Category Archives: Microservice Architecture

36 Most Asked Microservice Interview Questions

Microservice Architecture

36 Most Asked Microservice Interview Questions

Since the tech boom 2015, microservices have emerged as a revolutionary architectural approach, transforming how applications are designed, developed, and deployed. A survey by Statista shows that in 2021, 45 percent of respondents stated that data analytics/business intelligence applications use microservices. Several reasons will make Microservices the perfect domain if you are considering switching technology … Continue reading 36 Most Asked Microservice Interview Questions

May 1, 2024

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Read time18 Min Read


DevOpsMicroservice ArchitectureMiscellaneous

Top Microservices Design Patterns for Microservices Architecture

Imagine breaking down a single functional unit into multiple mini-service units. That is exactly what microservices do to the traditional monolithic architecture. But there is more to it than meets the eye.

March 4, 2024

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Read time29 Min Read

Microservices Design Principles

Microservice Architecture

14 Must Know Microservices Design Principles

Imagine an airport humming with diverse operations, where each department serves as a meticulously crafted microservice dedicated to specific operations such as booking, check-in, and baggage handling.

February 27, 2024

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Read time20 Min Read

Testing Microservices

Microservice Architecture

Testing Microservices:  A Quick Start Guide

During the last few years, applications have grown to host millions of users and produce a large volume of data. People using these applications expect fast responses and 24/7 availability. For applications to be fast and available, they must respond quickly to the increased load.

February 1, 2023

view count29322 Views

Read time13 Min Read

DevOpsManual TestingMicroservice Architecture

Does Microservices Architecture Influence Security Testing?

Security Testing of Microservices Architecture The answer is yes. Some may think, “well, it’s all software testing, so what’s exactly different?”. However, the differences are significant. Microservices are not the same as monolith software solutions.

September 26, 2018

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Read time6 Min Read

Manual TestingMicroservice Architecture

How to Test a Microservice Architecture Application

If you are working in the testing domain, you probably have heard about microservices. Many organizations who have moved into modern DevOps practices are also investing in converting or building new projects into

August 3, 2018

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Read time5 Min Read