Best Capybara code snippet using Queries.text
...9 login_user user10 end11 describe 'Adds new query' do12 let(:acase) { cases(:queries_case) }13 test 'requires query text' do14 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: nil } }15 assert_response :bad_request16 assert_includes json_response['query_text'], "can't be blank"17 end18 test 'to the end of the query list if no position is provided' do19 query_text = 'New Query'20 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text } }21 assert_response :ok22 query_response = json_response['query']23 assert_not_nil query_response['queryId']24 assert_equal query_response['arrangedAt'], 025 assert_equal query_response['query_text'], query_text26 query = acase.queries.first27 assert_equal, query_response['queryId']28 assert_equal query.query_text, query_text29 end30 test 'return the new display order of the queries' do31 query_text = 'New Query'32 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text } }33 assert_response :ok34 display_order = json_response['displayOrder']35 assert_not_nil display_order36 assert_instance_of Array, display_order37 end38 test 'at the proper position when one is provided' do39 query_text = 'New Query'40 position = 241 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text }, position: 2 }42 assert_response :ok43 query_response = json_response['query']44 assert_not_nil query_response['queryId']45 assert_equal query_response['query_text'], query_text46 acase.reload47 query = acase.queries[position]48 assert_equal, query_response['queryId']49 assert_equal query.query_text, query_text50 end51 test 'with special characters in name' do52 query_text = 'New Query ä¼è®®'53 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text } }54 assert_response :ok55 query_response = json_response['query']56 assert_not_nil query_response['queryId']57 assert_equal query_response['arrangedAt'], 058 assert_equal query_response['query_text'], query_text59 end60 test 'handles when query already exists' do61 query_text = 'New Query'62 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text } }63 assert_response :ok64 query_response = json_response['query']65 assert_not_nil query_response['queryId']66 assert_equal query_response['arrangedAt'], 067 assert_equal query_response['query_text'], query_text68 count = acase.queries.count69 query_text = 'New Query'70 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text } }71 assert_response :no_content72 acase.reload73 new_count = acase.queries.count74 assert_equal count, new_count75 end76 test 'strips whitespace from query text' do77 query_text = 'New Query '78 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text } }79 assert_response :ok80 query_response = json_response['query']81 assert_not_nil query_response['queryId']82 assert_equal query_response['arrangedAt'], 083 assert_equal query_response['query_text'], query_text.strip84 count = acase.queries.count85 query_text = ' New Query'86 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text } }87 assert_response :no_content88 acase.reload89 new_count = acase.queries.count90 assert_equal count, new_count91 end92 test 'accepts a different variation of the same query text' do93 query_text = 'dog'94 assert_difference 'acase.queries.count' do95 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text } }96 assert_response :ok97 query_response = json_response['query']98 assert_equal query_response['query_text'], query_text99 end100 query_text = 'Dog'101 assert_difference 'acase.queries.count' do102 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text } }103 assert_response :ok104 query_response = json_response(true)['query']105 assert_equal query_response['query_text'], query_text106 end107 query_text = 'DoG'108 assert_difference 'acase.queries.count' do109 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text } }110 assert_response :ok111 query_response = json_response(true)['query']112 assert_equal query_response['query_text'], query_text113 end114 query_text = 'dOg'115 assert_difference 'acase.queries.count' do116 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text } }117 assert_response :ok118 query_response = json_response(true)['query']119 assert_equal query_response['query_text'], query_text120 end121 end122 describe 'analytics' do123 test 'posts event' do124 expects_any_ga_event_call125 query_text = 'New Query'126 perform_enqueued_jobs do127 post :create, params: { case_id:, query: { query_text: query_text } }128 assert_response :ok129 end130 end131 end132 end133 describe 'Fetches case queries' do134 let(:acase) { cases(:queries_case) }135 test 'returns case queries in order' do136 get :index, params: { case_id: }137 assert_response :ok138 queries = JSON.parse(response.body)['queries']139 assert_equal queries[0]['arrangedAt'], 1140 assert_equal queries[1]['arrangedAt'], 2141 assert_equal queries[2]['arrangedAt'], 3...
...90 # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength91 def import_queries queries92 queries_to_import = []93 keys = queries.keys94 # Fetch all queries for the snapshot's case where the query text95 # matches the keys in the hash supplied in the params.96 queries_params = {97 query_text: keys,98 case_id: @snapshot.case_id,99 }100 indexed_queries = Query.where(queries_params)101 .all102 .index_by(&:query_text)103 # Start by adding queries to snapshot.104 # First, setup all queries to be added in an array.105 print_step 'Importing queries'106 block_with_progress_bar(keys.length) do |i|107 query_text = keys[i]108 query = fetch_or_create_query indexed_queries, query_text109 snapshot_query = @snapshot.snapshot_queries.where(query_id: queries[] = queries.delete(keys[i])111 queries_to_import << snapshot_query112 end113 # Second, mass insert queries.114 SnapshotQuery.import queries_to_import115 # End of queries import.116 # Updates keys after we switched them out from the text to the id117 keys = queries.keys118 data = {}119 queries.each { |key, q| data[key] = q[:docs] || q['docs'] }120 # Then import docs for the queries that were just created.121 import_docs keys, data122 self123 end124 # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength125 def csv_to_queries_hash docs126 print_step 'Transforming csv into a queries hash'127 query_docs = {}128 block_with_progress_bar(docs.length) do |i|129 row = extract_doc_info docs[i]130 query_docs[row[:query_text]] ||= { docs: [] }131 query_docs[row[:query_text]][:docs] << row132 end133 query_docs134 end135 private136 def setup_docs_for_query query, docs137 results = []138 return results if docs.blank?139 return results if query.blank?140 docs = normalize_docs_array docs141 docs = docs.sort { |d1, d2| d1[:position].to_i <=> d2[:position].to_i }142 docs.each_with_index do |doc, index|143 doc_params = {144 doc_id: doc[:id],145 explain: doc[:explain],146 position: doc[:position] || (index + 1),147 rated_only: doc[:rated_only] || false,148 }149 results << end151 results152 end153 def extract_doc_info row154 case @options[:format]155 when :csv156 {157 query_text: row[0],158 id: row[1],159 position: row[2],160 }161 when :hash162 row.deep_symbolize_keys163 else164 row165 end166 end167 def normalize_docs_array docs168 return [] if docs.blank?169 result = do |each|170 each = each.to_unsafe_h if each.is_a?(ActionController::Parameters)171 each = each.to_hash if each.is_a?(ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess)172 each.symbolize_keys! if each.present?173 end.compact174 result175 end176 def import_docs keys, data177 docs_to_import = []178 indexed_snap_queries = @snapshot.snapshot_queries179 .where(query_id: keys)180 .all181 .index_by { |q| q.query_id.to_s }182 print_step 'Importing docs'183 block_with_progress_bar(keys.length) do |i|184 query_id = keys[i]185 docs = data[keys[i]]186 snapshot_query = indexed_snap_queries[query_id.to_s]187 query_docs = setup_docs_for_query snapshot_query, docs188 docs_to_import += query_docs189 end190 SnapshotDoc.import docs_to_import191 self192 end193 def fetch_or_create_query indexed_queries, query_text194 if indexed_queries[query_text].present?195 indexed_queries[query_text]196 else197 query_params = {198 query_text: query_text,199 case_id: @snapshot.case_id,200 }201 Query.create(query_params)202 end203 end204end205# rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength...
...39 #40 # 2 ways to import ratings:41 # i. The naive way:42 # a. Loop through each row43 # b. Create or fetch the query based on the query text (cache the query)44 # c. Create or update the rating45 # ii. The less naive way, which we are using:46 # a. Map from the rows all the unique queries47 # b. Fetch all the existing queries48 # c. Determine which queries do not already exist49 # d. Create remaining queries in bulk50 # e. Updating existing ratings if needed51 # f. Create remaining ratings in mass52 #53 # a. Map from the rows all the unique queries54 normalized_rows = { |row| extract_rating_info row }55 query_texts = normalized_rows.pluck(:query_text)56 unique_queries = query_texts.uniq57 # b. Fetch all the existing queries58 queries_params = {59 query_text: unique_queries,60 case_id:,61 }62 indexed_queries = Query.where(queries_params)63 .all64 .index_by(&:query_text)65 # c. Determine which queries do not already exist66 existing_queries = indexed_queries.keys67 non_existing_queries = unique_queries - existing_queries68 if non_existing_queries.empty?69 @queries = indexed_queries70 else71 # d. Create remaining queries in bulk72 queries_to_import = []73 print_step 'Importing queries'74 block_with_progress_bar(non_existing_queries.length) do |i|75 query_text = non_existing_queries[i]76 query = query_text: query_text, case_id: @acase.id77 queries_to_import << query78 end79 # Mass insert queries80 Query.import queries_to_import81 # Refetch the queries now that we've created new ones82 queries_params = {83 query_text: unique_queries,84 case_id:,85 }86 @queries = Query.where(queries_params)87 .all88 .index_by(&:query_text)89 end90 # e. Create or update ratings91 ratings_to_import = []92 ratings_to_update = []93 print_step 'Importing ratings'94 block_with_progress_bar(normalized_rows.length) do |i|95 row = normalized_rows[i]96 query_text = row[:query_text]97 doc_id = row[:doc_id]98 rating = row[:rating]99 if doc_id.present? && rating.present? # queries are always created.100 print_step "Importing rating: #{rating} for query: #{query_text} and doc: #{doc_id}"101 query = @queries[query_text]102 exists = query.ratings.where(doc_id: doc_id).first103 if exists.present? && @options[:force]104 exists.rating = rating105 ratings_to_update << exists106 elsif exists.blank?107 ratings_to_import << doc_id, rating: rating)108 end109 end110 end111 # Mass update ratings112 ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do113 ratings_to_update.each(&:save)114 end115 # Mass insert ratings116 Rating.import ratings_to_import117 return unless @options[:clear_existing]118 print_step 'Clearing unused queries'119 @acase.queries.each do |query|120 query.destroy if @queries[query.query_text].blank?121 end122 end123 # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity124 # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize125 # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength126 # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity127 private128 # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength129 def extract_rating_info row130 case @options[:format]131 when :csv132 {133 query_text: row[0].is_a?(String) ? row[0].strip : row[0],134 doc_id: row[1].is_a?(String) ? row[1].strip : row[1],135 rating: row[2].is_a?(String) ? row[2].strip : row[2],136 }137 when :hash138 row.deep_symbolize_keys139 row.each do |k, v|140 row[k] = v.strip if v.is_a?(String)141 end142 row143 else144 row145 end146 end147 # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength...
Using AI Code Generation
1 def text(query)2 @query.text(query)3query.text('hello')4 def text(query)5query.text('hello')
Using AI Code Generation
1 def text(query)2 @query.text(query)3query.text('hello')4 def text(query)5query.text('hello')
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