How to use session_id method of CapybaraHelpers Package

Best Howitzer_ruby code snippet using CapybaraHelpers.session_id


Source:capybara_helpers_spec.rb Github


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...547 let(:name) { 'test_name' }548 before do549 allow(Howitzer).to receive(:cloud_auth_login) { 'vlad' }550 allow(Howitzer).to receive(:cloud_auth_pass) { '11111' }551 allow(self).to receive(:session_id) { '12341234' }552 end553 context 'when kind video' do554 let(:kind) { :video }555 it { eql('') }556 end557 context 'when kind server_log' do558 let(:kind) { :server_log }559 it { eql('') }560 end561 context 'when unknown kind' do562 let(:kind) { :unknown }563 it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "Unknown 'unknown' kind") }564 end565 end566 describe '.update_sauce_job_statu' do567 subject { update_sauce_job_status }568 before do569 allow(Howitzer).to receive(:cloud_auth_login) { 'vlad1' }570 allow(Howitzer).to receive(:cloud_auth_pass) { '22222' }571 allow(self).to receive(:session_id) { '12341234' }572 stub_const('RestClient', double)573 end574 it do575 expect(RestClient).to receive(:put).with(576 '',577 '{}',578 content_type: :json,579 accept: :json580 ).once581 subject582 end583 end584 describe '.update_cloud_job_status' do585 subject { update_cloud_job_status(status: true) }586 context 'when sauce driver' do587 before do588 allow(Howitzer).to receive(:driver) { 'sauce' }589 expect(self).to receive(:update_sauce_job_status).with({ status: true }) { true }590 end591 it { eq(true) }592 end593 context 'when other driver' do594 before { allow(Howitzer).to receive(:driver) { 'browserstack' } }595 it { eq('[NOT IMPLEMENTED]') }596 end597 end598 describe '.session_id' do599 subject { session_id }600 before do601 browser = double602 current_session = double603 driver = double604 instance_variable = double605 allow(Capybara).to receive(:current_session) { current_session }606 allow(current_session).to receive(:driver) { driver }607 allow(driver).to receive(:browser) { browser }608 allow(browser).to receive(:instance_variable_get).with(:@bridge) { instance_variable }609 allow(instance_variable).to receive(:session_id) { 'test' }610 end611 it { eql('test') }612 end613 describe '.required_cloud_caps' do614 subject { required_cloud_caps }615 before do616 allow(Howitzer).to receive(:cloud_platform) { 'Windows' }617 allow(Howitzer).to receive(:cloud_browser_name) { 'Safari' }618 allow(Howitzer).to receive(:cloud_browser_version) { '10.0' }619 allow(self).to receive(:prefix_name) { 'Suite' }620 end621 it 'should return correct hash' do622 eq(platform: 'Windows',623 browserName: 'Safari',...

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Source:capybara_helpers.rb Github


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...189 else190 raise ArgumentError, "Unknown '#{kind}' kind"191 end192 host = "https://#{Howitzer.cloud_auth_login}:#{Howitzer.cloud_auth_pass}"193 path = "/rest/#{Howitzer.cloud_auth_login}/jobs/#{session_id}/results/#{name}"194 "#{host}#{path}"195 end196 def update_sauce_job_status(json_data = {})197 host = "https://#{Howitzer.cloud_auth_login}:#{Howitzer.cloud_auth_pass}"198 path = "/rest/v1/#{Howitzer.cloud_auth_login}/jobs/#{session_id}"199 url = "#{host}#{path}"200 ::RestClient.put url, json_data.to_json, content_type: :json, accept: :json201 end202 def session_id203 Capybara.current_session.driver.browser.instance_variable_get(:@bridge).session_id204 end205 def remote_file_detector206 lambda do |args|207 str = args.first.to_s208 str if File.exist?(str)209 end210 end211 end212end...

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