How to use Generator class

Best Mockingbird code snippet using Generator


Source:CodeGenerators.swift Github


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...15// Code generators.16//17// These insert one or more instructions into a program.18//19public let CodeGenerators: [CodeGenerator] = [20// CodeGenerator("IntegerGenerator") { b in21// b.loadInt(b.genInt())22// },23//24// CodeGenerator("BigIntGenerator") { b in25// b.loadBigInt(b.genInt())26// },27//28// CodeGenerator("RegExpGenerator") { b in29// b.loadRegExp(b.genRegExp(), b.genRegExpFlags())30// },31//32// CodeGenerator("FloatGenerator") { b in33// b.loadFloat(b.genFloat())34// },35//36// CodeGenerator("StringGenerator") { b in37// b.loadString(b.genString())38// },39//40// CodeGenerator("BooleanGenerator") { b in41// b.loadBool(Bool.random())42// },43//44// CodeGenerator("UndefinedGenerator") { b in45// b.loadUndefined()46// },47//48// CodeGenerator("NullGenerator") { b in49// b.loadNull()50// },51//52// CodeGenerator("ThisGenerator") { b in53// b.loadThis()54// },55//56// CodeGenerator("ArgumentsGenerator", inContext: .function) { b in57// assert(b.context.contains(.function))58// b.loadArguments()59// },60//61// CodeGenerator("ObjectGenerator") { b in62// var initialProperties = [String: Variable]()63// for _ in 0..<Int.random(in: 0...10) {64// let propertyName = b.genPropertyNameForWrite()65// var type = b.type(ofProperty: propertyName)66// initialProperties[propertyName] = b.randVar(ofType: type) ?? b.generateVariable(ofType: type)67// }68// b.createObject(with: initialProperties)69// },70//71// CodeGenerator("ArrayGenerator") { b in72// var initialValues = [Variable]()73// for _ in 0..<Int.random(in: 0...10) {74// initialValues.append(b.randVar())75// }76// b.createArray(with: initialValues)77// },78//79// CodeGenerator("ObjectWithSpreadGenerator") { b in80// var initialProperties = [String: Variable]()81// var spreads = [Variable]()82// for _ in 0..<Int.random(in: 0...10) {83// withProbability(0.5, do: {84// let propertyName = b.genPropertyNameForWrite()85// var type = b.type(ofProperty: propertyName)86// initialProperties[propertyName] = b.randVar(ofType: type) ?? b.generateVariable(ofType: type)87// }, else: {88// spreads.append(b.randVar())89// })90// }91// b.createObject(with: initialProperties, andSpreading: spreads)92// },93//94// CodeGenerator("ArrayWithSpreadGenerator") { b in95// var initialValues = [Variable]()96// for _ in 0..<Int.random(in: 0...10) {97// initialValues.append(b.randVar())98// }99//100// // Pick some random inputs to spread.101// let spreads ={ el in102// probability(0.75) && b.type(of: el).Is(.iterable)103// })104//105// b.createArray(with: initialValues, spreading: spreads)106// },107//108// CodeGenerator("TemplateStringGenerator") { b in109// var interpolatedValues = [Variable]()110// for _ in 1..<Int.random(in: 1...5) {111// interpolatedValues.append(b.randVar())112// }113//114// var parts = [String]()115// for _ in 0...interpolatedValues.count {116// // For now we generate random strings117// parts.append(b.genString())118// }119// b.createTemplateString(from: parts, interpolating: interpolatedValues)120// },121//122// CodeGenerator("BuiltinGenerator") { b in123// b.loadBuiltin(b.genBuiltinName())124// },125//126// // For functions, we always generate one random instruction and one return instruction as function body.127// // This ensures that generating one random instruction does not accidentially generate multiple instructions128// // (which increases the likelyhood of runtime exceptions), but also generates somewhat useful functions.129//130// CodeGenerator("PlainFunctionGenerator") { b in131// b.definePlainFunction(withSignature: FunctionSignature(withParameterCount: Int.random(in: 2...5), hasRestParam: probability(0.1)), isStrict: probability(0.1)) { _ in132// b.generateRecursive()133// b.doReturn(value: b.randVar())134// }135// },136//137// CodeGenerator("ArrowFunctionGenerator") { b in138// b.defineArrowFunction(withSignature: FunctionSignature(withParameterCount: Int.random(in: 2...5), hasRestParam: probability(0.1)), isStrict: probability(0.1)) { _ in139// b.generateRecursive()140// b.doReturn(value: b.randVar())141// }142// },143//144// CodeGenerator("GeneratorFunctionGenerator") { b in145// b.defineGeneratorFunction(withSignature: FunctionSignature(withParameterCount: Int.random(in: 2...5), hasRestParam: probability(0.1)), isStrict: probability(0.1)) { _ in146// b.generateRecursive()147// if probability(0.5) {148// b.yield(value: b.randVar())149// } else {150// b.yieldEach(value: b.randVar())151// }152// b.doReturn(value: b.randVar())153// }154// },155//156// CodeGenerator("AsyncFunctionGenerator") { b in157// b.defineAsyncFunction(withSignature: FunctionSignature(withParameterCount: Int.random(in: 2...5), hasRestParam: probability(0.1)), isStrict: probability(0.1)) { _ in158// b.generateRecursive()159// b.await(value: b.randVar())160// b.doReturn(value: b.randVar())161// }162// },163//164// CodeGenerator("AsyncArrowFunctionGenerator") { b in165// b.defineAsyncArrowFunction(withSignature: FunctionSignature(withParameterCount: Int.random(in: 2...5), hasRestParam: probability(0.1)), isStrict: probability(0.1)) { _ in166// b.generateRecursive()167// b.await(value: b.randVar())168// b.doReturn(value: b.randVar())169// }170// },171//172// CodeGenerator("AsyncGeneratorFunctionGenerator") { b in173// b.defineAsyncGeneratorFunction(withSignature: FunctionSignature(withParameterCount: Int.random(in: 2...5), hasRestParam: probability(0.1)), isStrict: probability(0.1)) { _ in174// b.generateRecursive()175// b.await(value: b.randVar())176// if probability(0.5) {177// b.yield(value: b.randVar())178// } else {179// b.yieldEach(value: b.randVar())180// }181// b.doReturn(value: b.randVar())182// }183// },184//185// CodeGenerator("PropertyRetrievalGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in186// let propertyName = b.type(of: obj).randomProperty() ?? b.genPropertyNameForRead()187// b.loadProperty(propertyName, of: obj)188// },189//190// CodeGenerator("PropertyAssignmentGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in191// let propertyName: String192// // Either change an existing property or define a new one193// if probability(0.5) {194// propertyName = b.type(of: obj).randomProperty() ?? b.genPropertyNameForWrite()195// } else {196// propertyName = b.genPropertyNameForWrite()197// }198// var propertyType = b.type(ofProperty: propertyName)199// let value = b.randVar(ofType: propertyType) ?? b.generateVariable(ofType: propertyType)200// b.storeProperty(value, as: propertyName, on: obj)201// },202//203// CodeGenerator("StorePropertyWithBinopGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in204// let propertyName: String205// // Change an existing property206// propertyName = b.type(of: obj).randomProperty() ?? b.genPropertyNameForWrite()207//208// var propertyType = b.type(ofProperty: propertyName)209// let value = b.randVar(ofType: propertyType) ?? b.generateVariable(ofType: propertyType)210// b.storeProperty(value, as: propertyName, with: chooseUniform(from: allBinaryOperators), on: obj)211// },212//213// CodeGenerator("PropertyRemovalGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in214// let propertyName = b.type(of: obj).randomProperty() ?? b.genPropertyNameForWrite()215// b.deleteProperty(propertyName, of: obj)216// },217//218// CodeGenerator("ElementRetrievalGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in219// let index = b.genIndex()220// b.loadElement(index, of: obj)221// },222//223// CodeGenerator("ElementAssignmentGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in224// let index = b.genIndex()225// let value = b.randVar()226// b.storeElement(value, at: index, of: obj)227// },228//229// CodeGenerator("StoreElementWithBinopGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in230// let index = b.genIndex()231// let value = b.randVar()232// b.storeElement(value, at: index, with: chooseUniform(from: allBinaryOperators), of: obj)233// },234//235// CodeGenerator("ElementRemovalGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in236// let index = b.genIndex()237// b.deleteElement(index, of: obj)238// },239//240// CodeGenerator("ComputedPropertyRetrievalGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in241// let propertyName = b.randVar()242// b.loadComputedProperty(propertyName, of: obj)243// },244//245// CodeGenerator("ComputedPropertyAssignmentGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in246// let propertyName = b.randVar()247// let value = b.randVar()248// b.storeComputedProperty(value, as: propertyName, on: obj)249// },250//251// CodeGenerator("StoreComputedPropertyWithBinopGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in252// let propertyName = b.randVar()253// let value = b.randVar()254// b.storeComputedProperty(value, as: propertyName, with: chooseUniform(from: allBinaryOperators), on: obj)255// },256//257// CodeGenerator("ComputedPropertyRemovalGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in258// let propertyName = b.randVar()259// b.deleteComputedProperty(propertyName, of: obj)260// },261//262// CodeGenerator("TypeTestGenerator", input: .anything) { b, val in263// let type = b.doTypeof(val)264// // Also generate a comparison here, since that's probably the only interesting thing you can do with the result.265// let rhs = b.loadString(chooseUniform(from: JavaScriptEnvironment.jsTypeNames))266//, rhs, with: .strictEqual)267// },268//269// CodeGenerator("InstanceOfGenerator", inputs: (.anything, .function() | .constructor())) { b, val, cls in270// b.doInstanceOf(val, cls)271// },272//273// CodeGenerator("InGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in274// let prop = b.randVar()275// b.doIn(prop, obj)276// },277//278 CodeGenerator("MethodCallGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in279 var methodName = b.type(of: obj).randomMethod()280 if methodName == nil {281 guard b.mode != .conservative else { return }282 methodName = b.genMethodName()283 }284 guard let arguments = b.randCallArguments(forMethod: methodName!, on: obj) else { return }285 b.callMethod(methodName!, on: obj, withArgs: arguments)286 },287//288// CodeGenerator("MethodCallWithSpreadGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in289// // We cannot currently track element types of Arrays and other Iterable objects and so cannot properly determine argument types when spreading.290// // For that reason, we don't run this CodeGenerator in conservative mode291// guard b.mode != .conservative else { return }292//293// var methodName = b.type(of: obj).randomMethod() ?? b.genMethodName()294//295// let (arguments, spreads) = b.randCallArgumentsWithSpreading(n: Int.random(in: 3...5))296//297// b.callMethod(methodName, on: obj, withArgs: arguments, spreading: spreads)298// },299//300// CodeGenerator("ComputedMethodCallGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in301// var methodName = b.type(of: obj).randomMethod()302// if methodName == nil {303// guard b.mode != .conservative else { return }304// methodName = b.genMethodName()305// }306// let method = b.loadString(methodName!)307// guard let arguments = b.randCallArguments(forMethod: methodName!, on: obj) else { return }308// b.callComputedMethod(method, on: obj, withArgs: arguments)309// },310//311// CodeGenerator("ComputedMethodCallWithSpreadGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in312// // We cannot currently track element types of Arrays and other Iterable objects and so cannot properly determine argument types when spreading.313// // For that reason, we don't run this CodeGenerator in conservative mode314// guard b.mode != .conservative else { return }315//316// var methodName = b.type(of: obj).randomMethod() ?? b.genMethodName()317// let method = b.loadString(methodName)318//319// let (arguments, spreads) = b.randCallArgumentsWithSpreading(n: Int.random(in: 3...5))320//321// b.callComputedMethod(method, on: obj, withArgs: arguments, spreading: spreads)322// },323//324// CodeGenerator("FunctionCallGenerator", input: .function()) { b, f in325// guard let arguments = b.randCallArguments(for: f) else { return }326// b.callFunction(f, withArgs: arguments)327// },328//329 CodeGenerator("ConstructorCallGenerator", input: .constructor()) { b, c in330 guard let arguments = b.randCallArguments(for: c) else { return }331 b.construct(c, withArgs: arguments)332 },333//334// CodeGenerator("FunctionCallWithSpreadGenerator", input: .function()) { b, f in335// // We cannot currently track element types of Arrays and other Iterable objects and so cannot properly determine argument types when spreading.336// // For that reason, we don't run this CodeGenerator in conservative mode337// guard b.mode != .conservative else { return }338//339// let (arguments, spreads) = b.randCallArgumentsWithSpreading(n: Int.random(in: 3...5))340//341// b.callFunction(f, withArgs: arguments, spreading: spreads)342// },343//344// CodeGenerator("ConstructorCallWithSpreadGenerator", input: .constructor()) { b, c in345// // We cannot currently track element types of Arrays and other Iterable objects and so cannot properly determine argument types when spreading.346// // For that reason, we don't run this CodeGenerator in conservative mode347// guard b.mode != .conservative else { return }348//349// let (arguments, spreads) = b.randCallArgumentsWithSpreading(n: Int.random(in: 3...5))350//351// b.construct(c, withArgs: arguments, spreading: spreads)352// },353//354// CodeGenerator("FunctionReturnGenerator", inContext: .function, input: .anything) { b, val in355// assert(b.context.contains(.function))356// b.doReturn(value: val)357// },358//359// CodeGenerator("YieldGenerator", inContext: .generatorFunction, input: .anything) { b, val in360// assert(b.context.contains(.generatorFunction))361// if probability(0.5) {362// b.yield(value: val)363// } else {364// b.yieldEach(value: val)365// }366// },367//368// CodeGenerator("AwaitGenerator", inContext: .asyncFunction, input: .anything) { b, val in369// assert(b.context.contains(.asyncFunction))370// b.await(value: val)371// },372//373// CodeGenerator("UnaryOperationGenerator", input: .anything) { b, val in374// b.unary(chooseUniform(from: allUnaryOperators), val)375// },376//377// CodeGenerator("BinaryOperationGenerator", inputs: (.anything, .anything)) { b, lhs, rhs in378// b.binary(lhs, rhs, with: chooseUniform(from: allBinaryOperators))379// },380//381// CodeGenerator("ReassignWithBinopGenerator", input: .anything) { b, val in382// let target = b.randVar()383// b.reassign(target, to: val, with: chooseUniform(from: allBinaryOperators))384// },385//386// CodeGenerator("DupGenerator") { b in387// b.dup(b.randVar())388// },389//390// CodeGenerator("ReassignmentGenerator", input: .anything) { b, val in391// let target = b.randVar()392// b.reassign(target, to: val)393// },394//395// CodeGenerator("DestructArrayGenerator", input: .iterable) { b, arr in396// // Fuzzilli generated arrays can have a length ranging from 0 to 10 elements,397// // We want to ensure that 1) when destructing arrays we are usually within this length range398// // and 2) The probability with which we select indices allows defining atleast 2-3 variables.399// var indices: [Int] = []400// for idx in 0..<Int.random(in: 0..<5) {401// withProbability(0.7) {402// indices.append(idx)403// }404// }405//406// b.destruct(arr, selecting: indices, hasRestElement: probability(0.2))407// },408//409// CodeGenerator("DestructArrayAndReassignGenerator", input: .iterable) {b, arr in410// var candidates: [Variable] = []411// var indices: [Int] = []412// for idx in 0..<Int.random(in: 0..<5) {413// withProbability(0.7) {414// indices.append(idx)415// candidates.append(b.randVar())416// }417// }418// b.destruct(arr, selecting: indices, into: candidates, hasRestElement: probability(0.2))419// },420//421// CodeGenerator("DestructObjectGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in422// var properties = Set<String>()423// for _ in 0..<Int.random(in: 2...6) {424// if let prop = b.type(of: obj).properties.randomElement(), !properties.contains(prop) {425// properties.insert(prop)426// } else {427// properties.insert(b.genPropertyNameForRead())428// }429// }430//431// let hasRestElement = probability(0.2)432//433// b.destruct(obj, selecting: properties.sorted(), hasRestElement: hasRestElement)434// },435//436// CodeGenerator("DestructObjectAndReassignGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in437// var properties = Set<String>()438// for _ in 0..<Int.random(in: 2...6) {439// if let prop = b.type(of: obj).properties.randomElement(), !properties.contains(prop) {440// properties.insert(prop)441// } else {442// properties.insert(b.genPropertyNameForRead())443// }444// }445//446// var candidates ={ _ in447// b.randVar()448// }449//450// let hasRestElement = probability(0.2)451// if hasRestElement {452// candidates.append(b.randVar())453// }454//455// b.destruct(obj, selecting: properties.sorted(), into: candidates, hasRestElement: hasRestElement)456// },457//458// CodeGenerator("ComparisonGenerator", inputs: (.anything, .anything)) { b, lhs, rhs in459//, rhs, with: chooseUniform(from: allComparators))460// },461//462// CodeGenerator("ConditionalOperationGenerator", inputs: (.anything, .anything)) { b, lhs, rhs in463// let condition =, rhs, with: chooseUniform(from: allComparators))464// b.conditional(condition, lhs, rhs)465// },466//467// CodeGenerator("ClassGenerator") { b in468// // Possibly pick a superclass469// var superclass: Variable? = nil470// if probability(0.5) {471// superclass = b.randVar(ofConservativeType: .constructor())472// }473//474// b.defineClass(withSuperclass: superclass) { cls in475// // TODO generate parameter types in a better way476// let constructorParameters = FunctionSignature(withParameterCount: Int.random(in: 1...3)).parameters477// cls.defineConstructor(withParameters: constructorParameters) { _ in478// // Must call the super constructor if there is a superclass479// if let superConstructor = superclass {480// let arguments = b.randCallArguments(for: superConstructor) ?? []481// b.callSuperConstructor(withArgs: arguments)482// }483//484// b.generateRecursive()485// }486//487// let numProperties = Int.random(in: 1...3)488// for _ in 0..<numProperties {489// cls.defineProperty(b.genPropertyNameForWrite())490// }491//492// let numMethods = Int.random(in: 1...3)493// for _ in 0..<numMethods {494// cls.defineMethod(b.genMethodName(), withSignature: FunctionSignature(withParameterCount: Int.random(in: 1...3), hasRestParam: probability(0.1))) { _ in495// b.generateRecursive()496// }497// }498// }499// },500//501// CodeGenerator("SuperMethodCallGenerator", inContext: .classDefinition) { b in502// let superType = b.currentSuperType()503// var methodName = superType.randomMethod()504// if methodName == nil {505// guard b.mode != .conservative else { return }506// methodName = b.genMethodName()507// }508// guard let arguments = b.randCallArguments(forMethod: methodName!, on: superType) else { return }509// b.callSuperMethod(methodName!, withArgs: arguments)510// },511//512// // Loads a property on the super object513// CodeGenerator("LoadSuperPropertyGenerator", inContext: .classDefinition) { b in514// let superType = b.currentSuperType()515// // Emit a property load516// let propertyName = superType.randomProperty() ?? b.genPropertyNameForRead()517// b.loadSuperProperty(propertyName)518// },519//520// // Stores a property on the super object521// CodeGenerator("StoreSuperPropertyGenerator", inContext: .classDefinition) { b in522// let superType = b.currentSuperType()523// // Emit a property store524// let propertyName: String525// // Either change an existing property or define a new one526// if probability(0.5) {527// propertyName = superType.randomProperty() ?? b.genPropertyNameForWrite()528// } else {529// propertyName = b.genPropertyNameForWrite()530// }531// var propertyType = b.type(ofProperty: propertyName)532// // TODO unify the .unknown => .anything conversion533// if propertyType == .unknown {534// propertyType = .anything535// }536// let value = b.randVar(ofType: propertyType) ?? b.generateVariable(ofType: propertyType)537// b.storeSuperProperty(value, as: propertyName)538// },539//540// // Stores a property with a binary operation on the super object541// CodeGenerator("StoreSuperPropertyWithBinopGenerator", inContext: .classDefinition) { b in542// let superType = b.currentSuperType()543// // Emit a property store544// let propertyName = superType.randomProperty() ?? b.genPropertyNameForWrite()545//546// var propertyType = b.type(ofProperty: propertyName)547// // TODO unify the .unknown => .anything conversion548// if propertyType == .unknown {549// propertyType = .anything550// }551// let value = b.randVar(ofType: propertyType) ?? b.generateVariable(ofType: propertyType)552// b.storeSuperProperty(value, as: propertyName, with: chooseUniform(from: allBinaryOperators))553// },554//555// CodeGenerator("IfElseGenerator", input: .boolean) { b, cond in556// b.beginIf(cond) {557// b.generateRecursive()558// }559// b.beginElse() {560// b.generateRecursive()561// }562// b.endIf()563// },564//565// CodeGenerator("SwitchCaseGenerator", input: .anything) { b, cond in566// var candidates: [Variable] = []567//568// // Generate a minimum of three cases (including a potential default case)569// for _ in 0..<Int.random(in: 3...8) {570// candidates.append(b.randVar())571// }572//573// // If this is set, the selected candidate becomes the default case574// var defaultCasePosition = -1575// if probability(0.8) {576// defaultCasePosition = Int.random(in: 0..<candidates.count)577// }578//579// b.doSwitch(on: cond) { cases in580// for (idx, val) in candidates.enumerated() {581// if idx == defaultCasePosition {582// cases.addDefault(previousCaseFallsThrough: probability(0.1)) {583// b.generateRecursive()584// }585// } else {586// cases.add(val, previousCaseFallsThrough: probability(0.1)) {587// b.generateRecursive()588// }589// }590// }591// }592// },593//594// CodeGenerator("SwitchCaseBreakGenerator", inContext: .switchCase) { b in595// b.switchBreak()596// },597//598// CodeGenerator("WhileLoopGenerator") { b in599// let loopVar = b.reuseOrLoadInt(0)600// let end = b.reuseOrLoadInt(Int64.random(in: 0...10))601// b.whileLoop(loopVar, .lessThan, end) {602// b.generateRecursive()603// b.unary(.PostInc, loopVar)604// }605// },606//607// CodeGenerator("DoWhileLoopGenerator") { b in608// let loopVar = b.reuseOrLoadInt(0)609// let end = b.reuseOrLoadInt(Int64.random(in: 0...10))610// b.doWhileLoop(loopVar, .lessThan, end) {611// b.generateRecursive()612// b.unary(.PostInc, loopVar)613// }614// },615//616// CodeGenerator("ForLoopGenerator") { b in617// let start = b.reuseOrLoadInt(0)618// let end = b.reuseOrLoadInt(Int64.random(in: 0...10))619// let step = b.reuseOrLoadInt(1)620// b.forLoop(start, .lessThan, end, .Add, step) { _ in621// b.generateRecursive()622// }623// },624//625// CodeGenerator("ForInLoopGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in626// b.forInLoop(obj) { _ in627// b.generateRecursive()628// }629// },630//631// CodeGenerator("ForOfLoopGenerator", input: .iterable) { b, obj in632// b.forOfLoop(obj) { _ in633// b.generateRecursive()634// }635// },636//637// CodeGenerator("ForOfWithDestructLoopGenerator", input: .iterable) { b, obj in638// // Don't run this generator in conservative mode, until we can track array element types639// guard b.mode != .conservative else { return }640// var indices: [Int] = []641// for idx in 0..<Int.random(in: 1..<5) {642// withProbability(0.8) {643// indices.append(idx)644// }645// }646//647// if indices.isEmpty {648// indices = [0]649// }650//651// b.forOfLoop(obj, selecting: indices, hasRestElement: probability(0.2)) { _ in652// b.generateRecursive()653// }654// },655//656// CodeGenerator("LoopBreakGenerator", inContext: .loop) { b in657// b.loopBreak()658// },659//660// CodeGenerator("ContinueGenerator", inContext: .loop) { b in661// assert(b.context.contains(.loop))662// b.doContinue()663// },664//665// CodeGenerator("TryCatchGenerator") { b in666// b.beginTry() {667// b.generateRecursive()668// }669// withEqualProbability({670// // try-catch-finally671// b.beginCatch() { _ in672// b.generateRecursive()673// }674// b.beginFinally() {675// b.generateRecursive()676// }677// }, {678// // try-catch679// b.beginCatch() { _ in680// b.generateRecursive()681// }682// }, {683// // try-finally684// b.beginFinally() {685// b.generateRecursive()686// }687// })688// b.endTryCatch()689// },690//691// CodeGenerator("ThrowGenerator") { b in692// let v = b.randVar()693// b.throwException(v)694// },695//696// //697// // Language-specific Generators698// //699//700// CodeGenerator("TypedArrayGenerator") { b in701// let size = b.loadInt(Int64.random(in: 0...0x10000))702// let constructor = b.reuseOrLoadBuiltin(703// chooseUniform(704// from: ["Uint8Array", "Int8Array", "Uint16Array", "Int16Array", "Uint32Array", "Int32Array", "Float32Array", "Float64Array", "Uint8ClampedArray"]705// )706// )707// b.construct(constructor, withArgs: [size])708// },709//710// CodeGenerator("FloatArrayGenerator") { b in711// let value = b.reuseOrLoadAnyFloat()712// b.createArray(with: Array(repeating: value, count: Int.random(in: 1...5)))713// },714//715// CodeGenerator("IntArrayGenerator") { b in716// let value = b.reuseOrLoadAnyInt()717// b.createArray(with: Array(repeating: value, count: Int.random(in: 1...5)))718// },719//720// CodeGenerator("ObjectArrayGenerator") { b in721// let value = b.createObject(with: [:])722// b.createArray(with: Array(repeating: value, count: Int.random(in: 1...5)))723// },724//725// CodeGenerator("WellKnownPropertyLoadGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in726// let Symbol = b.reuseOrLoadBuiltin("Symbol")727// let name = chooseUniform(from: ["isConcatSpreadable", "iterator", "match", "replace", "search", "species", "split", "toPrimitive", "toStringTag", "unscopables"])728// let pname = b.loadProperty(name, of: Symbol)729// b.loadComputedProperty(pname, of: obj)730// },731//732// CodeGenerator("WellKnownPropertyStoreGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in733// let Symbol = b.reuseOrLoadBuiltin("Symbol")734// let name = chooseUniform(from: ["isConcatSpreadable", "iterator", "match", "replace", "search", "species", "split", "toPrimitive", "toStringTag", "unscopables"])735// let pname = b.loadProperty(name, of: Symbol)736// let val = b.randVar()737// b.storeComputedProperty(val, as: pname, on: obj)738// },739//740// CodeGenerator("PrototypeAccessGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in741// b.loadProperty("__proto__", of: obj)742// },743//744// CodeGenerator("PrototypeOverwriteGenerator", inputs: (.object(), .object())) { b, obj, proto in745// b.storeProperty(proto, as: "__proto__", on: obj)746// },747//748// CodeGenerator("CallbackPropertyGenerator", inputs: (.object(), .function())) { b, obj, callback in749// // TODO add new callbacks like Symbol.toPrimitive?750// let propertyName = chooseUniform(from: ["valueOf", "toString"])751// b.storeProperty(callback, as: propertyName, on: obj)752// },753//754// CodeGenerator("PropertyAccessorGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in755// let propertyName = probability(0.5) ? b.loadString(b.genPropertyNameForWrite()) : b.loadInt(b.genIndex())756//757// var initialProperties = [String: Variable]()758// withEqualProbability({759// guard let getter = b.randVar(ofType: .function()) else { return }760// initialProperties["get"] = getter761// }, {762// guard let setter = b.randVar(ofType: .function()) else { return }763// initialProperties["set"] = setter764// }, {765// guard let getter = b.randVar(ofType: .function()) else { return }766// guard let setter = b.randVar(ofType: .function()) else { return }767// initialProperties["get"] = getter768// initialProperties["set"] = setter769// })770// let descriptor = b.createObject(with: initialProperties)771//772// let object = b.reuseOrLoadBuiltin("Object")773// b.callMethod("defineProperty", on: object, withArgs: [obj, propertyName, descriptor])774// },775//776// CodeGenerator("MethodCallWithDifferentThisGenerator", inputs: (.object(), .object())) { b, obj, this in777// var methodName = b.type(of: obj).randomMethod()778// if methodName == nil {779// guard b.mode != .conservative else { return }780// methodName = b.genMethodName()781// }782// guard let arguments = b.randCallArguments(forMethod: methodName!, on: obj) else { return }783// let Reflect = b.reuseOrLoadBuiltin("Reflect")784// let args = b.createArray(with: arguments)785// b.callMethod("apply", on: Reflect, withArgs: [b.loadProperty(methodName!, of: obj), this, args])786// },787//788// CodeGenerator("ProxyGenerator", input: .object()) { b, target in789// var candidates = Set(["getPrototypeOf", "setPrototypeOf", "isExtensible", "preventExtensions", "getOwnPropertyDescriptor", "defineProperty", "has", "get", "set", "deleteProperty", "ownKeys", "apply", "call", "construct"])790//791// var handlerProperties = [String: Variable]()792// for _ in 0..<Int.random(in: 0..<candidates.count) {793// let hook = chooseUniform(from: candidates)794// candidates.remove(hook)795// handlerProperties[hook] = b.randVar(ofType: .function())796// }797// let handler = b.createObject(with: handlerProperties)798//799// let Proxy = b.reuseOrLoadBuiltin("Proxy")800//801// b.construct(Proxy, withArgs: [target, handler])802// },803//804// CodeGenerator("PromiseGenerator") { b in805// // This is just so the variables have the correct type.806// let resolveFunc = b.definePlainFunction(withSignature: [.plain(.anything)] => .unknown) { _ in }807// let rejectFunc = b.dup(resolveFunc)808// let handlerSignature = [.plain(.function([.plain(.anything)] => .unknown)), .plain(.function([.plain(.anything)] => .unknown))] => .unknown809// let handler = b.definePlainFunction(withSignature: handlerSignature) { args in810// b.reassign(resolveFunc, to: args[0])811// b.reassign(rejectFunc, to: args[1])812// }813// let promiseConstructor = b.reuseOrLoadBuiltin("Promise")814// b.construct(promiseConstructor, withArgs: [handler])815// },816//817// // Tries to change the length property of some object818// CodeGenerator("LengthChangeGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in819// let newLength: Variable820// if probability(0.5) {821// // Shrink822// newLength = b.reuseOrLoadInt(Int64.random(in: 0..<3))823// } else {824// // (Probably) grow825// newLength = b.reuseOrLoadInt(b.genIndex())826// }827// b.storeProperty(newLength, as: "length", on: obj)828// },829//830// // Tries to change the element kind of an array831// CodeGenerator("ElementKindChangeGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in832// let value = b.randVar()833// b.storeElement(value, at: Int64.random(in: 0..<10), of: obj)834// },835//836// // Generates a JavaScript 'with' statement837// CodeGenerator("WithStatementGenerator", input: .object()) { b, obj in838// b.with(obj) {839// withProbability(0.5, do: { () -> Void in840// b.loadFromScope(id: b.genPropertyNameForRead())841// }, else: { () -> Void in842// let value = b.randVar()843// b.storeToScope(value, as: b.genPropertyNameForWrite())844// })845// b.generateRecursive()846// }847// },848//849// CodeGenerator("LoadFromScopeGenerator", inContext: .with) { b in850// assert(b.context.contains(.with))851// b.loadFromScope(id: b.genPropertyNameForRead())852// },853//854// CodeGenerator("StoreToScopeGenerator", inContext: .with) { b in855// assert(b.context.contains(.with))856// let value = b.randVar()857// b.storeToScope(value, as: b.genPropertyNameForWrite())858// },859//860// CodeGenerator("EvalGenerator") { b in861// let code = b.codeString() {862// b.generateRecursive()863// }864// let eval = b.reuseOrLoadBuiltin("eval")865// b.callFunction(eval, withArgs: [code])866// },867//868// CodeGenerator("BlockStatementGenerator") { b in869// b.blockStatement(){870// b.generateRecursive()871// }872// },873// CodeGenerator("MathOperationGenerator") { b in874// let Math = b.reuseOrLoadBuiltin("Math")875// // This can fail in tests, which lack the full JavaScriptEnvironment876// guard let method = b.type(of: Math).randomMethod() else { return }877// let args = b.generateCallArguments(forMethod: method, on: Math)878// b.callMethod(method, on: Math, withArgs: args)879// },880 881 //882 // BEGIN WASM FEATURE883 //884 885 CodeGenerator("GlobalDescriptorIntObjectGenerator") { b in886 var initialProperties = [String: Variable]()887 initialProperties = ["value": Bool.random() ? b.loadString("i32") : b.loadString("i64"), "mutable": Bool.random() ? b.loadString("true"): b.loadString("false")]888 889 let GlobalDescriptorIntObject = b.createObject(with: initialProperties)890 b.alter(GlobalDescriptorIntObject, "GlobalDescriptorIntObject")891 },892 893 CodeGenerator("GlobalDescriptorFloatObjectGenerator") { b in894 var initialProperties = [String: Variable]()895 initialProperties = ["value": Bool.random() ? b.loadString("f32") : b.loadString("f64"), "mutable": Bool.random() ? b.loadString("true"): b.loadString("false")]896 897 let GlobalDescriptorFloatObject = b.createObject(with: initialProperties)898 b.alter(GlobalDescriptorFloatObject, "GlobalDescriptorFloatObject")899 },900 901 CodeGenerator("TableDescriptorObjectGenerator") { b in902 var initialProperties = [String: Variable]()903 904 withEqualProbability({905 initialProperties = ["element": b.loadString("anyfunc"), "initial": b.loadString(String(CInt.random(in: 0...42)))]906 }, {907 initialProperties = ["element": b.loadString("anyfunc"), "initial": b.loadString(String(CInt.random(in: 0...42))), "maximum": b.loadString(String(CInt.random(in: 43...99)))]908 })909 910 let TableDescriptorObject = b.createObject(with: initialProperties)911 b.alter(TableDescriptorObject, "TableDescriptorObject")912 },913 914 CodeGenerator("MemoryDescriptorObjectGenerator") { b in915 var initialProperties = [String: Variable]()916 917 withEqualProbability({918 initialProperties = ["initial": b.loadString(String(CInt.random(in: 0...9)))]919 }, {920 initialProperties = ["initial": b.loadString(String(CInt.random(in: 0...9))), "maximum": b.loadString(String(Int.random(in: 9...999)))]921 })922 923 let MemoryDescriptorObject = b.createObject(with: initialProperties)924 b.alter(MemoryDescriptorObject, "MemoryDescriptorObject")925 },926 927 CodeGenerator("GlobalWasmFloatObjectGenerator", input: .GlobalDescriptorFloatObject) { b, obj in928 var arguments = [Variable]()929 arguments = [obj, b.loadFloat(b.genFloat())]930 let constructor = b.loadBuiltin("WebAssembly.Global") //type: GlobalWasmConstructor931 b.construct(constructor, withArgs: arguments)932 },933 934 CodeGenerator("GlobalWasmIntObjectGenerator", input: .GlobalDescriptorIntObject) { b, obj in935 var arguments = [Variable]()936 arguments = [obj, b.loadInt(b.genInt())]937 let constructor = b.loadBuiltin("WebAssembly.Global") //type: GlobalWasmConstructor938 b.construct(constructor, withArgs: arguments)939 },940 941 CodeGenerator("TableWasmObjectGenerator", input: .TableDescriptorObject) { b, obj in942 var arguments = [Variable]()943 arguments = [obj]944 let constructor = b.loadBuiltin("WebAssembly.Table")945 b.construct(constructor, withArgs: arguments)946 },947 948 CodeGenerator("MemoryWasmObjectGenerator", input: .MemoryDescriptorObject) { b, obj in949 var arguments = [Variable]()950 arguments = [obj]951 let constructor = b.loadBuiltin("WebAssembly.Memory")952 b.construct(constructor, withArgs: arguments)953 },954 CodeGenerator("ModuleWasmObjectGenerator", input: .jsTypedArray("Uint8Array")) { b, obj in955 var arguments = [Variable]()956 arguments = [obj]957 let constructor = b.loadBuiltin("WebAssembly.Module")958 b.construct(constructor, withArgs: arguments)959 },960 961 CodeGenerator("InstanceWasmObjectGenerator", inputs: (.ModuleWasmObject, .ImportObject)) { b, obj1, obj2 in962 var arguments = [Variable]()963 arguments = [obj1, obj2]964 let constructor = b.loadBuiltin("WebAssembly.Instance")965 b.construct(constructor, withArgs: arguments)966 },967 968 CodeGenerator("ImportObjectGenerator") { b in969 var initialProperties = [String: Variable]()970 withEqualProbability({971 initialProperties = [:]972 }, {973 let MemoryWasmObject = b.generalWasmObject(.MemoryWasmObject)974 initialProperties = ["mem": MemoryWasmObject]975 initialProperties = ["js": b.createObject(with: initialProperties)]976 }, {977 let TableWasmObject = b.generalWasmObject(.TableWasmObject)978 initialProperties = ["tbl": TableWasmObject]979 initialProperties = ["js": b.createObject(with: initialProperties)]980 })981 let o = b.createObject(with: initialProperties)982 b.alter(o, "ImportObject")983 },984 985 CodeGenerator("FuncRefObjectGenerator", input: .TableWasmObject) { b, obj in986 var arguments = [Variable]()987 arguments = [b.loadInt(Int64(Int.random(in: 0...42)))]988 b.callMethod("get", on: obj, withArgs: arguments)989 },990 991 CodeGenerator("BufferSourceGenerator") { b in992 let buffer = [0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0,1,133,128,128,128,0,1,96,0,1,127,3,130,128,128,128,0,1,0,4,132,128,128,128,0,1,112,0,0,5,131,128,128,128,0,1,0,1,6,129,128,128,128,0,0,7,145,128,128,128,0,2,6,109,101,109,111,114,121,2,0,4,109,97,105,110,0,0,10,138,128,128,128,0,1,132,128,128,128,0,0,65,42,11]993 var initialValues = [Variable]()994 for index in 0..<buffer.count {995 initialValues.append(b.loadInt(Int64(buffer[index])))996 }997 let AlterableArray = b.createArray(with: initialValues)998 let constructor = b.loadBuiltin("Uint8Array")999 b.construct(constructor, withArgs: [AlterableArray])1000 },1001 1002 CodeGenerator("GlobalWasmObjectCallGenerator", input: .GlobalWasmObject) { b, obj in1003 let methodName = b.type(of: obj).randomMethod() ?? b.genMethodName()1004 let arguments = b.generateCallArguments(forMethod: methodName, on: obj)1005 b.callMethod(methodName, on: obj, withArgs: arguments)1006 },1007 1008 CodeGenerator("TableWasmObjectCallGenerator", input: .TableWasmObject) { b, obj in1009 let methodName = b.type(of: obj).randomMethod() ?? b.genMethodName()1010 let arguments:[Variable]1011 1012 switch methodName {1013 case "get":1014 arguments = [b.loadInt(Int64(Int.random(in: 0...42)))]1015 case "grow":1016 arguments = [b.loadInt(Int64(Int.random(in: 0...42)))]1017 default:1018 arguments = b.generateCallArguments(forMethod: methodName, on: obj)1019 }1020 1021 b.callMethod(methodName, on: obj, withArgs: arguments)1022 },1023 1024 CodeGenerator("MemoryWasmObjectCallGenerator", input: .MemoryWasmObject) { b, obj in1025 let methodName = b.type(of: obj).randomMethod() ?? b.genMethodName()1026 let arguments = b.generateCallArguments(forMethod: methodName, on: obj)1027 b.callMethod(methodName, on: obj, withArgs: arguments)1028 },1029 1030 CodeGenerator("InstanceWasmObjectCallGenerator", input: .InstanceWasmObject) { b, obj in1031 let methodName = b.type(of: obj).randomMethod() ?? b.genMethodName()1032 let arguments = b.generateCallArguments(forMethod: methodName, on: obj)1033 b.callMethod(methodName, on: obj, withArgs: arguments)1034 },1035 1036 CodeGenerator("ModuleConstructorWasmObjectCallGenerator") { b in1037 let Module = b.reuseOrLoadBuiltin("WebAssembly.Module")1038 guard let method = b.type(of: Module).randomMethod() else { return }1039 let args = b.generateCallArguments(forMethod: method, on: Module)1040 b.callMethod(method, on: Module, withArgs: args)1041 },1042 1043 CodeGenerator("WasmObjectCallGenerator") { b in1044 let Module = b.reuseOrLoadBuiltin("WebAssembly")1045 guard let method = b.type(of: Module).randomMethod() else { return }1046 let args = b.generateCallArguments(forMethod: method, on: Module)1047 b.callMethod(method, on: Module, withArgs: args)1048 },1049 1050 1051 //1052 // END WASM FEATURE1053 //1054]1055extension Array where Element == CodeGenerator {1056 public func get(_ name: String) -> CodeGenerator {1057 for generator in self {1058 if == name {1059 return generator1060 }1061 }1062 fatalError("Unknown code generator \(name)")1063 }1064}...

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Source:FeedbackManager.swift Github


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...30 }31 32 private static let device = UIDevice.current33 34 /// 封装 `UIImpactFeedbackGenerator` 类型35 public class Impact {36 37 /// Impact 反馈类型38 ///39 /// - light: 轻微40 /// - medium: 中度41 /// - heavy: 重度42 public enum Style: Int {43 case light = 151944 case medium = 152045 case heavy = 152146 }47 48 private var style: Style = .light49 private var generator: Any? = Impact.make(.light)50 51 private static func make(_ style: Style) -> Any? {52 guard _enabled else { return nil }53 if device.feedbackLevel == .improved {54 guard #available(iOS 10.0, *) else { return nil }55 let feedbackStyle: UIImpactFeedbackGenerator.FeedbackStyle56 switch style {57 case .light:58 feedbackStyle = .light59 case .medium:60 feedbackStyle = .medium61 case .heavy:62 feedbackStyle = .heavy63 }64 let generator = UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: feedbackStyle)65 generator.prepare()66 return generator67 } else {68 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(SystemSoundID(style.rawValue))69 return nil70 }71 }72 73 private func updateFeedback(_ style: Style) {74 generator = Impact.make(style)75 = style76 }77 78 public func feedback(_ style: Style) {79 updateFeedback(style)80 if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {81 guard let generator = generator as? UIImpactFeedbackGenerator else { return }82 generator.impactOccurred()83 generator.prepare()84 }85 }86 87 public func prepare(_ style: Style) {88 updateFeedback(style)89 if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {90 guard let generator = generator as? UIImpactFeedbackGenerator else { return }91 generator.prepare()92 }93 }94 }95 96 97 /// 封装 `UISelectionFeedbackGenerator`98 public class Selection {99 private var generator: Any? = {100 guard #available(iOS 10.0, *) else { return nil }101 let generator: UISelectionFeedbackGenerator = UISelectionFeedbackGenerator()102 generator.prepare()103 return generator104 }()105 106 public func feedback() {107 guard _enabled else { return }108 if device.feedbackLevel == .improved {109 guard #available(iOS 10.0, *) else { return }110 guard let generator = generator as? UISelectionFeedbackGenerator else { return }111 generator.selectionChanged()112 generator.prepare()113 } else {114 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(SystemSoundID(Impact.Style.light.rawValue))115 }116 }117 118 public func prepare() {119 guard _enabled else { return }120 if device.feedbackLevel == .improved {121 guard #available(iOS 10.0, *) else { return }122 guard let generator = generator as? UISelectionFeedbackGenerator else { return }123 generator.prepare()124 } else {125 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(SystemSoundID(Impact.Style.light.rawValue))126 }127 }128 }129 130 131 /// 封装 `UINotificationFeedbackGenerator`132 public class Notification {133 134 /// Notification 反馈类型135 ///136 /// - success: 成功137 /// - warning: 警告138 /// - error: 错误139 public enum `Type`: Int {140 case success = 1519141 case warning = 1520142 case error = 1521143 }144 145 private var generator: Any? = {146 guard #available(iOS 10.0, *) else { return nil }147 let generator: UINotificationFeedbackGenerator = UINotificationFeedbackGenerator()148 generator.prepare()149 return generator150 }()151 152 public func feedback(_ type: Type) {153 guard _enabled else { return }154 155 if device.feedbackLevel == .improved {156 guard #available(iOS 10.0, *) else { return }157 guard let generator = generator as? UINotificationFeedbackGenerator else { return }158 let feedbackType: UINotificationFeedbackGenerator.FeedbackType159 switch type {160 case .success:161 feedbackType = .success162 case .warning:163 feedbackType = .warning164 case .error:165 feedbackType = .error166 }167 generator.notificationOccurred(feedbackType)168 generator.prepare()169 } else {170 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(SystemSoundID(type.rawValue))171 }172 }173 174 public func prepare() {175 guard _enabled else { return }176 if device.feedbackLevel == .improved {177 guard #available(iOS 10.0, *) else { return }178 guard let generator = generator as? UINotificationFeedbackGenerator else { return }179 generator.prepare()180 } else {181 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(SystemSoundID(Type.success.rawValue))182 }183 }184 }185}186extension TapticEngine {187 static func toggle() {188 isEnabled.toggle()189 }190}191extension UIDevice {192 /// device support feedback level...

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Source:CodeGeneratorWeights.swift Github


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...12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13// limitations under the License.14import Fuzzilli15/// Assigned weights for the builtin code generators.16let codeGeneratorWeights = [17 // Base generators18// "IntegerGenerator": 0,19// "RegExpGenerator": 0,20// "BigIntGenerator": 0,21// "FloatGenerator": 0,22// "StringGenerator": 0,23// "BooleanGenerator": 0,24// "UndefinedGenerator": 0,25// "NullGenerator": 0,26// "ThisGenerator": 0,27// "ArgumentsGenerator": 0,28// "BuiltinGenerator": 10,29// "ObjectGenerator": 0,30// "ArrayGenerator": 0,31// "ObjectWithSpreadGenerator": 0,32// "ArrayWithSpreadGenerator": 0,33// "TemplateStringGenerator": 0,34// "PlainFunctionGenerator": 0,35// "ArrowFunctionGenerator": 0,36// "GeneratorFunctionGenerator": 0,37// "AsyncFunctionGenerator": 0,38// "AsyncArrowFunctionGenerator": 0,39// "AsyncGeneratorFunctionGenerator": 0,40// "FunctionReturnGenerator": 0,41// "YieldGenerator": 0,42// "AwaitGenerator": 0,43// "PropertyRetrievalGenerator": 0,44// "PropertyAssignmentGenerator": 0,45// "StorePropertyWithBinopGenerator": 0,46// "PropertyRemovalGenerator": 0,47// "ElementRetrievalGenerator": 0,48// "ElementAssignmentGenerator": 0,49// "StoreElementWithBinopGenerator": 0,50// "ElementRemovalGenerator": 0,51// "TypeTestGenerator": 0,52// "InstanceOfGenerator": 0,53// "InGenerator": 0,54// "ComputedPropertyRetrievalGenerator": 0,55// "ComputedPropertyAssignmentGenerator": 0,56// "StoreComputedPropertyWithBinopGenerator": 0,57// "ComputedPropertyRemovalGenerator": 0,58// "FunctionCallGenerator": 0,59// "FunctionCallWithSpreadGenerator": 0,60 "MethodCallGenerator": 1,61// "MethodCallWithSpreadGenerator": 0,62// "ComputedMethodCallGenerator": 0,63// "ComputedMethodCallWithSpreadGenerator": 0,64 "ConstructorCallGenerator": 1,65// "ConstructorCallWithSpreadGenerator": 0,66// "UnaryOperationGenerator": 0,67// "BinaryOperationGenerator": 0,68// "ReassignWithBinopGenerator": 0,69// "DupGenerator": 0,70// "ReassignmentGenerator": 0,71// "DestructArrayGenerator": 0,72// "DestructArrayAndReassignGenerator": 0,73// "DestructObjectGenerator": 0,74// "DestructObjectAndReassignGenerator": 0,75// "WithStatementGenerator": 0,76// "LoadFromScopeGenerator": 0,77// "StoreToScopeGenerator": 0,78// "ComparisonGenerator": 0,79// "ConditionalOperationGenerator": 0,80// "ClassGenerator": 0,81// "SuperMethodCallGenerator": 0,82// "LoadSuperPropertyGenerator": 0,83// "StoreSuperPropertyGenerator": 0,84// "StoreSuperPropertyWithBinopGenerator": 0,85// "IfElseGenerator": 0,86// "SwitchCaseGenerator": 0,87// "WhileLoopGenerator": 0,88// "DoWhileLoopGenerator": 0,89// "ForLoopGenerator": 0,90// "ForInLoopGenerator": 0,91// "ForOfLoopGenerator": 0,92// "ForOfWithDestructLoopGenerator": 0,93// "SwitchCaseBreakGenerator": 0,94// "LoopBreakGenerator": 0,95// "ContinueGenerator": 0,96// "TryCatchGenerator": 0,97// "ThrowGenerator": 0,98// "BlockStatementGenerator": 0,99 // Special generators100// "WellKnownPropertyLoadGenerator": 0,101// "WellKnownPropertyStoreGenerator": 0,102// "TypedArrayGenerator": 0,103// "FloatArrayGenerator": 0,104// "IntArrayGenerator": 0,105// "ObjectArrayGenerator": 0,106// "PrototypeAccessGenerator": 0,107// "PrototypeOverwriteGenerator": 0,108// "CallbackPropertyGenerator": 0,109// "PropertyAccessorGenerator": 0,110// "MethodCallWithDifferentThisGenerator": 0,111// "ProxyGenerator": 0,112// "LengthChangeGenerator": 0,113// "ElementKindChangeGenerator": 0,114// "PromiseGenerator": 0,115// "EvalGenerator": 0,116// "MathOperationGenerator": 0,117 118 // BEGIN WASM FEATURE119 "GlobalDescriptorIntObjectGenerator": 1,120 "GlobalDescriptorFloatObjectGenerator": 1,121 "TableDescriptorObjectGenerator": 1,122 "MemoryDescriptorObjectGenerator": 1,123 124 "GlobalWasmFloatObjectGenerator": 1,125 "GlobalWasmIntObjectGenerator": 1,126 "TableWasmObjectGenerator": 1,127 "MemoryWasmObjectGenerator": 1,128 "ModuleWasmObjectGenerator": 1,129 "InstanceWasmObjectGenerator": 1,130 "ImportObjectGenerator": 1,131 "BufferSourceGenerator": 1,132 "FuncRefObjectGenerator": 1,133 134 "GlobalWasmObjectCallGenerator": 1,135 "TableWasmObjectCallGenerator": 1,136 "MemoryWasmObjectCallGenerator": 1,137 "InstanceWasmObjectCallGenerator": 1,138 "ModuleConstructorWasmObjectCallGenerator": 1,139 "WasmObjectCallGenerator": 100,140 141 // END WASM FEATURE142 143]...

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Source:Name.php Github


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...4class Name5{6 protected $generator;7 /**8 * @param \Faker\Generator $generator9 */10 public function __construct(\Faker\Generator $generator)11 {12 $this->generator = $generator;13 }14 /**15 * @param string $name16 * @param int|null $size Length of field, if known17 * @return callable18 */19 public function guessFormat($name, $size = null)20 {21 $name = Base::toLower($name);22 $generator = $this->generator;23 if (preg_match('/^is[_A-Z]/', $name)) {24 return function () use ($generator) {...

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Source:GeneratorsTest.php Github


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1<?php2namespace yiiunit\extensions\gii;3use yii\gii\CodeFile;4use yii\gii\generators\controller\Generator as ControllerGenerator;5use yii\gii\generators\crud\Generator as CRUDGenerator;6use yii\gii\generators\extension\Generator as ExtensionGenerator;7use yii\gii\generators\form\Generator as FormGenerator;8use yii\gii\generators\model\Generator as ModelGenerator;9use yii\gii\generators\module\Generator as ModuleGenerator;10/**11 * GeneratorsTest checks that Gii generators aren't throwing any errors during generation12 * @group gii13 */14class GeneratorsTest extends GiiTestCase15{16 public function testControllerGenerator()17 {18 $generator = new ControllerGenerator();19 $generator->template = 'default';20 $generator->controllerClass = 'app\runtime\TestController';21 $valid = $generator->validate();22 $this->assertTrue($valid, 'Validation failed: ' . print_r($generator->getErrors(), true));23 $this->assertNotEmpty($generator->generate());24 }25 public function testExtensionGenerator()26 {27 $generator = new ExtensionGenerator();28 $generator->template = 'default';29 $generator->vendorName = 'samdark';30 $generator->namespace = 'samdark\\';31 $generator->license = 'BSD';32 $generator->title = 'Sample extension';33 $generator->description = 'This is sample description.';34 $generator->authorName = 'Alexander Makarov';35 $generator->authorEmail = '';36 $valid = $generator->validate();37 $this->assertTrue($valid, 'Validation failed: ' . print_r($generator->getErrors(), true));38 $this->assertNotEmpty($generator->generate());39 }40 public function testModelGenerator()41 {42 $generator = new ModelGenerator();43 $generator->template = 'default';44 $generator->tableName = 'profile';45 $generator->modelClass = 'Profile';46 $valid = $generator->validate();47 $this->assertTrue($valid, 'Validation failed: ' . print_r($generator->getErrors(), true));48 $files = $generator->generate();49 $modelCode = $files[0]->content;50 $this->assertTrue(strpos($modelCode, "'id' => 'ID'") !== false, "ID label should be there:\n" . $modelCode);51 $this->assertTrue(strpos($modelCode, "'description' => 'Description',") !== false, "Description label should be there:\n" . $modelCode);52 }53 public function testModuleGenerator()54 {55 $generator = new ModuleGenerator();56 $generator->template = 'default';57 $generator->moduleID = 'test';58 $generator->moduleClass = 'app\modules\test\Module';59 $valid = $generator->validate();60 $this->assertTrue($valid, 'Validation failed: ' . print_r($generator->getErrors(), true));61 $this->assertNotEmpty($generator->generate());62 }63 public function testFormGenerator()64 {65 $generator = new FormGenerator();66 $generator->template = 'default';67 $generator->modelClass = 'yiiunit\extensions\gii\Profile';68 $generator->viewName = 'profile';69 $generator->viewPath = '@app/runtime';70 $valid = $generator->validate();71 $this->assertTrue($valid, 'Validation failed: ' . print_r($generator->getErrors(), true));72 $this->assertNotEmpty($generator->generate());73 }74 public function testCRUDGenerator()75 {76 $generator = new CRUDGenerator();77 $generator->template = 'default';78 $generator->modelClass = 'yiiunit\extensions\gii\Profile';79 $generator->controllerClass = 'app\TestController';80 $valid = $generator->validate();81 $this->assertTrue($valid, 'Validation failed: ' . print_r($generator->getErrors(), true));82 $this->assertNotEmpty($generator->generate());83 }84}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import Foundation2import Mockingbird3@testable import Generator4class MockGenerator: Generator, Mock {5 let mbe = MockingbirdEngine()6 init(stubbing defaultImplStub: Generator) {7 mbe.registerInstance(self, name: "default")8 }9 func generate() -> String {10 return"generate()", parameters: (), defaultCall: __defaultImplStub.generate())11 }12 struct __StubbingProxy_Generator: Mockingbird.StubbingProxy {13 func generate(willReturn __return: String...) -> Self {14 mbe.stub("generate()", parameters: (), willReturn: __return)15 }16 }17 struct __VerificationProxy_Generator: Mockingbird.VerificationProxy {18 func generate() -> Self {19 mbe.verify("generate()", parameters: ())20 }21 }22}23import Foundation24import Mockingbird25@testable import Generator26class MockGenerator: Generator, Mock {27 let mbe = MockingbirdEngine()28 init(stubbing defaultImplStub: Generator) {29 mbe.registerInstance(self, name: "default")30 }31 func generate() -> String {32 return"generate()", parameters: (), defaultCall: __defaultImplStub.generate())33 }34 struct __StubbingProxy_Generator: Mockingbird.StubbingProxy {35 func generate(willReturn __return: String...) -> Self {36 mbe.stub("generate()", parameters: (), willReturn: __return)37 }38 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import Mockingbird2let generator = Generator()3generator.generateMock(for: "1.swift")4generator.generateMock(for: "2.swift")5generator.generateMock(for: "3.swift")6generator.generateMock(for: "4.swift")7generator.generateMock(for: "5.swift")8generator.generateMock(for: "6.swift")9import Mockingbird10let generator = Generator()11generator.generateMock(for: "1.swift")12generator.generateMock(for: "2.swift")13generator.generateMock(for: "3.swift")14generator.generateMock(for: "4.swift")15generator.generateMock(for: "5.swift")16generator.generateMock(for: "6.swift")17import Mockingbird18let generator = Generator()19generator.generateMock(for: "1.swift")20generator.generateMock(for: "2.swift")21generator.generateMock(for: "3.swift")22generator.generateMock(for: "4.swift")23generator.generateMock(for: "5.swift")24generator.generateMock(for: "6.swift")25import Mockingbird26let generator = Generator()27generator.generateMock(for: "1.swift")28generator.generateMock(for: "2.swift")29generator.generateMock(for: "3.swift")30generator.generateMock(for: "4.swift")31generator.generateMock(for: "5.swift")32generator.generateMock(for: "6.swift")33import Mockingbird34let generator = Generator()35generator.generateMock(for: "1.swift")36generator.generateMock(for: "2.swift")37generator.generateMock(for: "3.swift")38generator.generateMock(for: "4.swift")39generator.generateMock(for: "5.swift")40generator.generateMock(for: "6.swift")41import Mockingbird42let generator = Generator()43generator.generateMock(for: "1.swift")44generator.generateMock(for: "2.swift")45generator.generateMock(for: "3.swift")46generator.generateMock(for: "4.swift")47generator.generateMock(for: "5.swift")48generator.generateMock(for: "6.swift")

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import Foundation2import Mockingbird3@testable import MockingbirdTestsHost4import MockingbirdGenerator5import MockingbirdFoundation6open class GeneratorProtocolMock: GeneratorProtocol, Mock {7 public init(stub: GeneratorProtocol) {8 }9 public func generate() -> String {10 return"generate() -> String",11 parameters: (),12 }13 public func generate(with: String) -> String {14 return"generate(with: String) -> String",15 parameters: (with),16 original: __defaultImplStub.generate(with:))17 }18 public func generate(with: String, and: String) -> String {19 return"generate(with: String, and: String) -> String",20 parameters: (with, and),21 original: __defaultImplStub.generate(with:and:))22 }23 public func generate(with: String, and: String, and: String) -> String {24 return"generate(with: String, and: String, and: String) -> String",25 parameters: (with, and, and),26 original: __defaultImplStub.generate(with:and:and:))27 }28 public func generate(with: String, and: String, and: String, and: String) -> String {29 return"generate(with: String, and: String, and: String, and: String) -> String",30 parameters: (with, and, and, and),31 original: __defaultImplStub.generate(with:and:and:and:))32 }33 public func generate(with: String, and: String, and: String, and: String, and: String) -> String {34 return"generate(with: String, and: String

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import Mockingbird2import Foundation3import XCTest4import MockingbirdGenerator5import MockingbirdGeneratorFramework6import PathKit7import Yams8import SourceKittenFramework9class GeneratorTests: XCTestCase {10 func testGenerator() {11 let path = Path(#file)12 print(path)13 let generator = Generator()14 let result = generator.generate()15 print(result)16 }17}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import Foundation2class Generator {3 var isRunning: Bool {4 get {5 }6 }7 var isPaused: Bool {8 get {9 }10 }11 var isStopped: Bool {12 get {13 }14 }15 func start() {16 }17 func pause() {18 }19 func stop() {20 }21}

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