How to use setup method of Project.Ruby Package

Best Rr_ruby code snippet using Project.Ruby.setup


Source:test_app_config.rb Github


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...23 DEFAULT_CONFIG =24 "env: flex\nruntime: ruby\nentrypoint: bundle exec ruby start.rb\n"25 CASES_DIR = ::File.join __dir__, "app_config"26 TMP_DIR = ::File.join __dir__, "tmp"27 def setup_test dir: nil, config: DEFAULT_CONFIG,28 config_file: nil, project: nil29 ::Dir.chdir __dir__ do30 ::FileUtils.rm_rf TMP_DIR31 if dir32 full_dir = ::File.join CASES_DIR, dir33 ::FileUtils.cp_r full_dir, TMP_DIR34 else35 ::FileUtils.mkdir TMP_DIR36 end37 ::ENV["GAE_APPLICATION_YAML_PATH"] = config_file38 ::ENV["PROJECT_ID"] = project39 if config40 config_path = ::File.join TMP_DIR, config_file || "app.yaml"41 config_path, "w" do |file|42 file.write config43 end44 end45 ::Bundler.with_unbundled_env { @app_config = TMP_DIR }46 end47 end48 def test_empty_directory_with_config49 setup_test50 assert_equal TMP_DIR, @app_config.workspace_dir51 assert_equal "./app.yaml", @app_config.app_yaml_path52 assert_nil @app_config.project_id53 assert_equal "(unknown)", @app_config.project_id_for_display54 assert_equal "my-project-id", @app_config.project_id_for_example55 assert_equal "default", @app_config.service_name56 assert_equal EMPTY_HASH, @app_config.env_variables57 assert_equal EMPTY_ARRAY, @app_config.cloud_sql_instances58 assert_equal EMPTY_ARRAY, @app_config.build_scripts59 assert_equal EMPTY_HASH, @app_config.runtime_config60 assert_equal "exec bundle exec ruby start.rb", @app_config.entrypoint61 assert_equal EMPTY_ARRAY, @app_config.install_packages62 assert_equal EMPTY_STRING, @app_config.ruby_version63 refute @app_config.has_gemfile64 end65 def test_basic_app_yaml66 config = <<~CONFIG67 env: flex68 runtime: ruby69 entrypoint: bundle exec bin/rails s70 env_variables:71 VAR1: value172 VAR2: value273 VAR3: 12374 beta_settings:75 cloud_sql_instances: cloud-sql-instance-name,instance276 runtime_config:77 foo: bar78 packages: libgeos79 build: bundle exec rake hello80 CONFIG81 setup_test config: config82 assert_equal({"VAR1" => "value1", "VAR2" => "value2", "VAR3" => "123"},83 @app_config.env_variables)84 assert_equal ["cloud-sql-instance-name", "instance2"],85 @app_config.cloud_sql_instances86 assert_equal ["bundle exec rake hello"], @app_config.build_scripts87 assert_equal "exec bundle exec bin/rails s", @app_config.entrypoint88 assert_equal ["libgeos"], @app_config.install_packages89 assert_equal "bar", @app_config.runtime_config["foo"]90 end91 def test_complex_entrypoint92 config = <<~CONFIG93 env: flex94 runtime: ruby95 entrypoint: cd myapp; bundle exec bin/rails s96 CONFIG97 setup_test config: config98 assert_equal "cd myapp; bundle exec bin/rails s", @app_config.entrypoint99 end100 def test_entrypoint_with_env101 config = <<~CONFIG102 env: flex103 runtime: ruby104 entrypoint: RAILS_ENV=staging bundle exec bin/rails s105 CONFIG106 setup_test config: config107 assert_equal "RAILS_ENV=staging bundle exec bin/rails s",108 @app_config.entrypoint109 end110 def test_entrypoint_already_exec111 config = <<~CONFIG112 env: flex113 runtime: ruby114 entrypoint: exec bundle exec bin/rails s115 CONFIG116 setup_test config: config117 assert_equal "exec bundle exec bin/rails s", @app_config.entrypoint118 end119 def test_rails_default_build120 setup_test dir: "rails"121 assert_equal ["bundle exec rake assets:precompile || true"],122 @app_config.build_scripts123 end124 def test_rails_and_dotenv_default_build125 config = <<~CONFIG126 env: flex127 runtime: ruby128 entrypoint: bundle exec bin/rails s129 runtime_config:130 dotenv_config: my-config131 CONFIG132 setup_test dir: "rails", config: config133 assert_equal \134 [135 "gem install rcloadenv && rbenv rehash && rcloadenv my-config >> .env",136 "bundle exec rake assets:precompile || true"137 ],138 @app_config.build_scripts139 end140 def test_ruby_version141 setup_test dir: "ruby-version"142 assert_equal "2.0.99", @app_config.ruby_version143 end144 def test_bundler_ruby_version145 setup_test dir: "gemfile-ruby"146 assert_equal "2.0.98", @app_config.ruby_version147 end148 def test_gemfile_old_name149 setup_test dir: "gemfile-old"150 assert @app_config.has_gemfile151 end152 def test_gemfile_configru153 setup_test dir: "gemfile-rack", config: DEFAULT_CONFIG_NO_ENTRYPOINT154 assert @app_config.has_gemfile155 assert_equal "exec bundle exec rackup -p $PORT", @app_config.entrypoint156 end157 def test_config_missing158 ex = assert_raises AppConfig::Error do159 setup_test config: nil160 end161 assert_match %r{Could not read app engine config file:}, ex.message162 end163 def test_needs_entrypoint164 ex = assert_raises AppConfig::Error do165 setup_test config: DEFAULT_CONFIG_NO_ENTRYPOINT166 end167 assert_match %r{Please specify an entrypoint}, ex.message168 end169 def test_illegal_env_name170 config = <<~CONFIG171 env: flex172 runtime: ruby173 entrypoint: bundle exec ruby hello.rb174 env_variables:175 VAR-1: value1176 CONFIG177 ex = assert_raises AppConfig::Error do178 setup_test config: config179 end180 assert_equal "Illegal environment variable name: \"VAR-1\"",181 ex.message182 end183 def test_illegal_build_command184 config = <<~CONFIG185 env: flex186 runtime: ruby187 entrypoint: bundle exec ruby hello.rb188 runtime_config:189 build: "multiple\\nlines"190 CONFIG191 ex = assert_raises AppConfig::Error do192 setup_test config: config193 end194 assert_equal "Illegal newline in build command: \"multiple\\nlines\"",195 ex.message196 end197 def test_dotenv_clashes_with_custom_build198 config = <<~CONFIG199 env: flex200 runtime: ruby201 entrypoint: bundle exec ruby hello.rb202 runtime_config:203 build: ["bundle exec rake hello"]204 dotenv_config: my-config205 CONFIG206 ex = assert_raises AppConfig::Error do207 setup_test config: config208 end209 assert_match(/^The `dotenv_config` setting conflicts with the `build`/,210 ex.message)211 end212 def test_illegal_sql_instances213 config = <<~CONFIG214 env: flex215 runtime: ruby216 entrypoint: bundle exec ruby hello.rb217 beta_settings:218 cloud_sql_instances: bad!instance219 CONFIG220 ex = assert_raises AppConfig::Error do221 setup_test config: config222 end223 assert_equal "Illegal cloud sql instance name: \"bad!instance\"",224 ex.message225 end226 def test_illegal_entrypoint227 config = <<~CONFIG228 env: flex229 runtime: ruby230 entrypoint: "multiple\\nlines"231 CONFIG232 ex = assert_raises AppConfig::Error do233 setup_test config: config234 end235 assert_equal "Illegal newline in entrypoint: \"multiple\\nlines\"",236 ex.message237 end238 def test_illegal_debian_packages239 config = <<~CONFIG240 env: flex241 runtime: ruby242 entrypoint: bundle exec ruby hello.rb243 runtime_config:244 packages: bad!package245 CONFIG246 ex = assert_raises AppConfig::Error do247 setup_test config: config248 end249 assert_equal "Illegal debian package name: \"bad!package\"",250 ex.message251 end252 def test_illegal_ruby_version253 ex = assert_raises AppConfig::Error do254 setup_test dir: "bad-ruby-version"255 end256 assert_equal "Illegal ruby version: \"bad!version\"",257 ex.message258 end259end...

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Source:rubyforge_tasks.rb Github


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...49 jeweler.release_gem_to_rubyforge50 rescue NoRubyForgeProjectInGemspecError => e51 abort "Setting up RubyForge requires that you specify a 'rubyforge_project' in your Jeweler::Tasks declaration"52 rescue MissingRubyForgePackageError => e53 abort "Rubyforge reported that the #{e.message} package isn't setup. Run rake rubyforge:setup to do so."54 rescue RubyForgeProjectNotConfiguredError => e55 abort "RubyForge reported that #{e.message} wasn't configured. This means you need to run 'rubyforge setup', 'rubyforge login', and 'rubyforge configure', or maybe the project doesn't exist on RubyForge"56 end57 end58 if publish_documentation?59 desc "Publish docs to RubyForge."60 task :docs => doc_task do61 config = YAML.load(62'~/.rubyforge/user-config.yml'))63 )64 host = "#{config['username']}"65 remote_dir = "/var/www/gforge-projects/#{project}/#{remote_doc_path}"66 local_dir = case self.doc_task.to_sym67 when :rdoc then 'rdoc'68 when :yardoc then 'doc'69 else70 raise "Unsure what to run to generate documentation. Please set doc_task and re-run."71 end72 sh %{rsync --archive --verbose --delete #{local_dir}/ #{host}:#{remote_dir}}73 end74 end75 end76 desc "Release gem and RDoc documentation to RubyForge"77 task :release => "rubyforge:release:gem"78 task :release => "rubyforge:release:docs" if publish_documentation?79 80 desc "Setup a rubyforge project for this gem"81 task :setup do82 $stderr.puts "DEPRECATION: Releasing gems to RubyForge is deprecated. You should see about releasing to Gemcutter instead:"83 begin 84 jeweler.setup_rubyforge85 rescue NoRubyForgeProjectInGemspecError => e86 abort "Setting up RubyForge requires that you specify a 'rubyforge_project' in your Jeweler::Tasks declaration"87 rescue RubyForgeProjectNotConfiguredError => e88 abort "The RubyForge reported that #{e.message} wasn't configured. This means you need to run 'rubyforge setup', 'rubyforge login', and 'rubyforge configure', or maybe the project doesn't exist on RubyForge"89 end90 end91 end92 task :release => 'rubyforge:release'93 end94 def publish_documentation?95 ! (doc_task == false || doc_task == :none)96 end97 end98end...

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Source:setup.rb Github


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...8 system 'git submodule init && git submodule update'9 if $CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus != 010 abort('Failed to initialize or update git submodules. ' \11 'Please make sure git is in path and ' \12 'you have an ssh key setup for your github account')13 end14else15 # Make sure RubySetupSystem is up to date16 # This may make debugging RubySetupSystem harder so feel free to comment out17 system 'git submodule update'18end19require 'fileutils'20require_relative 'RubySetupSystem/RubyCommon.rb'21def checkRunFolder(suggested)22 random_file = File.join(suggested, 'setup.rb')23 onError('Not ran from base directory!') unless File.exist?(random_file)24 thirdPartyFolder = File.join suggested, 'ThirdParty'25 FileUtils.mkdir_p thirdPartyFolder26 FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join suggested, 'build', 'ThirdParty'27 thirdPartyFolder28end29def projectFolder(baseDir)30 File.expand_path File.join(baseDir, '../')31end32require_relative 'RubySetupSystem/RubySetupSystem.rb'33require_relative 'stack_walk_dependencies.rb'34# All the objects35installer = @libs_list37)38installer.run39onError "'StackWalk' folder is missing" unless File.exist? ProjectDir40Dir.chdir(ProjectDir) do41 FileUtils.mkdir_p 'build'42end43success 'StackWalk folder and assets are good to go'44info 'Compiling StackWalk'45# Build directory is made earlier46Dir.chdir(File.join(ProjectDir, 'build')) do47 onError 'Failed to configure main project' unless runCMakeConfigure []48 onError 'Failed to compile main project' unless TC.runCompiler49end50success 'Done compiling StackWalk'51success 'All done.'52if OS.linux?53 info "To compile again just run 'make' in ./build"54 puts 'You may need to run this setup again from time to time'55else56 info 'Open build/StackWalkAsAService.sln and start coding'57end58exit 0...

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