How to use getLivenessCheckPort method of org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer class

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...273 protected void containerIsStarted(InspectContainerResponse containerInfo) {274 }275 /**276 * @return the port on which to check if the container is ready277 * @deprecated see {@link GenericContainer#getLivenessCheckPorts()} for replacement278 */279 @Deprecated280 protected Integer getLivenessCheckPort() {281 // legacy implementation for backwards compatibility282 if (exposedPorts.size() > 0) {283 return getMappedPort(exposedPorts.get(0));284 } else if (portBindings.size() > 0) {285 return Integer.valueOf(PortBinding.parse(portBindings.get(0)).getBinding().getHostPortSpec());286 } else {287 return null;288 }289 }290 /**291 * @return the ports on which to check if the container is ready292 * @deprecated use {@link #getLivenessCheckPortNumbers()} instead293 */294 @NotNull295 @NonNull296 @Deprecated297 protected Set<Integer> getLivenessCheckPorts() {298 final Set<Integer> result = WaitStrategyTarget.super.getLivenessCheckPortNumbers();299 // for backwards compatibility300 if (this.getLivenessCheckPort() != null) {301 result.add(this.getLivenessCheckPort());302 }303 return result;304 }305 @Override306 public Set<Integer> getLivenessCheckPortNumbers() {307 return this.getLivenessCheckPorts();308 }309 private void applyConfiguration(CreateContainerCmd createCommand) {310 // Set up exposed ports (where there are no host port bindings defined)311 ExposedPort[] portArray = .map(ExposedPort::new)313 .toArray(ExposedPort[]::new);314 createCommand.withExposedPorts(portArray);315 // Set up exposed ports that need host port bindings316 PortBinding[] portBindingArray = .map(PortBinding::parse)318 .toArray(PortBinding[]::new);319 createCommand.withPortBindings(portBindingArray);320 if (commandParts != null) {321 createCommand.withCmd(commandParts);322 }323 String[] envArray = env.entrySet().stream()324 .map(it -> it.getKey() + "=" + it.getValue())325 .toArray(String[]::new);326 createCommand.withEnv(envArray);327 Bind[] bindsArray = .toArray(Bind[]::new);329 createCommand.withBinds(bindsArray);330 VolumesFrom[] volumesFromsArray = .toArray(VolumesFrom[]::new);332 createCommand.withVolumesFrom(volumesFromsArray);333 Set<Link> allLinks = new HashSet<>();334 Set<String> allLinkedContainerNetworks = new HashSet<>();335 for (Map.Entry<String, LinkableContainer> linkEntries : linkedContainers.entrySet()) {336 String alias = linkEntries.getKey();337 LinkableContainer linkableContainer = linkEntries.getValue();338 Set<Link> links = findLinksFromThisContainer(alias, linkableContainer);339 allLinks.addAll(links);340 if (allLinks.size() == 0) {341 throw new ContainerLaunchException("Aborting attempt to link to container " +342 linkableContainer.getContainerName() +343 " as it is not running");344 }345 Set<String> linkedContainerNetworks = findAllNetworksForLinkedContainers(linkableContainer);346 allLinkedContainerNetworks.addAll(linkedContainerNetworks);347 }348 createCommand.withLinks(allLinks.toArray(new Link[allLinks.size()]));349 allLinkedContainerNetworks.remove("bridge");350 if (allLinkedContainerNetworks.size() > 1) {351 logger().warn("Container needs to be on more than one custom network to link to other " +352 "containers - this is not currently supported. Required networks are: {}",353 allLinkedContainerNetworks);354 }355 Optional<String> networkForLinks =;356 if (networkForLinks.isPresent()) {357 logger().debug("Associating container with network: {}", networkForLinks.get());358 createCommand.withNetworkMode(networkForLinks.get());359 }360 createCommand.withPublishAllPorts(true);361 String[] extraHostsArray = .toArray(String[]::new);363 createCommand.withExtraHosts(extraHostsArray);364 if (network != null) {365 createCommand.withNetworkMode(network.getId());366 createCommand.withAliases(this.networkAliases);367 } else if (networkMode != null) {368 createCommand.withNetworkMode(networkMode);369 }370 if (workingDirectory != null) {371 createCommand.withWorkingDir(workingDirectory);372 }373 if (privilegedMode) {374 createCommand.withPrivileged(privilegedMode);375 }376 createContainerCmdModifiers.forEach(hook -> hook.accept(createCommand));377 Map<String, String> labels = createCommand.getLabels();378 labels = new HashMap<>(labels != null ? labels : Collections.emptyMap());379 labels.putAll(DockerClientFactory.DEFAULT_LABELS);380 createCommand.withLabels(labels);381 }382 private Set<Link> findLinksFromThisContainer(String alias, LinkableContainer linkableContainer) {383 return dockerClient.listContainersCmd()384 .withStatusFilter(Arrays.asList("running"))385 .exec().stream()386 .flatMap(container -> Stream.of(container.getNames()))387 .filter(name -> name.endsWith(linkableContainer.getContainerName()))388 .map(name -> new Link(name, alias))389 .collect(Collectors.toSet());390 }391 private Set<String> findAllNetworksForLinkedContainers(LinkableContainer linkableContainer) {392 return dockerClient.listContainersCmd().exec().stream()393 .filter(container -> container.getNames()[0].endsWith(linkableContainer.getContainerName()))394 .filter(container -> container.getNetworkSettings() != null &&395 container.getNetworkSettings().getNetworks() != null)396 .flatMap(container -> container.getNetworkSettings().getNetworks().keySet().stream())397 .distinct()398 .collect(Collectors.toSet());399 }400 /**401 * {@inheritDoc}402 */403 @Override404 public SELF waitingFor(@NonNull org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.WaitStrategy waitStrategy) {405 this.waitStrategy = waitStrategy;406 return self();407 }408 /**409 * The {@link WaitStrategy} to use to determine if the container is ready.410 * Defaults to {@link Wait#defaultWaitStrategy()}.411 *412 * @return the {@link WaitStrategy} to use413 */414 protected org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.WaitStrategy getWaitStrategy() {415 return waitStrategy;416 }417 @Override418 public void setWaitStrategy(org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.WaitStrategy waitStrategy) {419 this.waitStrategy = waitStrategy;420 }421 /**422 * Wait until the container has started. The default implementation simply423 * waits for a port to start listening; other implementations are available424 * as implementations of {@link org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.WaitStrategy}425 *426 * @see #waitingFor(org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.WaitStrategy)427 */428 protected void waitUntilContainerStarted() {429 getWaitStrategy().waitUntilReady(this);430 }431 /**432 * {@inheritDoc}433 */434 @Override435 public void setCommand(@NonNull String command) {436 this.commandParts = command.split(" ");437 }438 /**439 * {@inheritDoc}440 */441 @Override442 public void setCommand(@NonNull String... commandParts) {443 this.commandParts = commandParts;444 }445 @Override446 public Map<String, String> getEnvMap() {447 return env;448 }449 /**450 * {@inheritDoc}451 */452 @Override453 public List<String> getEnv() {454 return env.entrySet().stream()455 .map(it -> it.getKey() + "=" + it.getValue())456 .collect(Collectors.toList());457 }458 @Override459 public void setEnv(List<String> env) {460 this.env = .map(it -> it.split("="))462 .collect(Collectors.toMap(463 it -> it[0],464 it -> it[1]465 ));466 }467 /**468 * {@inheritDoc}469 */470 @Override471 public void addEnv(String key, String value) {472 env.put(key, value);473 }474 /**475 * {@inheritDoc}476 */477 @Override478 public void addFileSystemBind(final String hostPath, final String containerPath, final BindMode mode, final SelinuxContext selinuxContext) {479 final MountableFile mountableFile = MountableFile.forHostPath(hostPath);480 binds.add(new Bind(mountableFile.getResolvedPath(), new Volume(containerPath), mode.accessMode, selinuxContext.selContext));481 }482 /**483 * {@inheritDoc}484 */485 @Override486 public SELF withFileSystemBind(String hostPath, String containerPath, BindMode mode) {487 addFileSystemBind(hostPath, containerPath, mode);488 return self();489 }490 /**491 * {@inheritDoc}492 */493 @Override494 public SELF withVolumesFrom(Container container, BindMode mode) {495 addVolumesFrom(container, mode);496 return self();497 }498 private void addVolumesFrom(Container container, BindMode mode) {499 volumesFroms.add(new VolumesFrom(container.getContainerName(), mode.accessMode));500 }501 /**502 * @deprecated Links are deprecated (see <a href="">#465</a>). Please use {@link Network} features instead.503 */504 @Deprecated505 @Override506 public void addLink(LinkableContainer otherContainer, String alias) {507 this.linkedContainers.put(alias, otherContainer);508 }509 @Override510 public void addExposedPort(Integer port) {511 exposedPorts.add(port);512 }513 @Override514 public void addExposedPorts(int... ports) {515 for (int port : ports) {516 exposedPorts.add(port);517 }518 }519 @Override520 protected void starting(Description description) {521 this.start();522 }523 @Override524 protected void finished(Description description) {525 this.stop();526 }527 /**528 * {@inheritDoc}529 */530 @Override531 public SELF withExposedPorts(Integer... ports) {532 this.setExposedPorts(newArrayList(ports));533 return self();534 }535 /**536 * Add a TCP container port that should be bound to a fixed port on the docker host.537 * <p>538 * Note that this method is protected scope to discourage use, as clashes or instability are more likely when539 * using fixed port mappings. If you need to use this method from a test, please use {@link FixedHostPortGenericContainer}540 * instead of GenericContainer.541 *542 * @param hostPort543 * @param containerPort544 */545 protected void addFixedExposedPort(int hostPort, int containerPort) {546 addFixedExposedPort(hostPort, containerPort, InternetProtocol.TCP);547 }548 /**549 * Add a container port that should be bound to a fixed port on the docker host.550 * <p>551 * Note that this method is protected scope to discourage use, as clashes or instability are more likely when552 * using fixed port mappings. If you need to use this method from a test, please use {@link FixedHostPortGenericContainer}553 * instead of GenericContainer.554 *555 * @param hostPort556 * @param containerPort557 * @param protocol558 */559 protected void addFixedExposedPort(int hostPort, int containerPort, InternetProtocol protocol) {560 portBindings.add(String.format("%d:%d/%s", hostPort, containerPort, protocol.toDockerNotation()));561 }562 /**563 * {@inheritDoc}564 */565 @Override566 public SELF withEnv(String key, String value) {567 this.addEnv(key, value);568 return self();569 }570 /**571 * {@inheritDoc}572 */573 @Override574 public SELF withEnv(Map<String, String> env) {575 env.forEach(this::addEnv);576 return self();577 }578 /**579 * {@inheritDoc}580 */581 @Override582 public SELF withCommand(String cmd) {583 this.setCommand(cmd);584 return self();585 }586 /**587 * {@inheritDoc}588 */589 @Override590 public SELF withCommand(String... commandParts) {591 this.setCommand(commandParts);592 return self();593 }594 /**595 * {@inheritDoc}596 */597 @Override598 public SELF withExtraHost(String hostname, String ipAddress) {599 this.extraHosts.add(String.format("%s:%s", hostname, ipAddress));600 return self();601 }602 @Override603 public SELF withNetworkMode(String networkMode) {604 this.networkMode = networkMode;605 return self();606 }607 @Override608 public SELF withNetwork(Network network) {609 = network;610 return self();611 }612 @Override613 public SELF withNetworkAliases(String... aliases) {614 Collections.addAll(this.networkAliases, aliases);615 return self();616 }617 /**618 * {@inheritDoc}619 */620 @Override621 public SELF withClasspathResourceMapping(final String resourcePath, final String containerPath, final BindMode mode) {622 return withClasspathResourceMapping(resourcePath, containerPath, mode, SelinuxContext.NONE);623 }624 /**625 * {@inheritDoc}626 */627 @Override628 public SELF withClasspathResourceMapping(final String resourcePath, final String containerPath, final BindMode mode, final SelinuxContext selinuxContext) {629 final MountableFile mountableFile = MountableFile.forClasspathResource(resourcePath);630 this.addFileSystemBind(mountableFile.getResolvedPath(), containerPath, mode, selinuxContext);631 return self();632 }633 /**634 * {@inheritDoc}635 */636 @Override637 public SELF withStartupTimeout(Duration startupTimeout) {638 getWaitStrategy().withStartupTimeout(startupTimeout);639 return self();640 }641 @Override642 public SELF withPrivilegedMode(boolean mode) {643 this.privilegedMode = mode;644 return self();645 }646 /**647 * {@inheritDoc}648 */649 @Override650 public SELF withMinimumRunningDuration(Duration minimumRunningDuration) {651 this.startupCheckStrategy = new MinimumDurationRunningStartupCheckStrategy(minimumRunningDuration);652 return self();653 }654 /**655 * {@inheritDoc}656 */657 @Override658 public SELF withStartupCheckStrategy(StartupCheckStrategy strategy) {659 this.startupCheckStrategy = strategy;660 return self();661 }662 /**663 * {@inheritDoc}664 */665 @Override666 public SELF withWorkingDirectory(String workDir) {667 this.setWorkingDirectory(workDir);668 return self();669 }670 /**671 * Get the IP address that this container may be reached on (may not be the local machine).672 *673 * @return an IP address674 * @deprecated please use getContainerIpAddress() instead675 */676 @Deprecated677 public String getIpAddress() {678 return getContainerIpAddress();679 }680 /**681 * {@inheritDoc}682 */683 @Override684 public void setDockerImageName(@NonNull String dockerImageName) {685 this.image = new RemoteDockerImage(dockerImageName);686 // Mimic old behavior where we resolve image once it's set687 getDockerImageName();688 }689 /**690 * {@inheritDoc}691 */692 @Override693 @NonNull694 public String getDockerImageName() {695 try {696 return image.get();697 } catch (Exception e) {698 throw new ContainerFetchException("Can't get Docker image: " + image, e);699 }700 }701 /**702 * {@inheritDoc}703 */704 @Override705 public String getTestHostIpAddress() {706 if (DockerMachineClient.instance().isInstalled()) {707 try {708 Optional<String> defaultMachine = DockerMachineClient.instance().getDefaultMachine();709 if (!defaultMachine.isPresent()) {710 throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find a default docker-machine instance");711 }712 String sshConnectionString = runShellCommand("docker-machine", "ssh", defaultMachine.get(), "echo $SSH_CONNECTION").trim();713 if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(sshConnectionString)) {714 throw new IllegalStateException("Could not obtain SSH_CONNECTION environment variable for docker machine " + defaultMachine.get());715 }716 String[] sshConnectionParts = sshConnectionString.split("\\s");717 if (sshConnectionParts.length != 4) {718 throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected pattern for SSH_CONNECTION for docker machine - expected 'IP PORT IP PORT' pattern but found '" + sshConnectionString + "'");719 }720 return sshConnectionParts[0];721 } catch (Exception e) {722 throw new RuntimeException(e);723 }724 } else {725 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getTestHostIpAddress() is only implemented for docker-machine right now");726 }727 }728 /**729 * {@inheritDoc}730 */731 @Override732 public SELF withLogConsumer(Consumer<OutputFrame> consumer) {733 this.logConsumers.add(consumer);734 return self();735 }736 /**737 * {@inheritDoc}738 */739 @Override740 public synchronized Info fetchDockerDaemonInfo() throws IOException {741 if (this.dockerDaemonInfo == null) {742 this.dockerDaemonInfo = this.dockerClient.infoCmd().exec();743 }744 return this.dockerDaemonInfo;745 }746 /**747 * {@inheritDoc}748 */749 @Override750 public ExecResult execInContainer(String... command)751 throws UnsupportedOperationException, IOException, InterruptedException {752 return execInContainer(UTF8, command);753 }754 /**755 * {@inheritDoc}756 */757 @Override758 public void copyFileToContainer(MountableFile mountableLocalFile, String containerPath) {759 if (!isRunning()) {760 throw new IllegalStateException("copyFileToContainer can only be used while the Container is running");761 }762 this.dockerClient763 .copyArchiveToContainerCmd(this.containerId)764 .withHostResource(mountableLocalFile.getResolvedPath())765 .withRemotePath(containerPath)766 .exec();767 }768 /**769 * {@inheritDoc}770 */771 @Override772 public void copyFileFromContainer(String containerPath, String destinationPath) throws IOException {773 if (!isRunning()) {774 throw new IllegalStateException("copyFileToContainer can only be used while the Container is running");775 }776 try (final TarArchiveInputStream tarInputStream = new TarArchiveInputStream(this.dockerClient777 .copyArchiveFromContainerCmd(this.containerId, containerPath)778 .exec())) {779 tarInputStream.getNextTarEntry();780 IOUtils.copy(tarInputStream, new FileOutputStream(destinationPath));781 }782 }783 /**784 * {@inheritDoc}785 */786 @Override787 public ExecResult execInContainer(Charset outputCharset, String... command)788 throws UnsupportedOperationException, IOException, InterruptedException {789 return ExecInContainerPattern.execInContainer(getContainerInfo(), outputCharset, command);790 }791 /**792 * Allow container startup to be attempted more than once if an error occurs. To be if containers are793 * 'flaky' but this flakiness is not something that should affect test outcomes.794 *795 * @param attempts number of attempts796 */797 public SELF withStartupAttempts(int attempts) {798 this.startupAttempts = attempts;799 return self();800 }801 @Override802 public void close() {803 stop();804 }805 /**806 * Allow low level modifications of {@link CreateContainerCmd} after it was pre-configured in {@link #tryStart(Profiler)}.807 * Invocation happens eagerly on a moment when container is created.808 * Warning: this does expose the underlying docker-java API so might change outside of our control.809 *810 * @param modifier {@link Consumer} of {@link CreateContainerCmd}.811 * @return this812 */813 public SELF withCreateContainerCmdModifier(Consumer<CreateContainerCmd> modifier) {814 createContainerCmdModifiers.add(modifier);815 return self();816 }817 /**818 * Convenience class with access to non-public members of GenericContainer.819 *820 * @deprecated use {@link org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.AbstractWaitStrategy}821 */822 @Deprecated823 public static abstract class AbstractWaitStrategy extends org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.AbstractWaitStrategy implements WaitStrategy {824 protected GenericContainer container;825 @NonNull826 protected Duration startupTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(60);827 /**828 * Wait until the container has started.829 *830 * @param container the container for which to wait831 */832 @Override833 public void waitUntilReady(GenericContainer container) {834 this.container = container;835 waitUntilReady();836 }837 /**838 * Wait until {@link #container} has started.839 */840 protected abstract void waitUntilReady();841 /**842 * Set the duration of waiting time until container treated as started.843 *844 * @param startupTimeout timeout845 * @return this846 * @see WaitStrategy#waitUntilReady(GenericContainer)847 */848 public WaitStrategy withStartupTimeout(Duration startupTimeout) {849 this.startupTimeout = startupTimeout;850 return this;851 }852 /**853 * @return the container's logger854 */855 protected Logger logger() {856 return container.logger();857 }858 /**859 * @return the port on which to check if the container is ready860 * @deprecated see {@link AbstractWaitStrategy#getLivenessCheckPorts()}861 */862 @Deprecated863 protected Integer getLivenessCheckPort() {864 return container.getLivenessCheckPort();865 }866 /**867 * @return the ports on which to check if the container is ready868 */869 protected Set<Integer> getLivenessCheckPorts() {870 return container.getLivenessCheckPorts();871 }872 /**873 * @return the rate limiter to use874 */875 protected RateLimiter getRateLimiter() {876 return DOCKER_CLIENT_RATE_LIMITER;877 }878 }879}...

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...39 protected String getTestQueryString() {40 return "select count(*) from systables";41 }42 @Override43 protected Integer getLivenessCheckPort() {44 return getMappedPort(INFORMIX_PORT);45 }46 @Override47 protected void configure() {48 super.configure();49 addExposedPort(INFORMIX_PORT);50 addEnv("LICENSE","accept");51 withPrivilegedMode(true);52 withCreateContainerCmdModifier(c -> {53 c.withTty(true);54 c.withPublishAllPorts(false);55 c.withPortBindings(new Ports(ExposedPort.tcp(9088), Ports.Binding.empty()));56 });57 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;2import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.Wait;3import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.WaitStrategy;4import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.WaitAllStrategy;5import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.WaitStrategyTarget;6import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.WaitStrategyTarget;7import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.WaitStrategyTarget;8public class TestContainer {9 public static void main(String[] args) {10 WaitStrategy waitStrategy = new WaitAllStrategy();11 GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer("alpine:3.2");12 container.setWaitStrategy(waitStrategy);13 container.setPortBindings(new Integer[]{8080});14 container.start();15 int port = container.getMappedPort(8080);16 System.out.println("container port is: " + port);17 int livenessCheckPort = container.getLivenessCheckPort();18 System.out.println("liveness check port is: " + livenessCheckPort);19 }20}

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1import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;2import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.Wait;3import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.WaitStrategy;4public class TestContainer {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer("postgres:9.6");7 container.setPortBindings(new String[]{"5432:5432"});8 WaitStrategy waitStrategy = Wait.forListeningPort();9 container.waitingFor(waitStrategy);10 container.start();11 int port = container.getMappedPort(5432);12 int livenessPort = container.getLivenessCheckPort();13 System.out.println("Mapped Port: " + port);14 System.out.println("Liveness Port: " + livenessPort);15 container.stop();16 }17}

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1import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;2import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.Wait;3import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.WaitAllStrategy;4import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;5{6 public static void main( String[] args )7 {8 GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer(DockerImageName.parse("nginx:latest"));9 container.setWaitStrategy(new WaitAllStrategy().withStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/")));10 container.start();11 System.out.println(container.getLivenessCheckPort());12 }13}14The getHost() method of the GenericContainer

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1package org.testcontainers.containers;2import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;3import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName;4public class TestContainer {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer(DockerImageName.parse("alpine:3.12.0"));7 System.out.println("Liveness check port : " + container.getLivenessCheckPort());8 }9}

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1import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;2public class TestContainer {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer("redis:latest");5 container.start();6 System.out.println("Liveness port for the container is: " + container.getLivenessCheckPort());7 container.stop();8 }9}

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1import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;2public class test {3 public static void main(String[] args) {4 GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer("alpine:latest");5 container.withExposedPorts(80);6 container.start();7 System.out.println("Liveness check port is " + container.getLivenessCheckPort());8 }9}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1package org.testcontainers.containers;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4public class TestGetLivenessCheckPort {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 List<String> command = new ArrayList<>();7 command.add("/bin/sh");8 command.add("-c");9 command.add("while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done");10 GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer("busybox")11 .withCommand(command)12 .withExposedPorts(1234);13 container.start();14 System.out.println("Liveness check port: " + container.getLivenessCheckPort());15 container.stop();16 }17}18Recommended Posts: Java | getExposedPorts() method in GenericContainer19Java | getContainerIpAddress() method in GenericContainer20Java | getDockerImageName() method in GenericContainer21Java | getNetwork() method in GenericContainer22Java | getNetworkAliases() method in GenericContainer23Java | getContainerId() method in GenericContainer24Java | getMappedPort(int) method in GenericContainer25Java | getMappedPort(String) method in GenericContainer26Java | getExposedPorts() method in GenericContainer27Java | getExposedPort(String) method in GenericContainer28Java | getExposedPort(int) method in GenericContainer29Java | getExposedPort(int) method in GenericContainer30Java | getExposedPort(String) method in GenericContainer31Java | getExposedPorts() method in GenericContainer32Java | getContainerIpAddress() method in GenericContainer33Java | getDockerImageName() method in GenericContainer34Java | getNetwork() method in GenericContainer35Java | getNetworkAliases() method in GenericContainer36Java | getContainerId() method in GenericContainer37Java | getMappedPort(int) method in GenericContainer38Java | getMappedPort(String) method in GenericContainer39Java | getExposedPort(int) method in GenericContainer40Java | getExposedPort(String) method in GenericContainer41Java | getExposedPorts() method in GenericContainer42Java | getContainerIpAddress() method in GenericContainer43Java | getDockerImageName() method in GenericContainer44Java | getNetwork() method in GenericContainer45Java | getNetworkAliases() method in GenericContainer46Java | getContainerId() method in

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1import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;2import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.HttpWaitStrategy;3import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.Wait;4import java.time.Duration;5import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;6public class TestContainersDemo {7 public static void main(String[] args) {8 GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer("alpine:3.8").withExposedPorts(80);9 container.waitingFor(Wait.forHttp("/").forPort(80).withStartupTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(30)));10 container.start();11 System.out.println("Liveness Check Port: " + container.getLivenessCheckPort());12 container.stop();13 }14}15Recommended Posts: Java | TestContainers - getContainerIpAddress() method16Java | TestContainers - getContainerInfo() method17Java | TestContainers - getMappedPort() method18Java | TestContainers - getExposedPorts() method19Java | TestContainers - getNetwork() method20Java | TestContainers - getNetworkAliases() method21Java | TestContainers - getNetworkMode() method22Java | TestContainers - getDockerImageName() method23Java | TestContainers - getCommandParts() method24Java | TestContainers - getEnvMap() method25Java | TestContainers - getLabels() method26Java | TestContainers - getLogConsumer() method27Java | TestContainers - getTestHostIpAddress() method28Java | TestContainers - getTestHost() method29Java | TestContainers - getTestHostGateway() method30Java | TestContainers - getTestHostDNS() method31Java | TestContainers - getTestHostExtraHosts() method32Java | TestContainers - getTestHostBindIp() method33Java | TestContainers - getTestHostBindPort() method34Java | TestContainers - getTestHostInternalIp() method

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1import org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer;2import java.util.Map;3import java.util.HashMap;4public class Test {5 public static void main(String args[]) {6 GenericContainer container = new GenericContainer("ubuntu:18.04");7 container.start();8 Map<String, String> env = new HashMap<>();9 env.put("TEST", "test");10 container.withEnv(env);11 String port = container.getLivenessCheckPort();12 System.out.println(port);13 container.stop();14 }15}

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