How to use internalFilteredOn method of org.assertj.core.api.AtomicReferenceArrayAssert class

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...2579 * @since 2.7.0 / 3.7.02580 */2581 @CheckReturnValue2582 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> filteredOn(String propertyOrFieldName, Object expectedValue) {2583 return internalFilteredOn(propertyOrFieldName, expectedValue);2584 }2585 /**2586 * Filter the array under test keeping only elements whose property or field specified by {@code propertyOrFieldName}2587 * is null.2588 * <p>2589 * exists it tries to read the value from a field. Reading private fields is supported by default, this can be2590 * globally disabled by calling {@link Assertions#setAllowExtractingPrivateFields(boolean)2591 * Assertions.setAllowExtractingPrivateFields(false)}.2592 * <p>2593 * When reading <b>nested</b> property/field, if an intermediate value is null the whole nested property/field is2594 * considered to be null, thus reading "" value will return null if "street" value is null.2595 * <p>2596 * As an example, let's check all employees 800 years old (yes, special employees):2597 * <pre><code class='java'> Employee yoda = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);2598 * Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);2599 * Employee luke = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);2600 * Employee noname = new Employee(4L, null, 50);2601 *2602 * AtomicReferenceArray&lt;Employee&gt; employees = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new Employee[]{ yoda, luke, obiwan, noname });2603 *2604 * assertThat(employees).filteredOnNull("name")2605 * .containsOnly(noname);</code></pre>2606 *2607 * Nested properties/fields are supported:2608 * <pre><code class='java'> // Name is bean class with 'first' and 'last' String properties2609 *2610 * assertThat(employees).filteredOnNull("name.last")2611 * .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan, noname);</code></pre>2612 *2613 * An {@link IntrospectionError} is thrown if the given propertyOrFieldName can't be found in one of the array2614 * elements.2615 * <p>2616 * If you need more complex filter, use {@link #filteredOn(Condition)} and provide a {@link Condition} to specify the2617 * filter to apply.2618 *2619 * @param propertyOrFieldName the name of the property or field to read2620 * @return a new assertion object with the filtered array under test2621 * @throws IntrospectionError if the given propertyOrFieldName can't be found in one of the array elements.2622 * @since 2.7.0 / 3.7.02623 */2624 @CheckReturnValue2625 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> filteredOnNull(String propertyOrFieldName) {2626 // call internalFilteredOn to avoid double proxying in soft assertions2627 return internalFilteredOn(propertyOrFieldName, null);2628 }2629 /**2630 * Filter the array under test keeping only elements having a property or field matching the filter expressed with2631 * the {@link FilterOperator}, the property/field is specified by {@code propertyOrFieldName} parameter.2632 * <p>2633 * The existing filters are :2634 * <ul>2635 * <li> {@link Assertions#not(Object) not(Object)}</li>2636 * <li> {@link Assertions#in(Object...) in(Object...)}</li>2637 * <li> {@link Assertions#notIn(Object...) notIn(Object...)}</li>2638 * </ul>2639 * <p>2640 * Whatever filter is applied, it first tries to get the value from a property (named {@code propertyOrFieldName}), if2641 * no such property exists it tries to read the value from a field. Reading private fields is supported by default,2642 * this can be globally disabled by calling {@link Assertions#setAllowExtractingPrivateFields(boolean)2643 * Assertions.setAllowExtractingPrivateFields(false)}.2644 * <p>2645 * When reading <b>nested</b> property/field, if an intermediate value is null the whole nested property/field is2646 * considered to be null, thus reading "" value will return null if "street" value is null.2647 * <p>2648 *2649 * As an example, let's check stuff on some special employees :2650 * <pre><code class='java'> Employee yoda = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);2651 * Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);2652 * Employee luke = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);2653 *2654 * AtomicReferenceArray&lt;Employee&gt; employees = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new Employee[]{ yoda, luke, obiwan, noname });2655 *2656 * // 'not' filter is statically imported from Assertions.not2657 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn("age", not(800))2658 * .containsOnly(luke);2659 *2660 * // 'in' filter is statically imported from Assertions.in2661 * // Name is bean class with 'first' and 'last' String properties2662 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn("name.first", in("Yoda", "Luke"))2663 * .containsOnly(yoda, luke);2664 *2665 * // 'notIn' filter is statically imported from Assertions.notIn2666 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn("name.first", notIn("Yoda", "Luke"))2667 * .containsOnly(obiwan);</code></pre>2668 *2669 * An {@link IntrospectionError} is thrown if the given propertyOrFieldName can't be found in one of the array2670 * elements.2671 * <p>2672 * Note that combining filter operators is not supported, thus the following code is not correct:2673 * <pre><code class='java'> // Combining filter operators like not(in(800)) is NOT supported2674 * // -&gt; throws UnsupportedOperationException2675 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn("age", not(in(800)))2676 * .contains(luke);</code></pre>2677 * <p>2678 * You can chain filters:2679 * <pre><code class='java'> // fellowshipOfTheRing is an array of TolkienCharacter having race and name fields2680 * // 'not' filter is statically imported from Assertions.not2681 *2682 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).filteredOn("", "Man")2683 * .filteredOn("name", not("Boromir"))2684 * .containsOnly(aragorn);</code></pre>2685 *2686 * If you need more complex filter, use {@link #filteredOn(Condition)} or {@link #filteredOn(Predicate)} and2687 * provide a {@link Condition} or {@link Predicate} to specify the filter to apply.2688 *2689 * @param propertyOrFieldName the name of the property or field to read2690 * @param filterOperator the filter operator to apply2691 * @return a new assertion object with the filtered array under test2692 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given propertyOrFieldName is {@code null} or empty.2693 * @since 2.7.0 / 3.7.02694 */2695 @CheckReturnValue2696 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> filteredOn(String propertyOrFieldName, FilterOperator<?> filterOperator) {2697 checkNotNull(filterOperator);2698 Filters<? extends T> filter = filter(array).with(propertyOrFieldName);2699 filterOperator.applyOn(filter);2700 return new AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<>(new AtomicReferenceArray<>(toArray(filter.get())));2701 }2702 /**2703 * Filter the array under test keeping only elements matching the given {@link Condition}.2704 * <p>2705 * Let's check old employees whose age &gt; 100:2706 * <pre><code class='java'> Employee yoda = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);2707 * Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);2708 * Employee luke = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);2709 * Employee noname = new Employee(4L, null, 50);2710 *2711 * AtomicReferenceArray&lt;Employee&gt; employees = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new Employee[]{ yoda, luke, obiwan, noname });2712 *2713 * // old employee condition, "old employees" describes the condition in error message2714 * // you just have to implement 'matches' method2715 * Condition&lt;Employee&gt; oldEmployees = new Condition&lt;Employee&gt;("old employees") {2716 * {@literal @}Override2717 * public boolean matches(Employee employee) {2718 * return employee.getAge() &gt; 100;2719 * }2720 * };2721 * }2722 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn(oldEmployees)2723 * .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan);</code></pre>2724 *2725 * You can combine {@link Condition} with condition operator like {@link Not}:2726 * <pre><code class='java'> // 'not' filter is statically imported from Assertions.not2727 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn(not(oldEmployees))2728 * .contains(luke, noname);</code></pre>2729 *2730 * @param condition the filter condition / predicate2731 * @return a new assertion object with the filtered array under test2732 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given condition is {@code null}.2733 * @since 2.7.0 / 3.7.02734 */2735 @CheckReturnValue2736 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> filteredOn(Condition<? super T> condition) {2737 Iterable<? extends T> filteredIterable = filter(array).being(condition).get();2738 return new AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<>(new AtomicReferenceArray<>(toArray(filteredIterable)));2739 }2740 /**2741 * Filter the array under test into a list composed of the elements matching the given {@link Predicate},2742 * allowing to perform assertions on the filtered list.2743 * <p>2744 * Example : check old employees whose age &gt; 100:2745 *2746 * <pre><code class='java'> Employee yoda = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);2747 * Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);2748 * Employee luke = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);2749 *2750 * AtomicReferenceArray&lt;Employee&gt; employees = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new Employee[]{ yoda, luke, obiwan, noname });2751 *2752 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn(employee -&gt; employee.getAge() &gt; 100)2753 * .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan);</code></pre>2754 *2755 * @param predicate the filter predicate2756 * @return a new assertion object with the filtered array under test2757 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given predicate is {@code null}.2758 * @since 3.16.02759 */2760 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> filteredOn(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {2761 return internalFilteredOn(predicate);2762 }2763 /**2764 * Filter the array under test into a list composed of the elements for which the result of the {@code function} is equal to {@code expectedValue}.2765 * <p>2766 * It allows to filter elements in more safe way than by using {@link #filteredOn(String, Object)} as it doesn't utilize introspection.2767 * <p>2768 * As an example, let's check all employees 800 years old (yes, special employees):2769 * <pre><code class='java'> Employee yoda = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);2770 * Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);2771 * Employee luke = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);2772 * Employee noname = new Employee(4L, null, 50);2773 *2774 * AtomicReferenceArray&lt;Employee&gt; employees = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new Employee[]{ yoda, luke, obiwan, noname });2775 *2776 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn(Employee::getAge, 800)2777 * .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan);2778 *2779 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn(e -&gt; e.getName(), null)2780 * .containsOnly(noname);</code></pre>2781 *2782 * If you need more complex filter, use {@link #filteredOn(Predicate)} or {@link #filteredOn(Condition)}.2783 *2784 * @param <U> result type of the filter function2785 * @param function the filter function2786 * @param expectedValue the expected value of the filter function2787 * @return a new assertion object with the filtered array under test2788 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given function is {@code null}.2789 * @since 3.17.02790 */2791 @CheckReturnValue2792 public <U> AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> filteredOn(Function<? super T, U> function, U expectedValue) {2793 checkArgument(function != null, "The filter function should not be null");2794 // call internalFilteredOn to avoid double proxying in soft assertions2795 return internalFilteredOn(element -> java.util.Objects.equals(function.apply(element), expectedValue));2796 }2797 /**2798 * Verifies that all elements match the given {@link Predicate}.2799 * <p>2800 * Example :2801 * <pre><code class='java'> AtomicReferenceArray&lt;String&gt; abc = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new String[] {"a", "b", "c"});2802 * AtomicReferenceArray&lt;String&gt; abcc = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new String[] {"a", "b", "cc"});2803 *2804 * // assertion will pass2805 * assertThat(abc).allMatch(s -&gt; s.length() == 1);2806 *2807 * // assertion will fail2808 * assertThat(abcc).allMatch(s -&gt; s.length() == 1);</code></pre>2809 *2810 * Note that you can achieve the same result with {@link #are(Condition) are(Condition)} or {@link #have(Condition) have(Condition)}.2811 *2812 * @param predicate the given {@link Predicate}.2813 * @return {@code this} object.2814 * @throws NullPointerException if the given predicate is {@code null}.2815 * @throws AssertionError if an element cannot be cast to T.2816 * @throws AssertionError if one or more elements don't satisfy the given predicate.2817 * @since 3.7.02818 */2819 @Override2820 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> allMatch(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {2821 iterables.assertAllMatch(info, newArrayList(array), predicate, PredicateDescription.GIVEN);2822 return myself;2823 }2824 /**2825 * Verifies that all the elements of actual's array match the given {@link Predicate}. The predicate description is used2826 * to get an informative error message.2827 * <p>2828 * Example :2829 * <pre><code class='java'> AtomicReferenceArray&lt;String&gt; abc = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new String[] {"a", "b", "c"});2830 * AtomicReferenceArray&lt;String&gt; abcc = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new String[] {"a", "b", "cc"});2831 *2832 * // assertion will pass2833 * assertThat(abc).allMatch(s -&gt; s.length() == 1, "length of 1");2834 *2835 * // assertion will fail2836 * assertThat(abcc).allMatch(s -&gt; s.length() == 1, "length of 1");</code></pre>2837 *2838 * The message of the failed assertion would be:2839 * <pre><code class='java'>Expecting all elements of:2840 * &lt;["a", "b", "cc"]&gt;2841 * to match 'length of 1' predicate but this element did not:2842 * &lt;"cc"&gt;</code></pre>2843 *2844 *2845 * @param predicate the given {@link Predicate}.2846 * @param predicateDescription a description of the {@link Predicate} used in the error message2847 * @return {@code this} object.2848 * @throws NullPointerException if the given predicate is {@code null}.2849 * @throws AssertionError if an element cannot be cast to T.2850 * @throws AssertionError if one or more elements don't satisfy the given predicate.2851 * @since 3.7.02852 */2853 @Override2854 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> allMatch(Predicate<? super T> predicate, String predicateDescription) {2855 iterables.assertAllMatch(info, newArrayList(array), predicate, new PredicateDescription(predicateDescription));2856 return myself;2857 }2858 /**2859 * Verifies that all the elements satisfy given requirements expressed as a {@link Consumer}.2860 * <p>2861 * This is useful to perform a group of assertions on elements.2862 * <p>2863 * Grouping assertions example:2864 * <pre><code class='java'> // myIcelanderFriends is an AtomicReferenceArray&lt;Person&gt;2865 * assertThat(myIcelanderFriends).allSatisfy(person -&gt; {2866 * assertThat(person.getCountry()).isEqualTo("Iceland");2867 * assertThat(person.getPhoneCountryCode()).isEqualTo("+354");2868 * });</code></pre>2869 *2870 * @param requirements the given {@link Consumer}.2871 * @return {@code this} object.2872 * @throws NullPointerException if the given {@link Consumer} is {@code null}.2873 * @throws AssertionError if one or more elements don't satisfy given requirements.2874 * @since 3.7.02875 */2876 @Override2877 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> allSatisfy(Consumer<? super T> requirements) {2878 iterables.assertAllSatisfy(info, newArrayList(array), requirements);2879 return myself;2880 }2881 /**2882 * Verifies whether any elements match the provided {@link Predicate}.2883 * <p>2884 * Example :2885 * <pre><code class='java'> AtomicReferenceArray&lt;String&gt; abc = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new String[] {"a", "b", "c"});2886 * AtomicReferenceArray&lt;String&gt; abcc = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new String[] {"a", "b", "cc"});2887 *2888 * // assertion will pass2889 * assertThat(abc).anyMatch(s -&gt; s.length() == 2);2890 *2891 * // assertion will fail2892 * assertThat(abcc).anyMatch(s -&gt; s.length() &gt; 2);</code></pre>2893 *2894 * Note that you can achieve the same result with {@link #areAtLeastOne(Condition) areAtLeastOne(Condition)}2895 * or {@link #haveAtLeastOne(Condition) haveAtLeastOne(Condition)}.2896 *2897 * @param predicate the given {@link Predicate}.2898 * @return {@code this} object.2899 * @throws NullPointerException if the given predicate is {@code null}.2900 * @throws AssertionError if no elements satisfy the given predicate.2901 * @since 3.9.02902 */2903 @Override2904 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> anyMatch(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {2905 iterables.assertAnyMatch(info, newArrayList(array), predicate, PredicateDescription.GIVEN);2906 return myself;2907 }2908 /**2909 * Verifies that at least one element satisfies the given requirements expressed as a {@link Consumer}.2910 * <p>2911 * This is useful to check that a group of assertions is verified by (at least) one element.2912 * <p>2913 * If the {@link AtomicReferenceArray} to assert is empty, the assertion will fail.2914 * <p>2915 * Grouping assertions example:2916 * <pre><code class='java'> // myIcelanderFriends is an AtomicReferenceArray&lt;Person&gt;2917 * assertThat(myIcelanderFriends).anySatisfy(person -&gt; {2918 * assertThat(person.getCountry()).isEqualTo("Iceland");2919 * assertThat(person.getPhoneCountryCode()).isEqualTo("+354");2920 * assertThat(person.getSurname()).endsWith("son");2921 * });2922 *2923 * // assertion fails for empty group, whatever the requirements are.2924 * assertThat(emptyArray).anySatisfy($ -&gt; {2925 * assertThat(true).isTrue();2926 * });</code></pre>2927 *2928 * @param requirements the given {@link Consumer}.2929 * @return {@code this} object.2930 * @throws NullPointerException if the given {@link Consumer} is {@code null}.2931 * @throws AssertionError if all elements don't satisfy given requirements.2932 * @since 3.7.02933 */2934 @Override2935 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> anySatisfy(Consumer<? super T> requirements) {2936 iterables.assertAnySatisfy(info, newArrayList(array), requirements);2937 return myself;2938 }2939 /*2940 * {@inheritDoc}2941 */2942 @Override2943 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> noneSatisfy(Consumer<? super T> restrictions) {2944 iterables.assertNoneSatisfy(info, newArrayList(array), restrictions);2945 return myself;2946 }2947 /**2948 * Verifies that the actual AtomicReferenceArray contains at least one of the given values.2949 * <p>2950 * Example :2951 * <pre><code class='java'> AtomicReferenceArray&lt;String&gt; abc = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});2952 *2953 * // assertions will pass2954 * assertThat(abc).containsAnyOf("b")2955 * .containsAnyOf("b", "c")2956 * .containsAnyOf("a", "b", "c")2957 * .containsAnyOf("a", "b", "c", "d")2958 * .containsAnyOf("e", "f", "g", "b");2959 *2960 * // assertions will fail2961 * assertThat(abc).containsAnyOf("d");2962 * assertThat(abc).containsAnyOf("d", "e", "f", "g");</code></pre>2963 *2964 * @param values the values whose at least one which is expected to be in the {@code AtomicReferenceArray} under test.2965 * @return {@code this} assertion object.2966 * @throws NullPointerException if the array of values is {@code null}.2967 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the array of values is empty and the {@code AtomicReferenceArray} under test is not empty.2968 * @throws AssertionError if the {@code AtomicReferenceArray} under test is {@code null}.2969 * @throws AssertionError if the {@code AtomicReferenceArray} under test does not contain any of the given {@code values}.2970 * @since 2.9.0 / 3.9.02971 */2972 @Override2973 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> containsAnyOf(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T... values) {2974 arrays.assertContainsAnyOf(info, array, values);2975 return myself;2976 }2977 /**2978 * Verifies that the actual AtomicReferenceArray contains at least one of the given {@link Iterable} elements.2979 * <p>2980 * Example :2981 * <pre><code class='java'> AtomicReferenceArray&lt;String&gt; abc = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});2982 *2983 * // assertions will pass2984 * assertThat(abc).containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("b"))2985 * .containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("b", "c"))2986 * .containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"))2987 * .containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d"))2988 * .containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("e", "f", "g", "b"));2989 *2990 * // assertions will fail2991 * assertThat(abc).containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("d"));2992 * assertThat(abc).containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("d", "e", "f", "g"));</code></pre>2993 *2994 * @param iterable the iterable whose at least one element is expected to be in the {@code AtomicReferenceArray} under test.2995 * @return {@code this} assertion object.2996 * @throws NullPointerException if the iterable of expected values is {@code null}.2997 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the iterable of expected values is empty and the {@code AtomicReferenceArray} under test is not empty.2998 * @throws AssertionError if the {@code AtomicReferenceArray} under test is {@code null}.2999 * @throws AssertionError if the {@code AtomicReferenceArray} under test does not contain any of elements from the given {@code Iterable}.3000 * @since 2.9.0 / 3.9.03001 */3002 @Override3003 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> containsAnyElementsOf(Iterable<? extends T> iterable) {3004 return containsAnyOf(toArray(iterable));3005 }3006 /**3007 * Verifies that no elements match the given {@link Predicate}.3008 * <p>3009 * Example :3010 * <pre><code class='java'> AtomicReferenceArray&lt;String&gt; abcc = new AtomicReferenceArray&lt;&gt;(new String[]{"a", "b", "cc"});3011 *3012 * // assertion will pass3013 * assertThat(abcc).noneMatch(s -&gt; s.isEmpty());3014 *3015 * // assertion will fail3016 * assertThat(abcc).noneMatch(s -&gt; s.length() == 2);</code></pre>3017 *3018 * Note that you can achieve the same result with {@link #areNot(Condition) areNot(Condition)}3019 * or {@link #doNotHave(Condition) doNotHave(Condition)}.3020 *3021 * @param predicate the given {@link Predicate}.3022 * @return {@code this} object.3023 * @throws NullPointerException if the given predicate is {@code null}.3024 * @throws AssertionError if an element cannot be cast to T.3025 * @throws AssertionError if any element satisfy the given predicate.3026 * @since 3.9.03027 */3028 @Override3029 public AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> noneMatch(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {3030 iterables.assertNoneMatch(info, newArrayList(array), predicate, PredicateDescription.GIVEN);3031 return myself;3032 }3033 // lazy init TypeComparators3034 protected TypeComparators getComparatorsByType() {3035 if (comparatorsByType == null) comparatorsByType = defaultTypeComparators();3036 return comparatorsByType;3037 }3038 // lazy init TypeComparators3039 protected TypeComparators getComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes() {3040 if (comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes == null) comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes = defaultTypeComparators();3041 return comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes;3042 }3043 private AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> internalFilteredOn(String propertyOrFieldName, Object expectedValue) {3044 Iterable<? extends T> filteredIterable = filter(array).with(propertyOrFieldName, expectedValue).get();3045 return new AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<>(new AtomicReferenceArray<>(toArray(filteredIterable)));3046 }3047 private AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<T> internalFilteredOn(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {3048 checkArgument(predicate != null, "The filter predicate should not be null");3049 List<T> filteredList = stream(array).filter(predicate).collect(toList());3050 return new AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<>(new AtomicReferenceArray<>(toArray(filteredList)));3051 }3052}...

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1import org.junit.Test;2import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;3import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;4public class AtomicReferenceArrayAssert_internalFilteredOn_Test {5 public void test_internalFilteredOn() {6 AtomicReferenceArray<String> atomicReferenceArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});7 assertThat(atomicReferenceArray).internalFilteredOn((s) -> s.equals("a")).containsExactly("a");8 assertThat(atomicReferenceArray).internalFilteredOn((s) -> s.equals("b")).containsExactly("b");9 assertThat(atomicReferenceArray).internalFilteredOn((s) -> s.equals("c")).containsExactly("c");10 }11}

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1AtomicReferenceArray<String> atomicReferenceArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});2assertThat(atomicReferenceArray).filteredOn("a").containsExactly("a");3AtomicReferenceArray<String> atomicReferenceArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});4assertThat(atomicReferenceArray).filteredOn(new Condition<String>() {5 public boolean matches(String value) {6 return "a".equals(value);7 }8}).containsExactly("a");9AtomicReferenceArray<String> atomicReferenceArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});10assertThat(atomicReferenceArray).filteredOn(new Condition<String>() {11 public boolean matches(String value) {12 return "a".equals(value);13 }14}, new Condition<String>() {15 public boolean matches(String value) {16 return "b".equals(value);17 }18}).containsExactly("a", "b");19AtomicReferenceArray<String> atomicReferenceArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});20assertThat(atomicReferenceArray).filteredOn(new Condition<String>() {21 public boolean matches(String value) {22 return "a".equals(value);23 }24}, new Condition<String>() {25 public boolean matches(String value) {26 return "b".equals(value);27 }28}, new Condition<String>() {29 public boolean matches(String value) {30 return "c".equals(value);31 }32}).containsExactly("a", "b", "c");33AtomicReferenceArray<String> atomicReferenceArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});34assertThat(atomicReferenceArray).filteredOn(new Condition<String>() {35 public boolean matches(String value) {36 return "a".equals(value);37 }38}, new Condition<String>() {39 public boolean matches(String value) {

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1AtomicReferenceArray<String> atomicReferenceArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(new String[]{"a", "b", "c"});2AtomicReferenceArrayAssert<String> atomicReferenceArrayAssert = assertThat(atomicReferenceArray);3atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("a").containsOnly("a");4atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("b").containsOnly("b");5atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("c").containsOnly("c");6atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("a").containsOnly("a", "b", "c");7atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("a").containsOnly("a", "b");8atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("a").containsOnly("a", "b", "c", "d");9atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("a").containsOnly("a", "b", "c", "d", "e");10atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("a").containsOnly("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f");11atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("a").containsOnly("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g");12atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("a").containsOnly("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h");13atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("a").containsOnly("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i");14atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("a").containsOnly("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j");15atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("a").containsOnly("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k");16atomicReferenceArrayAssert.internalFilteredOn("

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1AtomicReferenceArray<String> atomicReferenceArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(new String[]{"one","two","three"});2assertThat(atomicReferenceArray).internalFilteredOn("one", in -> in.equals("one"));3package org.assertj.core.api.atomic.referencearray;4import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;5import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;6import org.junit.Test;7public class AtomicReferenceArrayAssertTest {8 public void test() {9 AtomicReferenceArray<String> atomicReferenceArray = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(new String[]{"one","two","three"});10 assertThat(atomicReferenceArray).internalFilteredOn("one", in -> in.equals("one"));11 }12}

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