Best JGiven code snippet using com.tngtech.jgiven.examples.datatable.DataTableExamples.a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats
...24 }25 public DataTableStage a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters( @Table Customer... testCustomer ) {26 return self();27 }28 public DataTableStage a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats(29 @Table( fieldsFormat = {30 @NamedFormat( name = "name", formatAnnotation = UpperCasedCustomFormatAnnotationChain.class ),31 @NamedFormat( name = "email" )32 } ) Customer... testCustomer ) {33 return self();34 }35 public DataTableStage a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_a_predefined_set_of_named_formats(36 @Table( fieldsFormatSetAnnotation = CustomerFormat.class ) Customer... testCustomer ) {37 return self();38 }39 public DataTableStage a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_with_header_type_VERTICAL(40 @Table( header = VERTICAL ) Customer... testCustomer ) {41 return self();42 }43 public DataTableStage a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_with_header_type_VERTICAL_and_numbered_columns(44 @Table( header = VERTICAL, numberedColumns = true ) Customer... testCustomer ) {45 return self();46 }47 public void some_action_happens() {48 }49 public void a_single_POJO_is_used_as_parameters( @Table( header = VERTICAL ) Customer testCustomer ) {}50 public void a_list_of_POJOs_with_numbered_rows( @Table( numberedRows = true ) Customer... testCustomer ) {}51 public void a_list_of_POJOs_with_numbered_rows_and_custom_header(52 @Table( numberedRowsHeader = "Counter" ) Customer... testCustomer ) {}53 public void a_two_dimensional_array_with_numbered_rows(54 @Table( numberedRows = true, columnTitles = "t" ) Object[][] testCustomer ) {}55 }56 @Test57 public void a_list_of_list_can_be_used_as_table_parameter() {58 given().a_list_of_lists_is_used_as_parameter( asList( asList( "Name", "Email" ), asList( "John Doe", "" ),59 asList( "Jane Roe", "" ) ) );60 }61 @Test62 public void a_list_of_list_can_be_used_as_table_parameter_and_column_titles_can_be_set() {63 given().a_list_of_lists_is_used_as_parameter_with_column_titles(64 asList( asList( "John Doe", "" ), asList( "Jane Roe", "" ) ) );65 }66 @Test67 public void empty_lists_also_work() {68 given().a_list_of_lists_is_used_as_parameter( Arrays.<List<String>>asList() );69 }70 @Test71 public void a_list_of_POJOs_can_be_represented_as_data_tables() {72 given().a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters( new Customer( "John Doe", "" ),73 new Customer( "Jane Roe", "" ) );74 }75 @Test76 public void a_list_of_POJOs_can_be_represented_as_formatted_data_tables() {77 given().a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats(78 new Customer( "John Doe", "" ), new Customer( "Jane Roe", "" ) ).and()79 .a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_a_predefined_set_of_named_formats(80 new Customer( "John Doe", "" ),81 new Customer( "Jane Roe", "",82 Address.builder()83 .street( "4988 Elk Street" )84 .zipCode( "90017" )85 .city( "Los Angeles" )86 .state( "California" )87 .country( "US" )88 .build() ) )89 .and()90 .a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_a_predefined_set_of_named_formats(91 new Customer( "John Doe", null ), new Customer( null, "" ) );...
Using AI Code Generation
1package com.tngtech.jgiven.examples.datatable;2import com.tngtech.jgiven.Stage;3import com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation.Table;4import com.tngtech.jgiven.format.table.TableFormatter;5import com.tngtech.jgiven.format.table.TableRowFormatter;6import java.util.List;7public class DataTableExamples extends Stage<DataTableExamples> {8 public DataTableExamples a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats(9 @Table( value = { "name", "age", "salary", "birthday" },10 format = { "name", "age", "salary", "birthday", "yyyy-MM-dd" } )11 List<Person> persons ) {12 return self();13 }14 public DataTableExamples a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats_using_a_TableFormatter(15 @Table( value = { "name", "age", "salary", "birthday" },16 format = { "name", "age", "salary", "birthday", "yyyy-MM-dd" } )17 List<Person> persons ) {18 return self();19 }20 public DataTableExamples a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats_using_a_TableRowFormatter(21 @Table( value = { "name", "age", "salary", "birthday" },22 format = { "name", "age", "salary", "birthday", "yyyy-MM-dd" } )23 List<Person> persons ) {24 return self();25 }26 public DataTableExamples a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats_using_a_TableFormatter_and_TableRowFormatter(27 @Table( value = { "name", "age", "salary", "birthday" },28 format = { "name", "age", "salary", "birthday", "yyyy-MM-dd" } )29 List<Person> persons ) {30 return self();31 }32 public static class Person {33 public String name;34 public int age;35 public double salary;36 public Date birthday;37 }
Using AI Code Generation
1public void a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats(2) {3 assertThat( pojos ).containsOnly( new POJO( "foo", 1 ), new POJO( "bar", 2 ) );4}5@Format( "dd.MM.yyyy" )6public String date;7@Format( "date" )8public String date;9@Format( "dd.MM.yyyy" )10public String date;11@Format( "date" )12public String date;13@Format( "dd.MM.yyyy" )14public String date;15@Format( "date" )16public String date;17@Format( "dd.MM.yyyy" )18public String date;
Using AI Code Generation
1public void a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats(2 List<POJO> pojos) {3 assertThat(pojos).hasSize(2);4 assertThat(pojos.get(0).getNumber()).isEqualTo(1);5 assertThat(pojos.get(1).getNumber()).isEqualTo(2);6}7@Then("the following POJOs are returned:$")8public List<POJO> the_following_POJOs_are_returned(List<POJO> pojos) {9 return pojos;10}11public void a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats() {12 given().a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats(13 new POJO(1, "a"),14 new POJO(2, "b"));15 when().the_following_POJOs_are_returned();16 then().the_following_POJOs_are_returned(17 new POJO(1, "a"),18 new POJO(2, "b"));19}20public void a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats() {21 given().a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats(22 new POJO(1, "a"),23 new POJO(2, "b"));24 when().the_following_POJOs_are_returned();25 then().the_following_POJOs_are_returned(26 new POJO(1, "a"),27 new POJO(2, "b"));28}
Using AI Code Generation
1public void a_list_of_POJOs_is_used_as_parameters_and_some_fields_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats() {2 given().a_$_list_of_POJOs( "list" )3 .and().the_POJOs_are( Arrays.asList(4 new Person( "John", "Doe" ),5 new Person( "Jane", "Doe" ) ) )6 .when().the_POJOs_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats( "{firstName} {lastName}" )7 .then().the_formatted_strings_are( Arrays.asList(8 "Jane Doe" ) );9}10public Stage a_$_list_of_POJOs( String list ) {11 return self();12}13public Stage the_POJOs_are( List<Person> persons ) {14 this.persons = persons;15 return self();16}17public Stage the_POJOs_are_formatted_using_inline_specified_named_formats( String format ) {18 this.formattedStrings = JGivenStringFormatter.format( format, persons );19 return self();20}21public Stage the_formatted_strings_are( List<String> expected ) {22 assertThat( formattedStrings ).containsExactlyElementsOf( expected );23 return self();24}25public class Person {26 private final String firstName;27 private final String lastName;28 public Person( String firstName, String lastName ) {29 this.firstName = firstName;30 this.lastName = lastName;31 }32 public String getFirstName() {33 return firstName;34 }35 public String getLastName() {36 return lastName;37 }38}39public class JGivenStringFormatter {40 public static <T> List<String> format( String format, List<T> objects ) {41 List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();42 for( T object : objects ) {43 result.add( format( format, object ) );44 }45 return result;46 }47 public static <T> String format( String format, T object ) {48 return String.format( format, object );49 }50}
Using AI Code Generation
1public class Person {2 @As( "first name" )3 String firstName;4 @As( "second name" )5 String lastName;6 @As( "third name" )7 String nickName;8}9public class Person {10 @Format( "first name" )11 String firstName;12 @Format( "second name" )13 String lastName;14 @Format( "third name" )15 String nickName;16}17public class Person {18 @As( "first name" )19 String firstName;20 @As( "second name" )21 String lastName;22 @As( "third name" )23 String nickName;24}25public class Person {26 @Format( "first name" )27 String firstName;28 @Format( "second name" )29 String lastName;30 @Format( "third name" )31 String nickName;32}33public class Person {34 @As( "first name" )35 String firstName;36 @As( "second name" )37 String lastName;38 @As( "third name" )39 String nickName;40}41public class Person {42 @Format( "first name" )43 String firstName;44 @Format( "second name" )45 String lastName;46 @Format( "third name" )
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