How to use expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType method of org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator class

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...159 * .equals() methods during traversal.160 */161 public List<ComparisonDifference> determineDifferences(Object actual, Object expected,162 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration) {163 if (recursiveComparisonConfiguration.isInStrictTypeCheckingMode() && expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(actual, expected)) {164 return list(expectedAndActualTypeDifference(actual, expected));165 }166 List<String> rootPath = list();167 List<DualValue> visited = list();168 return determineDifferences(actual, expected, rootPath, true, visited, recursiveComparisonConfiguration);169 }170 // TODO keep track of ignored fields in an RecursiveComparisonExecution class ?171 private static List<ComparisonDifference> determineDifferences(Object actual, Object expected, List<String> parentPath,172 boolean isRootObject, List<DualValue> visited,173 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration) {174 ComparisonState comparisonState = new ComparisonState(visited, recursiveComparisonConfiguration);175 comparisonState.initDualValuesToCompare(actual, expected, parentPath, isRootObject);176 while (comparisonState.hasDualValuesToCompare()) {177 final DualValue dualValue = comparisonState.pickDualValueToCompare();178 final List<String> currentPath = dualValue.getPath();179 final Object actualFieldValue = dualValue.actual;180 final Object expectedFieldValue = dualValue.expected;181 if (actualFieldValue == expectedFieldValue) continue;182 // Custom comparators take precedence over all other types of comparison183 if (recursiveComparisonConfiguration.hasCustomComparator(dualValue)) {184 if (!propertyOrFieldValuesAreEqual(dualValue, recursiveComparisonConfiguration)) comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);185 // since we used a custom comparator we don't need to inspect the nested fields any further186 continue;187 }188 if (actualFieldValue == null || expectedFieldValue == null) {189 // one of the value is null while the other is not as we already know that actualFieldValue != expectedFieldValue190 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);191 continue;192 }193 if (dualValue.isExpectedAnEnum()) {194 compareAsEnums(dualValue, comparisonState, recursiveComparisonConfiguration);195 continue;196 }197 // TODO move hasFieldTypesDifference check into each compareXXX198 if (dualValue.isExpectedFieldAnArray()) {199 compareArrays(dualValue, comparisonState);200 continue;201 }202 // we compare ordered collections specifically as to be matching, each pair of elements at a given index must match.203 // concretely we compare: (col1[0] vs col2[0]), (col1[1] vs col2[1])...(col1[n] vs col2[n])204 if (dualValue.isExpectedFieldAnOrderedCollection()205 && !recursiveComparisonConfiguration.shouldIgnoreCollectionOrder(dualValue)) {206 compareOrderedCollections(dualValue, comparisonState);207 continue;208 }209 if (dualValue.isExpectedFieldAnIterable()) {210 compareUnorderedIterables(dualValue, comparisonState);211 continue;212 }213 if (dualValue.isExpectedFieldAnOptional()) {214 compareOptional(dualValue, comparisonState);215 continue;216 }217 // Compare two SortedMaps taking advantage of the fact that these Maps can be compared in O(N) time due to their ordering218 if (dualValue.isExpectedFieldASortedMap()) {219 compareSortedMap(dualValue, comparisonState);220 continue;221 }222 // Compare two Unordered Maps. This is a slightly more expensive comparison because order cannot be assumed, therefore a223 // temporary Map must be created, however the comparison still runs in O(N) time.224 if (dualValue.isExpectedFieldAMap()) {225 compareUnorderedMap(dualValue, comparisonState);226 continue;227 }228 if (shouldCompareDualValue(recursiveComparisonConfiguration, dualValue)) {229 if (!actualFieldValue.equals(expectedFieldValue)) comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);230 continue;231 }232 Class<?> actualFieldValueClass = actualFieldValue.getClass();233 Class<?> expectedFieldClass = expectedFieldValue.getClass();234 if (recursiveComparisonConfiguration.isInStrictTypeCheckingMode() && expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(dualValue)) {235 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, STRICT_TYPE_ERROR, expectedFieldClass.getName(),236 actualFieldValueClass.getName());237 continue;238 }239 Set<String> actualNonIgnoredFieldsNames = recursiveComparisonConfiguration.getNonIgnoredActualFieldNames(dualValue);240 Set<String> expectedFieldsNames = getFieldsNames(expectedFieldClass);241 // Check if expected has more fields than actual, in that case the additional fields are reported as difference242 if (!expectedFieldsNames.containsAll(actualNonIgnoredFieldsNames)) {243 // report missing fields in actual244 Set<String> actualFieldsNamesNotInExpected = newHashSet(actualNonIgnoredFieldsNames);245 actualFieldsNamesNotInExpected.removeAll(expectedFieldsNames);246 String missingFields = actualFieldsNamesNotInExpected.toString();247 String expectedClassName = expectedFieldClass.getName();248 String actualClassName = actualFieldValueClass.getName();249 String missingFieldsDescription = format(MISSING_FIELDS, actualClassName, expectedClassName,250 expectedFieldClass.getSimpleName(), actualFieldValueClass.getSimpleName(),251 missingFields);252 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, missingFieldsDescription);253 } else { // TODO remove else to report more diff254 // compare actual's fields against expected :255 // - if actual has more fields than expected, the additional fields are ignored as expected is the reference256 for (String actualFieldName : actualNonIgnoredFieldsNames) {257 if (expectedFieldsNames.contains(actualFieldName)) {258 DualValue newDualValue = new DualValue(currentPath, actualFieldName,259 COMPARISON.getSimpleValue(actualFieldName, actualFieldValue),260 COMPARISON.getSimpleValue(actualFieldName, expectedFieldValue));261 comparisonState.registerForComparison(newDualValue);262 }263 }264 }265 }266 return comparisonState.getDifferences();267 }268 private static boolean shouldCompareDualValue(RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration,269 final DualValue dualValue) {270 return !recursiveComparisonConfiguration.shouldIgnoreOverriddenEqualsOf(dualValue)271 && hasOverriddenEquals(dualValue.actual.getClass());272 }273 // avoid comparing enum recursively since they contain static fields which are ignored in recursive comparison274 // this would make different field enum value to be considered the same!275 private static void compareAsEnums(final DualValue dualValue,276 ComparisonState comparisonState,277 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration) {278 if (recursiveComparisonConfiguration.isInStrictTypeCheckingMode()) {279 // we can use == for comparison which checks both actual and expected values and types are the same280 if (dualValue.actual != dualValue.expected) comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);281 return;282 }283 if (!dualValue.isActualAnEnum()) {284 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, differentTypeErrorMessage(dualValue, "an enum"));285 return;286 }287 // both actual and expected are enums288 Enum<?> actualEnum = (Enum<?>) dualValue.actual;289 Enum<?> expectedEnum = (Enum<?>) dualValue.expected;290 // we must only compare actual and expected enum by value but not by type291 if (! comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);292 }293 private static boolean shouldHonorOverriddenEquals(DualValue dualValue,294 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration) {295 boolean shouldNotIgnoreOverriddenEqualsIfAny = !recursiveComparisonConfiguration.shouldIgnoreOverriddenEqualsOf(dualValue);296 return shouldNotIgnoreOverriddenEqualsIfAny && dualValue.actual != null && hasOverriddenEquals(dualValue.actual.getClass());297 }298 private static void compareArrays(DualValue dualValue, ComparisonState comparisonState) {299 if (!dualValue.isActualFieldAnArray()) {300 // at the moment we only allow comparing arrays with arrays but we might allow comparing to collections later on301 // but only if we are not in strict type mode.302 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, differentTypeErrorMessage(dualValue, "an array"));303 return;304 }305 // both values in dualValue are arrays306 int actualArrayLength = Array.getLength(dualValue.actual);307 int expectedArrayLength = Array.getLength(dualValue.expected);308 if (actualArrayLength != expectedArrayLength) {309 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, DIFFERENT_SIZE_ERROR, "arrays", actualArrayLength, expectedArrayLength);310 // no need to inspect elements, arrays are not equal as they don't have the same size311 return;312 }313 // register each pair of actual/expected elements for recursive comparison314 List<String> arrayFieldPath = dualValue.getPath();315 for (int i = 0; i < actualArrayLength; i++) {316 Object actualElement = Array.get(dualValue.actual, i);317 Object expectedElement = Array.get(dualValue.expected, i);318 // TODO add [i] to the path ?319 comparisonState.registerForComparison(new DualValue(arrayFieldPath, actualElement, expectedElement));320 }321 }322 /*323 * Deeply compare two Collections that must be same length and in same order.324 */325 private static void compareOrderedCollections(DualValue dualValue, ComparisonState comparisonState) {326 if (!dualValue.isActualFieldAnOrderedCollection()) {327 // at the moment if expected is an ordered collection then actual should also be one328 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, ACTUAL_NOT_ORDERED_COLLECTION, dualValue.actual.getClass().getCanonicalName());329 return;330 }331 Collection<?> actualCollection = (Collection<?>) dualValue.actual;332 Collection<?> expectedCollection = (Collection<?>) dualValue.expected;333 if (actualCollection.size() != expectedCollection.size()) {334 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, DIFFERENT_SIZE_ERROR,335 "collections", actualCollection.size(), expectedCollection.size());336 // no need to inspect elements, arrays are not equal as they don't have the same size337 return;338 }339 // register pair of elements with same index for later comparison as we compare elements in order340 Iterator<?> expectedIterator = expectedCollection.iterator();341 List<String> path = dualValue.getPath();342 .map(element -> new DualValue(path, element, .forEach(comparisonState::registerForComparison);345 }346 private static String differentTypeErrorMessage(DualValue dualValue, String actualTypeDescription) {347 return format(DIFFERENT_ACTUAL_AND_EXPECTED_FIELD_TYPES,348 actualTypeDescription, dualValue.actual.getClass().getCanonicalName());349 }350 private static void compareUnorderedIterables(DualValue dualValue, ComparisonState comparisonState) {351 if (!dualValue.isActualFieldAnIterable()) {352 // at the moment we only compare iterable with iterables (but we might allow arrays too)353 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, differentTypeErrorMessage(dualValue, "an iterable"));354 return;355 }356 Iterable<?> actual = (Iterable<?>) dualValue.actual;357 Iterable<?> expected = (Iterable<?>) dualValue.expected;358 int actualSize = sizeOf(actual);359 int expectedSize = sizeOf(expected);360 if (actualSize != expectedSize) {361 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, DIFFERENT_SIZE_ERROR, "collections", actualSize, expectedSize);362 // no need to inspect elements, iterables are not equal as they don't have the same size363 return;364 // TODO instead we could register the diff between expected and actual that is:365 // - unexpected actual elements (the ones not matching any expected)366 // - expected elements not found in actual.367 }368 List<String> path = dualValue.getPath();369 // copy expected as we will remove elements found in actual370 Collection<?> expectedCopy = new LinkedList<>(toCollection(expected));371 for (Object actualElement : actual) {372 // compare recursively actualElement to all remaining expected elements373 Iterator<?> expectedIterator = expectedCopy.iterator();374 while (expectedIterator.hasNext()) {375 Object expectedElement =;376 // we need to get the currently visited dual values otherwise a cycle would cause an infinite recursion.377 List<ComparisonDifference> differences = determineDifferences(actualElement, expectedElement, path, false,378 comparisonState.visitedDualValues,379 comparisonState.recursiveComparisonConfiguration);380 if (differences.isEmpty()) {381 // we found an element in expected matching actualElement, we must remove it as if actual matches expected382 // it means for each actual element there is one and only matching expected element.383 expectedIterator.remove();384 // jump to next actual element check385 break;386 }387 }388 }389 // expectedCopy not empty = there was at least one actual element not matching any expected elements.390 if (!expectedCopy.isEmpty()) comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);391 // TODO instead we could register the diff between expected and actual that is:392 // - unexpected actual elements (the ones not matching any expected)393 // - expected elements not found in actual.394 }395 private static <K, V> void compareSortedMap(DualValue dualValue, ComparisonState comparisonState) {396 if (!dualValue.isActualFieldASortedMap()) {397 // at the moment we only compare iterable with iterables (but we might allow arrays too)398 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, differentTypeErrorMessage(dualValue, "a sorted map"));399 return;400 }401 Map<?, ?> actualMap = (Map<?, ?>) dualValue.actual;402 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")403 Map<K, V> expectedMap = (Map<K, V>) dualValue.expected;404 if (actualMap.size() != expectedMap.size()) {405 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, DIFFERENT_SIZE_ERROR, "sorted maps", actualMap.size(), expectedMap.size());406 // no need to inspect entries, maps are not equal as they don't have the same size407 return;408 // TODO instead we could register the diff between expected and actual that is:409 // - unexpected actual entries (the ones not matching any expected)410 // - expected entries not found in actual.411 }412 List<String> path = dualValue.getPath();413 Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> expectedMapEntries = expectedMap.entrySet().iterator();414 for (Map.Entry<?, ?> actualEntry : actualMap.entrySet()) {415 Map.Entry<?, ?> expectedEntry =;416 // Must split the Key and Value so that Map.Entry's equals() method is not used.417 comparisonState.registerForComparison(new DualValue(path, actualEntry.getKey(), expectedEntry.getKey()));418 comparisonState.registerForComparison(new DualValue(path, actualEntry.getValue(), expectedEntry.getValue()));419 }420 }421 private static void compareUnorderedMap(DualValue dualValue, ComparisonState comparisonState) {422 if (!dualValue.isActualFieldAMap()) {423 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, differentTypeErrorMessage(dualValue, "a map"));424 return;425 }426 Map<?, ?> actualMap = (Map<?, ?>) dualValue.actual;427 Map<?, ?> expectedMap = (Map<?, ?>) dualValue.expected;428 if (actualMap.size() != expectedMap.size()) {429 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, DIFFERENT_SIZE_ERROR, "maps", actualMap.size(), expectedMap.size());430 // no need to inspect entries, maps are not equal as they don't have the same size431 return;432 // TODO instead we could register the diff between expected and actual that is:433 // - unexpected actual entries (the ones not matching any expected)434 // - expected entries not found in actual.435 }436 Map<Integer, Map.Entry<?, ?>> fastLookup = expectedMap.entrySet().stream()437 .collect(toMap(entry -> deepHashCode(entry.getKey()), entry -> entry));438 List<String> path = dualValue.getPath();439 for (Map.Entry<?, ?> actualEntry : actualMap.entrySet()) {440 int deepHashCode = deepHashCode(actualEntry.getKey());441 if (!fastLookup.containsKey(deepHashCode)) {442 // TODO add description of the entry in actual not found in expected.443 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);444 return;445 }446 Map.Entry<?, ?> expectedEntry = fastLookup.get(deepHashCode);447 // Must split the Key and Value so that Map.Entry's equals() method is not used.448 comparisonState.registerForComparison(new DualValue(path, actualEntry.getKey(), expectedEntry.getKey()));449 comparisonState.registerForComparison(new DualValue(path, actualEntry.getValue(), expectedEntry.getValue()));450 }451 }452 private static void compareOptional(DualValue dualValue, ComparisonState comparisonState) {453 if (!dualValue.isActualFieldAnOptional()) {454 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue, differentTypeErrorMessage(dualValue, "an Optional"));455 return;456 }457 Optional<?> actual = (Optional<?>) dualValue.actual;458 Optional<?> expected = (Optional<?>) dualValue.expected;459 if (actual.isPresent() != expected.isPresent()) {460 comparisonState.addDifference(dualValue);461 return;462 }463 // either both are empty or present464 if (!actual.isPresent()) return; // both optional are empty => end of the comparison465 // both are present, we have to compare their values recursively466 Object value1 = actual.get();467 Object value2 = expected.get();468 // we add VALUE_FIELD_NAME to the path since we register Optional.value fields.469 comparisonState.registerForComparison(new DualValue(dualValue.getPath(), VALUE_FIELD_NAME, value1, value2));470 }471 /**472 * Determine if the passed in class has a non-Object.equals() method. This473 * method caches its results in static ConcurrentHashMap to benefit474 * execution performance.475 *476 * @param c Class to check.477 * @return true, if the passed in Class has a .equals() method somewhere478 * between itself and just below Object in it's inheritance.479 */480 static boolean hasOverriddenEquals(Class<?> c) {481 if (customEquals.containsKey(c)) {482 return customEquals.get(c);483 }484 Class<?> origClass = c;485 while (!Object.class.equals(c)) {486 try {487 c.getDeclaredMethod("equals", Object.class);488 customEquals.put(origClass, true);489 return true;490 } catch (Exception ignored) {}491 c = c.getSuperclass();492 }493 customEquals.put(origClass, false);494 return false;495 }496 /**497 * Get a deterministic hashCode (int) value for an Object, regardless of498 * when it was created or where it was loaded into memory. The problem with499 * java.lang.Object.hashCode() is that it essentially relies on memory500 * location of an object (what identity it was assigned), whereas this501 * method will produce the same hashCode for any object graph, regardless of502 * how many times it is created.<br>503 * <br>504 *505 * This method will handle cycles correctly (A-&gt;B-&gt;C-&gt;A). In this506 * case, Starting with object A, B, or C would yield the same hashCode. If507 * an object encountered (root, subobject, etc.) has a hashCode() method on508 * it (that is not Object.hashCode()), that hashCode() method will be called509 * and it will stop traversal on that branch.510 *511 * @param obj Object who hashCode is desired.512 * @return the 'deep' hashCode value for the passed in object.513 */514 static int deepHashCode(Object obj) {515 Set<Object> visited = new HashSet<>();516 LinkedList<Object> stack = new LinkedList<>();517 stack.addFirst(obj);518 int hash = 0;519 while (!stack.isEmpty()) {520 obj = stack.removeFirst();521 if (obj == null || visited.contains(obj)) {522 continue;523 }524 visited.add(obj);525 if (obj.getClass().isArray()) {526 int len = Array.getLength(obj);527 for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {528 stack.addFirst(Array.get(obj, i));529 }530 continue;531 }532 if (obj instanceof Collection) {533 stack.addAll(0, (Collection<?>) obj);534 continue;535 }536 if (obj instanceof Map) {537 stack.addAll(0, ((Map<?, ?>) obj).keySet());538 stack.addAll(0, ((Map<?, ?>) obj).values());539 continue;540 }541 if (obj instanceof Double || obj instanceof Float) {542 // just take the integral value for hashcode543 // equality tests things more comprehensively544 stack.add(Math.round(((Number) obj).doubleValue()));545 continue;546 }547 if (hasCustomHashCode(obj.getClass())) {548 // A real hashCode() method exists, call it.549 hash += obj.hashCode();550 continue;551 }552 Collection<Field> fields = getDeclaredFieldsIncludingInherited(obj.getClass());553 for (Field field : fields) {554 stack.addFirst(COMPARISON.getSimpleValue(field.getName(), obj));555 }556 }557 return hash;558 }559 /**560 * Determine if the passed in class has a non-Object.hashCode() method. This561 * method caches its results in static ConcurrentHashMap to benefit562 * execution performance.563 *564 * @param c Class to check.565 * @return true, if the passed in Class has a .hashCode() method somewhere566 * between itself and just below Object in it's inheritance.567 */568 static boolean hasCustomHashCode(Class<?> c) {569 Class<?> origClass = c;570 if (customHash.containsKey(c)) {571 return customHash.get(c);572 }573 while (!Object.class.equals(c)) {574 try {575 c.getDeclaredMethod("hashCode");576 customHash.put(origClass, true);577 return true;578 } catch (Exception ignored) {}579 c = c.getSuperclass();580 }581 customHash.put(origClass, false);582 return false;583 }584 @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })585 private static boolean propertyOrFieldValuesAreEqual(DualValue dualValue,586 RecursiveComparisonConfiguration recursiveComparisonConfiguration) {587 final String fieldName = dualValue.getConcatenatedPath();588 final Object actualFieldValue = dualValue.actual;589 final Object expectedFieldValue = dualValue.expected;590 // no need to look into comparators if objects are the same591 if (actualFieldValue == expectedFieldValue) return true;592 // check field comparators as they take precedence over type comparators593 Comparator fieldComparator = recursiveComparisonConfiguration.getComparatorForField(fieldName);594 if (fieldComparator != null) return, expectedFieldValue) == 0;595 // check if a type comparators exist for the field type596 Class fieldType = actualFieldValue != null ? actualFieldValue.getClass() : expectedFieldValue.getClass();597 Comparator typeComparator = recursiveComparisonConfiguration.getComparatorForType(fieldType);598 if (typeComparator != null) return, expectedFieldValue) == 0;599 // default comparison using equals600 return Objects.areEqual(actualFieldValue, expectedFieldValue);601 }602 private static ComparisonDifference expectedAndActualTypeDifference(Object actual, Object expected) {603 String additionalInformation = format("actual and expected are considered different since the comparison enforces strict type check and expected type %s is not a subtype of actual type %s",604 expected.getClass().getName(), actual.getClass().getName());605 return rootComparisonDifference(actual, expected, additionalInformation);606 }607 // TODO should be checking actual!608 private static boolean expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(DualValue dualField) {609 return expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(dualField.actual, dualField.expected);610 }611 private static boolean expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(Object actual, Object expected) {612 return !actual.getClass().isAssignableFrom(expected.getClass());613 }614 private static String describeOrderedCollectionTypes() {615 return Stream.of(DEFAULT_ORDERED_COLLECTION_TYPES)616 .map(Class::getName)617 .collect(joining(", ", "[", "]"));618 }619}...

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1import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;2import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.within;3import static org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator.expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType;4import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.ComparisonDifference;5import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator;6import;7import;8import;9import;10import;11import;12import;13import;14import;15import;16import;17import;18import;19import;20import;21import;22import;23import;24import;25import;26import;27import;28import;29import;30import;31import;32import;33import;34import;35import;36import;37import;38import;39import

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1import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator;2import org.assertj.core.api.recursive.comparison.RecursiveComparisonDifference;3import org.assertj.core.util.Lists;4import org.assertj.core.util.Maps;5import java.util.List;6import java.util.Map;7public class Test {8 public static void main(String[] args) {9 Map<String, Object> actual = Maps.newHashMap("a", "a");10 Map<String, Object> expected = Maps.newHashMap("a", 1);11 List<RecursiveComparisonDifference> diffs = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator().calculateDifferences(expected, actual);12 diffs.forEach(System.out::println);13 }14}

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1RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator actual = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();2actual.expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(expectedType, actualType);3RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator expected = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();4expected.expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(expectedType, actualType);5RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator actual = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();6actual.expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(expectedType, actualType);7RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator expected = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();8expected.expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(expectedType, actualType);9RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator actual = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();10actual.expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(expectedType, actualType);11RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator expected = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();12expected.expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(expectedType, actualType);13RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator actual = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();14actual.expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(expectedType, actualType);15RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator expected = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();16expected.expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(expectedType, actualType);17RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator actual = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();18actual.expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(expectedType, actualType);

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1@DisplayName("Should not throw an exception when comparing two objects with different types")2void should_not_throw_exception_when_comparing_two_objects_with_different_types() {3 Foo foo = new Foo();4 Bar bar = new Bar();5 assertThat(foo).usingRecursiveComparison()6 .ignoringExpectedNullFields()7 .ignoringAllOverriddenEquals()8 .isEqualTo(bar);9}10@DisplayName("Should throw an exception when comparing two objects with different types")11void should_throw_exception_when_comparing_two_objects_with_different_types() {12 Foo foo = new Foo();13 Bar bar = new Bar();14 assertThatExceptionOfType(AssertionError.class).isThrownBy(() -> assertThat(foo).usingRecursiveComparison()15 .ignoringExpectedNullFields()16 .ignoringAllOverriddenEquals()17 .isEqualTo(bar));18}19public class Foo {20 private String name = "foo";21 public String getName() {22 return name;23 }24 public void setName(String name) {25 = name;26 }27}28public class Bar {29 private String name = "bar";30 public String getName() {31 return name;32 }33 public void setName(String name) {34 = name;35 }36}37@DisplayName("Should not throw an exception when comparing two objects with different types")38void should_not_throw_exception_when_comparing_two_objects_with_different_types() {39 Foo foo = new Foo();40 Bar bar = new Bar();41 assertNotEquals(foo, bar);42}43@DisplayName("Should throw an exception when comparing two objects with different types")44void should_throw_exception_when_comparing_two_objects_with_different_types() {45 Foo foo = new Foo();46 Bar bar = new Bar();47 assertThatExceptionOfType(AssertionError.class).isThrownBy(() -> assertNotEquals(foo, bar));48}49public class Foo {50 private String name = "foo";51 public String getName() {52 return name;53 }54 public void setName(String name) {55 = name;56 }57}58public class Bar {59 private String name = "bar";60 public String getName() {61 return name;62 }

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1public void test() {2 RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator calculator = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();3 RecursiveComparisonDifference difference = new RecursiveComparisonDifference("path", "expected", "actual", "expectedType", "actualType");4 difference.setExpectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(true);5 boolean actual = calculator.expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(difference);6 assertThat(actual).isTrue();7}8public void test() {9 RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator calculator = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();10 RecursiveComparisonDifference difference = new RecursiveComparisonDifference("path", "expected", "actual", "expectedType", "actualType");11 difference.setExpectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(true);12 boolean actual = calculator.expectedTypeIsNotSubtypeOfActualType(difference);13 assertThat(actual).isTrue();14}15public void test() {16 RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator calculator = new RecursiveComparisonDifferenceCalculator();17 RecursiveComparisonDifference difference = new RecursiveComparisonDifference("path", "expected", "actual", "expectedType", "actualType");

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