How to use runOncePairsForSpec method of internal Package

Best Ginkgo code snippet using internal.runOncePairsForSpec


Source:group.go Github


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...21 containerID: containerID,22 }23}24type runOncePairs []runOncePair25func runOncePairsForSpec(spec Spec) runOncePairs {26 pairs := runOncePairs{}27 containers := spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer)28 for _, node := range spec.Nodes {29 if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll | types.NodeTypeAfterAll) {30 pairs = append(pairs, runOncePairForNode(node, containers.FirstWithNestingLevel(node.NestingLevel-1).ID))31 } else if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeBeforeEach|types.NodeTypeJustBeforeEach|types.NodeTypeAfterEach|types.NodeTypeJustAfterEach) && node.MarkedOncePerOrdered {32 passedIntoAnOrderedContainer := false33 firstOrderedContainerDeeperThanNode := containers.FirstSatisfying(func(container Node) bool {34 passedIntoAnOrderedContainer = passedIntoAnOrderedContainer || container.MarkedOrdered35 return container.NestingLevel >= node.NestingLevel && passedIntoAnOrderedContainer36 })37 if firstOrderedContainerDeeperThanNode.IsZero() {38 continue39 }40 pairs = append(pairs, runOncePairForNode(node, firstOrderedContainerDeeperThanNode.ID))41 }42 }43 return pairs44}45func (pairs runOncePairs) runOncePairFor(nodeID uint) runOncePair {46 for i := range pairs {47 if pairs[i].nodeID == nodeID {48 return pairs[i]49 }50 }51 return runOncePair{}52}53func (pairs runOncePairs) hasRunOncePair(pair runOncePair) bool {54 for i := range pairs {55 if pairs[i] == pair {56 return true57 }58 }59 return false60}61func (pairs runOncePairs) withType(nodeTypes types.NodeType) runOncePairs {62 count := 063 for i := range pairs {64 if pairs[i].nodeType.Is(nodeTypes) {65 count++66 }67 }68 out, j := make(runOncePairs, count), 069 for i := range pairs {70 if pairs[i].nodeType.Is(nodeTypes) {71 out[j] = pairs[i]72 j++73 }74 }75 return out76}77type group struct {78 suite *Suite79 specs Specs80 runOncePairs map[uint]runOncePairs81 runOnceTracker map[runOncePair]types.SpecState82 succeeded bool83}84func newGroup(suite *Suite) *group {85 return &group{86 suite: suite,87 runOncePairs: map[uint]runOncePairs{},88 runOnceTracker: map[runOncePair]types.SpecState{},89 succeeded: true,90 }91}92func (g *group) initialReportForSpec(spec Spec) types.SpecReport {93 return types.SpecReport{94 ContainerHierarchyTexts: spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer).Texts(),95 ContainerHierarchyLocations: spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer).CodeLocations(),96 ContainerHierarchyLabels: spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeContainer).Labels(),97 LeafNodeLocation: spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).CodeLocation,98 LeafNodeType: types.NodeTypeIt,99 LeafNodeText: spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).Text,100 LeafNodeLabels: []string(spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt).Labels),101 ParallelProcess: g.suite.config.ParallelProcess,102 IsSerial: spec.Nodes.HasNodeMarkedSerial(),103 IsInOrderedContainer: !spec.Nodes.FirstNodeMarkedOrdered().IsZero(),104 }105}106func (g *group) evaluateSkipStatus(spec Spec) (types.SpecState, types.Failure) {107 if spec.Nodes.HasNodeMarkedPending() {108 return types.SpecStatePending, types.Failure{}109 }110 if spec.Skip {111 return types.SpecStateSkipped, types.Failure{}112 }113 if g.suite.interruptHandler.Status().Interrupted || g.suite.skipAll {114 return types.SpecStateSkipped, types.Failure{}115 }116 if !g.succeeded {117 return types.SpecStateSkipped, g.suite.failureForLeafNodeWithMessage(spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt),118 "Spec skipped because an earlier spec in an ordered container failed")119 }120 beforeOncePairs := g.runOncePairs[spec.SubjectID()].withType(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll | types.NodeTypeBeforeEach | types.NodeTypeJustBeforeEach)121 for _, pair := range beforeOncePairs {122 if g.runOnceTracker[pair].Is(types.SpecStateSkipped) {123 return types.SpecStateSkipped, g.suite.failureForLeafNodeWithMessage(spec.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt),124 fmt.Sprintf("Spec skipped because Skip() was called in %s", pair.nodeType))125 }126 }127 if g.suite.config.DryRun {128 return types.SpecStatePassed, types.Failure{}129 }130 return g.suite.currentSpecReport.State, g.suite.currentSpecReport.Failure131}132func (g *group) isLastSpecWithPair(specID uint, pair runOncePair) bool {133 lastSpecID := uint(0)134 for idx := range g.specs {135 if g.specs[idx].Skip {136 continue137 }138 sID := g.specs[idx].SubjectID()139 if g.runOncePairs[sID].hasRunOncePair(pair) {140 lastSpecID = sID141 }142 }143 return lastSpecID == specID144}145func (g *group) attemptSpec(isFinalAttempt bool, spec Spec) {146 interruptStatus := g.suite.interruptHandler.Status()147 pairs := g.runOncePairs[spec.SubjectID()]148 nodes := spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeBeforeAll)149 nodes = append(nodes, spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeBeforeEach)...).SortedByAscendingNestingLevel()150 nodes = append(nodes, spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeJustBeforeEach).SortedByAscendingNestingLevel()...)151 nodes = append(nodes, spec.Nodes.FirstNodeWithType(types.NodeTypeIt))152 terminatingNode, terminatingPair := Node{}, runOncePair{}153 for _, node := range nodes {154 oncePair := pairs.runOncePairFor(node.ID)155 if !oncePair.isZero() && g.runOnceTracker[oncePair].Is(types.SpecStatePassed) {156 continue157 }158 g.suite.currentSpecReport.State, g.suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = g.suite.runNode(node, interruptStatus.Channel, spec.Nodes.BestTextFor(node))159 g.suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = time.Since(g.suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime)160 if !oncePair.isZero() {161 g.runOnceTracker[oncePair] = g.suite.currentSpecReport.State162 }163 if g.suite.currentSpecReport.State != types.SpecStatePassed {164 terminatingNode, terminatingPair = node, oncePair165 break166 }167 }168 afterNodeWasRun := map[uint]bool{}169 includeDeferCleanups := false170 for {171 nodes := spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeAfterEach)172 nodes = append(nodes, spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeAfterAll)...).SortedByDescendingNestingLevel()173 nodes = append(spec.Nodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeJustAfterEach).SortedByDescendingNestingLevel(), nodes...)174 if !terminatingNode.IsZero() {175 nodes = nodes.WithinNestingLevel(terminatingNode.NestingLevel)176 }177 if includeDeferCleanups {178 nodes = append(nodes, g.suite.cleanupNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach).Reverse()...)179 nodes = append(nodes, g.suite.cleanupNodes.WithType(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll).Reverse()...)180 }181 nodes = nodes.Filter(func(node Node) bool {182 if afterNodeWasRun[node.ID] {183 //this node has already been run on this attempt, don't rerun it184 return false185 }186 pair := runOncePair{}187 switch node.NodeType {188 case types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach, types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll:189 // check if we were generated in an AfterNode that has already run190 if afterNodeWasRun[node.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated] {191 return true // we were, so we should definitely run this cleanup now192 }193 // looks like this cleanup nodes was generated by a before node or it.194 // the run-once status of a cleanup node is governed by the run-once status of its generator195 pair = pairs.runOncePairFor(node.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated)196 default:197 pair = pairs.runOncePairFor(node.ID)198 }199 if pair.isZero() {200 // this node is not governed by any run-once policy, we should run it201 return true202 }203 // it's our last chance to run if we're the last spec for our oncePair204 isLastSpecWithPair := g.isLastSpecWithPair(spec.SubjectID(), pair)205 switch g.suite.currentSpecReport.State {206 case types.SpecStatePassed: //this attempt is passing...207 return isLastSpecWithPair //...we should run-once if we'this is our last chance208 case types.SpecStateSkipped: //the spec was skipped by the user...209 if isLastSpecWithPair {210 return true //...we're the last spec, so we should run the AfterNode211 }212 if !terminatingPair.isZero() && terminatingNode.NestingLevel == node.NestingLevel {213 return true //...or, a run-once node at our nesting level was skipped which means this is our last chance to run214 }215 case types.SpecStateFailed, types.SpecStatePanicked: // the spec has failed...216 if isFinalAttempt {217 return true //...if this was the last attempt then we're the last spec to run and so the AfterNode should run218 }219 if !terminatingPair.isZero() { // ...and it failed in a run-once. which will be running again220 if node.NodeType.Is(types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterEach | types.NodeTypeCleanupAfterAll) {221 return terminatingNode.ID == node.NodeIDWhereCleanupWasGenerated // we should run this node if we're a clean-up generated by it222 } else {223 return terminatingNode.NestingLevel == node.NestingLevel // ...or if we're at the same nesting level224 }225 }226 case types.SpecStateInterrupted, types.SpecStateAborted: // ...we've been interrupted and/or aborted227 return true //...that means the test run is over and we should clean up the stack. Run the AfterNode228 }229 return false230 })231 if len(nodes) == 0 && includeDeferCleanups {232 break233 }234 for _, node := range nodes {235 afterNodeWasRun[node.ID] = true236 state, failure := g.suite.runNode(node, g.suite.interruptHandler.Status().Channel, spec.Nodes.BestTextFor(node))237 g.suite.currentSpecReport.RunTime = time.Since(g.suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime)238 if g.suite.currentSpecReport.State == types.SpecStatePassed || state == types.SpecStateAborted {239 g.suite.currentSpecReport.State = state240 g.suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = failure241 }242 }243 includeDeferCleanups = true244 }245}246func (g *group) run(specs Specs) {247 g.specs = specs248 for _, spec := range g.specs {249 g.runOncePairs[spec.SubjectID()] = runOncePairsForSpec(spec)250 }251 for _, spec := range g.specs {252 g.suite.currentSpecReport = g.initialReportForSpec(spec)253 g.suite.currentSpecReport.State, g.suite.currentSpecReport.Failure = g.evaluateSkipStatus(spec)254 g.suite.reporter.WillRun(g.suite.currentSpecReport)255 g.suite.reportEach(spec, types.NodeTypeReportBeforeEach)256 skip := g.suite.config.DryRun || g.suite.currentSpecReport.State.Is(types.SpecStateFailureStates|types.SpecStateSkipped|types.SpecStatePending)257 g.suite.currentSpecReport.StartTime = time.Now()258 if !skip {259 maxAttempts := max(1, spec.FlakeAttempts())260 if g.suite.config.FlakeAttempts > 0 {261 maxAttempts = g.suite.config.FlakeAttempts262 }263 for attempt := 0; attempt < maxAttempts; attempt++ {...

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1func (s *S) TestRunOncePairsForSpec(c *C) {2 s.specs = []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}3 s.specsRan = []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}4 s.specsToRun = []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}5 s.runOncePairsForSpec("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")6 c.Assert(s.runOncePairs, DeepEquals, [][]string{7 {"a", "b"},8 {"b", "c"},9 {"c", "d"},10 {"d", "e"},11 })12}13func (s *S) TestRunOncePairsForSpecWithSkip(c *C) {14 s.specs = []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}15 s.specsRan = []string{"a", "b", "d"}16 s.specsToRun = []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}17 s.runOncePairsForSpec("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")18 c.Assert(s.runOncePairs, DeepEquals, [][]string{19 {"a", "b"},20 {"b", "c"},21 {"c", "d"},22 {"d", "e"},23 })24}25func (s *S) TestRunOncePairsForSpecWithSkipAndRun(c *C) {26 s.specs = []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}27 s.specsRan = []string{"a", "b", "d"}28 s.specsToRun = []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"}29 s.runOncePairsForSpec("a", "b", "d", "c", "e")30 c.Assert(s.runOncePairs, DeepEquals, [][]string{31 {"a", "b"},32 {"d", "c"},

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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello, playground")4 spec := []string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"}5 pairs := runOncePairsForSpec(spec)6 fmt.Println(pairs)7}8func runOncePairsForSpec(spec []string) [][]string {9 rType := reflect.TypeOf(r)10 method, _ := rType.MethodByName("runOncePairsForSpec")11 inputs := make([]reflect.Value, 1)12 specSlice := make([]reflect.Value, len(spec))13 for i, v := range spec {14 specSlice[i] = reflect.ValueOf(v)15 }16 inputs[0] = reflect.ValueOf(specSlice)17 outputs := method.Func.Call(inputs)18 pairs := outputs[0].Interface().([][]string)19}20type runOncePairs struct {21}22func (r runOncePairs) runOncePairsForSpec(spec []string) [][]string {23 specLen := len(spec)24 for i := 0; i < specLen; i++ {25 for j := 0; j < len(remainingSpec); j++ {

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1func (s *Spec) RunOnce(pairs ...Pair) (interface{}, error) {2 return s.internal.runOncePairsForSpec(pairs, s)3}4func (s *Spec) RunOnce(pairs ...Pair) (interface{}, error) {5 return s.internal.runOncePairsForSpec(pairs, s)6}7func (s *Spec) RunOnce(pairs ...Pair) (interface{}, error) {8 return s.internal.runOncePairsForSpec(pairs, s)9}10func (s *Spec) RunOnce(pairs ...Pair) (interface{}, error) {11 return s.internal.runOncePairsForSpec(pairs, s)12}13func (s *Spec) RunOnce(pairs ...Pair) (interface{}, error) {14 return s.internal.runOncePairsForSpec(pairs, s)15}16func (s *Spec) RunOnce(pairs ...Pair) (interface{}, error) {17 return s.internal.runOncePairsForSpec(pairs,

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