All posts by Antoine Craske

About Antoine Craske

Passionate about digital, architecture, transformation with more than ten years of experience in the software industry in different positions as engineer, project director, engineering director, IT transformation, management and architecture. Founder and organizer of the QE Unit, the Quality Engineering community. Director of Architecture & Technology at La Redoute, Co-Founder of Cerberus Testing, Partner at Meetup organizer at TICE.Leiria, Ministry of Testing Leiria.

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Blogs: 8

Thought Leadership

Leveraging Test Automation Platforms for Continuous Testing Pipelines

Speed relies on robust foundations in software development, especially when aiming for continuous testing and deployment pipelines.

January 30, 2024

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Read time7 Min Read


Thought Leadership

5 Systemic Changes from Test Automation to Continuous Testing

In the dynamic landscape of software development, the journey from traditional test automation to continuous testing has become pivotal for organizations striving to achieve agility, quality, and sustainable delivery. However, in today’s complex digital ecosystems, relying solely on automation for testing often falls short in meeting the ever-growing demands for quality, speed, and efficiency requiring … Continue reading 5 Systemic Changes from Test Automation to Continuous Testing

November 28, 2023

view count38572 Views

Read time6 Min Read

Accelerate Test Velocity for Faster Time-to-Market

Thought Leadership

Accelerate Test Velocity: Key Strategies for Faster Time-to-Market

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, slow time-to-market goes beyond just a delayed product release. When an organization takes longer to introduce its offerings to the market, it not only loses valuable opportunities but also exposes itself to the risk of being outshone by competitors who excel at swift delivery.

June 22, 2023

view count20756 Views

Read time9 Min Read

Role of Continuous Testing in Reducing Technical Debt

Thought Leadership

The Role of Continuous Testing in Reducing Technical Debt

Software development has become an increasingly competitive and rapidly-evolving industry, with businesses and organizations seeking to deliver high-quality software products that meet user needs and expectations before the competition.

May 5, 2023

view count15505 Views

Read time9 Min Read

Learn why leaders must empower their team with test automation to succeed.

Thought Leadership

How to Empower Your Team with Test Automation

Test automation is a critical capability that makes the difference in delivering software with quality and speed, letting the team adapt faster software changes to meet the quality requirements. But its implementation is hard.

March 17, 2023

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Read time9 Min Read

Shift Left or Shift Right A Question of Quality At Speed

Thought Leadership

Shift-Left vs Shift-Right: A Question of Quality At Speed

The formulation of a question determines how much we understand a problem, and influences how we might answer it. This makes us wonder if asking “Shift-left vs. shift-right?” as an opposition to these two practices is the right way to formulate the question of improving software delivery for quality and speed.

October 7, 2022

view count6942 Views

Read time9 Min Read

How Test Automation Can Accelerate Business Transformation

Thought Leadership

How Test Automation Can Accelerate Business Transformation

Digital business transformation is a race against time. A company’s survival directly depends on its transformation speed with continuous pressure to reinvent itself in short cycles. In such a competitive ecosystem, only first movers can gain a competitive advantage.

July 28, 2022

view count9093 Views

Read time6 Min Read

How enterprises can shift-left?

Thought Leadership

How enterprises can shift left?

Organizations are facing an increasing competition from digital actors with a capability of continuous adaptation through software. Their competitive advantage is to master the entire steps of the software lifecycle to continuously deliver Quality at Speed software.

June 17, 2022

view count9735 Views

Read time7 Min Read