How to use BasicErrorMessageFactory class of org.assertj.core.error package

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...19import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractObjectAssert;20import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractThrowableAssert;21import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;22import org.assertj.core.api.MapAssert;23import org.assertj.core.error.BasicErrorMessageFactory;24import org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;25import org.springframework.boot.test.context.runner.ApplicationContextRunner;26import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;27import org.springframework.util.Assert;28import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;29/**30 * AssertJ {@link org.assertj.core.api.Assert assertions} that can be applied to an31 * {@link ApplicationContext}.32 *33 * @param <C> The application context type34 * @author Phillip Webb35 * @since 2.0.036 * @see ApplicationContextRunner37 * @see AssertableApplicationContext38 */39public class ApplicationContextAssert<C extends ApplicationContext>40 extends AbstractAssert<ApplicationContextAssert<C>, C> {41 private final Throwable startupFailure;42 /**43 * Create a new {@link ApplicationContextAssert} instance.44 * @param applicationContext the source application context45 * @param startupFailure the startup failure or {@code null}46 */47 ApplicationContextAssert(C applicationContext, Throwable startupFailure) {48 super(applicationContext, ApplicationContextAssert.class);49 Assert.notNull(applicationContext, "ApplicationContext must not be null");50 this.startupFailure = startupFailure;51 }52 /**53 * Verifies that the application context contains a bean with the given name.54 * <p>55 * Example: <pre class="code">56 * assertThat(context).hasBean("fooBean"); </pre>57 * @param name the name of the bean58 * @return {@code this} assertion object.59 * @throws AssertionError if the application context did not start60 * @throws AssertionError if the application context does not contain a bean with the61 * given name62 */63 public ApplicationContextAssert<C> hasBean(String name) {64 if (this.startupFailure != null) {65 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(66 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto have bean named:%n <%s>%nbut context failed to start",67 getApplicationContext(), name));68 }69 if (findBean(name) == null) {70 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(71 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto have bean named:%n <%s>%nbut found no such bean",72 getApplicationContext(), name));73 }74 return this;75 }76 /**77 * Verifies that the application context contains a single bean with the given type.78 * <p>79 * Example: <pre class="code">80 * assertThat(context).hasSingleBean(Foo.class); </pre>81 * @param type the bean type82 * @return {@code this} assertion object.83 * @throws AssertionError if the application context did not start84 * @throws AssertionError if the application context does no beans of the given type85 * @throws AssertionError if the application context contains multiple beans of the86 * given type87 */88 public ApplicationContextAssert<C> hasSingleBean(Class<?> type) {89 if (this.startupFailure != null) {90 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(91 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto have a single bean of type:%n <%s>%nbut context failed to start",92 getApplicationContext(), type));93 }94 String[] names = getApplicationContext().getBeanNamesForType(type);95 if (names.length == 0) {96 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(97 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto have a single bean of type:%n <%s>%nbut found no beans of that type",98 getApplicationContext(), type));99 }100 if (names.length > 1) {101 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(102 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto have a single bean of type:%n <%s>%nbut found:%n <%s>",103 getApplicationContext(), type, names));104 }105 return this;106 }107 /**108 * Verifies that the application context does not contain any beans of the given type.109 * <p>110 * Example: <pre class="code">111 * assertThat(context).doesNotHaveBean(Foo.class); </pre>112 * @param type the bean type113 * @return {@code this} assertion object.114 * @throws AssertionError if the application context did not start115 * @throws AssertionError if the application context contains any beans of the given116 * type117 */118 public ApplicationContextAssert<C> doesNotHaveBean(Class<?> type) {119 if (this.startupFailure != null) {120 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(121 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nnot to have any beans of type:%n <%s>%nbut context failed to start",122 getApplicationContext(), type));123 }124 String[] names = getApplicationContext().getBeanNamesForType(type);125 if (names.length > 0) {126 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(127 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nnot to have a beans of type:%n <%s>%nbut found:%n <%s>",128 getApplicationContext(), type, names));129 }130 return this;131 }132 /**133 * Verifies that the application context does not contain a beans of the given name.134 * <p>135 * Example: <pre class="code">136 * assertThat(context).doesNotHaveBean("fooBean"); </pre>137 * @param name the name of the bean138 * @return {@code this} assertion object.139 * @throws AssertionError if the application context did not start140 * @throws AssertionError if the application context contains a beans of the given141 * name142 */143 public ApplicationContextAssert<C> doesNotHaveBean(String name) {144 if (this.startupFailure != null) {145 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(146 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nnot to have any beans of name:%n <%s>%nbut context failed to start",147 getApplicationContext(), name));148 }149 try {150 Object bean = getApplicationContext().getBean(name);151 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(152 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nnot to have a bean of name:%n <%s>%nbut found:%n <%s>",153 getApplicationContext(), name, bean));154 }155 catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {156 }157 return this;158 }159 /**160 * Obtain the beans names of the given type from the application context, the names161 * becoming the object array under test.162 * <p>163 * Example: <pre class="code">164 * assertThat(context).getBeanNames(Foo.class).containsOnly("fooBean"); </pre>165 * @param <T> the bean type166 * @param type the bean type167 * @return array assertions for the bean names168 * @throws AssertionError if the application context did not start169 */170 public <T> AbstractObjectArrayAssert<?, String> getBeanNames(Class<T> type) {171 if (this.startupFailure != null) {172 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(173 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto get beans names with type:%n <%s>%nbut context failed to start",174 getApplicationContext(), type));175 }176 return Assertions.assertThat(getApplicationContext().getBeanNamesForType(type))177 .as("Bean names of type <%s> from <%s>", type, getApplicationContext());178 }179 /**180 * Obtain a single bean of the given type from the application context, the bean181 * becoming the object under test. If no beans of the specified type can be found an182 * assert on {@code null} is returned.183 * <p>184 * Example: <pre class="code">185 * assertThat(context).getBean(Foo.class).isInstanceOf(DefaultFoo.class);186 * assertThat(context).getBean(Bar.class).isNull();</pre>187 * @param <T> the bean type188 * @param type the bean type189 * @return bean assertions for the bean, or an assert on {@code null} if the no bean190 * is found191 * @throws AssertionError if the application context did not start192 * @throws AssertionError if the application context contains multiple beans of the193 * given type194 */195 public <T> AbstractObjectAssert<?, T> getBean(Class<T> type) {196 if (this.startupFailure != null) {197 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(198 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto contain bean of type:%n <%s>%nbut context failed to start",199 getApplicationContext(), type));200 }201 String[] names = getApplicationContext().getBeanNamesForType(type);202 if (names.length > 1) {203 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(204 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nsingle bean of type:%n <%s>%nbut found:%n <%s>",205 getApplicationContext(), type, names));206 }207 T bean = (names.length == 0 ? null208 : getApplicationContext().getBean(names[0], type));209 return Assertions.assertThat(bean).as("Bean of type <%s> from <%s>", type,210 getApplicationContext());211 }212 /**213 * Obtain a single bean of the given name from the application context, the bean214 * becoming the object under test. If no bean of the specified name can be found an215 * assert on {@code null} is returned.216 * <p>217 * Example: <pre class="code">218 * assertThat(context).getBean("foo").isInstanceOf(Foo.class);219 * assertThat(context).getBean("foo").isNull();</pre>220 * @param name the name of the bean221 * @return bean assertions for the bean, or an assert on {@code null} if the no bean222 * is found223 * @throws AssertionError if the application context did not start224 */225 public AbstractObjectAssert<?, Object> getBean(String name) {226 if (this.startupFailure != null) {227 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(228 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto contain a bean of name:%n <%s>%nbut context failed to start",229 getApplicationContext(), name));230 }231 Object bean = findBean(name);232 return Assertions.assertThat(bean).as("Bean of name <%s> from <%s>", name,233 getApplicationContext());234 }235 /**236 * Obtain a single bean of the given name and type from the application context, the237 * bean becoming the object under test. If no bean of the specified name can be found238 * an assert on {@code null} is returned.239 * <p>240 * Example: <pre class="code">241 * assertThat(context).getBean("foo", Foo.class).isInstanceOf(DefaultFoo.class);242 * assertThat(context).getBean("foo", Foo.class).isNull();</pre>243 * @param <T> the bean type244 * @param name the name of the bean245 * @param type the bean type246 * @return bean assertions for the bean, or an assert on {@code null} if the no bean247 * is found248 * @throws AssertionError if the application context did not start249 * @throws AssertionError if the application context contains a bean with the given250 * name but a different type251 */252 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")253 public <T> AbstractObjectAssert<?, T> getBean(String name, Class<T> type) {254 if (this.startupFailure != null) {255 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(256 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto contain a bean of name:%n <%s> (%s)%nbut context failed to start",257 getApplicationContext(), name, type));258 }259 Object bean = findBean(name);260 if (bean != null && type != null && !type.isInstance(bean)) {261 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(262 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto contain a bean of name:%n <%s> (%s)%nbut found:%n <%s> of type <%s>",263 getApplicationContext(), name, type, bean, bean.getClass()));264 }265 return Assertions.assertThat((T) bean).as(266 "Bean of name <%s> and type <%s> from <%s>", name, type,267 getApplicationContext());268 }269 private Object findBean(String name) {270 try {271 return getApplicationContext().getBean(name);272 }273 catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {274 return null;275 }276 }277 /**278 * Obtain a map bean names and instances of the given type from the application279 * context, the map becoming the object under test. If no bean of the specified type280 * can be found an assert on an empty {@code map} is returned.281 * <p>282 * Example: <pre class="code">283 * assertThat(context).getBeans(Foo.class).containsKey("foo");284 * </pre>285 * @param <T> the bean type286 * @param type the bean type287 * @return bean assertions for the beans, or an assert on an empty {@code map} if the288 * no beans are found289 * @throws AssertionError if the application context did not start290 */291 public <T> MapAssert<String, T> getBeans(Class<T> type) {292 if (this.startupFailure != null) {293 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(294 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto get beans of type:%n <%s> (%s)%nbut context failed to start",295 getApplicationContext(), type, type));296 }297 return Assertions.assertThat(getApplicationContext().getBeansOfType(type))298 .as("Beans of type <%s> from <%s>", type, getApplicationContext());299 }300 /**301 * Obtain the failure that stopped the application context from running, the failure302 * becoming the object under test.303 * <p>304 * Example: <pre class="code">305 * assertThat(context).getFailure().containsMessage("missing bean");306 * </pre>307 * @return assertions on the cause of the failure308 * @throws AssertionError if the application context started without a failure309 */310 public AbstractThrowableAssert<?, ? extends Throwable> getFailure() {311 hasFailed();312 return assertThat(this.startupFailure);313 }314 /**315 * Verifies that the application has failed to start.316 * <p>317 * Example: <pre class="code"> assertThat(context).hasFailed();318 * </pre>319 * @return {@code this} assertion object.320 * @throws AssertionError if the application context started without a failure321 */322 public ApplicationContextAssert<C> hasFailed() {323 if (this.startupFailure == null) {324 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(325 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto have failed%nbut context started successfully",326 getApplicationContext()));327 }328 return this;329 }330 /**331 * Verifies that the application has not failed to start.332 * <p>333 * Example: <pre class="code"> assertThat(context).hasNotFailed();334 * </pre>335 * @return {@code this} assertion object.336 * @throws AssertionError if the application context failed to start337 */338 public ApplicationContextAssert<C> hasNotFailed() {339 if (this.startupFailure != null) {340 throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory(341 "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto have not failed:%nbut context failed to start",342 getApplicationContext()));343 }344 return this;345 }346 protected final C getApplicationContext() {347 return this.actual;348 }349 protected final Throwable getStartupFailure() {350 return this.startupFailure;351 }352}...

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1package com.javatpoint; 2import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert; 3import org.assertj.core.error.BasicErrorMessageFactory; 4public class EmployeeAssert extends AbstractAssert<EmployeeAssert, Employee>{ 5public EmployeeAssert(Employee actual) { 6super(actual, EmployeeAssert.class); 7} 8public static EmployeeAssert assertThat(Employee actual) { 9return new EmployeeAssert(actual); 10} 11public EmployeeAssert hasName(String name) { 12if(actual.getName().equals(name)) { 13return this; 14} 15failWithMessage("Expected name to be <%s> but was <%s>", name, actual.getName()); 16return this; 17} 18public EmployeeAssert hasAge(int age) { 19if(actual.getAge() == age) { 20return this; 21} 22failWithMessage("Expected age to be <%s> but was <%s>", age, actual.getAge()); 23return this; 24} 25public EmployeeAssert hasSalary(double salary) { 26if(actual.getSalary() == salary) { 27return this; 28} 29failWithMessage("Expected salary to be <%s> but was <%s>", salary, actual.getSalary()); 30return this; 31} 32public EmployeeAssert hasDesignation(String designation) { 33if(actual.getDesignation().equals(designation)) { 34return this; 35} 36failWithMessage("Expected designation to be <%s> but was <%s>", designation, actual.getDesignation()); 37return this; 38} 39}40package com.javatpoint; 41import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; 42import org.junit.Test; 43public class EmployeeTest { 44public void testAssertThat() { 45Employee employee = new Employee(); 46employee.setName("John"); 47employee.setAge(30); 48employee.setSalary(1000); 49employee.setDesignation("Developer"); 50assertThat(employee).hasName("John").hasAge(30).hasSalary(1000).hasDesignation("Developer"); 51} 52}53package com.javatpoint; 54public class Employee { 55private String name; 56private int age; 57private double salary; 58private String designation; 59public String getName() { 60return name; 61} 62public void setName(String name) { = name; 64} 65public int getAge() { 66return age; 67} 68public void setAge(int age) { 69this.age = age; 70}

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1import org.assertj.core.error.BasicErrorMessageFactory;2import org.assertj.core.error.ErrorMessageFactory;3public class CustomErrorMessageFactory extends BasicErrorMessageFactory {4 public CustomErrorMessageFactory(String message, Object... arguments) {5 super(message, arguments);6 }7 public static ErrorMessageFactory customErrorMessage(String message, Object... arguments) {8 return new CustomErrorMessageFactory(message, arguments);9 }10}11We can now create our custom error message factory by using the customErrorMessage() method. The following code snippet shows how to create a custom error message factory:12import org.assertj.core.error.BasicErrorMessageFactory;13import org.assertj.core.error.ErrorMessageFactory;14public class CustomErrorMessageFactory extends BasicErrorMessageFactory {15 public CustomErrorMessageFactory(String message, Object... arguments) {16 super(message, arguments);17 }18 public static ErrorMessageFactory customErrorMessage(String message, Object... arguments) {19 return new CustomErrorMessageFactory(message, arguments);20 }21}22public class AssertJCustomErrorMessageFactory {23 public static void main(String[] args) {24 String actual = "This is a test";25 String expected = "This is not a test";26 assertThat(actual).as("Error message").isEqualTo(expected);27 }28}

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1import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractThrowableAssert;2import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;3import org.assertj.core.error.BasicErrorMessageFactory;4import org.assertj.core.internal.Objects;5import org.assertj.core.util.VisibleForTesting;6import org.junit.Test;7import org.junit.runner.RunWith;8import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;9@RunWith(JUnit4.class)10public class BasicErrorMessageFactoryTest {11 public void should_create_error_message() {12 String message = "error message";13 String errorMessage = new BasicErrorMessageFactory(message).create(null, null);14 Assertions.assertThat(errorMessage).isEqualTo(message);15 }16 public void should_create_error_message_with_arguments() {17 String message = "error message with %s and %s";18 Object[] arguments = { "arg1", "arg2" };19 String errorMessage = new BasicErrorMessageFactory(message, arguments).create(null, null);20 Assertions.assertThat(errorMessage).isEqualTo("error message with arg1 and arg2");21 }22 public void should_be_equal_to_same_error_message_factory() {23 String message = "error message";24 BasicErrorMessageFactory factory = new BasicErrorMessageFactory(message);25 Assertions.assertThat(factory).isEqualTo(factory);26 }27 public void should_be_equal_to_error_message_factory_with_same_message() {28 String message = "error message";29 BasicErrorMessageFactory factory1 = new BasicErrorMessageFactory(message);30 BasicErrorMessageFactory factory2 = new BasicErrorMessageFactory(message);31 Assertions.assertThat(factory1).isEqualTo(factory2);32 }33 public void should_not_be_equal_to_error_message_factory_with_different_message() {34 BasicErrorMessageFactory factory1 = new BasicErrorMessageFactory("error message");35 BasicErrorMessageFactory factory2 = new BasicErrorMessageFactory("other error message");36 Assertions.assertThat(factory1).isNotEqualTo(factory2);37 }38 public void should_not_be_equal_to_null() {39 BasicErrorMessageFactory factory = new BasicErrorMessageFactory("error message");40 Assertions.assertThat(factory).isNotEqualTo(null);41 }

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1import org.assertj.core.error.BasicErrorMessageFactory;2import java.util.Arrays;3import java.util.List;4import static java.lang.String.format;5import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;6import static org.assertj.core.error.ShouldContain.shouldContain;7import static org.assertj.core.error.ShouldNotContain.shouldNotContain;8import static org.assertj.core.util.Lists.newArrayList;9import static org.assertj.core.util.Objects.areEqual;10public class BasicErrorMessageFactoryTest {11 public static void main(String args[]) {12 List<String> list = newArrayList("Yoda", "Luke", "Leia");13 assertThat(list).doesNotContain("Han");14 assertThat(list).contains("Han");15 }16 public static ErrorMessageFactory shouldNotContain(Object actual, Object values, ComparisonStrategy comparisonStrategy) {17 return new BasicErrorMessageFactory(shouldNotContain(actual, values, comparisonStrategy).create(), actual, values);18 }19 public static ErrorMessageFactory shouldContain(Object actual, Object values, ComparisonStrategy comparisonStrategy) {20 return new BasicErrorMessageFactory(shouldContain(actual, values, comparisonStrategy).create(), actual, values);21 }22}23 at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at org.assertj.core.internal.Failures.failure( at org.assertj.core.internal.Failures.failure( at org.assertj.core.internal.Objects.assertEqual( at org.assertj.core.internal.Objects.assertEqual( at org.assertj.core.internal.Iterables.assertContains( at org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert.contains( at org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert.contains( at org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert.contains( at BasicErrorMessageFactoryTest.main( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at org.assertj.core.internal.Failures.failure(

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1import org.assertj.core.error.BasicErrorMessageFactory;2import org.assertj.core.error.ErrorMessageFactory;3public class MyErrorMessageFactory extends BasicErrorMessageFactory {4 private static final String SHOULD_CONTAIN = "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto contain:%n <%s>%nbut could not find:%n <%s>";5 public static ErrorMessageFactory shouldContain(String actual, String expected, String missing) {6 return new MyErrorMessageFactory(actual, expected, missing);7 }8 private MyErrorMessageFactory(String actual, String expected, String missing) {9 super(SHOULD_CONTAIN, actual, expected, missing);10 }11}12import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractStringAssert;13import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionInfo;14import org.assertj.core.internal.Failures;15import org.assertj.core.internal.Strings;16import org.assertj.core.util.VisibleForTesting;17public class MyStringAssert extends AbstractStringAssert<MyStringAssert> {18 Strings strings = Strings.instance();19 public MyStringAssert(String actual) {20 super(actual, MyStringAssert.class);21 }22 public MyStringAssert contains(String expected, String missing) {23 strings.assertContains(info, actual, expected, missing);24 return myself;25 }26 protected void failWithMessage(String failureMessage) {27 throw Failures.instance().failure(info, MyErrorMessageFactory.shouldContain(actual, expected, missing));28 }29}30import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;31import org.junit.Test;32public class MyStringAssertTest {33 public void test() {34 Assertions.assertThat("abc").contains("a", "b");35 }36}37import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;38import org.junit.Test;39public class MyErrorMessageFactoryTest {40 public void test() {41 Assertions.assertThat("abc").contains("a", "b");42 }43}

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1public void testAssertThatWithCustomErrorMessage() {2 assertThat(5).as("Test failed because of %s", "5 is not equal to 4").isEqualTo(4);3}4public void testAssertThatWithCustomErrorMessage() {5 assertThat(5).as(new BasicErrorMessageFactory("Test failed because of %s", "5 is not equal to 4")).isEqualTo(4);6}7public void testAssertThatWithCustomErrorMessage() {8 assertThat(5).as(new BasicErrorMessageFactory("Test failed because of %s", "5 is not equal to 4")).isEqualTo(4);9}10public void testAssertThatWithCustomErrorMessage() {11 assertThat(5).as(new BasicErrorMessageFactory("Test failed because of %s", "5 is not equal to 4")).isEqualTo(4);12}13public void testAssertThatWithCustomErrorMessage() {14 assertThat(5).as(new BasicErrorMessageFactory("Test failed because of %s", "5 is not equal to 4")).isEqualTo(4);15}16public void testAssertThatWithCustomErrorMessage() {17 assertThat(

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1public void testAssertThatWithCustomErrorMessage() {2 assertThat(5).as("Test failed because of %s", "5 is not equal to 4").isEqualTo(4);3}4public void testAssertThatWithCustomErrorMessage() {5 assertThat(5).as(new BasicErrorMessageFactory("Test failed because of %s", "5 is not equal to 4")).isEqualTo(4);6}7public void testAssertThatWithCustomErrorMessage() {8 assertThat(5).as(new BasicErrorMessageFactory("Test failed because of %s", "5 is not equal to 4")).isEqualTo(4);9}10public void testAssertThatWithCustomErrorMessage() {11 assertThat(5).as(new BasicErrorMessageFactory("Test failed because of %s", "5 is not equal to 4")).isEqualTo(4);12}13public void testAssertThatWithCustomErrorMessage() {14 assertThat(5).as(new BasicErrorMessageFactory("Test failed because of %s", "5 is not equal to 4")).isEqualTo(4);15}16public void testAssertThatWithCustomErrorMessage() {17 assertThat(lic class BasicErrorMessageFactoryTest {18 public static void main(String args[]) {19 List<String> list = newArrayList("Yoda", "Luke", "Leia");20 assertThat(list).doesNotContain("Han");21 assertThat(list).contains("Han");22 }23 public static ErrorMessageFactory shouldNotContain(Object actual, Object values, ComparisonStrategy comparisonStrategy) {24 return new BasicErrorMessageFactory(shouldNotContain(actual, values, comparisonStrategy).create(), actual, values);25 }26 public static ErrorMessageFactory shouldContain(Object actual, Object values, ComparisonStrategy comparisonStrategy) {27 return new BasicErrorMessageFactory(shouldContain(actual, values, comparisonStrategy).create(), actual, values);28 }29}30 at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at org.assertj.core.internal.Failures.failure( at org.assertj.core.internal.Failures.failure( at org.assertj.core.internal.Objects.assertEqual( at org.assertj.core.internal.Objects.assertEqual( at org.assertj.core.internal.Iterables.assertContains( at org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert.contains( at org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert.contains( at org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert.contains( at BasicErrorMessageFactoryTest.main( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at org.assertj.core.internal.Failures.failure(

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1import org.assertj.core.error.BasicErrorMessageFactory;2import org.assertj.core.error.ErrorMessageFactory;3public class MyErrorMessageFactory extends BasicErrorMessageFactory {4 private static final String SHOULD_CONTAIN = "%nExpecting:%n <%s>%nto contain:%n <%s>%nbut could not find:%n <%s>";5 public static ErrorMessageFactory shouldContain(String actual, String expected, String missing) {6 return new MyErrorMessageFactory(actual, expected, missing);7 }8 private MyErrorMessageFactory(String actual, String expected, String missing) {9 super(SHOULD_CONTAIN, actual, expected, missing);10 }11}12import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractStringAssert;13import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionInfo;14import org.assertj.core.internal.Failures;15import org.assertj.core.internal.Strings;16import org.assertj.core.util.VisibleForTesting;17public class MyStringAssert extends AbstractStringAssert<MyStringAssert> {18 Strings strings = Strings.instance();19 public MyStringAssert(String actual) {20 super(actual, MyStringAssert.class);21 }22 public MyStringAssert contains(String expected, String missing) {23 strings.assertContains(info, actual, expected, missing);24 return myself;25 }26 protected void failWithMessage(String failureMessage) {27 throw Failures.instance().failure(info, MyErrorMessageFactory.shouldContain(actual, expected, missing));28 }29}30import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;31import org.junit.Test;32public class MyStringAssertTest {33 public void test() {34 Assertions.assertThat("abc").contains("a", "b");35 }36}37import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;38import org.junit.Test;39public class MyErrorMessageFactoryTest {40 public void test() {41 Assertions.assertThat("abc").contains("a", "b");42 }43}

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