How to use get_target_files method in avocado

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...15 f.write("")16 with open(self.files[1], "w") as f:17 f.write("")18 def tearDown(self):19 diff_validator.del_temp_file_copies(self.change.get_target_files())20 self.tmpdir.cleanup()21 def test_change_success(self):22 files = self.files23 with open(files[0], "w") as f:24 f.write("this line is removed\n")25 with open(files[1], "w") as f:26 f.write("this line is not removed\n")27 change = self.change28 change.add_validated_files(files)29 change.append_expected_add(files[0], "this is a new line")30 change.append_expected_remove(files[0], "this line is removed")31 change.append_expected_add(files[1], "this is a new line again")32 diff_validator.make_temp_file_copies(change.get_target_files())33 with open(files[0], "w") as f:34 f.write("this is a new line")35 with open(files[1], "w") as f:36 f.write("this line is not removed\nthis is a new line again\n")37 changes = diff_validator.extract_changes(change.get_target_files())38 change_success = diff_validator.assert_change(changes, change.files_dict)39 change_dict = diff_validator.assert_change_dict(changes, change.files_dict)40 self.assertTrue(change_success, "The change must be valid:\n%s" % diff_validator.create_diff_report(change_dict))41 def test_change_wrong_no_change(self):42 files = self.files43 with open(files[0], "w") as f:44 f.write("this line is removed\n")45 change = self.change46 change.add_validated_files(files)47 change.append_expected_add(files[0], "this is a new line")48 change.append_expected_remove(files[0], "this line is removed")49 diff_validator.make_temp_file_copies(change.get_target_files())50 changes = diff_validator.extract_changes(change.get_target_files())51 change_success = diff_validator.assert_change(changes, change.files_dict)52 change_dict = diff_validator.assert_change_dict(changes, change.files_dict)53 self.assertFalse(change_success, "The change must not be valid:\n%s" % diff_validator.create_diff_report(change_dict))54 def test_change_wrong_add(self):55 files = self.files56 with open(files[0], "w") as f:57 f.write("this line is removed\n")58 change = self.change59 change.add_validated_files(files)60 change.append_expected_add(files[0], "this is a new line")61 change.append_expected_remove(files[0], "this line is removed")62 diff_validator.make_temp_file_copies(change.get_target_files())63 with open(files[0], "w") as f:64 f.write("this is a wrong new line\n")65 changes = diff_validator.extract_changes(change.get_target_files())66 change_success = diff_validator.assert_change(changes, change.files_dict)67 change_dict = diff_validator.assert_change_dict(changes, change.files_dict)68 self.assertFalse(change_success, "The change must not be valid:\n%s" % diff_validator.create_diff_report(change_dict))69 def test_change_unexpected_remove(self):70 files = self.files71 with open(files[0], "w") as f:72 f.write("this line is removed\n")73 change = self.change74 change.add_validated_files(files)75 change.append_expected_add(files[0], "this is a new line")76 diff_validator.make_temp_file_copies(change.get_target_files())77 with open(files[0], "w") as f:78 f.write("this is a new line\n")79 changes = diff_validator.extract_changes(change.get_target_files())80 change_success = diff_validator.assert_change(changes, change.files_dict)81 change_dict = diff_validator.assert_change_dict(changes, change.files_dict)82 self.assertFalse(change_success, "The change must not be valid:\n%s" % diff_validator.create_diff_report(change_dict))83 def test_change_unexpected_add(self):84 files = self.files85 with open(files[0], "w") as f:86 f.write("this line is removed\n")87 change = self.change88 change.add_validated_files(files)89 change.append_expected_remove(files[0], "this line is removed")90 diff_validator.make_temp_file_copies(change.get_target_files())91 with open(files[0], "w") as f:92 f.write("this is an unexpected new line\n")93 changes = diff_validator.extract_changes(change.get_target_files())94 change_success = diff_validator.assert_change(changes, change.files_dict)95 change_dict = diff_validator.assert_change_dict(changes, change.files_dict)96 self.assertFalse(change_success, "The change must not be valid:\n%s" % diff_validator.create_diff_report(change_dict))97if __name__ == '__main__':...

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1import os2import re3import pandas as pd4resource_dir = ".resoutces/sources/"5def get_target_files(prefix):6 """Get the target files."""7 target_files = [file for file in os.listdir(resource_dir) if file.startswith(prefix)]8 return target_files9def concat_df(file_names):10 """Read in each csv file and concatenate into one dataframe."""11 all_dfs = [pd.read_csv(resource_dir + f) for f in file_names]12 return pd.concat(all_dfs)13def extract_payment(string):14 payment_reg = r"monthly payment:\s*\${0,1}(\d*)"15 match =, string, re.I)16 try:17 payment = return payment19 except AttributeError:20 print(f"Failed to edtract payment. No match for string: {string}")21 return None22def main():23 # get all target file names24 file_names = get_target_files(prefix="20")25# file_names = get_target_files('2018')26 27 # combine all files into one df28 combined_df=concat_df(file_names)29 # assign new column using regex for extraction30 combined_df['payment'] = combined_df['comments'].apply(extract_payment)31 32 # save to csv33 combined_df.to_csv("result.csv", index=False)...

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...13 value = (value ^ np.uint32(ord(c))) * prime_32_const14 if toUint16:15 value = np.uint16(value)16 return value17def get_target_files():18 x = glob.glob('**/*.[ch]??', recursive=True)19 x = filter(lambda y: "CMake" not in y, x)20 x = filter(lambda y: "TESTS" not in y, x)21 x = filter(lambda y: "extern" not in y, x)22 return x23def get_event_map():24 tgts = get_target_files()25 event_names = []26 event_map = defaultdict(list)27 for f in tgts:28 with open(f) as fp:29 for line in fp:30 m = re.match("\s*DECLARE_\w+\((\w+)\)", line)31 if m:32 #print(m)33 event_names.append( for evt in event_names:35 x = mHash_fnv1a(evt)36 event_map[x].append(evt)37 pprint(event_map)38 return event_map...

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