How to use Preconditions class of org.assertj.core.util package

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...28import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;29import org.assertj.core.api.ListAssert;30import org.assertj.core.api.SoftAssertions;31import;32import org.junit.platform.commons.util.Preconditions;33import org.junit.platform.engine.TestExecutionResult;34import org.junit.platform.engine.TestExecutionResult.Status;35/**36 * {@code Events} is a facade that provides a fluent API for working with37 * {@linkplain Event events}.38 *39 * @since 1.440 */41@API(status = EXPERIMENTAL, since = "1.4")42public final class Events {43 private final List<Event> events;44 private final String category;45 Events(Stream<Event> events, String category) {46 this(Preconditions.notNull(events, "Event stream must not be null").collect(toList()), category);47 }48 Events(List<Event> events, String category) {49 Preconditions.notNull(events, "Event list must not be null");50 Preconditions.containsNoNullElements(events, "Event list must not contain null elements");51 = Collections.unmodifiableList(events);52 this.category = category;53 }54 String getCategory() {55 return this.category;56 }57 // --- Accessors -----------------------------------------------------------58 /**59 * Get the {@linkplain Event events} as a {@link List}.60 *61 * @return the list of events; never {@code null}62 * @see #stream()63 */64 public List<Event> list() {65 return;66 }67 /**68 * Get the {@linkplain Event events} as a {@link Stream}.69 *70 * @return the stream of events; never {@code null}71 * @see #list()72 */73 public Stream<Event> stream() {74 return;75 }76 /**77 * Shortcut for {@code}.78 *79 * @param mapper a {@code Function} to apply to each event; never {@code null}80 * @return the mapped stream of events; never {@code null}81 * @see #stream()82 * @see Stream#map(Function)83 */84 public <R> Stream<R> map(Function<? super Event, ? extends R> mapper) {85 Preconditions.notNull(mapper, "Mapping function must not be null");86 return stream().map(mapper);87 }88 /**89 * Shortcut for {@code}.90 *91 * @param predicate a {@code Predicate} to apply to each event to decide if92 * it should be included in the filtered stream; never {@code null}93 * @return the filtered stream of events; never {@code null}94 * @see #stream()95 * @see Stream#filter(Predicate)96 */97 public Stream<Event> filter(Predicate<? super Event> predicate) {98 Preconditions.notNull(predicate, "Filter predicate must not be null");99 return stream().filter(predicate);100 }101 /**102 * Get the {@link Executions} for the current set of {@linkplain Event events}.103 *104 * @return an instance of {@code Executions} for the current set of events;105 * never {@code null}106 */107 public Executions executions() {108 return new Executions(, this.category);109 }110 // --- Statistics ----------------------------------------------------------111 /**112 * Get the number of {@linkplain Event events} contained in this {@code Events}113 * object.114 */115 public long count() {116 return;117 }118 // --- Built-in Filters ----------------------------------------------------119 /**120 * Get the skipped {@link Events} contained in this {@code Events} object.121 *122 * @return the filtered {@code Events}; never {@code null}123 */124 public Events skipped() {125 return new Events(eventsByType(EventType.SKIPPED), this.category + " Skipped");126 }127 /**128 * Get the started {@link Events} contained in this {@code Events} object.129 *130 * @return the filtered {@code Events}; never {@code null}131 */132 public Events started() {133 return new Events(eventsByType(EventType.STARTED), this.category + " Started");134 }135 /**136 * Get the finished {@link Events} contained in this {@code Events} object.137 *138 * @return the filtered {@code Events}; never {@code null}139 */140 public Events finished() {141 return new Events(eventsByType(EventType.FINISHED), this.category + " Finished");142 }143 /**144 * Get the aborted {@link Events} contained in this {@code Events} object.145 *146 * @return the filtered {@code Events}; never {@code null}147 */148 public Events aborted() {149 return new Events(finishedEventsByStatus(Status.ABORTED), this.category + " Aborted");150 }151 /**152 * Get the succeeded {@link Events} contained in this {@code Events} object.153 *154 * @return the filtered {@code Events}; never {@code null}155 */156 public Events succeeded() {157 return new Events(finishedEventsByStatus(Status.SUCCESSFUL), this.category + " Successful");158 }159 /**160 * Get the failed {@link Events} contained in this {@code Events} object.161 *162 * @return the filtered {@code Events}; never {@code null}163 */164 public Events failed() {165 return new Events(finishedEventsByStatus(Status.FAILED), this.category + " Failed");166 }167 /**168 * Get the reporting entry publication {@link Events} contained in this169 * {@code Events} object.170 *171 * @return the filtered {@code Events}; never {@code null}172 */173 public Events reportingEntryPublished() {174 return new Events(eventsByType(EventType.REPORTING_ENTRY_PUBLISHED),175 this.category + " Reporting Entry Published");176 }177 /**178 * Get the dynamic registration {@link Events} contained in this179 * {@code Events} object.180 *181 * @return the filtered {@code Events}; never {@code null}182 */183 public Events dynamicallyRegistered() {184 return new Events(eventsByType(EventType.DYNAMIC_TEST_REGISTERED), this.category + " Dynamically Registered");185 }186 // --- Assertions ----------------------------------------------------------187 /**188 * Assert statistics for the {@linkplain Event events} contained in this189 * {@code Events} object.190 *191 * <h4>Example</h4>192 *193 * <p>{@code events.assertStatistics(stats -> stats.started(1).succeeded(1).failed(0));}194 *195 * @param statisticsConsumer a {@link Consumer} of {@link EventStatistics};196 * never {@code null}197 * @return this {@code Events} object for method chaining; never {@code null}198 */199 public Events assertStatistics(Consumer<EventStatistics> statisticsConsumer) {200 Preconditions.notNull(statisticsConsumer, "Consumer must not be null");201 EventStatistics eventStatistics = new EventStatistics(this, this.category);202 statisticsConsumer.accept(eventStatistics);203 eventStatistics.assertAll();204 return this;205 }206 /**207 * Assert that all {@linkplain Event events} contained in this {@code Events}208 * object exactly match the provided conditions.209 *210 * <p>Conditions can be imported statically from {@link EventConditions}211 * and {@link TestExecutionResultConditions}.212 *213 * <h4>Example</h4>214 *215 * <pre class="code">216 * executionResults.tests().assertEventsMatchExactly(217 * event(test("exampleTestMethod"), started()),218 * event(test("exampleTestMethod"), finishedSuccessfully())219 * );220 * </pre>221 *222 * @param conditions the conditions to match against; never {@code null}223 * @see EventConditions224 * @see TestExecutionResultConditions225 */226 @SafeVarargs227 public final void assertEventsMatchExactly(Condition<? super Event>... conditions) {228 Preconditions.notNull(conditions, "conditions must not be null");229 assertEventsMatchExactly(, conditions);230 }231 /**232 * Shortcut for {@code org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat(events.list())}.233 *234 * @return an instance of {@link ListAssert} for events; never {@code null}235 * @see org.assertj.core.api.Assertions#assertThat(List)236 * @see org.assertj.core.api.ListAssert237 */238 public ListAssert<Event> assertThatEvents() {239 return org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat(list());240 }241 // --- Diagnostics ---------------------------------------------------------242 /**243 * Print all events to {@link System#out}.244 *245 * @return this {@code Events} object for method chaining; never {@code null}246 */247 public Events debug() {248 debug(System.out);249 return this;250 }251 /**252 * Print all events to the supplied {@link OutputStream}.253 *254 * @param out the {@code OutputStream} to print to; never {@code null}255 * @return this {@code Events} object for method chaining; never {@code null}256 */257 public Events debug(OutputStream out) {258 Preconditions.notNull(out, "OutputStream must not be null");259 debug(new PrintWriter(out, true));260 return this;261 }262 /**263 * Print all events to the supplied {@link Writer}.264 *265 * @param writer the {@code Writer} to print to; never {@code null}266 * @return this {@code Events} object for method chaining; never {@code null}267 */268 public Events debug(Writer writer) {269 Preconditions.notNull(writer, "Writer must not be null");270 debug(new PrintWriter(writer, true));271 return this;272 }273 private Events debug(PrintWriter printWriter) {274 printWriter.println(this.category + " Events:");275 -> printWriter.printf("\t%s%n", event));276 return this;277 }278 // --- Internals -----------------------------------------------------------279 private Stream<Event> eventsByType(EventType type) {280 Preconditions.notNull(type, "EventType must not be null");281 return stream().filter(byType(type));282 }283 private Stream<Event> finishedEventsByStatus(Status status) {284 Preconditions.notNull(status, "Status must not be null");285 return eventsByType(EventType.FINISHED)//286 .filter(byPayload(TestExecutionResult.class, where(TestExecutionResult::getStatus, isEqual(status))));287 }288 @SafeVarargs289 private static void assertEventsMatchExactly(List<Event> events, Condition<? super Event>... conditions) {290 Assertions.assertThat(events).hasSize(conditions.length);291 SoftAssertions softly = new SoftAssertions();292 for (int i = 0; i < conditions.length; i++) {293 softly.assertThat(events).has(conditions[i], Index.atIndex(i));294 }295 softly.assertAll();296 }297}...

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1import org.assertj.core.util.Preconditions;2import org.junit.Test;3import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;4import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy;5public class PreconditionsTest {6 public void shouldThrowExceptionWhenNull() {7 assertThatThrownBy(() -> Preconditions.checkNotNull(null, "message"))8 .isInstanceOf(NullPointerException.class)9 .hasMessage("message");10 }11 public void shouldReturnSameObjectWhenNotNull() {12 assertThat(Preconditions.checkNotNull("test", "message")).isEqualTo("test");13 }14}15 at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at org.assertj.core.api.AbstractThrowableAssert.hasMessage( at org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy( at org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatThrownBy( at org.assertj.core.util.PreconditionsTest.shouldThrowExceptionWhenNull(

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1import org.assertj.core.util.Preconditions;2import org.junit.Test;3import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;4public class PreconditionsTest {5 public void shouldThrowExceptionWhenConditionIsFalse() {6 try {7 Preconditions.checkArgument(1 == 2, "Condition is false");8 } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {9 assertThat(e.getMessage()).isEqualTo("Condition is false");10 }11 }12}

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1import static org.assertj.core.util.Preconditions.*;2public void testPreconditions() {3 String s = "Hello";4 checkNotNull(s);5}6import static*;7public void testPreconditions() {8 String s = "Hello";9 checkNotNull(s);10}11import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.*;12public void testPreconditions() {13 String s = "Hello";14 notNull(s);15}16import static org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.*;17public void testPreconditions() {18 String s = "Hello";19 notNull(s);20}21import static org.springframework.util.Assert.*;22public void testPreconditions() {23 String s = "Hello";24 notNull(s);25}26import static org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.*;27public void testPreconditions() {28 String s = "Hello";29 notNull(s);30}31import static org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.*;32public void testPreconditions() {33 String s = "Hello";34 notNull(s);35}36import static org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.*;37public void testPreconditions() {38 String s = "Hello";39 notNull(s);40}41import static org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.*;42public void testPreconditions() {43 String s = "Hello";44 notNull(s);45}46import static org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.*;47public void testPreconditions() {48 String s = "Hello";49 notNull(s);50}51import static org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.*;52public void testPreconditions() {53 String s = "Hello";54 notNull(s);55}56import static org.apache.commons.lang.Validate.*;57public void testPreconditions() {58 String s = "Hello";59 notNull(s);60}61import static org.apache

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1import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;2import org.assertj.core.util.Preconditions;3public class AssertionDemo {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 String name = "Ram";6 String address = "Kathmandu";7 int age = 30;8 Preconditions.checkNotNull(name, "Name should not be null");9 Preconditions.checkNotNull(address, "Address should not be null");10 Preconditions.checkArgument(age > 0, "Age should be greater than 0");11 Assertions.assertThat(name).isNotNull();12 Assertions.assertThat(address).isNotNull();13 Assertions.assertThat(age).isGreaterThan(0);14 }15}16 Preconditions.checkArgument(age > 0, "Age should be greater than 0");17 found : @IntVal(30) int18 required: @LessThan("0") int19 Preconditions.checkArgument(age > 0, "Age should be greater than 0");20 found : @IntVal(30) int21 required: @LessThan("0") int22 Preconditions.checkArgument(age > 0, "Age should be greater than 0");23 found : @IntVal(30) int24 required: @LessThan("0") int25 Preconditions.checkArgument(age > 0, "Age should be greater than 0");26 found : @IntVal(30) int27 required: @LessThan("0") int28 Preconditions.checkArgument(age > 0, "Age should be greater than 0");29 found : @IntVal(30) int30 required: @LessThan("0") int

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1package com.journaldev.junit;2import org.assertj.core.util.Preconditions;3public class AssertJPreconditionsTest {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 String name = "JournalDev";6 int age = 10;7 Preconditions.checkArgument(name != null, "Name should not be null");8 Preconditions.checkArgument(age > 18, "Age should be greater than 18");9 System.out.println("Name is "+name+" and age is "+age);10 }11}12package com.journaldev.junit;13import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;14public class AssertJAssertionsTest {15 public static void main(String[] args) {16 String name = "JournalDev";17 int age = 10;18 Assertions.assertThat(name).isNotNull();19 Assertions.assertThat(age).isGreaterThan(18);20 System.out.println("Name is "+name+" and age is "+age);21 }22}

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