How to use is_task_alive method in avocado

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...30 # 如是新加入的任务则启动任务31 if not task._started.is_set():32 task.start()33 # 如任务没有存活则停止任务34 if not task.is_task_alive():35 logger.debug('daemon run stop')36 task.stop()37 # 如果任务已经停止则清理任务38 if task._stopped.is_set():39 if task.is_kill_when_stop():40 # 杀掉任务41 self.kill_task( else:43 # 设置为待清理44 self._tasks_running[i] = None45 # 每秒轮询46 time.sleep(1)47 logger.debug('daemon run finish')48 def exit(self):49 '''退出守护线程50 :return:51 '''52 logger.debug('daemon exit start')53 # 结束所有在运行的任务54 for task in self._tasks_running:55 task.stop()56 # 清空任务列表和在运行任务列表57 self._tasks = {}58 self._tasks_running = []59 # 设置退出标识60 self._exit.set()61 logger.debug('daemon exit finish')62 def add_task(self, class_, name, callback = None, params = None,63 **kwargs):64 task = class_(name = name, callback = callback,65 params = params, **kwargs)66 if self.has_task(name):67 return False68 self._tasks[name] = task69 self._tasks_running.append(task)70 return True71 def has_task(self, name):72 return name in self._tasks73 def kill_task(self, name):74 try:75 task = self._tasks.get(name, None)76 assert task77 if task.is_task_alive():78 task.stop()79 task.on_kill()80 if task in self._tasks_running:81 index = self._tasks_running.index(task)82 self._tasks_running[index] = None83 self._tasks.pop(name)84 return True85 except AssertionError:86 return True87 except Exception as e:88 return False89 def query_tasks(self):90 return [{'name':,91 'running': True if task in self._tasks_running else92 False}93 for task in self._tasks]94 def has_task_running(self):95 return len(self._tasks_running) > 096 def call(self, name, method, *args, **kwargs):97 task = self._tasks.get(name, None)98 if task:99 return getattr(task, method)(*args, **kwargs)100 def getattr(self, name, attribute):101 task = self._tasks.get(name, None)102 if task:103 return getattr(task, attribute)104 def setattr(self, name, attribute, value):105 task = self._tasks.get(name, None)106 if task:107 return setattr(task, attribute, value)108class TaskRunner(Thread):109 """任务运行器110 """111 def __init__(self, **kwargs):112 try:113 # 取出任务名称作为线程名称114 name = kwargs.get('name', None)115 assert name116 kwargs.pop('name')117 super().__init__(name = name, kwargs = kwargs)118 # 回调句柄119 self._callback = kwargs.get('callback', None)120 # 运行参数121 self._params = kwargs.get('params', None)122 if self._params:123 for k, v in self._params.items():124 setattr(self, f'_{k}', v)125 # 线程控制成员126 self._stopped = Event() # 线程停止标识127 self._stop_by_user = False # 被用户终止标识128 self._stop_by_self = False # 被任务自身终止标识129 self._stop_by_daemon = False # 被守护线程终止标识130 self._run_times = 0 # 运行次数131 except AssertionError:132 raise TaskRunnerInitError()133 def run(self):134 # 前置运行,获得轮询间隔135 interval = self._on_before_runloop()136 interval = interval\137 if interval and (isinstance(interval, int)138 or isinstance(interval, float)) else 0.1139 while not self._stopped.is_set():140 self._run_times = self._run_times + 1141 logger.debug(142 f"[{urldecode(}] run loop start ({self._run_times})")143 # 主体运行144 self._on_runloop()145 # 按间隔轮询146 time.sleep(interval)147 logger.debug(148 f"[{urldecode(}] run loop end ({self._run_times})")149 # 后置运行,用于清场150 self._on_after_runloop()151 def stop(self):152 try:153 logger.debug(f"[{urldecode(}] stop server start")154 self._on_before_stop()155 self._stopped.set()156 self._stop_by_user = True157 self._on_after_stop()158 logger.debug(f"[{urldecode(}] stop server end")159 return True, True, self._get_stop_success_message()160 except Exception:161 return False, False, self._get_stop_success_message()162 def is_task_alive(self):163 pass164 def is_kill_when_stop(self):165 pass166 def on_kill(self):167 pass168 def _on_before_runloop(self):169 return 0.1170 def _on_runloop(self):171 pass172 def _on_after_runloop(self):173 pass174 def _on_before_stop(self):175 pass176 def _on_after_stop(self):177 pass178 def _get_stop_success_message(self):179 return _('Task has stopped')180 def _get_stop_fail_message(self):181 return _('Task stop failed')182class HeartbeatInitError(RuntimeError):183 pass184class OnceInitError(RuntimeError):185 pass186class HeartbeatRunner(TaskRunner):187 """心跳运行器188 """189 def __init__(self, **kwargs):190 super().__init__(**kwargs)191 try:192 assert self._callback193 assert self._interval194 assert self._command195 from import\196 _client # todo change to current_client197 self._command_func = getattr(_client,198 f'cmd_{self._command}',199 None)200 self._alive_func = getattr(_client,201 f'alive_{self._command}',202 None)203 assert self._command_func204 except AssertionError:205 raise HeartbeatInitError()206 def _on_before_runloop(self):207 return self._interval208 def _on_runloop(self):209 if self._command_func:210 self._callback('android',211 (self._command, +212 self._command_func(,213 **self._params))214 else:215 self._callback('android',216 (self._command,, False, False,217 None))218 def _on_after_runloop(self):219 logger.debug(f'[{urldecode(}] after run loop')220 def is_task_alive(self):221 if self._alive_func:222 return self._alive_func(, **self._params)223 else:224 return True225 def is_kill_when_stop(self):226 return True227class OnceRunner(TaskRunner):228 """一次性运行器229 """230 def __init__(self, **kwargs):231 super().__init__(**kwargs)232 try:233 assert self._callback234 assert self._command235 from import\236 _client # todo change to current_client237 self._command_func = getattr(_client,238 f'cmd_{self._command}',239 None)240 assert self._command_func241 except AssertionError:242 raise OnceInitError()243 def _on_runloop(self):244 self._callback('android',245 (self._command, +246 self._command_func(,247 **self._params))248 def is_task_alive(self):249 return False250 def is_kill_when_stop(self):...

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...14 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()15 spawned = loop.run_until_complete(self.spawner.spawn_task(self.runtime_task))16 self.assertTrue(spawned)17 def test_never_spawned(self):18 self.assertFalse(self.spawner.is_task_alive(self.runtime_task))19 self.assertFalse(self.spawner.is_task_alive(self.runtime_task))20class Mock(Process):21 def setUp(self):22 runnable = nrunner.Runnable('noop', 'uri')23 task = nrunner.Task('1', runnable)24 self.runtime_task = RuntimeTask(task)25 self.spawner = MockSpawner()26 def test_spawned_is_alive(self):27 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()28 loop.run_until_complete(self.spawner.spawn_task(self.runtime_task))29 self.assertTrue(self.spawner.is_task_alive(self.runtime_task))30 self.assertFalse(self.spawner.is_task_alive(self.runtime_task))31class RandomMock(Mock):32 def setUp(self):33 runnable = nrunner.Runnable('noop', 'uri')34 task = nrunner.Task('1', runnable)35 self.runtime_task = RuntimeTask(task)36 self.spawner = MockRandomAliveSpawner()37 def test_spawned_is_alive(self):38 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()39 loop.run_until_complete(self.spawner.spawn_task(self.runtime_task))40 # The likelihood of the random spawner returning the task is41 # not alive is 1 in 5. This gives the random code 1000042 # chances of returning False, so it should, famous last words,43 # be pretty safe44 finished = False45 for _ in range(10000):46 if not self.spawner.is_task_alive(self.runtime_task):47 finished = True48 break49 self.assertTrue(finished)50if __name__ == '__main__':...

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2import os3def get_tasks():4 with open('tasks.txt') as f:5 return [x.rstrip('\n') for x in f.readlines()]6def is_task_alive(tasks):7 for x in os.popen('tasklist').readlines():8 if len(x) > 1:9 task = x.split()[0]10 if task in tasks:11 return task12def main():13 tasks = get_tasks()14 while True:15 task = is_task_alive(tasks)16 if task:17 os.system(f'taskkill /f /im {task}')18 ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, 'Get back to work!', 'Alert!', 0)19if __name__ == "__main__":...

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