How to use FocusAsync method of PuppeteerSharp.Page class

Best Puppeteer-sharp code snippet using PuppeteerSharp.Page.FocusAsync


Source:WebScraper.cs Github


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...246 /// </summary>247 /// <param name="target">Javascript selector to make have focus.</param>248 public void Focus(string target)249 {250 FocusAsync(target).Wait();251 }252 private async Task FocusAsync(string target)253 {254 await m_page.FocusAsync(target);255 }256 /// <summary>257 /// Clicks on target element on page.258 /// </summary>259 /// <param name="target">Javascript selector of element to click on.</param>260 public void Click(string target)261 {262 ClickAsync(target).Wait();263 }264 private async Task ClickAsync(string target)265 {266 await m_page.ClickAsync(target);267 }268 /// <summary>...

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Source:Authorization.cs Github


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...68 Log.Information($"DefaultTimeout: {p.DefaultTimeout}");69 Log.Information($"DefaultNavigationTimeout: {p.DefaultNavigationTimeout}");70 // Авторизация71 await p.WaitForSelectorAsync("#mobileOrEmail", WaitForSelectorTimeout);72 await p.FocusAsync("#mobileOrEmail");73 await p.Keyboard.TypeAsync(ConfigJson.Login);74 Log.Information($"Login: {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds}");75 timer.Restart();76 await p.WaitForSelectorAsync("#password", WaitForSelectorTimeout);77 await p.FocusAsync("#password");78 await p.Keyboard.TypeAsync(ConfigJson.Password);79 Log.Information($"Password: {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds}");80 timer.Restart();81 await p.WaitForSelectorAsync("#loginByPwdButton > span", WaitForSelectorTimeout);82 await p.ClickAsync("#loginByPwdButton > span");83 Log.Information($"ClickAuthorizationButton: {timer.ElapsedMilliseconds}");84 Log.Information("Авторизация: успешно!");85 timer.Stop();86 /* Куки нужны для того, чтобы сайт меня опознал87 * при отправке http-запроса на сервер эл. дневника */88 // 10 попыток получения cookie.89 Cookie cookie;90 int count = 0;91 int attempts = (DefaultTimeout / 1000);...

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Source:Program.cs Github


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...74 await ClickHyperlinkWithText(page, "A Generic RESTful CRUD HttpClient");75 }76 private static async Task TypeFieldValue(Page page, string fieldSelector, string value, int delay = 0)77 {78 await page.FocusAsync(fieldSelector);79 await page.TypeAsync(fieldSelector, value, new TypeOptions { Delay = delay });80 await page.Keyboard.PressAsync("Tab");81 }82 private static async Task SetDropdownValue(Page page, string dropdownId, string value)83 {84 var elementHandles = await page.XPathAsync($"//*[@id = \"{dropdownId}\"]/option[text() = \"{value}\"]");85 if (elementHandles.Length > 0)86 {87 var chosenOption = elementHandles[0];88 var jsHandle = await chosenOption.GetPropertyAsync("value");89 var choseOptionValue = await jsHandle.JsonValueAsync<string>();90 await page.FocusAsync($"#{dropdownId}");91 await page.SelectAsync($"#{dropdownId}", choseOptionValue);92 }93 else94 {95 await page.FocusAsync($"#{dropdownId}");96 await page.SelectAsync($"#{dropdownId}", value);97 }98 await page.Keyboard.PressAsync("Tab");99 }100 private static async Task ClickHyperlinkWithText(Page page, string hyperlinkText)101 { 102 var aElementsWithRestful = await page.XPathAsync($"//a[contains(text(), '{hyperlinkText}')]");103 if (aElementsWithRestful.Length == 1)104 {105 var navigationTask = page.WaitForNavigationAsync(_navigationOptions);106 var clickTask = aElementsWithRestful[0].ClickAsync();107 await Task.WhenAll(navigationTask, clickTask);108 }109 else...

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Source:TimeTrackingController.cs Github


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...47 48 await page.ClickAsync("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_TiempoTextBox");49 await page.TypeAsync("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_TiempoTextBox", tracking.Hours.ToString(), new TypeOptions{ Delay = 30 });50 await page.ClickAsync("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_idTipoAsignacionDropDownList");51 //await page.FocusAsync("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_idTipoAsignacionDropDownList");52 //await page.SelectAsync("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_idTipoAsignacionDropDownList", tracking.AssignmentType);53 await page.ClickAsync("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_DescripcionTextBox");54 await page.TypeAsync("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_DescripcionTextBox", tracking.Description, new TypeOptions{ Delay = 30 });55 await page.FocusAsync("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_idFocalPointClientDropDownList");56 await page.SelectAsync("#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_idFocalPointClientDropDownList", tracking.FocalPoint);57 await browser.CloseAsync();58 }).ConfigureAwait(false);59 }60 }61 62 public class Tracking63 {64 public string User { get; set; }65 66 public string Password { get; set; }67 68 public string Date { get; set; }69 ...

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Source:ShakespeareTranslationService.cs Github


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...41 await page.EvaluateExpressionAsync("$('#english-text').val('')");42 await page.EvaluateExpressionAsync("$('#ghetto-text').val('')");43 // Set text44 //await page.EvaluateExpressionAsync($"$('#english-text').val('{text}')");45 await page.FocusAsync("#english-text");46 await page.Keyboard.TypeAsync(text, new TypeOptions() { Delay = 10 }); ;47 // Read translated text until we have same read twice48 // This is used with the purpose of waiting the correct text to be displayed49 // Could be achievied checking for the gif load animation status but we go with this solution50 // for semplicity51 string[] readAttempt = { string.Empty, string.Empty };52 int index = 0;53 var translatedTextSelector = @"document.querySelector('#ghetto-text').value;";54 while (true)55 {56 // Wait 1 sec57 await Task.Delay(1000);58 readAttempt[index % 2] = await page.EvaluateExpressionAsync<string>(translatedTextSelector);59 index++;...

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Source:AuthService.cs Github


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...26 var page = await _browser.NewPageAsync();27 await page.GoToAsync("");28 await page.WaitForTimeoutAsync(timeout);29 await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(Consts.UserNameSelector);30 await page.FocusAsync(Consts.UserNameSelector);31 await page.Keyboard.TypeAsync(InstagramConfiguration.Username);32 await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(Consts.PasswordSelector);33 await page.FocusAsync(Consts.PasswordSelector);34 await page.Keyboard.TypeAsync(InstagramConfiguration.Password);35 await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(Consts.SubmitBtnSelector);36 await page.ClickAsync(Consts.SubmitBtnSelector);37 await page.WaitForTimeoutAsync(timeout);38 _logger.Information("Successfully authenticated!");39 return await page.GetCookiesAsync();40 }41 public void Dispose() => 42 _browser.Dispose();43 44 private static Browser InitBrowser() =>45 Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions {Headless = true, Args = new []{"--no-sandbox"}})46 .ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();47 }...

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Source:FocusFunction.cs Github


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...35 {36 var element = await page.QuerySelectorByXPath(selector);37 if (element != null)38 {39 await element.FocusAsync();40 }41 else42 {43 throw new Exception($"Node not found with '{selector}' selector on focus function");44 }45 }46 else47 {48 await page.FocusAsync(selector); 49 }50 }51 else52 {53 var currentFrame = page.Frames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == frame);54 if (currentFrame != null)55 {56 if (selector.StartsWith(XPathSelector.XPathSelectorToken))57 {58 var element = await currentFrame.QuerySelectorByXPath(selector);59 if (element != null)60 {61 await element.FocusAsync();62 }63 else64 {65 throw new Exception($"Node not found with '{selector}' selector on focus function");66 }67 }68 else69 {70 await currentFrame.FocusAsync(selector); 71 }72 }73 else74 {75 throw new Exception($"Frame not found with name '{frame}'");76 }77 }78 }79 #endregion80 }81}...

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Source:PageExtensions.cs Github


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...9 {10 public static async Task TypeInputAsync(this Page page, string selector, string text)11 {12 await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(selector);13 await page.FocusAsync(selector);14 await page.Keyboard.TypeAsync(text);15 }16 public static async Task OvertypeInputAsync(this Page page, string selector, string text)17 {18 await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(selector);19 await page.FocusAsync(selector);20 await page.Keyboard.DownAsync("Control");21 await page.Keyboard.PressAsync("A");22 await page.Keyboard.UpAsync("Control");23 await page.Keyboard.PressAsync("Backspace");24 await page.Keyboard.TypeAsync(text);25 }26 public static async Task ClickOn(this Page page, string selector)27 {28 await page.WaitForSelectorAsync(selector);29 await page.ClickAsync(selector);30 }31 }32}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);9 using (var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions { Headless = false }))10 {11 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();12 await page.FocusAsync("input[name='q']");13 }14 }15 }16}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions9 {10 });11 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();12 await page.FocusAsync("input[name=q]");13 await page.TypeAsync("input[name=q]", "PuppeteerSharp");14 await page.Keyboard.PressAsync("Enter");15 await page.ScreenshotAsync("screenshot.png");16 await browser.CloseAsync();17 }18 }19}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();2await page.FocusAsync("input[type='text']");3var frame = page.MainFrame;4await frame.FocusAsync("input[type='text']");5var elementHandle = await page.QuerySelectorAsync("input[type='text']");6await elementHandle.FocusAsync();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1public async Task FocusAsyncTests()2{3 {4 ExecutablePath = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"5 };6 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options);7 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();8 await page.FocusAsync("input[title='Search']");9 await page.Keyboard.TypeAsync("Hello World");10}11public async Task FocusAsyncTests()12{13 {14 ExecutablePath = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"15 };16 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options);17 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();18 await page.MainFrame.FocusAsync("input[title='Search']");19 await page.Keyboard.TypeAsync("Hello World");20}21public async Task FocusAsyncTests()22{23 {24 ExecutablePath = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"25 };26 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options);27 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();28 var elementHandle = await page.QuerySelectorAsync("input[title='Search']");29 await elementHandle.FocusAsync();30 await page.Keyboard.TypeAsync("Hello World");31}32public async Task FocusAsyncTests()33{34 {35 ExecutablePath = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"36 };37 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(options);38 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();39 var jSHandle = await page.EvaluateExpressionHandleAsync("document.querySelector('input

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Using AI Code Generation


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1using System;2using System.Threading.Tasks;3using PuppeteerSharp;4{5 {6 static async Task Main(string[] args)7 {8 await new BrowserFetcher().DownloadAsync(BrowserFetcher.DefaultRevision);9 var browser = await Puppeteer.LaunchAsync(new LaunchOptions10 {11 });12 var page = await browser.NewPageAsync();13 await page.FocusAsync("input[name='q']");14 await page.ScreenshotAsync("google.png");15 await browser.CloseAsync();16 }17 }18}

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