypt(iv, False)58 def generate_gamma(self, blocks_count):59 get_bin = lambda x: '{0:032b}'.format(x)60 C1 = 1684301261 C2 = 1684300962 sync = self.synchromail_crypt()63 N4 = sync[:32]64 N3 = sync[32:]65 for i in range(blocks_count):66 N3 = int(''.join(map(str, N3)), 2)67 N3 = (N3 + C2) % 2 ** 3268 N3 = list(map(int, list(get_bin(N3))))69 N4 = int(''.join(map(str, N4)), 2)70 N4 = (N4 + C1) % 2 ** 3271 N4 = list(map(int, list(get_bin(N4))))72 self.gamma.append(self.ecb_crypt(N3 + N4, False))73 def generate_keys(self):74 key = self.string_to_bitlist(self.key)75 keys = [key[i:i+32] for i in range(0, len(key), 32)]76 self.keys.extend(keys * 3)77 self.keys.extend(reversed(keys))78 def F(self, R, key):79 rotate = lambda l, n: l[n:] + l[:n]80 get_bin = lambda x: '{0:032b}'.format(x)81 A_ = []82 r = int(''.join(map(str, R)), 2)83 k = int(''.join(map(str, key)), 2)84 A = (r + k) % 2 ** 3285 A = list(map(int, list(get_bin(A))))86 A = [A[i:i+4] for i in range(0, len(A), 4)]87 for i in range(len(A)):88 a = int(''.join(map(str, A[i])), 2)89 a_ = SBOX[i][a]90 a_ = list(map(int, list(get_bin(a_))))91 A_.extend(a_)92 return rotate(A_, 11)93 def ecb_crypt(self, block, decrypt):94 L = block[:32]95 R = block[32:]96 i = 31 if decrypt else 097 i_adj = -1 if decrypt else 198 for _ in range(self.rounds_count):99 next_L = R[:]100 f = self.F(R, self.keys[i])101 next_R = list(map(lambda x, y: x ^ y, L, f))102 L = next_L103 R = next_R104 i += i_adj105 return R + L106 def crypt_block(self, block, decrypt, i):107 if self.mode == Modes.ECB:108 return self.ecb_crypt(block, decrypt)109 elif self.mode == Modes.CBC:110 if decrypt:111 result = self.ecb_crypt(block, decrypt)112 if i == 0:113 iv = self.prepare_data(self.iv)114 iv = self.string_to_bitlist(iv)115 result = list(map(lambda x, y: x ^ y, iv, result))116 else:117 result = list(map(lambda x, y: x ^ y, self.last_result, result))118 self.last_result = block119 else:120 if i == 0:121 iv = self.prepare_data(self.iv)122 iv = self.string_to_bitlist(iv)123 block = list(map(lambda x, y: x ^ y, block, iv))124 else:125 block = list(map(lambda x, y: x ^ y, block, self.last_result))126 result = self.ecb_crypt(block, decrypt)127 self.last_result = result[:]128 return result129 130 elif self.mode == Modes.OFB:131 return list(map(lambda x, y: x ^ y, block, self.gamma[i]))132 elif self.mode == Modes.CFB:133 result = list(map(lambda x, y: x ^ y, block, self.gamma[i]))134 if decrypt:135 self.gamma.append(block)136 else:137 self.gamma.append(result)138 return result139 def crypt(self, data, decrypt=False):140 blocks = [data[i:i+BLOCK_SIZE] for i in range(0, len(data), BLOCK_SIZE)]141 crypted_data = []142 if self.mode == Modes.OFB:143 self.generate_gamma(len(blocks))144 elif self.mode == Modes.CFB:145 self.gamma = [self.synchromail_crypt()]146 for i in range(len(blocks)):147 block = self.string_to_bitlist(blocks[i])148 crypted_block = self.crypt_block(block, decrypt, i)149 crypted_data.append(self.bitlist_to_string(crypted_block))150 return ''.join(crypted_data)151 def encrypt(self, data):152 data = self.prepare_data(data)153 return self.crypt(data)154 def decrypt(self, data):155 result = self.crypt(data, decrypt=True)...

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1def String_to_BitList(data):2 """Turn the string data, into a list of bits (1, 0)'s"""3 l = len(data) * 84 result = [0] * l5 pos = 06 for ch in data:7 i = 78 while i >= 0:9 if ch & (1 << i) != 0:10 result[pos] = 111 else:12 result[pos] = 013 pos += 114 i -= 115 return result16def BitList_to_String(data):17 """Turn the list of bits -> data, into a string"""18 result = []19 pos = 020 c = 021 while pos < len(data):22 c += data[pos] << (7 - (pos % 8))23 if (pos % 8) == 7:24 result.append(c)25 c = 026 pos += 127 28 return bytes(result)29plaintext = b"besthero" 30strbit = String_to_BitList(plaintext)31plaintexts_list = [plaintext] # 5 plaintext / keys with 1 hamming distance differnce wrt plaintext (str)32for i in range(5):33 temp = strbit34 temp[i] = 1 - temp[i] # changing 1 bit in the base PT35 plaintexts_list.append(BitList_to_String(temp))36strbit = String_to_BitList(plaintext)37plaintexts_HD_list = [plaintext,] # 6 plaintext with hamming distance differnce from 0 to 5 wrt plaintext (str, bit list)38for i in range(1,6):39 temp = strbit40 for j in range(i):41 temp[j] = 1 - temp[j] # changing 1 bit in the base PT...

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...7 bytes = zip(*(bi,) * 8)8 shifts = (7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)9 for byte in bytes:10 yield chr(sum(bit << s for bit, s in zip(byte, shifts)))11def bitlist_to_string(bl):12 return ''.join(bitlist_to_chars(bl))13def string_to_bitstring(s):14 l = string_to_bitlist(s)15 return ''.join([str(bit) for bit in l])...

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