How to use this.adb.setIME method in Appium Android Driver

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Source:android-common.js Github


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...805 logger.debug('Unsetting IME \'' + this.defaultIME + '\'');806 logger.debug('Setting IME to \'​.UnicodeIME\'');807 this.adb.enableIME('​.UnicodeIME', function (err) {808 if (err) return cb(err);809 this.adb.setIME('​.UnicodeIME', cb);810 }.bind(this));811 }.bind(this));812 }.bind(this));813 } else {814 cb();815 }816};817androidCommon.getNetworkConnection = function (cb) {818'Getting network connection');819 this.adb.isAirplaneModeOn(function (err, airplaneModeOn) {820 if (err) return cb(err);821 var connection = airplaneModeOn ? 1 : 0;822 if (airplaneModeOn) {823 /​/​ airplane mode on implies wifi and data off824 return cb(null, {825 status:,826 value: connection827 });828 }829 this.adb.isWifiOn(function (err, wifiOn) {830 if (err) return cb(err);831 connection += (wifiOn ? 2 : 0);832 this.adb.isDataOn(function (err, dataOn) {833 if (err) return cb(err);834 connection += (dataOn ? 4 : 0);835 cb(null, {836 status:,837 value: connection838 });839 }.bind(this));840 }.bind(this));841 }.bind(this));842};843androidCommon.setNetworkConnection = function (type, ocb) {844'Setting network connection');845 /​/​ decode the input846 var airplaneMode = type % 2;847 type >>= 1;848 var wifi = type % 2;849 type >>= 1;850 var data = type % 2;851 var series = [];852 /​/​ do airplane mode stuff first, since it will change the other statuses853 series.push(function (cb) {854 this.wrapActionAndHandleADBDisconnect(function (ncb) {855 this.adb.setAirplaneMode(airplaneMode, ncb);856 }.bind(this), cb);857 }.bind(this));858 series.push(function (cb) {859 this.wrapActionAndHandleADBDisconnect(function (ncb) {860 this.adb.broadcastAirplaneMode(airplaneMode, ncb);861 }.bind(this), cb);862 }.bind(this));863 /​/​ no need to do anything else if we are in or going into airplane mode864 if (airplaneMode === 0) {865 series.push(function (cb) {866 this.wrapActionAndHandleADBDisconnect(function (ncb) {867 this.adb.setWifiAndData({868 wifi: wifi,869 data: data870 }, ncb);871 }.bind(this), cb);872 }.bind(this));873 }874 async.series(series, function (err) {875 if (err) return ocb(err);876 return this.getNetworkConnection(ocb);877 }.bind(this));878};879androidCommon.isIMEActivated = function (cb) {880 /​/​ IME is always activated on Android devices881 cb(null, {882 status:,883 value: true884 });885};886androidCommon.availableIMEEngines = function (cb) {887 logger.debug('Retrieving available IMEs');888 this.adb.availableIMEs(function (err, engines) {889 if (err) return cb(err);890 logger.debug('Engines: ' + JSON.stringify(engines));891 cb(null, {892 status:,893 value: engines894 });895 });896};897androidCommon.getActiveIMEEngine = function (cb) {898 logger.debug('Retrieving current default IME');899 this.adb.defaultIME(function (err, engine) {900 if (err) return cb(err);901 cb(null, {902 status:,903 value: engine904 });905 });906};907androidCommon.activateIMEEngine = function (imeId, cb) {908 logger.debug('Attempting to activate IME \'' + imeId + '\'');909 this.adb.availableIMEs(function (err, engines) {910 if (err) return cb(err);911 if (engines.indexOf(imeId) !== -1) {912 logger.debug('Found installed IME, attempting to activate.');913 this.adb.enableIME(imeId, function (err) {914 if (err) return cb(err);915 this.adb.setIME(imeId, function (err) {916 if (err) return cb(err);917 return cb(null, {918 status:,919 value: null920 });921 });922 }.bind(this));923 } else {924 logger.debug('IME not found, failing.');925 return cb(null, {926 status:,927 message: 'Unable to find requested IME \'' + imeId + '\'.'928 });929 }...

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Source:android-controller.js Github


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...980 if (engines.indexOf(imeId) !== -1) {981 logger.debug('Found installed IME, attempting to activate.');982 this.adb.enableIME(imeId, function (err) {983 if (err) return cb(err);984 this.adb.setIME(imeId, function (err) {985 if (err) return cb(err);986 return cb(null, {987 status:,988 value: null989 });990 });991 }.bind(this));992 } else {993 logger.debug('IME not found, failing.');994 return cb(null, {995 status:,996 message: 'Unable to find requested IME \'' + imeId + '\'.'997 });998 }...

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Source:driver.js Github


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1import { BaseDriver, DeviceSettings } from '@appium/​base-driver';2import desiredConstraints from './​desired-caps';3import commands from './​commands/​index';4import {5 helpers, ensureNetworkSpeed,6 SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID,7} from './​android-helpers';8import _ from 'lodash';9import { DEFAULT_ADB_PORT } from 'appium-adb';10import { fs, tempDir, util } from '@appium/​support';11import { retryInterval } from 'asyncbox';12import { SharedPrefsBuilder } from 'shared-preferences-builder';13import B from 'bluebird';14const APP_EXTENSION = '.apk';15const DEVICE_PORT = 4724;16/​/​ This is a set of methods and paths that we never want to proxy to17/​/​ Chromedriver18const NO_PROXY = [19 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​context')],20 ['GET', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​context')],21 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​appium')],22 ['GET', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​appium')],23 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​touch/​perform')],24 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​touch/​multi/​perform')],25 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​orientation')],26 ['GET', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​orientation')],27 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​execute')],28 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​execute/​sync')],29 ['GET', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​network_connection')],30 ['POST', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​network_connection')],31];32class AndroidDriver extends BaseDriver {33 constructor (opts = {}, shouldValidateCaps = true) {34 super(opts, shouldValidateCaps);35 this.locatorStrategies = [36 'xpath',37 'id',38 'class name',39 'accessibility id',40 '-android uiautomator'41 ];42 this.desiredCapConstraints = desiredConstraints;43 this.sessionChromedrivers = {};44 this.jwpProxyActive = false;45 this.jwpProxyAvoid = _.clone(NO_PROXY);46 this.settings = new DeviceSettings({ignoreUnimportantViews: false},47 this.onSettingsUpdate.bind(this));48 this.chromedriver = null;49 this.apkStrings = {};50 this.unlocker = helpers.unlocker;51 for (let [cmd, fn] of _.toPairs(commands)) {52 AndroidDriver.prototype[cmd] = fn;53 }54 /​/​ needs to be after the line which assigns commands to AndroidDriver.prototype, so that `this.defaultContextName` is defined.55 this.curContext = this.defaultContextName();56 }57 async createSession (...args) {58 /​/​ the whole createSession flow is surrounded in a try-catch statement59 /​/​ if creating a session fails at any point, we teardown everything we60 /​/​ set up before throwing the error.61 try {62 let [sessionId, caps] = await super.createSession(...args);63 let serverDetails = {64 platform: 'LINUX',65 webStorageEnabled: false,66 takesScreenshot: true,67 javascriptEnabled: true,68 databaseEnabled: false,69 networkConnectionEnabled: true,70 locationContextEnabled: false,71 warnings: {},72 desired: this.caps73 };74 this.caps = Object.assign(serverDetails, this.caps);75 /​/​ assigning defaults76 let defaultOpts = {77 action: 'android.intent.action.MAIN',78 category: 'android.intent.category.LAUNCHER',79 flags: '0x10200000',80 disableAndroidWatchers: false,81 tmpDir: await tempDir.staticDir(),82 fullReset: false,83 autoLaunch: true,84 adbPort: DEFAULT_ADB_PORT,85 bootstrapPort: DEVICE_PORT,86 androidInstallTimeout: 90000,87 };88 _.defaults(this.opts, defaultOpts);89 this.useUnlockHelperApp = _.isUndefined(this.caps.unlockType);90 /​/​ not user visible via caps91 if (this.opts.noReset === true) {92 this.opts.fullReset = false;93 }94 if (this.opts.fullReset === true) {95 this.opts.noReset = false;96 }97 this.opts.fastReset = !this.opts.fullReset && !this.opts.noReset;98 this.opts.skipUninstall = this.opts.fastReset || this.opts.noReset;99 if (this.isChromeSession) {100 helpers.adjustBrowserSessionCaps(this.opts);101 }102 if (this.opts.nativeWebScreenshot) {103 this.jwpProxyAvoid.push(['GET', new RegExp('^/​session/​[^/​]+/​screenshot')]);104 }105 if (this.opts.reboot) {106 this.setAvdFromCapabilities(caps);107 }108 /​/​ get device udid for this session109 let {udid, emPort} = await helpers.getDeviceInfoFromCaps(this.opts);110 this.opts.udid = udid;111 this.opts.emPort = emPort;112 /​/​ set up an instance of ADB113 this.adb = await helpers.createADB({114 udid: this.opts.udid,115 emPort: this.opts.emPort,116 adbPort: this.opts.adbPort,117 suppressKillServer: this.opts.suppressKillServer,118 remoteAdbHost: this.opts.remoteAdbHost,119 clearDeviceLogsOnStart: this.opts.clearDeviceLogsOnStart,120 adbExecTimeout: this.opts.adbExecTimeout,121 allowOfflineDevices: this.opts.allowOfflineDevices,122 });123 if (await this.adb.getApiLevel() >= 23) {124 this.log.warn("Consider setting 'automationName' capability to " +125 "'uiautomator2' on Android >= 6, since UIAutomator framework " +126 'is not maintained anymore by the OS vendor.');127 }128 if (this.helpers.isPackageOrBundle( {129 /​/​ user provided package instead of app for 'app' capability, massage options130 this.opts.appPackage =;131 = null;132 }133 if ( {134 /​/​ find and copy, or download and unzip an app url or path135 = await this.helpers.configureApp(, APP_EXTENSION);136 await this.checkAppPresent();137 } else if (this.appOnDevice) {138 /​/​ the app isn't an actual app file but rather something we want to139 /​/​ assume is on the device and just launch via the appPackage140`App file was not listed, instead we're going to run ` +141 `${this.opts.appPackage} directly on the device`);142 await this.checkPackagePresent();143 }144 /​/​ Some cloud services using appium launch the avd themselves, so we ensure netspeed145 /​/​ is set for emulators by calling adb.networkSpeed before running the app146 if (util.hasValue(this.opts.networkSpeed)) {147 if (!this.isEmulator()) {148 this.log.warn('Sorry, networkSpeed capability is only available for emulators');149 } else {150 const networkSpeed = ensureNetworkSpeed(this.adb, this.opts.networkSpeed);151 await this.adb.networkSpeed(networkSpeed);152 }153 }154 /​/​ check if we have to enable/​disable gps before running the application155 if (util.hasValue(this.opts.gpsEnabled)) {156 if (this.isEmulator()) {157`Trying to ${this.opts.gpsEnabled ? 'enable' : 'disable'} gps location provider`);158 await this.adb.toggleGPSLocationProvider(this.opts.gpsEnabled);159 } else {160 this.log.warn('Sorry! gpsEnabled capability is only available for emulators');161 }162 }163 await this.startAndroidSession(this.opts);164 return [sessionId, this.caps];165 } catch (e) {166 /​/​ ignoring delete session exception if any and throw the real error167 /​/​ that happened while creating the session.168 try {169 await this.deleteSession();170 } catch (ign) {}171 throw e;172 }173 }174 isEmulator () {175 return helpers.isEmulator(this.adb, this.opts);176 }177 setAvdFromCapabilities (caps) {178 if (this.opts.avd) {179'avd name defined, ignoring device name and platform version');180 } else {181 if (!caps.deviceName) {182 this.log.errorAndThrow('avd or deviceName should be specified when reboot option is enables');183 }184 if (!caps.platformVersion) {185 this.log.errorAndThrow('avd or platformVersion should be specified when reboot option is enabled');186 }187 let avdDevice = caps.deviceName.replace(/​[^a-zA-Z0-9_.]/​g, '-');188 this.opts.avd = `${avdDevice}__${caps.platformVersion}`;189 }190 }191 get appOnDevice () {192 return this.helpers.isPackageOrBundle( || (! &&193 this.helpers.isPackageOrBundle(this.opts.appPackage));194 }195 get isChromeSession () {196 return helpers.isChromeBrowser(this.opts.browserName);197 }198 async onSettingsUpdate (key, value) {199 if (key === 'ignoreUnimportantViews') {200 await this.setCompressedLayoutHierarchy(value);201 }202 }203 async startAndroidSession () {204`Starting Android session`);205 /​/​ set up the device to run on (real or emulator, etc)206 this.defaultIME = await helpers.initDevice(this.adb, this.opts);207 /​/​ set actual device name, udid, platform version, screen size, model and manufacturer details.208 this.caps.deviceName = this.adb.curDeviceId;209 this.caps.deviceUDID = this.opts.udid;210 this.caps.platformVersion = await this.adb.getPlatformVersion();211 this.caps.deviceScreenSize = await this.adb.getScreenSize();212 this.caps.deviceModel = await this.adb.getModel();213 this.caps.deviceManufacturer = await this.adb.getManufacturer();214 if (this.opts.disableWindowAnimation) {215 if (await this.adb.isAnimationOn()) {216 if (await this.adb.getApiLevel() >= 28) { /​/​ API level 28 is Android P217 /​/​ Don't forget to reset the relaxing in delete session218 this.log.warn('Relaxing hidden api policy to manage animation scale');219 await this.adb.setHiddenApiPolicy('1', !!this.opts.ignoreHiddenApiPolicyError);220 }221'Disabling window animation as it is requested by "disableWindowAnimation" capability');222 await this.adb.setAnimationState(false);223 this._wasWindowAnimationDisabled = true;224 } else {225'Window animation is already disabled');226 }227 }228 /​/​ set up app under test229 await this.initAUT();230 /​/​ start UiAutomator231 this.bootstrap = new helpers.bootstrap(this.adb, this.opts.bootstrapPort, this.opts.websocket);232 await this.bootstrap.start(this.opts.appPackage, this.opts.disableAndroidWatchers, this.opts.acceptSslCerts);233 /​/​ handling unexpected shutdown234 this.bootstrap.onUnexpectedShutdown.catch(async (err) => { /​/​ eslint-disable-line promise/​prefer-await-to-callbacks235 if (!this.bootstrap.ignoreUnexpectedShutdown) {236 await this.startUnexpectedShutdown(err);237 }238 });239 if (!this.opts.skipUnlock) {240 /​/​ Let's try to unlock the device241 await helpers.unlock(this, this.adb, this.caps);242 }243 /​/​ Set CompressedLayoutHierarchy on the device based on current settings object244 /​/​ this has to happen _after_ bootstrap is initialized245 if (this.opts.ignoreUnimportantViews) {246 await this.settings.update({ignoreUnimportantViews: this.opts.ignoreUnimportantViews});247 }248 if (this.isChromeSession) {249 /​/​ start a chromedriver session and proxy to it250 await this.startChromeSession();251 } else {252 if (this.opts.autoLaunch) {253 /​/​ start app254 await this.startAUT();255 }256 }257 if (util.hasValue(this.opts.orientation)) {258 this.log.debug(`Setting initial orientation to '${this.opts.orientation}'`);259 await this.setOrientation(this.opts.orientation);260 }261 await this.initAutoWebview();262 }263 async initAutoWebview () {264 if (this.opts.autoWebview) {265 let viewName = this.defaultWebviewName();266 let timeout = (this.opts.autoWebviewTimeout) || 2000;267`Setting auto webview to context '${viewName}' with timeout ${timeout}ms`);268 /​/​ try every 500ms until timeout is over269 await retryInterval(timeout /​ 500, 500, async () => {270 await this.setContext(viewName);271 });272 }273 }274 async initAUT () {275 /​/​ populate appPackage, appActivity, appWaitPackage, appWaitActivity,276 /​/​ and the device being used277 /​/​ in the opts and caps (so it gets back to the user on session creation)278 let launchInfo = await helpers.getLaunchInfo(this.adb, this.opts);279 Object.assign(this.opts, launchInfo);280 Object.assign(this.caps, launchInfo);281 /​/​ Uninstall any uninstallOtherPackages which were specified in caps282 if (this.opts.uninstallOtherPackages) {283 helpers.validateDesiredCaps(this.opts);284 /​/​ Only SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID package is used by UIA1285 await helpers.uninstallOtherPackages(286 this.adb,287 helpers.parseArray(this.opts.uninstallOtherPackages),288 [SETTINGS_HELPER_PKG_ID]289 );290 }291 /​/​ Install any "otherApps" that were specified in caps292 if (this.opts.otherApps) {293 let otherApps;294 try {295 otherApps = helpers.parseArray(this.opts.otherApps);296 } catch (e) {297 this.log.errorAndThrow(`Could not parse "otherApps" capability: ${e.message}`);298 }299 otherApps = await B.all( => this.helpers.configureApp(app, APP_EXTENSION)));300 await helpers.installOtherApks(otherApps, this.adb, this.opts);301 }302 /​/​ install app303 if (! {304 if (this.opts.fullReset) {305 this.log.errorAndThrow('Full reset requires an app capability, use fastReset if app is not provided');306 }307 this.log.debug('No app capability. Assuming it is already on the device');308 if (this.opts.fastReset) {309 await helpers.resetApp(this.adb, this.opts);310 }311 return;312 }313 if (!this.opts.skipUninstall) {314 await this.adb.uninstallApk(this.opts.appPackage);315 }316 await helpers.installApk(this.adb, this.opts);317 const apkStringsForLanguage = await helpers.pushStrings(this.opts.language, this.adb, this.opts);318 if (this.opts.language) {319 this.apkStrings[this.opts.language] = apkStringsForLanguage;320 }321 /​/​ This must run after installing the apk, otherwise it would cause the322 /​/​ install to fail. And before running the app.323 if (!_.isUndefined(this.opts.sharedPreferences)) {324 await this.setSharedPreferences(this.opts);325 }326 }327 async checkAppPresent () {328 this.log.debug('Checking whether app is actually present');329 if (!(await fs.exists( {330 this.log.errorAndThrow(`Could not find app apk at ${}`);331 }332 }333 async checkPackagePresent () {334 this.log.debug('Checking whether package is present on the device');335 if (!(await['pm', 'list', 'packages', this.opts.appPackage]))) {336 this.log.errorAndThrow(`Could not find package ${this.opts.appPackage} on the device`);337 }338 }339 /​/​ Set CompressedLayoutHierarchy on the device340 async setCompressedLayoutHierarchy (compress) {341 await this.bootstrap.sendAction('compressedLayoutHierarchy', {compressLayout: compress});342 }343 async deleteSession () {344 this.log.debug('Shutting down Android driver');345 try {346 if (!_.isEmpty(this._screenRecordingProperties)) {347 await this.stopRecordingScreen();348 }349 } catch (ign) {}350 await helpers.removeAllSessionWebSocketHandlers(this.server, this.sessionId);351 await this.mobileStopScreenStreaming();352 await super.deleteSession();353 if (this.bootstrap) {354 /​/​ certain cleanup we only care to do if the bootstrap was ever run355 await this.stopChromedriverProxies();356 if (this.opts.unicodeKeyboard && this.opts.resetKeyboard && this.defaultIME) {357 this.log.debug(`Resetting IME to ${this.defaultIME}`);358 await this.adb?.setIME(this.defaultIME);359 }360 if (!this.isChromeSession && !this.opts.dontStopAppOnReset) {361 await this.adb?.forceStop(this.opts.appPackage);362 }363 await this.adb?.goToHome();364 if (this.opts.fullReset && !this.opts.skipUninstall && !this.appOnDevice) {365 await this.adb?.uninstallApk(this.opts.appPackage);366 }367 await this.bootstrap.shutdown();368 this.bootstrap = null;369 } else {370 this.log.debug("Called deleteSession but bootstrap wasn't active");371 }372 /​/​ some cleanup we want to do regardless, in case we are shutting down373 /​/​ mid-startup374 await this.adb?.stopLogcat();375 if (this.useUnlockHelperApp) {376 await this.adb?.forceStop('io.appium.unlock');377 }378 if (this._wasWindowAnimationDisabled) {379'Restoring window animation state');380 await this.adb?.setAnimationState(true);381 /​/​ This was necessary to change animation scale over Android P. We must reset the policy for the security.382 if (await this.adb?.getApiLevel() >= 28) {383'Restoring hidden api policy to the device default configuration');384 await this.adb?.setDefaultHiddenApiPolicy(!!this.opts.ignoreHiddenApiPolicyError);385 }386 }387 if (this.opts.reboot) {388 let avdName = this.opts.avd.replace('@', '');389 this.log.debug(`closing emulator '${avdName}'`);390 await this.adb?.killEmulator(avdName);391 }392 }393 async setSharedPreferences () {394 let sharedPrefs = this.opts.sharedPreferences;395'Trying to set shared preferences');396 let name =;397 if (_.isUndefined(name)) {398 this.log.warn(`Skipping setting Shared preferences, name is undefined: ${JSON.stringify(sharedPrefs)}`);399 return false;400 }401 let remotePath = `/​data/​data/​${this.opts.appPackage}/​shared_prefs`;402 let remoteFile = `${remotePath}/​${name}.xml`;403 let localPath = `/​tmp/​${name}.xml`;404 let builder = this.getPrefsBuilder();405;406`Creating temporary shared preferences: ${localPath}`);407 builder.toFile(localPath);408`Creating shared_prefs remote folder: ${remotePath}`);409 await['mkdir', '-p', remotePath]);410`Pushing shared_prefs to ${remoteFile}`);411 await this.adb.push(localPath, remoteFile);412 try {413`Trying to remove shared preferences temporary file`);414 if (await fs.exists(localPath)) {415 await fs.unlink(localPath);416 }417 } catch (e) {418 this.log.warn(`Error trying to remove temporary file ${localPath}`);419 }420 return true;421 }422 getPrefsBuilder () {423 /​* Add this method to create a new SharedPrefsBuilder instead of424 * directly creating the object on setSharedPreferences for testing purposes425 */​426 return new SharedPrefsBuilder();427 }428 validateDesiredCaps (caps) {429 if (!super.validateDesiredCaps(caps)) {430 return false;431 }432 if ((!caps.browserName || !helpers.isChromeBrowser(caps.browserName)) && ! && !caps.appPackage) {433 this.log.errorAndThrow('The desired capabilities must include either an app, appPackage or browserName');434 }435 return helpers.validateDesiredCaps(caps);436 }437 proxyActive (sessionId) {438 super.proxyActive(sessionId);439 return this.jwpProxyActive;440 }441 getProxyAvoidList (sessionId) {442 super.getProxyAvoidList(sessionId);443 return this.jwpProxyAvoid;444 }445 canProxy (sessionId) {446 super.canProxy(sessionId);447 /​/​ this will change depending on ChromeDriver status448 return _.isFunction(this.proxyReqRes);449 }450}451export { AndroidDriver };...

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Source:selendroid.js Github


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...229Selendroid.prototype.stop = function (ocb) {230 var completeShutdown = function (cb) {231 if (this.args.unicodeKeyboard && this.args.resetKeyboard && this.defaultIME) {232 logger.debug('Resetting IME to \'' + this.defaultIME + '\'');233 this.adb.setIME(this.defaultIME, function (err) {234 if (err) {235 /​/​ simply warn on error here, because we don't want to stop the shutdown236 /​/​ process237 logger.warn(err);238 }239 logger.debug("Stopping selendroid server");240 this.deleteSession(cb);241 }.bind(this));242 } else {243 logger.debug("Stopping selendroid server");244 this.deleteSession(cb);245 }246 }.bind(this);247 completeShutdown(function (err) {...

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...427 if (this.adb) {428 this.adb.endAndroidCoverage();429 if (this.args.unicodeKeyboard && this.args.resetKeyboard && this.defaultIME) {430 logger.debug('Resetting IME to \'' + this.defaultIME + '\'');431 this.adb.setIME(this.defaultIME, function (err) {432 if (err) {433 /​/​ simply warn on error here, because we don't want to stop the shutdown434 /​/​ process435 logger.warn(err);436 }437 if (this.adb) {438 this.adb.stopLogcat(function () {439 next();440 }.bind(this));441 }442 }.bind(this));443 } else {444 this.adb.stopLogcat(function () {445 next();...

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Source:ime.js Github


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...23 throw new errors.IMENotAvailableError();24 }25 log.debug("Found installed IME, attempting to activate");26 await this.adb.enableIME(imeId);27 await this.adb.setIME(imeId);28};29commands.deactivateIMEEngine = async function () {30 let currentEngine = await this.getActiveIMEEngine();31 log.debug(`Attempting to deactivate ${currentEngine}`);32 await this.adb.disableIME(currentEngine);33};34Object.assign(extensions, commands, helpers);35export { commands, helpers };...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var chai = require('chai');4var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');5chai.use(chaiAsPromised);6var should = chai.should();7var expect = chai.expect;8var serverConfig = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var serverConfig = {4};5var desired = {6};7var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote(serverConfig);8 .init(desired)9 .then(function () {10 return driver.setIME("​.UnicodeIME");11 })12 .then(function () {13 return driver.quit();14 })15 .done();16 .init(desired)17 .then(function () {18 return driver.setIME(null);19 })20 .then(function () {21 return driver.quit();22 })23 .done();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const path = require('path');2const wdio = require('webdriverio');3const options = {4 desiredCapabilities: {5 app: path.resolve(__dirname, 'app-debug.apk'),6 }7};8const client = wdio.remote(options);9client.init().then(() => {10 return client.adb.setIME('​.LatinIME');11}).then(() => {12 return client.waitForVisible('android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")', 10000);13}).then(() => {14 return'android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")');15}).then(() => {16 return client.waitForVisible('android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")', 10000);17}).then(() => {18 return'android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")');19}).then(() => {20 return client.waitForVisible('android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")', 10000);21}).then(() => {22 return'android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")');23}).then(() => {24 return client.waitForVisible('android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")', 10000);25}).then(() => {26 return'android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")');27}).then(() => {28 return client.waitForVisible('android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")', 10000);29}).then(() => {30 return'android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")');31}).then(() => {32 return client.waitForVisible('android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")', 10000);33}).then(() => {34 return'android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")');35}).then(() => {36 return client.waitForVisible('android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")', 10000);37}).then(() => {38 return'android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")');39}).then(() => {40 return client.waitForVisible('android=new UiSelector().text("Hello World!")', 10000);41}).then(()

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