How to use _add_additional_error_tags method in localstack

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...429 error_tag = ETree.SubElement(root, "Error")430 self._add_error_tags(error, error_tag)431 request_id = ETree.SubElement(root, "RequestId")432 request_id.text = gen_amzn_requestid_long()433 self._add_additional_error_tags(error, root, shape)434 response.set_response(self._encode_payload(self._xml_to_string(root)))435 def _add_error_tags(self, error: ServiceException, error_tag: ETree.Element) -> None:436 code_tag = ETree.SubElement(error_tag, "Code")437 code_tag.text = error.code438 message = self._get_error_message(error)439 if message:440 self._default_serialize(error_tag, message, None, "Message")441 if error.sender_fault:442 # The sender fault is either not set or "Sender"443 self._default_serialize(error_tag, "Sender", None, "Type")444 def _add_additional_error_tags(445 self, error: ServiceException, node: ETree, shape: StructureShape446 ):447 if shape:448 params = {}449 # TODO add a possibility to serialize simple non-modelled errors (like S3 NoSuchBucket#BucketName)450 for member in shape.members:451 # XML protocols do not add modeled default fields to the root node452 # (tested for cloudfront, route53, cloudwatch, iam)453 if member.lower() not in ["code", "message"] and hasattr(error, member):454 params[member] = getattr(error, member)455 # If there is an error shape with members which should be set, they need to be added to the node456 if params:457 # Serialize the remaining params458 root_name = shape.serialization.get("name", pseudo_root = ETree.Element("")460 self._serialize(shape, params, pseudo_root, root_name)461 real_root = list(pseudo_root)[0]462 # Add the child elements to the already created root error element463 for child in list(real_root):464 node.append(child)465 def _serialize_body_params(466 self, params: dict, shape: Shape, operation_model: OperationModel467 ) -> Optional[str]:468 root = self._serialize_body_params_to_xml(params, shape, operation_model)469 self._prepare_additional_traits_in_xml(root)470 return self._xml_to_string(root)471 def _serialize_body_params_to_xml(472 self, params: dict, shape: Shape, operation_model: OperationModel473 ) -> Optional[ETree.Element]:474 if shape is None:475 return476 # The botocore serializer expects `shape.serialization["name"]`, but this isn't always present for responses477 root_name = shape.serialization.get("name", pseudo_root = ETree.Element("")479 self._serialize(shape, params, pseudo_root, root_name)480 real_root = list(pseudo_root)[0]481 return real_root482 def _serialize(self, shape: Shape, params: Any, xmlnode: ETree.Element, name: str) -> None:483 """This method dynamically invokes the correct `_serialize_type_*` method for each shape type."""484 if shape is None:485 return486 # Some output shapes define a `resultWrapper` in their serialization spec.487 # While the name would imply that the result is _wrapped_, it is actually renamed.488 if shape.serialization.get("resultWrapper"):489 name = shape.serialization.get("resultWrapper")490 try:491 method = getattr(self, "_serialize_type_%s" % shape.type_name, self._default_serialize)492 method(xmlnode, params, shape, name)493 except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError) as e:494 raise ProtocolSerializerError(495 f"Invalid type when serializing {}: '{xmlnode}' cannot be parsed to {shape.type_name}."496 ) from e497 def _serialize_type_structure(498 self, xmlnode: ETree.Element, params: dict, shape: StructureShape, name: str499 ) -> None:500 structure_node = ETree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)501 if "xmlNamespace" in shape.serialization:502 namespace_metadata = shape.serialization["xmlNamespace"]503 attribute_name = "xmlns"504 if namespace_metadata.get("prefix"):505 attribute_name += ":%s" % namespace_metadata["prefix"]506 structure_node.attrib[attribute_name] = namespace_metadata["uri"]507 for key, value in params.items():508 if value is None:509 # Don't serialize any param whose value is None.510 continue511 try:512 member_shape = shape.members[key]513 except KeyError:514 LOG.warning(515 "Response object %s contains a member which is not specified: %s",516,517 key,518 )519 continue520 member_name = member_shape.serialization.get("name", key)521 # We need to special case member shapes that are marked as an xmlAttribute.522 # Rather than serializing into an XML child node, we instead serialize the shape to523 # an XML attribute of the *current* node.524 if member_shape.serialization.get("xmlAttribute"):525 # xmlAttributes must have a serialization name.526 xml_attribute_name = member_shape.serialization["name"]527 structure_node.attrib[xml_attribute_name] = value528 continue529 self._serialize(member_shape, value, structure_node, member_name)530 def _serialize_type_list(531 self, xmlnode: ETree.Element, params: list, shape: ListShape, name: str532 ) -> None:533 if params is None:534 # Don't serialize any param whose value is None.535 return536 member_shape = shape.member537 if shape.serialization.get("flattened"):538 # If the list is flattened, either take the member's "name" or the name of the usual name for the parent539 # element for the children.540 element_name = self._get_serialized_name(member_shape, name)541 list_node = xmlnode542 else:543 element_name = self._get_serialized_name(member_shape, "member")544 list_node = ETree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)545 for item in params:546 # Don't serialize any item which is None547 if item is not None:548 self._serialize(member_shape, item, list_node, element_name)549 def _serialize_type_map(550 self, xmlnode: ETree.Element, params: dict, shape: MapShape, name: str551 ) -> None:552 """553 Given the ``name`` of MyMap, an input of {"key1": "val1", "key2": "val2"}, and the ``flattened: False``554 we serialize this as:555 <MyMap>556 <entry>557 <key>key1</key>558 <value>val1</value>559 </entry>560 <entry>561 <key>key2</key>562 <value>val2</value>563 </entry>564 </MyMap>565 If it is flattened, it is serialized as follows:566 <MyMap>567 <key>key1</key>568 <value>val1</value>569 </MyMap>570 <MyMap>571 <key>key2</key>572 <value>val2</value>573 </MyMap>574 """575 if params is None:576 # Don't serialize a non-existing map577 return578 if shape.serialization.get("flattened"):579 entries_node = xmlnode580 entry_node_name = name581 else:582 entries_node = ETree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)583 entry_node_name = "entry"584 for key, value in params.items():585 if value is None:586 # Don't serialize any param whose value is None.587 continue588 entry_node = ETree.SubElement(entries_node, entry_node_name)589 key_name = self._get_serialized_name(shape.key, default_name="key")590 val_name = self._get_serialized_name(shape.value, default_name="value")591 self._serialize(shape.key, key, entry_node, key_name)592 self._serialize(shape.value, value, entry_node, val_name)593 @staticmethod594 def _serialize_type_boolean(xmlnode: ETree.Element, params: bool, _, name: str) -> None:595 """596 For scalar types, the 'params' attr is actually just a scalar value representing the data597 we need to serialize as a boolean. It will either be 'true' or 'false'598 """599 node = ETree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)600 if params:601 str_value = "true"602 else:603 str_value = "false"604 node.text = str_value605 def _serialize_type_blob(606 self, xmlnode: ETree.Element, params: Union[str, bytes], _, name: str607 ) -> None:608 node = ETree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)609 node.text = self._get_base64(params)610 def _serialize_type_timestamp(611 self, xmlnode: ETree.Element, params: str, shape: Shape, name: str612 ) -> None:613 node = ETree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)614 node.text = self._convert_timestamp_to_str(615 params, shape.serialization.get("timestampFormat")616 )617 def _default_serialize(self, xmlnode: ETree.Element, params: str, _, name: str) -> None:618 node = ETree.SubElement(xmlnode, name)619 node.text = str(params)620 def _prepare_additional_traits_in_xml(self, root: Optional[ETree.Element]):621 """622 Prepares the XML root node before being serialized with additional traits (like the Response ID in the Query623 protocol).624 For some protocols (like rest-xml), the root can be None.625 """626 pass627 def _create_default_response(self, operation_model: OperationModel) -> HttpResponse:628 response = super()._create_default_response(operation_model)629 response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/xml"630 return response631 def _xml_to_string(self, root: Optional[ETree.Element]) -> Optional[str]:632 """Generates the string representation of the given XML element."""633 if root is not None:634 return ETree.tostring(635 element=root, encoding=self.DEFAULT_ENCODING, xml_declaration=True636 )637class BaseRestResponseSerializer(ResponseSerializer, ABC):638 """639 The BaseRestResponseSerializer performs the basic logic for the ReST response serialization.640 In our case it basically only adds the request metadata to the HTTP header.641 """642 HEADER_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "rfc822"643 def _serialize_response(644 self,645 parameters: dict,646 response: HttpResponse,647 shape: Optional[Shape],648 shape_members: dict,649 operation_model: OperationModel,650 ) -> None:651 header_params, payload_params = self._partition_members(parameters, shape)652 self._process_header_members(header_params, response, shape)653 # "HEAD" responses are basically "GET" responses without the actual body.654 # Do not process the body payload in this case (setting a body could also manipulate the headers)655 if operation_model.http.get("method") != "HEAD":656 self._serialize_payload(payload_params, response, shape, shape_members, operation_model)657 self._serialize_content_type(response, shape, shape_members)658 self._prepare_additional_traits_in_response(response, operation_model)659 def _serialize_payload(660 self,661 parameters: dict,662 response: HttpResponse,663 shape: Optional[Shape],664 shape_members: dict,665 operation_model: OperationModel,666 ) -> None:667 """668 Serializes the given payload.669 :param parameters: The user input params670 :param response: The final serialized HttpResponse671 :param shape: Describes the expected output shape (can be None in case of an "empty" response)672 :param shape_members: The members of the output struct shape673 :param operation_model: The specification of the operation of which the response is serialized here674 :return: None - the given `serialized` dict is modified675 """676 if shape is None:677 return678 payload_member = shape.serialization.get("payload")679 if payload_member is not None and shape_members[payload_member].type_name in [680 "blob",681 "string",682 ]:683 # If it's streaming, then the body is just the value of the payload.684 body_payload = parameters.get(payload_member, b"")685 body_payload = self._encode_payload(body_payload)686 response.set_response(body_payload)687 elif payload_member is not None:688 # If there's a payload member, we serialized that member to the body.689 body_params = parameters.get(payload_member)690 if body_params is not None:691 response.set_response(692 self._encode_payload(693 self._serialize_body_params(694 body_params, shape_members[payload_member], operation_model695 )696 )697 )698 else:699 # Otherwise, we use the "traditional" way of serializing the whole parameters dict recursively.700 response.set_response(701 self._encode_payload(702 self._serialize_body_params(parameters, shape, operation_model)703 )704 )705 def _serialize_content_type(self, serialized: HttpResponse, shape: Shape, shape_members: dict):706 """707 Some protocols require varied Content-Type headers708 depending on user input. This allows subclasses to apply709 this conditionally.710 """711 pass712 def _has_streaming_payload(self, payload: Optional[str], shape_members):713 """Determine if payload is streaming (a blob or string)."""714 return payload is not None and shape_members[payload].type_name in ["blob", "string"]715 def _prepare_additional_traits_in_response(716 self, response: HttpResponse, operation_model: OperationModel717 ):718 """Adds the request ID to the headers (in contrast to the body - as in the Query protocol)."""719 response = super()._prepare_additional_traits_in_response(response, operation_model)720 response.headers["x-amz-request-id"] = gen_amzn_requestid_long()721 return response722 def _process_header_members(self, parameters: dict, response: HttpResponse, shape: Shape):723 shape_members = shape.members if isinstance(shape, StructureShape) else []724 for name in shape_members:725 member_shape = shape_members[name]726 location = member_shape.serialization.get("location")727 if not location:728 continue729 if name not in parameters:730 # ignores optional keys731 continue732 key = member_shape.serialization.get("name", name)733 value = parameters[name]734 if value is None:735 continue736 if location == "header":737 response.headers[key] = self._serialize_header_value(member_shape, value)738 elif location == "headers":739 header_prefix = key740 self._serialize_header_map(header_prefix, response, value)741 elif location == "statusCode":742 response.status_code = int(value)743 def _serialize_header_map(self, prefix: str, response: HttpResponse, params: dict) -> None:744 """Serializes the header map for the location trait "headers"."""745 for key, val in params.items():746 actual_key = prefix + key747 response.headers[actual_key] = val748 def _serialize_header_value(self, shape: Shape, value: Any):749 """Serializes a value for the location trait "header"."""750 if shape.type_name == "timestamp":751 datetime_obj = parse_to_aware_datetime(value)752 timestamp_format = shape.serialization.get(753 "timestampFormat", self.HEADER_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT754 )755 return self._convert_timestamp_to_str(datetime_obj, timestamp_format)756 elif shape.type_name == "list":757 converted_value = [758 self._serialize_header_value(shape.member, v) for v in value if v is not None759 ]760 return ",".join(converted_value)761 elif shape.type_name == "boolean":762 # Set the header value to "true" if the given value is truthy, otherwise set the header value to "false".763 return "true" if value else "false"764 elif is_json_value_header(shape):765 # Serialize with no spaces after separators to save space in766 # the header.767 return self._get_base64(json.dumps(value, separators=(",", ":")))768 else:769 return value770 def _partition_members(self, parameters: dict, shape: Optional[Shape]) -> Tuple[dict, dict]:771 """Separates the top-level keys in the given parameters dict into header- and payload-located params."""772 if not isinstance(shape, StructureShape):773 # If the shape isn't a structure, we default to the whole response being parsed in the body.774 # Non-payload members are only loated in the top-level hierarchy and those are always structures.775 return {}, parameters776 header_params = {}777 payload_params = {}778 shape_members = shape.members779 for name in shape_members:780 member_shape = shape_members[name]781 if name not in parameters:782 continue783 location = member_shape.serialization.get("location")784 if location:785 header_params[name] = parameters[name]786 else:787 payload_params[name] = parameters[name]788 return header_params, payload_params789class RestXMLResponseSerializer(BaseRestResponseSerializer, BaseXMLResponseSerializer):790 """791 The ``RestXMLResponseSerializer`` is responsible for the serialization of responses from services with the792 ``rest-xml`` protocol.793 It combines the ``BaseRestResponseSerializer`` (for the ReST specific logic) with the ``BaseXMLResponseSerializer``794 (for the XML body response serialization).795 """796 pass797class QueryResponseSerializer(BaseXMLResponseSerializer):798 """799 The ``QueryResponseSerializer`` is responsible for the serialization of responses from services which use the800 ``query`` protocol. The responses of these services also use XML. It is basically a subset of the features, since it801 does not allow any payload or location traits.802 """803 def _serialize_response(804 self,805 parameters: dict,806 response: HttpResponse,807 shape: Optional[Shape],808 shape_members: dict,809 operation_model: OperationModel,810 ) -> None:811 """812 Serializes the given parameters as XML for the query protocol.813 :param parameters: The user input params814 :param response: The final serialized HttpResponse815 :param shape: Describes the expected output shape (can be None in case of an "empty" response)816 :param shape_members: The members of the output struct shape817 :param operation_model: The specification of the operation of which the response is serialized here818 :return: None - the given `serialized` dict is modified819 """820 response.set_response(821 self._encode_payload(self._serialize_body_params(parameters, shape, operation_model))822 )823 def _serialize_body_params_to_xml(824 self, params: dict, shape: Shape, operation_model: OperationModel825 ) -> ETree.Element:826 # The Query protocol responses have a root element which is not contained in the specification file.827 # Therefore, we first call the super function to perform the normal XML serialization, and afterwards wrap the828 # result in a root element based on the operation name.829 node = super()._serialize_body_params_to_xml(params, shape, operation_model)830 # Check if we need to add a namespace831 attr = (832 {"xmlns": operation_model.metadata.get("xmlNamespace")}833 if "xmlNamespace" in operation_model.metadata834 else None835 )836 # Create the root element and add the result of the XML serializer as a child node837 root = ETree.Element(f"{}Response", attr)838 if node is not None:839 root.append(node)840 return root841 def _prepare_additional_traits_in_xml(self, root: Optional[ETree.Element]):842 # Add the response metadata here (it's not defined in the specs)843 # For the ec2 and the query protocol, the root cannot be None at this time.844 response_metadata = ETree.SubElement(root, "ResponseMetadata")845 request_id = ETree.SubElement(response_metadata, "RequestId")846 request_id.text = gen_amzn_requestid_long()847class EC2ResponseSerializer(QueryResponseSerializer):848 """849 The ``EC2ResponseSerializer`` is responsible for the serialization of responses from services which use the850 ``ec2`` protocol (basically the EC2 service). This protocol is basically equal to the ``query`` protocol with only851 a few subtle differences.852 """853 def _serialize_error(854 self,855 error: ServiceException,856 response: HttpResponse,857 shape: StructureShape,858 operation_model: OperationModel,859 ) -> None:860 # EC2 errors look like:861 # <Response>862 # <Errors>863 # <Error>864 # <Code>InvalidInstanceID.Malformed</Code>865 # <Message>Invalid id: "1343124"</Message>866 # </Error>867 # </Errors>868 # <RequestID>12345</RequestID>869 # </Response>870 # This is different from QueryParser in that it's RequestID, not RequestId871 # and that the Error tag is in an enclosing Errors tag.872 attr = (873 {"xmlns": operation_model.metadata.get("xmlNamespace")}874 if "xmlNamespace" in operation_model.metadata875 else None876 )877 root = ETree.Element("Response", attr)878 errors_tag = ETree.SubElement(root, "Errors")879 error_tag = ETree.SubElement(errors_tag, "Error")880 self._add_error_tags(error, error_tag)881 request_id = ETree.SubElement(root, "RequestID")882 request_id.text = gen_amzn_requestid_long()883 response.set_response(self._encode_payload(self._xml_to_string(root)))884 def _prepare_additional_traits_in_xml(self, root: Optional[ETree.Element]):885 # The EC2 protocol does not use the root output shape, therefore we need to remove the hierarchy level886 # below the root level887 if len(root) > 0:888 output_node = root[0]889 for child in output_node:890 root.append(child)891 root.remove(output_node)892 # Add the requestId here (it's not defined in the specs)893 # For the ec2 and the query protocol, the root cannot be None at this time.894 request_id = ETree.SubElement(root, "requestId")895 request_id.text = gen_amzn_requestid_long()896class JSONResponseSerializer(ResponseSerializer):897 """898 The ``JSONResponseSerializer`` is responsible for the serialization of responses from services with the ``json``899 protocol. It implements the JSON response body serialization, which is also used by the900 ``RestJSONResponseSerializer``.901 """902 TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "unixtimestamp"903 def _serialize_error(904 self,905 error: ServiceException,906 response: HttpResponse,907 shape: StructureShape,908 operation_model: OperationModel,909 ) -> None:910 body = {}911 # TODO implement different service-specific serializer configurations912 # - currently we set both, the `__type` member as well as the `X-Amzn-Errortype` header913 # - the specification defines that it's either the __type field OR the header914 response.headers["X-Amzn-Errortype"] = error.code915 body["__type"] = error.code916 if shape:917 remaining_params = {}918 # TODO add a possibility to serialize simple non-modelled errors (like S3 NoSuchBucket#BucketName)919 for member in shape.members:920 if hasattr(error, member):921 remaining_params[member] = getattr(error, member)922 # Default error message fields can sometimes have different casing in the specs923 elif member.lower() in ["code", "message"] and hasattr(error, member.lower()):924 remaining_params[member] = getattr(error, member.lower())925 self._serialize(body, remaining_params, shape)926 # Only set the message if it has not been set with the shape members927 if "message" not in body and "Message" not in body:928 message = self._get_error_message(error)929 if message is not None:930 body["message"] = message931 response.set_json(body)932 def _serialize_response(933 self,934 parameters: dict,935 response: HttpResponse,936 shape: Optional[Shape],937 shape_members: dict,938 operation_model: OperationModel,939 ) -> None:940 json_version = operation_model.metadata.get("jsonVersion")941 if json_version is not None:942 response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-amz-json-%s" % json_version943 response.set_response(self._serialize_body_params(parameters, shape, operation_model))944 def _serialize_body_params(945 self, params: dict, shape: Shape, operation_model: OperationModel946 ) -> Optional[str]:947 body = {}948 if shape is not None:949 self._serialize(body, params, shape)950 return json.dumps(body)951 def _serialize(self, body: dict, value: Any, shape, key: Optional[str] = None):952 """This method dynamically invokes the correct `_serialize_type_*` method for each shape type."""953 try:954 method = getattr(self, "_serialize_type_%s" % shape.type_name, self._default_serialize)955 method(body, value, shape, key)956 except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError) as e:957 raise ProtocolSerializerError(958 f"Invalid type when serializing {}: '{value}' cannot be parsed to {shape.type_name}."959 ) from e960 def _serialize_type_structure(self, body: dict, value: dict, shape: StructureShape, key: str):961 if value is None:962 return963 if shape.is_document_type:964 body[key] = value965 else:966 if key is not None:967 # If a key is provided, this is a result of a recursive968 # call so we need to add a new child dict as the value969 # of the passed in serialized dict. We'll then add970 # all the structure members as key/vals in the new serialized971 # dictionary we just created.972 new_serialized = {}973 body[key] = new_serialized974 body = new_serialized975 members = shape.members976 for member_key, member_value in value.items():977 if member_value is None:978 continue979 try:980 member_shape = members[member_key]981 except KeyError:982 LOG.warning(983 "Response object %s contains a member which is not specified: %s",984,985 member_key,986 )987 continue988 if "name" in member_shape.serialization:989 member_key = member_shape.serialization["name"]990 self._serialize(body, member_value, member_shape, member_key)991 def _serialize_type_map(self, body: dict, value: dict, shape: MapShape, key: str):992 if value is None:993 return994 map_obj = {}995 body[key] = map_obj996 for sub_key, sub_value in value.items():997 if sub_value is not None:998 self._serialize(map_obj, sub_value, shape.value, sub_key)999 def _serialize_type_list(self, body: dict, value: list, shape: ListShape, key: str):1000 if value is None:1001 return1002 list_obj = []1003 body[key] = list_obj1004 for list_item in value:1005 if list_item is not None:1006 wrapper = {}1007 # The JSON list serialization is the only case where we aren't1008 # setting a key on a dict. We handle this by using1009 # a __current__ key on a wrapper dict to serialize each1010 # list item before appending it to the serialized list.1011 self._serialize(wrapper, list_item, shape.member, "__current__")1012 list_obj.append(wrapper["__current__"])1013 def _default_serialize(self, body: dict, value: Any, _, key: str):1014 body[key] = value1015 def _serialize_type_timestamp(self, body: dict, value: Any, shape: Shape, key: str):1016 body[key] = self._convert_timestamp_to_str(1017 value, shape.serialization.get("timestampFormat")1018 )1019 def _serialize_type_blob(self, body: dict, value: Union[str, bytes], _, key: str):1020 body[key] = self._get_base64(value)1021 def _prepare_additional_traits_in_response(1022 self, response: HttpResponse, operation_model: OperationModel1023 ):1024 response.headers["x-amzn-requestid"] = gen_amzn_requestid_long()1025 response = super()._prepare_additional_traits_in_response(response, operation_model)1026 return response1027class RestJSONResponseSerializer(BaseRestResponseSerializer, JSONResponseSerializer):1028 """1029 The ``RestJSONResponseSerializer`` is responsible for the serialization of responses from services with the1030 ``rest-json`` protocol.1031 It combines the ``BaseRestResponseSerializer`` (for the ReST specific logic) with the ``JSONResponseSerializer``1032 (for the JSOn body response serialization).1033 """1034 def _serialize_content_type(self, serialized: HttpResponse, shape: Shape, shape_members: dict):1035 """Set Content-Type to application/json for all structured bodies."""1036 payload = shape.serialization.get("payload") if shape is not None else None1037 if self._has_streaming_payload(payload, shape_members):1038 # Don't apply content-type to streaming bodies1039 return1040 has_body = != b""1041 has_content_type = self._has_header("Content-Type", serialized.headers)1042 if has_body and not has_content_type:1043 serialized.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"1044class S3ResponseSerializer(RestXMLResponseSerializer):1045 """1046 The ``S3ResponseSerializer`` adds some minor logic to handle S3 specific peculiarities with the error response1047 serialization.1048 """1049 def _serialize_error(1050 self,1051 error: ServiceException,1052 response: HttpResponse,1053 shape: StructureShape,1054 operation_model: OperationModel,1055 ) -> None:1056 attr = (1057 {"xmlns": operation_model.metadata.get("xmlNamespace")}1058 if "xmlNamespace" in operation_model.metadata1059 else {}1060 )1061 root = ETree.Element("Error", attr)1062 self._add_error_tags(error, root)1063 request_id = ETree.SubElement(root, "RequestId")1064 request_id.text = gen_amzn_requestid_long()1065 self._add_additional_error_tags(error, root, shape)1066 response.set_response(self._encode_payload(self._xml_to_string(root)))1067class SqsResponseSerializer(QueryResponseSerializer):1068 """1069 Unfortunately, SQS uses a rare interpretation of the XML protocol: It uses HTML entities within XML tag text nodes.1070 For example:1071 - Normal XML serializers: <Message>No need to escape quotes (like this: ") with HTML entities in XML.</Message>1072 - SQS XML serializer: <Message>No need to escape quotes (like this: &quot;) with HTML entities in XML.</Message>1073 None of the prominent XML frameworks for python allow HTML entity escapes when serializing XML.1074 This serializer implements the following workaround:1075 - Escape quotes and \r with their HTML entities (&quot; and &#xD;).1076 - Since & is (correctly) escaped in XML, the serialized string contains &amp;quot; and &amp;#xD;1077 - These double-escapes are corrected by replacing such strings with their original.1078 """1079 def _default_serialize(self, xmlnode: ETree.Element, params: str, _, name: str) -> None:...

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