Test on iPad Devices

Test your apps and websites online with LambdaTest's automation testing on real devices and online simulators. Access to a range of real iPads like iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPad 17th gen, iPad Pro, etc.


App Testing on iPad Simulators

Test on iPad your native iOS applications using the iPad simulators with LambdaTest's platform.

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iPad App Test on Real Devices

Cut costs immediately. Test on iPad your applications using the iPad real devices cloud.

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Overlooking iPad is Neglecting a Crucial Part of The Brand Puzzle.

With 73% of Apple customers owning an iPad, neglecting this device could be the unseen downfall of your brand's reputation and customer trust.


100% Accuracy is Essential - Switch to Real Device.

Simulators offer a glimpse, but they fall short in mimicking real-world scenarios and unable in replicating actual hardware. With LambdaTest's Real Device, you can test on actual devices to ensure your app excels in every real-world scenario. Don't settle for simulations; choose real device to test on iPad.

Check Dedicated real devices cloud for enterprises.

Check Network throttling for 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G.

Check Manual and automated app testing to debug real world scenarios

Check Improve device coverage and maximize ROI

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Real Device Cloud

Perform Real Device Testing with Efficiency and Speed


Gestures and interactions

Interact with your website or mobile app on a remote iPad. Tap, scroll, zoom, swipe, and more – all at your fingertips.


Low Test Flakiness

Ensure low test flakiness with real devices: Achieve accurate, reliable app testing results every time.


Network Throttling

Ensure seamless user experience by checking your mobile view website's responsiveness on various network profiles.


24/7 Support

Got questions? Throw them to our 24/7 in-app customer chat support, or email us on, support@lambdatest.com


Geolocation testing

Test your website or mobile app from different geoIPs to make sure your users get the perfect experience across all locations.


120+ Integrations

Integrate effortlessly with your testing stack through a wide array of 120+ out-of-the-box integrations.

Native App Testing On iOS Devices

Native App Testing on iPad Simulators

Test your native iOS applications with different iPad simulators. You can test on iPad of all versions, from the latest models to older ones.
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Automation Testing On iPad Devices

Run automated tests for websites & iOS applications can be run using simulators and real devices. Test on iPad with a more secure, reliable, and high performance cloud with Appium, XCUITest and more.
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Automation Testing On iPad Devices
Test Locally Hosted Apps On iPad Online

Test Locally Hosted Apps On iPad Online

Perform test on iPad of your locally hosted or privately hosted apps. No complicated set up. Test your locally hosted pages on all 3000+ browser environments present on the platform.
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List of Devices for Native App Testing

Customer Success Is Our Success

Unified Digital Experience Testing Cloud to Accelerate Your Go-To-Market

Secure, Reliable, and High Performance Test Execution Cloud Built For Scale

Perform live interactive cross browser testing of your public or locally hosted websites and web apps on 3000+ real mobile and desktop browsers running on real operating system.

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Live Testing

How LambdaTest is helping Global Enterprises

Trusted by startups, SMBs and big enterprises alike.


By being able to run our Selenium scripts on the legacy and latest browsers on LambdaTest helped us save significant time in test execution with zero hassle to maintain the infra.

Anish Ohri

Head of Testing and Performance Engineering


Increased Browser Coverage

Wall of fame

LambdaTest is #1 choice for SMBs and Enterprises across the globe.

Wall Of Fame

Frequently Asked Questions

What is iPad simulator?
iPad simulator is a virtual iPad environment that allows you to test on iPad that isn't available with you physically but by imitating it virtually. You can leverage iOS simulator to help you test responsiveness of your app on a various mobile devices from a PC through a virtual environment. You won't have to spend on a real iPad as you can work with a mobile simulator which would resemble the look and feel of your app over actual iPad.
What are the advantages of using iPad simulator?
iPad simulator helps you save time and money for your test cycle. You don't have to buy real iPad to test on iPad for mobile web testing or app testing. Plus, simulators save you time as you can instantly access hundreds of devices for websites testing and app testing without having to buy, download or install anything.
Which is better for app testing simulator or real device?
To test on iPad online simulators are reliable option to consider for mobile app testing. Although, they're not 100% accurate, as they might not be able to replicate the differences in API, gesture, and few specific behaviors observed on mobile devices. So for your mission critical launches it is advisable to test the app on real device before release.
How does LambdaTest help with iOS app testing?
LambdaTest offers a testing platform on cloud that allows you to test your app on 500+ iOS smartphone environments. You can choose real device or online simulators. To match you needs of scaling LambdaTtest comes with an online appium grid. You can leverage it for parallel automation testing of you iOS apps.
Why do users opt for iPad simulators and emulators?
Users opt for iPad simulators and emulators to efficiently test on iPad devices without the need for physical devices, saving costs associated with purchasing and maintaining real iPads. These virtual tools offer a cost-effective way to detect and address high-level unusual behavior, ensuring compatibility and functionality across different iPad versions, especially when companies aim to avoid the expense of keeping up with Apple's yearly iPad releases.
What are the disadvantages of using an iPad simulator?
Test on an iPad simulator may have limitations, including slower performance compared to real devices, a restricted set of supported apps, inability to replicate exact hardware configurations, such as measuring battery consumption, which is crucial for video and OTT platform apps. Apple also recommends testing on real devices, especially for apps that interact with the Schoolwork app, as the simulator lacks this functionality for testing Classkit behavior.
Why use real device cloud of LambdaTest instead of iPad emulators?
Using the real device cloud of LambdaTest to test on iPad offers a more accurate representation of the user experience, as it allows you to test on actual iPad devices with their unique hardware and software configurations. Emulators may not fully replicate the nuances of real devices, potentially leading to false positives or negatives in your testing results.
How to test apps on iPads?
To test on iPad devices using LambdaTest, sign in to your account, access the Real Time Testing section, select an iPad model and iOS version, upload your app or provide its URL, start testing, and use LambdaTest's features like screenshots, logs, and cross-browser testing to ensure your app functions flawlessly on iPads.
Why is testing your website on iPad critical?
Testing your website on iPad is critical because it represents a significant portion of Apple's customer base, with 73% of Apple users owning an iPad and iPads have a 30% share in the global tablet market. Neglecting iPad compatibility could have adverse consequences for your brand's reputation and erode customer trust. Ensuring that your website functions seamlessly on iPad devices is essential for delivering a positive user experience to a substantial user demographic, which can help enhance your brand's credibility and maintain customer satisfaction. Hence test on iPad becomes critical.
Can I play emulators on my iPad?
Yes, you can use Lambdatest to run iPad emulators smoothly, enabling you to enjoy a wide range of applications and games on your device.
Are iOS emulators legal?
Yes, iOS emulators are legal as long as they're used for testing and development purposes and not for piracy or unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material.
Is there any emulator for iOS?
Lambdatest offers iPad emulators, providing a reliable solution for developers and testers to simulate iOS environments for app testing and development purposes.
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Ready To Test Your iPad Online?

Discover for yourself how our platform can assist you in achieving your business goals in your digital experiences by testing it on a iPad online. Try LambdaTest today.