Best Carina code snippet using
...140 141 setPageLoadTimeout(drv, timeout);142 DriverListener.setMessages(Messager.OPENED_URL.getMessage(url), Messager.NOT_OPENED_URL.getMessage(url));143 144 // [VD] there is no sense to use fluent wait here as selenium just don't return something until page is ready!145 // explicitly limit time for the openURL operation146 try {147;148 drv.get(decryptedURL);149 } catch (UnhandledAlertException e) {150 drv.switchTo().alert().accept();151 } catch (TimeoutException e) {152 trigger("window.stop();"); //try to cancel page loading153"Unable to open url during " + timeout + "sec!");154 } catch (Exception e) {155"Undefined error on open url detected: " + e.getMessage(), e);156 } finally {157 //restore default pageLoadTimeout driver timeout158 setPageLoadTimeout(drv, getPageLoadTimeout());159 LOGGER.debug("finished driver.get call.");160 }161 }162 protected void setPageURL(String relURL) {163 String baseURL;164 // if(!"NULL".equalsIgnoreCase(Configuration.get(Parameter.ENV)))165 if (!Configuration.get(Parameter.ENV).isEmpty()) {166 baseURL = Configuration.getEnvArg("base");167 } else {168 baseURL = Configuration.get(Parameter.URL);169 }170 this.pageURL = baseURL + relURL;171 }172 protected void setPageAbsoluteURL(String url) {173 this.pageURL = url;174 }175 public String getPageURL() {176 return this.pageURL;177 } 178 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------179 // Base UI interaction operations180 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------181 /**182 * Method which quickly looks for all element and check that they present183 * during EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT184 *185 * @param elements186 * ExtendedWebElement...187 * @return boolean return true only if all elements present.188 */189 public boolean allElementsPresent(ExtendedWebElement... elements) {190 return allElementsPresent(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT, elements);191 }192 /**193 * Method which quickly looks for all element and check that they present194 * during timeout sec195 *196 * @param timeout long197 * @param elements198 * ExtendedWebElement...199 * @return boolean return true only if all elements present.200 */201 public boolean allElementsPresent(long timeout, ExtendedWebElement... elements) {202 int index = 0;203 boolean present = true;204 boolean ret = true;205 int counts = 1;206 timeout = timeout / counts;207 if (timeout < 1)208 timeout = 1;209 while (present && index++ < counts) {210 for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {211 present = elements[i].isElementPresent(timeout);212 if (!present) {213 LOGGER.error(elements[i].getNameWithLocator() + " is not present.");214 ret = false;215 }216 }217 }218 return ret;219 }220 /**221 * Method which quickly looks for all element lists and check that they222 * contain at least one element during SHORT_TIMEOUT223 *224 * @param elements225 * List<ExtendedWebElement>...226 * @return boolean227 */228 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")229 public boolean allElementListsAreNotEmpty(List<ExtendedWebElement>... elements) {230 return allElementListsAreNotEmpty(SHORT_TIMEOUT, elements);231 }232 /**233 * Method which quickly looks for all element lists and check that they234 * contain at least one element during timeout235 *236 * @param timeout long237 * @param elements238 * List<ExtendedWebElement>...239 * @return boolean return true only if All Element lists contain at least240 * one element241 */242 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")243 public boolean allElementListsAreNotEmpty(long timeout, List<ExtendedWebElement>... elements) {244 boolean ret;245 int counts = 3;246 timeout = timeout / counts;247 if (timeout < 1)248 timeout = 1;249 for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {250 boolean present = false;251 int index = 0;252 while (!present && index++ < counts) {253 try {254 present = elements[i].get(0).isElementPresent(timeout);255 } catch (Exception e) {256 present = false;257 }258 }259 ret = (elements[i].size() > 0);260 if (!ret) {261 LOGGER.error("List of elements[" + i + "] from elements " + Arrays.toString(elements) + " is empty.");262 return false;263 }264 }265 return true;266 }267 /**268 * Method which quickly looks for any element presence during269 * SHORT_TIMEOUT270 *271 * @param elements ExtendedWebElement...272 * @return true if any of elements was found.273 */274 public boolean isAnyElementPresent(ExtendedWebElement... elements) {275 return isAnyElementPresent(SHORT_TIMEOUT, elements);276 }277 /**278 * Method which quickly looks for any element presence during timeout sec279 *280 * @param timeout long281 * @param elements282 * ExtendedWebElement...283 * @return true if any of elements was found.284 */285 public boolean isAnyElementPresent(long timeout, ExtendedWebElement... elements) {286 int index = 0;287 int counts = 10;288 timeout = timeout / counts;289 if (timeout < 1)290 timeout = 1;291 while (index++ < counts) {292 for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {293 if (elements[i].isElementPresent(timeout)) {294 LOGGER.debug(elements[i].getNameWithLocator() + " is present");295 return true;296 }297 }298 }299 300 LOGGER.error("Unable to find any element from array: " + Arrays.toString(elements));301 return false;302 }303 /**304 * return Any Present Element from the list which present during305 * SHORT_TIMEOUT306 *307 * @param elements ExtendedWebElement...308 * @return ExtendedWebElement309 */310 public ExtendedWebElement returnAnyPresentElement(ExtendedWebElement... elements) {311 return returnAnyPresentElement(SHORT_TIMEOUT, elements);312 }313 /**314 * return Any Present Element from the list which present during timeout sec315 *316 * @param timeout long317 * @param elements318 * ExtendedWebElement...319 * @return ExtendedWebElement320 */321 public ExtendedWebElement returnAnyPresentElement(long timeout, ExtendedWebElement... elements) {322 int index = 0;323 int counts = 10;324 timeout = timeout / counts;325 if (timeout < 1)326 timeout = 1;327 while (index++ < counts) {328 for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {329 if (elements[i].isElementPresent(timeout)) {330 LOGGER.debug(elements[i].getNameWithLocator() + " is present");331 return elements[i];332 }333 }334 }335 //throw exception anyway if nothing was returned inside for cycle336 LOGGER.error("All elements are not present");337 throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find any element from array: " + Arrays.toString(elements));338 }339 /**340 * Check that element with text present.341 * 342 * @param extWebElement to check if element with text is present343 * @param text344 * of element to check.345 * @return element with text existence status.346 */347 public boolean isElementWithTextPresent(final ExtendedWebElement extWebElement, final String text) {348 return isElementWithTextPresent(extWebElement, text, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);349 }350 /**351 * Check that element with text present.352 * 353 * @param extWebElement to check if element with text is present354 * @param text355 * of element to check.356 * @param timeout Long357 * @return element with text existence status.358 */359 public boolean isElementWithTextPresent(final ExtendedWebElement extWebElement, final String text, long timeout) {360 return extWebElement.isElementWithTextPresent(text, timeout);361 }362 /**363 * Check that element not present on page.364 * 365 * @param extWebElement to check if element is not present366 * 367 * @return element non-existence status.368 */369 public boolean isElementNotPresent(final ExtendedWebElement extWebElement) {370 return isElementNotPresent(extWebElement, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);371 }372 /**373 * Check that element not present on page.374 * 375 * @param extWebElement to check if element is not present376 * @param timeout to wait377 * 378 * @return element non-existence status.379 */380 public boolean isElementNotPresent(final ExtendedWebElement extWebElement, long timeout) {381 return extWebElement.isElementNotPresent(timeout);382 }383 /**384 * Check that element not present on page.385 * 386 * @param element to check if element is not present387 * @param controlInfo String388 * 389 * @return element non-existence status.390 */391 public boolean isElementNotPresent(String controlInfo, final WebElement element) {392 return isElementNotPresent(new ExtendedWebElement(element, controlInfo));393 }394 /**395 * Clicks on element.396 * 397 * @param elements ExtendedWebElements to click398 *399 */400 public void clickAny(ExtendedWebElement... elements) {401 clickAny(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT, elements);402 }403 /**404 * Clicks on element.405 * 406 * @param elements ExtendedWebElements to click407 * @param timeout to wait408 *409 */410 public void clickAny(long timeout, ExtendedWebElement... elements) {411 // Method which quickly looks for any element and click during timeout412 // sec413 WebDriver drv = getDriver();414 ActionPoller<WebElement> actionPoller = ActionPoller.builder();415 Optional<WebElement> searchableElement = actionPoller.task(() -> {416 WebElement possiblyFoundElement = null;417 for (ExtendedWebElement element : elements) {418 List<WebElement> foundElements = drv.findElements(element.getBy());419 if (foundElements.size() > 0) {420 possiblyFoundElement = foundElements.get(0);421 break;422 }423 }424 return possiblyFoundElement;425 })426 .until(Objects::nonNull)427 .pollEvery(0, ChronoUnit.SECONDS)428 .stopAfter(timeout, ChronoUnit.SECONDS)429 .execute();430 if (searchableElement.isEmpty()) {431 throw new RuntimeException("Unable to click onto any elements from array: " + Arrays.toString(elements));432 }433 searchableElement.get()434 .click();435 }436 437 /*438 * Get and return the source of the last loaded page.439 * @return String440 */441 public String getPageSource() {442 WebDriver drv = getDriver();443;444 Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(drv)445 .pollingEvery(Duration.ofMillis(5000)) // there is no sense to refresh url address too often446 .withTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(Configuration.getInt(Parameter.EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT)))447 .ignoring(WebDriverException.class)448 .ignoring(JavascriptException.class); // org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptException: javascript error: Cannot read property 'outerHTML' of null449 String res = "";450 try {451 res = wait.until(new Function<WebDriver, String>() {452 public String apply(WebDriver driver) {453 return drv.getPageSource();454 }455 });456 } catch (ScriptTimeoutException | TimeoutException e) {457 Messager.FAIL_GET_PAGE_SOURCE.error();458 }459;460 return res;461 }462 463 /*464 * Add cookie object into the driver465 * @param Cookie466 */467 public void addCookie(Cookie cookie) {468 WebDriver drv = getDriver();469 DriverListener.setMessages(Messager.ADD_COOKIE.getMessage(cookie.getName()), 470 Messager.FAIL_ADD_COOKIE.getMessage(cookie.getName()));471 Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(drv)472 .pollingEvery(Duration.ofMillis(Configuration.getInt(Parameter.RETRY_INTERVAL)))473 .withTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(Configuration.getInt(Parameter.EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT)))474 .ignoring(WebDriverException.class)475 .ignoring(JsonException.class); // org.openqa.selenium.json.JsonException: Expected to read a START_MAP but instead have: END. Last 0 characters rea476 wait.until(new Function<WebDriver, Boolean>() {477 public Boolean apply(WebDriver driver) {478 drv.manage().addCookie(cookie);479 return true;480 }481 });482 }483 484 /**485 * Get a string representing the current URL that the browser is looking at.486 * @return url.487 */488 public String getCurrentUrl() {489 return getCurrentUrl(Configuration.getInt(Parameter.EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT));490 }491 492 /**493 * Get a string representing the current URL that the browser is looking at.494 * @param timeout long495 * @return validation result.496 */497 public String getCurrentUrl(long timeout) {498 WebDriver drv = getDriver();499 500 // explicitly limit time for the getCurrentUrl operation501 Future<?> future = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(new Callable<String>() {502 public String call() throws Exception {503 //organize fluent waiter for getting url504 Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(drv)505 .pollingEvery(Duration.ofMillis(Configuration.getInt(Parameter.RETRY_INTERVAL)))506 .withTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(Configuration.getInt(Parameter.EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT)))507 .ignoring(WebDriverException.class)508 .ignoring(JsonException.class); // org.openqa.selenium.json.JsonException: Expected to read a START_MAP but instead have: END. Last 0 characters rea509 return wait.until(new Function<WebDriver, String>() {510 public String apply(WebDriver driver) {511 return drv.getCurrentUrl();512 }513 });514 }515 });516 517 String url = "";518 try {519 url = (String) future.get(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);520 } catch (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException e) {521 LOGGER.debug("Unable to get driver url during " + timeout + "sec!", e);522 } catch (InterruptedException e) {523 LOGGER.debug("Unable to get driver url during " + timeout + "sec!", e);524 Thread.currentThread().interrupt();525 } catch (ExecutionException e) {526 LOGGER.error("ExecutionException error on get driver url!", e);527 } catch (Exception e) {528 LOGGER.error("Undefined error on get driver url detected!", e);529 }530 531 return url;532 } 533 /**534 * Checks that current URL is as expected.535 * 536 * @param expectedURL537 * Expected Url538 * @return validation result.539 */540 public boolean isUrlAsExpected(String expectedURL) {541 return isUrlAsExpected(expectedURL, Configuration.getInt(Parameter.EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT)); 542 }543 /**544 * Checks that current URL is as expected.545 * 546 * @param expectedURL547 * Expected Url548 * @param timeout long549 * @return validation result.550 */551 public boolean isUrlAsExpected(String expectedURL, long timeout) {552 String decryptedURL = cryptoTool.decryptByPattern(expectedURL, CRYPTO_PATTERN);553 decryptedURL = getEnvArgURL(decryptedURL);554 555 String actualUrl = getCurrentUrl(timeout);556 557 if (LogicUtils.isURLEqual(decryptedURL, actualUrl)) {558;559 return true;560 } else {561 Messager.UNEXPECTED_URL.error(expectedURL, actualUrl);562 return false;563 } 564 }565 566 567 /**568 * Get full or relative URL considering Env argument569 * 570 * @param decryptedURL String571 * @return url572 */573 private String getEnvArgURL(String decryptedURL) {574 if (!(decryptedURL.contains("http:") || decryptedURL.contains("https:"))) {575 if (Configuration.getEnvArg(Parameter.URL.getKey()).isEmpty()) {576 decryptedURL = Configuration.get(Parameter.URL) + decryptedURL;577 } else {578 decryptedURL = Configuration.getEnvArg(Parameter.URL.getKey()) + decryptedURL;579 }580 }581 return decryptedURL;582 }583 /**584 *585 * @return String saved in clipboard586 */587 public String getClipboardText() {588 String clipboardText = "";589 try {590 LOGGER.debug("Trying to get clipboard from remote machine with hub...");591 String url = getSelenoidClipboardUrl(driver);592 String username = getField(url, 1);593 String password = getField(url, 2);594 HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects(false);595 HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();596 con.setRequestMethod("GET");597 if (!username.isEmpty() && !password.isEmpty()) {598 String usernameColonPassword = username + ":" + password;599 String basicAuthPayload = "Basic " + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(usernameColonPassword.getBytes());600 con.addRequestProperty("Authorization", basicAuthPayload);601 }602 int status = con.getResponseCode();603 if (200 <= status && status <= 299) {604 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));605 String inputLine;606 StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();607 while ((inputLine = br.readLine()) != null) {608 content.append(inputLine);609 }610 br.close();611 clipboardText = content.toString();612 } else {613 LOGGER.debug("Trying to get clipboard from local java machine...");614 clipboardText = (String) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().getData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor);615 }616 } catch (Exception ex) {617 ex.printStackTrace();618 }619 clipboardText = clipboardText.replaceAll("\n", "");620"Clipboard: " + clipboardText);621 return clipboardText;622 }623 private String getSelenoidClipboardUrl(WebDriver driver) {624 String seleniumHost = Configuration.getSeleniumUrl().replace("wd/hub", "clipboard/");625 if (seleniumHost.isEmpty()){626 seleniumHost = Configuration.getEnvArg(Parameter.URL.getKey()).replace("wd/hub", "clipboard/");627 }628 WebDriver drv = (driver instanceof EventFiringWebDriver) ? ((EventFiringWebDriver) driver).getWrappedDriver() : driver;629 String sessionId = ((RemoteWebDriver) drv).getSessionId().toString();630 String url = seleniumHost + sessionId;631 LOGGER.debug("url: " + url);632 return url;633 }634 private String getField(String url, int position) {635 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*:\\/\\/(.*):(.*)@");636 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(url);637 return matcher.find() ? : "";638 }639 /**640 * Pause for specified timeout.641 * 642 * @param timeout643 * in seconds.644 */645 public void pause(long timeout) {646 CommonUtils.pause(timeout);647 }648 public void pause(Double timeout) {649 CommonUtils.pause(timeout);650 }651 652 /**653 * Return page title.654 * 655 * @return title String.656 */657 public String getTitle() {658 return getTitle(Configuration.getInt(Parameter.EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT));659 }660 661 /**662 * Return page title.663 * 664 * @param timeout long665 * @return title String.666 */667 public String getTitle(long timeout) {668 669 WebDriver drv = getDriver();670 Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(drv)671 .pollingEvery(Duration.ofMillis(RETRY_TIME))672 .withTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(timeout))673 .ignoring(WebDriverException.class)674 .ignoring(JavascriptException.class); // org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptException: javascript error: Cannot read property 'outerHTML' of null675 String res = "";676 try {677 res = wait.until(new Function<WebDriver, String>() {678 public String apply(WebDriver driver) {679 return drv.getTitle();680 }681 });682 } catch (ScriptTimeoutException | TimeoutException e) {683 Messager.FAIL_GET_TITLE.error();684 }685 return res;686 } 687 /**688 * Checks that page title is as expected.689 * 690 * @param expectedTitle691 * Expected title692 * @return validation result.693 */694 public boolean isTitleAsExpected(final String expectedTitle) {695 final String decryptedExpectedTitle = cryptoTool.decryptByPattern(expectedTitle, CRYPTO_PATTERN);696 String title = getTitle(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);697 boolean result = title.contains(decryptedExpectedTitle);698 if (result) {699;700 } else {701 Messager.TITLE_NOT_CORRECT.error(expectedTitle, title);702 }703 704 return result;705 }706 /**707 * Checks that page suites to expected pattern.708 * 709 * @param expectedPattern710 * Expected Pattern711 * @return validation result.712 */713 public boolean isTitleAsExpectedPattern(String expectedPattern) {714 final String decryptedExpectedPattern = cryptoTool.decryptByPattern(expectedPattern, CRYPTO_PATTERN);715 716 String actual = getTitle(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);717 Pattern p = Pattern.compile(decryptedExpectedPattern);718 Matcher m = p.matcher(actual);719 boolean result = m.find();720 if (result) {721;722 } else {723 Messager.TITLE_NOT_CORRECT.error(expectedPattern, actual); 724 }725 726 return result;727 }728 /**729 * Go back in browser.730 */731 public void navigateBack() {732 getDriver().navigate().back();733;734 }735 /**736 * Refresh browser.737 */738 public void refresh() {739 refresh(Configuration.getInt(Parameter.EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT));740 }741 /**742 * Refresh browser.743 * 744 * @param timeout long745 */746 public void refresh(long timeout) {747 WebDriver drv = getDriver();748 Wait<WebDriver> wait = new FluentWait<WebDriver>(drv)749 .pollingEvery(Duration.ofMillis(5000)) // there is no sense to refresh url address too often750 .withTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(timeout))751 .ignoring(WebDriverException.class)752 .ignoring(JsonException.class); // org.openqa.selenium.json.JsonException: Expected to read a START_MAP but instead have: END. Last 0 characters read753 754 try {755 wait.until(new Function<WebDriver, Void>() {756 public Void apply(WebDriver driver) {757 drv.navigate().refresh();758 return null;759 }760 });761 } catch (ScriptTimeoutException | TimeoutException e) {762 Messager.FAIL_REFRESH.error();763 }764;765 }766 public void pressTab() {767 Actions builder = new Actions(getDriver());768 builder.sendKeys(Keys.TAB).perform();769 }770 /**771 * Drags and drops element to specified place.772 * 773 * @param from774 * - element to drag.775 * @param to776 * - element to drop to.777 */778 public void dragAndDrop(final ExtendedWebElement from, final ExtendedWebElement to) {779 if (from.isElementPresent() && to.isElementPresent()) {780 WebDriver drv = getDriver();781 if (!drv.toString().contains("safari")) {782 Actions builder = new Actions(drv);783 Action dragAndDrop = builder.clickAndHold(from.getElement()).moveToElement(to.getElement())784 .release(to.getElement()).build();785 dragAndDrop.perform();786 } else {787 WebElement LocatorFrom = from.getElement();788 WebElement LocatorTo = to.getElement();789 String xto = Integer.toString(LocatorTo.getLocation().x);790 String yto = Integer.toString(LocatorTo.getLocation().y);791 ((JavascriptExecutor) driver)792 .executeScript(793 "function simulate(f,c,d,e){var b,a=null;for(b in eventMatchers)if(eventMatchers[b].test(c)){a=b;break}if(!a)return!1;document.createEvent?(b=document.createEvent(a),a==\"HTMLEvents\"?b.initEvent(c,!0,!0):b.initMouseEvent(c,!0,!0,document.defaultView,0,d,e,d,e,!1,!1,!1,!1,0,null),f.dispatchEvent(b)):(a=document.createEventObject(),a.detail=0,a.screenX=d,a.screenY=e,a.clientX=d,a.clientY=e,a.ctrlKey=!1,a.altKey=!1,a.shiftKey=!1,a.metaKey=!1,a.button=1,f.fireEvent(\"on\"+c,a));return!0} var eventMatchers={HTMLEvents:/^(?:load|unload|abort|error|select|change|submit|reset|focus|blur|resize|scroll)$/,MouseEvents:/^(?:click|dblclick|mouse(?:down|up|over|move|out))$/}; "794 + "simulate(arguments[0],\"mousedown\",0,0); simulate(arguments[0],\"mousemove\",arguments[1],arguments[2]); simulate(arguments[0],\"mouseup\",arguments[1],arguments[2]); ",795 LocatorFrom, xto, yto);796 }797, to.getName());798 } else {799 Messager.ELEMENTS_NOT_DRAGGED_AND_DROPPED.error(from.getNameWithLocator(), to.getNameWithLocator());800 }801 }802 /**803 * Drags and drops element to specified place. Elements Need To have an id.804 *805 * @param from806 * - the element to drag.807 * @param to808 * - the element to drop to.809 */810 public void dragAndDropHtml5(final ExtendedWebElement from, final ExtendedWebElement to) {811 String source = "#" + from.getAttribute("id");812 String target = "#" + to.getAttribute("id");813 if (source.isEmpty() || target.isEmpty()) {814 Messager.ELEMENTS_NOT_DRAGGED_AND_DROPPED.error(from.getNameWithLocator(), to.getNameWithLocator());815 } else {816 jQuerify(driver);817 String javaScript = "(function( $ ) { $.fn.simulateDragDrop = function(options) { return this.each(function() { new $.simulateDragDrop(this, options); }); }; $.simulateDragDrop = function(elem, options) { this.options = options; this.simulateEvent(elem, options); }; $.extend($.simulateDragDrop.prototype, { simulateEvent: function(elem, options) { /*Simulating drag start*/ var type = 'dragstart'; var event = this.createEvent(type); this.dispatchEvent(elem, type, event); /*Simulating drop*/ type = 'drop'; var dropEvent = this.createEvent(type, {}); dropEvent.dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer; this.dispatchEvent($(options.dropTarget)[0], type, dropEvent); /*Simulating drag end*/ type = 'dragend'; var dragEndEvent = this.createEvent(type, {}); dragEndEvent.dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer; this.dispatchEvent(elem, type, dragEndEvent); }, createEvent: function(type) { var event = document.createEvent(\"CustomEvent\"); event.initCustomEvent(type, true, true, null); event.dataTransfer = { data: { }, setData: function(type, val){[type] = val; }, getData: function(type){ return[type]; } }; return event; }, dispatchEvent: function(elem, type, event) { if(elem.dispatchEvent) { elem.dispatchEvent(event); }else if( elem.fireEvent ) { elem.fireEvent(\"on\"+type, event); } } });})(jQuery);";;818 ((JavascriptExecutor)driver)819 .executeScript(javaScript + "$('" + source + "')" +820 ".simulateDragDrop({ dropTarget: '" + target + "'});");821, to.getName());822 }823 }824 private static void jQuerify(WebDriver driver) {825 String jQueryLoader = "(function(jqueryUrl, callback) {\n" +826 " if (typeof jqueryUrl != 'string') {\n" +827 " jqueryUrl = '';\n" +828 " }\n" +829 " if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {\n" +830 " var script = document.createElement('script');\n" +831 " var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];\n" +832 " var done = false;\n" +833 " script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = (function() {\n" +834 " if (!done && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == 'loaded'\n" +835 " || this.readyState == 'complete')) {\n" +836 " done = true;\n" +837 " script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;\n" +838 " head.removeChild(script);\n" +839 " callback();\n" +840 " }\n" +841 " });\n" +842 " script.src = jqueryUrl;\n" +843 " head.appendChild(script);\n" +844 " }\n" +845 " else {\n" +846 " callback();\n" +847 " }\n" +848 "})(arguments[0], arguments[arguments.length - 1]);";849 driver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);850 JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;851 js.executeAsyncScript(jQueryLoader);852 }853 /**854 * Performs slider move for specified offset.855 * 856 * @param slider857 * slider858 * @param moveX859 * move x860 * @param moveY861 * move y862 */863 public void slide(ExtendedWebElement slider, int moveX, int moveY) {864 //TODO: SZ migrate to FluentWaits865 if (slider.isElementPresent()) {866 WebDriver drv = getDriver();867 (new Actions(drv)).moveToElement(slider.getElement()).dragAndDropBy(slider.getElement(), moveX, moveY)868 .build().perform();869, String.valueOf(moveX), String.valueOf(moveY));870 } else {871 Messager.SLIDER_NOT_MOVED.error(slider.getNameWithLocator(), String.valueOf(moveX), String.valueOf(moveY));872 }873 }874 /**875 * Accepts alert modal.876 */877 public void acceptAlert() {878 WebDriver drv = getDriver();879 long retryInterval = getRetryInterval(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);880 Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(drv, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT, retryInterval);881 try {882 wait.until((Function<WebDriver, Object>) dr -> isAlertPresent());883 drv.switchTo().alert().accept();884"");885 } catch (Exception e) {886 Messager.ALERT_NOT_ACCEPTED.error("");887 }888 }889 /**890 * Cancels alert modal.891 */892 public void cancelAlert() {893 WebDriver drv = getDriver();894 long retryInterval = getRetryInterval(EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);895 Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(drv, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT, retryInterval);896 try {897 wait.until((Function<WebDriver, Object>) dr -> isAlertPresent());898 drv.switchTo().alert().dismiss();899"");900 } catch (Exception e) {901 Messager.ALERT_NOT_CANCELED.error("");902 }903 }904 /**905 * Checks that alert modal is shown.906 * 907 * @return whether the alert modal present.908 */909 public boolean isAlertPresent() {910 try {911 getDriver().switchTo().alert();912 return true;913 } catch (NoAlertPresentException Ex) {914 return false;915 }916 }917 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------918 // Methods from v1.0919 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------920 public boolean isPageOpened(final AbstractPage page) {921 return isPageOpened(page, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);922 }923 public boolean isPageOpened(final AbstractPage page, long timeout) {924 boolean result;925 final WebDriver drv = getDriver();926 927 long retryInterval = getRetryInterval(timeout); 928 Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(drv, timeout, retryInterval);929 try {930 wait.until((Function<WebDriver, Object>) dr -> LogicUtils.isURLEqual(page.getPageURL(), drv.getCurrentUrl()));931 result = true;932 } catch (Exception e) {933 result = false;934 }935 if (!result) {936 LOGGER.warn(String.format("Actual URL differs from expected one. Expected '%s' but found '%s'",937 page.getPageURL(), drv.getCurrentUrl()));938 }939 return result;940 }941 /**942 * Executes a script on an element943 * 944 * Really should only be used when the web driver is sucking at exposing945 * functionality natively946 * 947 * @param script948 * The script to execute949 * @param element950 * The target of the script, referenced as arguments[0]951 * 952 * @return Object953 */954 public Object trigger(String script, WebElement element) {955 return ((JavascriptExecutor) getDriver()).executeScript(script, element);956 }957 /**958 * Executes a script959 * 960 * Really should only be used when the web driver is sucking at exposing961 * functionality natively962 * 963 * @param script964 * The script to execute965 * 966 * @return Object967 */968 public Object trigger(String script) {969 return ((JavascriptExecutor) getDriver()).executeScript(script);970 }971 /**972 * Opens a new tab for the given URL973 * 974 * @param url975 * The URL to976 * @throws RuntimeException977 * If unable to open tab978 */979 public void openTab(String url) {980 final String decryptedURL = cryptoTool.decryptByPattern(url, CRYPTO_PATTERN);981 String script = "var d=document,a=d.createElement('a');'_blank';a.href='%s';a.innerHTML='.';d.body.appendChild(a);return a";982 Object element = trigger(String.format(script, decryptedURL));983 if (element instanceof WebElement) {984 WebElement anchor = (WebElement) element;985;986 trigger("var a=arguments[0];a.parentNode.removeChild(a);", anchor);987 } else {988 throw new RuntimeException("Unable to open tab");989 }990 }991 public void switchWindow() throws NoSuchWindowException {992 WebDriver drv = getDriver();993 Set<String> handles = drv.getWindowHandles();994 String current = drv.getWindowHandle();995 if (handles.size() > 1) {996 handles.remove(current);997 }998 String newTab = handles.iterator().next();999 drv.switchTo().window(newTab);1000 }1001 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------1002 // Base UI validations1003 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------1004 public void assertElementPresent(final ExtendedWebElement extWebElement) {1005 assertElementPresent(extWebElement, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);1006 }1007 public void assertElementPresent(final ExtendedWebElement extWebElement, long timeout) {1008 extWebElement.assertElementPresent(timeout);1009 }1010 public void assertElementWithTextPresent(final ExtendedWebElement extWebElement, final String text) {1011 assertElementWithTextPresent(extWebElement, text, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);1012 }1013 public void assertElementWithTextPresent(final ExtendedWebElement extWebElement, final String text, long timeout) {1014 extWebElement.assertElementWithTextPresent(text, timeout);1015 }1016 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------1017 // Helpers1018 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------1019 1020 /**1021 * Find Extended Web Element on page using By.1022 * 1023 * @deprecated1024 * @param by1025 * Selenium By locator1026 * @return ExtendedWebElement if exists otherwise null.1027 */1028 @Deprecated(since = "7.4.21", forRemoval = true)1029 public ExtendedWebElement findExtendedWebElement(By by) {1030 return findExtendedWebElement(by, by.toString(), EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);1031 }1032 /**1033 * Find Extended Web Element on page using By.1034 *1035 * @deprecated1036 * @param by1037 * Selenium By locator1038 * @param timeout to wait1039 * @return ExtendedWebElement if exists otherwise null.1040 */1041 @Deprecated(since = "7.4.21", forRemoval = true)1042 public ExtendedWebElement findExtendedWebElement(By by, long timeout) {1043 return findExtendedWebElement(by, by.toString(), timeout);1044 }1045 /**1046 * Find Extended Web Element on page using By.1047 * 1048 * @deprecated1049 * @param by1050 * Selenium By locator1051 * @param name1052 * Element name1053 * @return ExtendedWebElement if exists otherwise null.1054 */1055 @Deprecated(since = "7.4.21", forRemoval = true)1056 public ExtendedWebElement findExtendedWebElement(final By by, String name) {1057 return findExtendedWebElement(by, name, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);1058 }1059 /**1060 * Find Extended Web Element on page using By.1061 *1062 * @deprecated1063 * @param by1064 * Selenium By locator1065 * @param name1066 * Element name1067 * @param timeout1068 * Timeout to find1069 * @return ExtendedWebElement if exists otherwise null.1070 */1071 @Deprecated(since = "7.4.21", forRemoval = true)1072 public ExtendedWebElement findExtendedWebElement(final By by, String name, long timeout) {1073 DriverListener.setMessages(Messager.ELEMENT_FOUND.getMessage(name),1074 Messager.ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.getMessage(name));1075 1076 if (!waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(by), timeout)) {1077 Messager.ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.error(name);1078 return null;1079 }1080 return new ExtendedWebElement(by, name, getDriver(), getDriver());1081 }1082 /**1083 * Find List of Extended Web Elements on page using By and explicit timeout.1084 *1085 * @deprecated1086 * @param by1087 * Selenium By locator1088 * @return List of ExtendedWebElement.1089 */1090 @Deprecated(since = "7.4.21", forRemoval = true)1091 public List<ExtendedWebElement> findExtendedWebElements(By by) {1092 return findExtendedWebElements(by, EXPLICIT_TIMEOUT);1093 }1094 /**1095 * Find List of Extended Web Elements on page using By.1096 *1097 * @deprecated1098 * 1099 * @param by1100 * Selenium By locator1101 * @param timeout1102 * Timeout to find1103 * @return List of ExtendedWebElement.1104 */1105 @Deprecated(since = "7.4.21", forRemoval = true)1106 public List<ExtendedWebElement> findExtendedWebElements(final By by, long timeout) {1107 List<ExtendedWebElement> extendedWebElements = new ArrayList<ExtendedWebElement>();1108 List<WebElement> webElements = new ArrayList<WebElement>();1109 String name = "undefined";1110 if (!waitUntil(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(by), timeout)) {1111;1112 return extendedWebElements;1113 }1114 1115 webElements = getDriver().findElements(by);1116 int i = 1;1117 for (WebElement element : webElements) {1118 try {1119 name = element.getText();1120 } catch (Exception e) {1121 /* do nothing and keep 'undefined' for control name */1122 }1123 ExtendedWebElement tempElement = new ExtendedWebElement(element, name);1124 tempElement.setBy(tempElement.generateByForList(by, i));1125 extendedWebElements.add(tempElement); 1126 i++;1127 }1128 return extendedWebElements;1129 }1130 protected void setDriver(WebDriver driver) {1131 this.driver = driver;1132 }1133 public WebDriver getDriver() {1134 if (driver == null) {1135 long currentThreadId = Thread.currentThread().getId();1136 LOGGER.error("There is no any initialized driver for thread: " + currentThreadId);1137 throw new RuntimeException("Driver isn't initialized.");1138 }1139 return driver;1140 }1141 1142 /**1143 * Wait until any condition happens.1144 *1145 * @param condition - ExpectedCondition.1146 * @param timeout - timeout.1147 * @return true if condition happen.1148 */1149 public boolean waitUntil(ExpectedCondition<?> condition, long timeout) {1150 boolean result;1151 long startMillis = 0;1152 final WebDriver drv = getDriver();1153 1154 long retryInterval = getRetryInterval(timeout);1155 Wait<WebDriver> wait = new WebDriverWait(drv, timeout, retryInterval);1156 try {1157 startMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();1158 wait.until(condition);1159 result = true;1160 LOGGER.debug("waitUntil: finished true...");1161 } catch (NoSuchElementException | TimeoutException e) {1162 // don't write exception even in debug mode1163 LOGGER.debug("waitUntil: NoSuchElementException | TimeoutException e..." + condition.toString());1164 result = false;1165 } catch (Exception e) {1166 LOGGER.error("waitUntil: " + condition.toString(), e);1167 result = false;1168 } finally {1169 long timePassed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startMillis;1170 // timePassed is time in ms timeout in sec so we have to adjust1171 if (timePassed > 2 * timeout * 1000) {1172 LOGGER.error("Your retry_interval is too low: " + RETRY_TIME + " ms! Increase it or upgrade your hardware");...
...74 * @param successCondition lambda expression that that should return true if we consider the api calling completed75 * successfully, and false if not76 * @return APIMethodPoller object77 */78 public APIMethodPoller until(Predicate<Response> successCondition) {79 this.actionPoller.until(successCondition);80 return this;81 }82 /**83 * Sets an action that will be executed after an api calling84 *85 * @param afterExecuteAction lambda expression86 * @return APIMethodPoller object87 */88 APIMethodPoller doAfterExecute(Consumer<Response> afterExecuteAction) {89 this.afterExecuteAction = afterExecuteAction;90 return this;91 }92 /**93 * Starts an api calling repetition with a condition. if the condition is met, then the method returns response, otherwise, if...
...73 * @param successCondition lambda expression that that should return true if we consider the task completed74 * successfully, and false if not75 * @return ActionPoller object76 */77 public ActionPoller<T> until(Predicate<T> successCondition) {78 this.successCondition = successCondition;79 return this;80 }81 /**82 * Starts a task repetition with a condition. if the condition is met, then the method returns result, otherwise, if83 * the time was elapsed, the method returns null84 *85 * @return result of the task method if condition successful, otherwise returns null86 */87 public Optional<T> execute() {88 validateParameters();89 AtomicBoolean stopExecution = setupTerminateTask();90 T result = null;91 while (!stopExecution.get()) {...
Using AI Code Generation
1public class ActionPollerUntilExample {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 ActionPollerUntilExample example = new ActionPollerUntilExample();4 example.untilExample();5 }6 public void untilExample() {7 ActionPollerUntilExample example = new ActionPollerUntilExample();8 example.untilExample();9 }10 public void untilExample() {11 ActionPollerUntilExample example = new ActionPollerUntilExample();12 example.untilExample();13 }14 public void untilExample() {15 ActionPollerUntilExample example = new ActionPollerUntilExample();16 example.untilExample();17 }18}19public class ActionPollerUntilExample {20 public static void main(String[] args) {21 ActionPollerUntilExample example = new ActionPollerUntilExample();22 example.untilExample();23 }24 public void untilExample() {25 ActionPollerUntilExample example = new ActionPollerUntilExample();26 example.untilExample();27 }28 public void untilExample() {29 ActionPollerUntilExample example = new ActionPollerUntilExample();30 example.untilExample();31 }32 public void untilExample() {33 ActionPollerUntilExample example = new ActionPollerUntilExample();34 example.untilExample();35 }36}37public class ActionPollerUntilExample {38 public static void main(String[] args) {39 ActionPollerUntilExample example = new ActionPollerUntilExample();40 example.untilExample();41 }42 public void untilExample() {43 ActionPollerUntilExample example = new ActionPollerUntilExample();44 example.untilExample();45 }46 public void untilExample() {47 ActionPollerUntilExample example = new ActionPollerUntilExample();48 example.untilExample();49 }50 public void untilExample() {51 ActionPollerUntilExample example = new ActionPollerUntilExample();52 example.untilExample();53 }54}55public class ActionPollerUntilExample {56 public static void main(String[] args) {
Using AI Code Generation
1public class ActionPoller {2 private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ActionPoller.class);3 private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 30;4 private static final int DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL = 1;5 private static final TimeUnit DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT = TimeUnit.SECONDS;6 private static final int DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS = 3;7 private static final String DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Action is not performed!";8 private static final String DEFAULT_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = "Action is performed!";9 private static final String DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE = "Action is not performed during timeout!";10 private static final String DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL_MESSAGE = "Polling interval is not correct!";11 private static final String DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS_MESSAGE = "Attempts count is not correct!";12 private static final String DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT_MESSAGE = "Time unit is not correct!";13 private static final String DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Error message is not correct!";14 private static final String DEFAULT_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Success message is not correct!";15 private static final String DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Timeout message is not correct!";16 private static final String DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Polling interval message is not correct!";17 private static final String DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Attempts message is not correct!";18 private static final String DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Time unit message is not correct!";19 private static final String DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Error message message is not correct!";20 private static final String DEFAULT_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Success message message is not correct!";21 private static final String DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Timeout message message is not correct!";22 private static final String DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Polling interval message message is not correct!";23 private static final String DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Attempts message message is not correct!";24 private static final String DEFAULT_TIME_UNIT_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Time unit message message is not correct!";25 private static final String DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Error message message message is not correct!";26 private static final String DEFAULT_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Success message message message is not correct!";27 private static final String DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_MESSAGE_MESSAGE = "Timeout message message message is not correct!";
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;2import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;3import;4import;5import;6import;7import;8public class PollerDemo {9 public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {10 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();11 WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));12 ActionPoller.wait(RetryType.FIXED, 10, 1000, ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(element));13 driver.quit();14 }15}16import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;17import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;18import;19import;20import;21import;22import;23public class PollerDemo {24 public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {25 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();26 WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));27 ActionPoller.wait(RetryType.FIXED, 10, 1000, ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(element));28 driver.quit();29 }30}31import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;32import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;33import;34import;35import;36import;37import;38public class PollerDemo {39 public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {40 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();41 WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));42 ActionPoller.wait(RetryType.FIX
Using AI Code Generation
1public class 1 {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 ActionPoller poller = new ActionPoller(30000, 1000);4 poller.until(() -> {5 return true;6 });7 }8}
Using AI Code Generation
1import;2import;3import org.testng.Assert;4import org.testng.annotations.Test;5public class PollerTest {6 @Test(retryAnalyzer = RetryAnalyzer.class)7 public void testUntil() {8 int i = 0;9 int result = ActionPoller.until(() -> {10 System.out.println("i: " + i);11 i++;12 return i;13 }, 5, 2000);14 Assert.assertEquals(result, 5, "Result is not as expected");15 }16}
Using AI Code Generation
1public class RetryUntilVisible {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();4 WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));5 ActionPoller.poller().until(element, "isDisplayed", true);6 driver.quit();7 }8}9public class RetryUntilVisible {10 public static void main(String[] args) {11 WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();12 WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));13 ActionPoller.poller().until(element, "isDisplayed", true);14 driver.quit();15 }16}17public class RetryUntilVisible {18 public static void main(String[] args) {19 WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();20 WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));21 ActionPoller.poller().until(element, "isDisplayed", true);22 driver.quit();23 }24}25public class RetryUntilVisible {26 public static void main(String[] args) {27 WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();28 WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));29 ActionPoller.poller().until(element, "isDisplayed", true);30 driver.quit();31 }32}33public class RetryUntilVisible {34 public static void main(String[] args) {35 WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();36 WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));37 ActionPoller.poller().until(element, "isDisplayed", true);38 driver.quit();39 }40}
Using AI Code Generation
1public class ActionPoller {2 public static void until(String action, int attempts, int timeout, int delay, String errorMessage, String successMessage) {3 boolean success = false;4 int attempt = 1;5 while (!success && attempt <= attempts) {6 try {7 success = Boolean.parseBoolean(action);8 } catch (Exception e) {9"Attempt " + attempt + " failed with error: " + e.getMessage());10 }11 if (success) {12;13 break;14 } else {15"Attempt " + attempt + " failed. Retrying after " + delay + " seconds...");16 try {17 Thread.sleep(delay * 1000);18 } catch (InterruptedException e) {19 LOGGER.error("Interrupted exception: " + e.getMessage());20 }21 }22 attempt++;23 }24 if (!success) {25;26 }27 }28}29public class ActionPoller {30 public static void until(String action, int attempts, int timeout, int delay, String errorMessage, String successMessage) {31 boolean success = false;32 int attempt = 1;33 while (!success && attempt <= attempts) {34 try {35 success = Boolean.parseBoolean(action);36 } catch (Exception e) {37"Attempt " + attempt + " failed with error: " + e.getMessage());38 }39 if (success) {40;41 break;42 } else {43"Attempt " + attempt + " failed. Retrying after " + delay + " seconds...");44 try {45 Thread.sleep(delay * 1000);46 } catch (InterruptedException e) {47 LOGGER.error("Interrupted exception: " + e.getMessage());48 }49 }50 attempt++;51 }52 if (!success) {53;54 }55 }56}57public class ActionPoller {58 public static void until(String action, int attempts, int timeout, int delay, String errorMessage, String successMessage) {59 boolean success = false;60 int attempt = 1;61 while (!success && attempt <= attempts) {62 try {63 success = Boolean.parseBoolean(action);64 } catch (Exception
Using AI Code Generation
1public class 1 {2 public void test() {3 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();4 WebElement element = ActionPoller.until(10, 1, "Google search button is not present", 5 () -> driver.findElement("q")));6 element.sendKeys("Carina");7 driver.quit();8 }9}10public class 2 {11 public void test() {12 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();13 WebElement element = ActionPoller.until(10, 1, "Google search button is not present", 14 () -> driver.findElement("q")));15 element.sendKeys("Carina");16 driver.quit();17 }18}19public class 3 {20 public void test() {21 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
Using AI Code Generation
1package;2import java.util.function.Supplier;3import org.apache.log4j.Logger;4import;5public class ActionPoller {6 private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ActionPoller.class);7 public static void until(String actionName, Supplier<Boolean> condition) {8 until(actionName, R.CONFIG.getInt("polling_timeout"), condition);9 }10 public static void until(String actionName, int timeout, Supplier<Boolean> condition) {11 int pollingInterval = R.CONFIG.getInt("polling_interval");12 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();13 long endTime = startTime + timeout * 1000;14 long currentTime = startTime;15 boolean conditionResult = condition.get();16 while (!conditionResult && currentTime < endTime) {17 + " is not completed yet. Waiting " + pollingInterval + " sec...");18 try {19 Thread.sleep(pollingInterval * 1000);20 } catch (InterruptedException e) {21 LOGGER.error("Thread was interrupted!", e);22 break;23 }24 currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();25 conditionResult = condition.get();26 }27 if (conditionResult) {28 + " was completed successfully!");29 } else {30 LOGGER.error(actionName + " was not completed after " + timeout + " sec!");31 }32 }33}34package;35import java.util.function.Supplier;36import org.apache.log4j.Logger;37import;38public class ActionPoller {39 private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ActionPoller.class);40 public static void until(String actionName, Supplier<Boolean> condition) {41 until(actionName, R.CONFIG.getInt("polling_timeout"), condition);42 }43 public static void until(String actionName, int timeout, Supplier<Boolean
Using AI Code Generation
1public class WaitUntilElementToBeVisible {2 public static void main(String[] args) {3 System.setProperty("", "C:\\Users\\Admin\\Downloads\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver.exe");4 WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();5 driver.manage().window().maximize();6 driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);7 ActionPoller.poll(10, 1, () -> {8 WebElement email = driver.findElement("email"));9 if(email.isDisplayed()) {10 email.sendKeys("
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