How to use startPipeFactory method of internal Package

Best Ginkgo code snippet using internal.startPipeFactory


Source:output_interceptor.go Github


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...53type pipePair struct {54 reader *os.File55 writer *os.File56}57func startPipeFactory(pipeChannel chan pipePair, shutdown chan interface{}) {58 for {59 //make the next pipe...60 pair := pipePair{}61 pair.reader, pair.writer, _ = os.Pipe()62 select {63 //...and provide it to the next consumer (they are responsible for closing the files)64 case pipeChannel <- pair:65 continue66 //...or close the files if we were told to shutdown67 case <-shutdown:68 pair.reader.Close()69 pair.writer.Close()70 return71 }72 }73}74type interceptorImplementation interface {75 CreateStdoutStderrClones() (*os.File, *os.File)76 ConnectPipeToStdoutStderr(*os.File)77 RestoreStdoutStderrFromClones(*os.File, *os.File)78 ShutdownClones(*os.File, *os.File)79}80type genericOutputInterceptor struct {81 intercepting bool82 stdoutClone *os.File83 stderrClone *os.File84 pipe pipePair85 shutdown chan interface{}86 emergencyBailout chan interface{}87 pipeChannel chan pipePair88 interceptedContent chan string89 forwardTo io.Writer90 accumulatedOutput string91 implementation interceptorImplementation92}93func (interceptor *genericOutputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutput() {94 interceptor.StartInterceptingOutputAndForwardTo(io.Discard)95}96func (interceptor *genericOutputInterceptor) StartInterceptingOutputAndForwardTo(w io.Writer) {97 if interceptor.intercepting {98 return99 }100 interceptor.accumulatedOutput = ""101 interceptor.forwardTo = w102 interceptor.ResumeIntercepting()103}104func (interceptor *genericOutputInterceptor) StopInterceptingAndReturnOutput() string {105 if interceptor.intercepting {106 interceptor.PauseIntercepting()107 }108 return interceptor.accumulatedOutput109}110func (interceptor *genericOutputInterceptor) ResumeIntercepting() {111 if interceptor.intercepting {112 return113 }114 interceptor.intercepting = true115 if interceptor.stdoutClone == nil {116 interceptor.stdoutClone, interceptor.stderrClone = interceptor.implementation.CreateStdoutStderrClones()117 interceptor.shutdown = make(chan interface{})118 go startPipeFactory(interceptor.pipeChannel, interceptor.shutdown)119 }120 // Now we make a pipe, we'll use this to redirect the input to the 1 and 2 file descriptors (this is how everything else in the world is tring to log to stdout and stderr)121 // we get the pipe from our pipe factory. it runs in the background so we can request the next pipe while the spec being intercepted is running122 interceptor.pipe = <-interceptor.pipeChannel123 interceptor.emergencyBailout = make(chan interface{})124 //Spin up a goroutine to copy data from the pipe into a buffer, this is how we capture any output the user is emitting125 go func() {126 buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}127 destination := io.MultiWriter(buffer, interceptor.forwardTo)128 copyFinished := make(chan interface{})129 reader := interceptor.pipe.reader130 go func() {131 io.Copy(destination, reader)132 reader.Close() // close the read end of the pipe so we don't leak a file descriptor...

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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("hello world")4}5import (6func main() {7 fmt.Println("hello world")8}9import (10func main() {11 cmd := exec.Command("go", "run", "1.go")12 cmd.Run()13 cmd = exec.Command("go", "run", "2.go")14 cmd.Run()15}

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1func main() {2 p := startPipeFactory(10)3 p.write("Hello")4 fmt.Println(}6func main() {7 p := startPipeFactory(10)8 p.write("Hello")9 fmt.Println(}11func main() {12 p := startPipeFactory(10)13 p.write("Hello")14 fmt.Println(}16func main() {17 p := startPipeFactory(10)18 p.write("Hello")19 fmt.Println(}21func main() {22 p := startPipeFactory(10)23 p.write("Hello")24 fmt.Println(}26func main() {27 p := startPipeFactory(10)28 p.write("Hello")29 fmt.Println(}31func main() {32 p := startPipeFactory(10)33 p.write("Hello")34 fmt.Println(}36func main() {37 p := startPipeFactory(10)38 p.write("Hello")39 fmt.Println(}41func main() {42 p := startPipeFactory(10)43 p.write("Hello")44 fmt.Println(}46func main() {47 p := startPipeFactory(10)48 p.write("Hello")49 fmt.Println(}51func main() {52 p := startPipeFactory(10)53 p.write("Hello")54 fmt.Println(}56func main()

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1import (2func main() {3 fmt.Println("Hello World!")4 pf := pipefactory.NewPipeFactory()5 pf.StartPipeFactory()6}7import (8func main() {9 fmt.Println("Hello World!")10 pf := pipefactory.NewPipeFactory()11 pf.StartPipeFactory()12}13import (14func main() {15 fmt.Println("Hello World!")16 pf := pipefactory.NewPipeFactory()17 pf.StartPipeFactory()18}19import (20func main() {21 fmt.Println("Hello World!")22 pf := pipefactory.NewPipeFactory()23 pf.StartPipeFactory()24}25import (26func main() {27 fmt.Println("Hello World!")28 pf := pipefactory.NewPipeFactory()29 pf.StartPipeFactory()30}31import (32func main() {33 fmt.Println("Hello World!")34 pf := pipefactory.NewPipeFactory()35 pf.StartPipeFactory()36}37import (38func main() {39 fmt.Println("Hello World!")40 pf := pipefactory.NewPipeFactory()41 pf.StartPipeFactory()42}43import (

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1import "internal/pipe"2func main() {3 pipe.StartPipeFactory(1)4}5func StartPipeFactory(id int) {6 println("Pipe factory started", id)7}

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1import (2func main() {3 obj.StartPipeFactory()4 fmt.Println("Hello World")5}6import (7func main() {8 obj.StartPipeFactory()9 fmt.Println("Hello World")10}11Is there any way to import the package xyz in the file 1.go?12import (13func main() {14 obj.StartPipeFactory()15 fmt.Println("Hello World")16}17import (18func main() {19 obj.StartPipeFactory()20 fmt.Println("Hello World")21}22We have two go files in the same package. The code is working fine, but the problem is that the package xyz is not getting imported in the file 1.go. It is giving an error. I have tried to import the package xyz in the file 1.go, but it is not working. Is there any way to import the package xyz in the file 1.go?23import (

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1PipeFactory factory = new PipeFactory();2factory.startPipeFactory();3Pipe pipe = factory.createPipe();4ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder("2.exe");5builder.redirectInput(pipe.getPipeInputStream());6builder.redirectOutput(pipe.getPipeOutputStream());7Process process = builder.start();8factory.closePipe(pipe);9factory.stopPipeFactory();10Scanner in = new Scanner(;11PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out);12while (in.hasNextLine()) {13 out.println(in.nextLine());14 out.flush();15}16import (17func main() {18 pipe := make(chan string)19 cmd := exec.Command("1.exe")20 cmd.Start()21 go func() {22 scanner := bufio.NewScanner(cmd.Stdout)23 for scanner.Scan() {24 pipe <- scanner.Text()25 }26 }()27 for line := range pipe {28 fmt.Println(line)29 }

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