How to use zip.assertValidZip method in Appium Base Driver

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Source:helpers.js Github


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...237 }238 return result;239}240async function unzipApp (zipPath, dstRoot, supportedAppExtensions) {241 await zip.assertValidZip(zipPath);242 if (!_.isArray(supportedAppExtensions)) {243 supportedAppExtensions = [supportedAppExtensions];244 }245 const tmpRoot = await tempDir.openDir();246 try {247 logger.debug(`Unzipping '${zipPath}'`);248 await zip.extractAllTo(zipPath, tmpRoot);249 const allExtractedItems = await walkDir(tmpRoot);250 logger.debug(`Extracted ${allExtractedItems.length} item(s) from '${zipPath}'`);251 const isSupportedAppItem = (relativePath) => supportedAppExtensions.includes(path.extname(relativePath))252 || _.some(supportedAppExtensions, (x) => relativePath.includes(`${x}${path.sep}`));253 const itemsToKeep = allExtractedItems254 .map((itemPath) => path.relative(tmpRoot, itemPath))255 .filter((relativePath) => isSupportedAppItem(relativePath))...

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Source:android-manifest.js Github


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...168 * The file will be overridden if it already exists.169 */170manifestMethods.insertManifest = async function insertManifest (manifest, srcApk, dstApk) {171 log.debug(`Inserting manifest '${manifest}', src: '${srcApk}', dst: '${dstApk}'`);172 await zip.assertValidZip(srcApk);173 await unzipFile(`${manifest}.apk`);174 const manifestName = path.basename(manifest);175 try {176 await this.initAapt();177 await fs.copyFile(srcApk, dstApk);178 log.debug('Moving manifest');179 try {180 await exec(this.binaries.aapt, [181 'remove', dstApk, manifestName182 ]);183 } catch (ign) {}184 await exec(this.binaries.aapt, [185 'add', dstApk, manifestName186 ], {cwd: path.dirname(manifest)});...

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Source:zip-e2e-specs.js Github


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...33 });34 });35 describe('assertValidZip', function () {36 it('should not throw an error if a valid ZIP file is passed', async function () {37 await zip.assertValidZip(zippedFilePath);38 });39 it('should throw an error if the file does not exist', async function () {40 await zip.assertValidZip('blabla');41 });42 it('should throw an error if the file is invalid', async function () {43 await zip.assertValidZip(path.resolve(assetsPath, 'unzipped', 'test-dir', 'a.txt'));44 });45 });46 describe('readEntries()', function () {47 const expectedEntries = [48 {name: 'unzipped/'},49 {name: 'unzipped/test-dir/'},50 {name: 'unzipped/test-dir/a.txt', contents: 'Hello World'},51 {name: 'unzipped/test-dir/b.txt', contents: 'Foo Bar'},52 ];53 it('should iterate entries (directories and files) of zip file', async function () {54 let i = 0;55 await zip.readEntries(zippedFilePath, async ({entry, extractEntryTo}) => {56 entry.fileName.should.equal(expectedEntries[i].name);57 // If it's a file, test that we can extract it to a temporary directory and that the contents are correct...

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Source:zip.js Github


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1import B from 'bluebird';2import nodeExtract from 'extract-zip';3import yauzl from 'yauzl';4import archiver from 'archiver';5import { createWriteStream } from 'fs';6import path from 'path';7import { mkdirp } from '../lib/mkdirp';8import stream from 'stream';9import fs from './fs';10const extract = B.promisify(nodeExtract);11const open = B.promisify(;12const ZIP_MAGIC = 'PK';13/**14 * Extract zipfile to a directory15 *16 * @param {string} zipFilePath The full path to the source ZIP file17 * @param {string} destDir The full path to the destination folder18 */19async function extractAllTo (zipFilePath, destDir) {20 return await extract(zipFilePath, {dir: destDir});21}22/**23 * Extract a single zip entry to a directory24 *25 * @param {Streamable} zipFile The source ZIP stream26 * @param {yauzl.ZipEntry} entry The entry instance27 * @param {string} destDir The full path to the destination folder28 */29async function _extractEntryTo (zipFile, entry, destDir) {30 const dstPath = path.resolve(destDir, entry.fileName);31 // Create dest directory if doesn't exist already32 if (/\/$/.test(entry.fileName)) {33 if (!await fs.exists(dstPath)) {34 await mkdirp(dstPath);35 }36 return;37 } else if (!await fs.exists(path.dirname(dstPath))) {38 await mkdirp(path.dirname(dstPath));39 }40 // Create a write stream41 const writeStream = createWriteStream(dstPath, {flags: 'w'});42 const writeStreamPromise = new B((resolve, reject) => {43 writeStream.once('finish', resolve);44 writeStream.once('error', reject);45 });46 // Create zipReadStream and pipe data to the write stream47 // (for some odd reason B.promisify doesn't work on zipfile.openReadStream, it causes an error 'closed')48 const zipReadStream = await new B((resolve, reject) => {49 zipFile.openReadStream(entry, (err, readStream) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(readStream));50 });51 const zipReadStreamPromise = new B((resolve, reject) => {52 zipReadStream.once('end', resolve);53 zipReadStream.once('error', reject);54 });55 zipReadStream.pipe(writeStream);56 // Wait for the zipReadStream and writeStream to end before returning57 return await B.all([58 zipReadStreamPromise,59 writeStreamPromise,60 ]);61}62/**63 * @typedef {Object} ZipEntry64 * @property {yauzl.ZipEntry} entry The actual entry instance65 * @property {function} extractEntryTo An async function, which accepts one parameter.66 * This parameter contains the destination folder path to which this function is going to extract the entry.67 */68/**69 * Get entries for a zip folder70 *71 * @param {string} zipFilePath The full path to the source ZIP file72 * @param {function} onEntry Callback when entry is read.73 * The callback is expected to accept one argument of ZipEntry type.74 * The iteration through the source zip file will bi terminated as soon as75 * the result of this function equals to `false`.76 */77async function readEntries (zipFilePath, onEntry) {78 // Open a zip file and start reading entries79 const zipfile = await open(zipFilePath, {lazyEntries: true});80 const zipReadStreamPromise = new B((resolve, reject) => {81 zipfile.once('end', resolve);82 zipfile.once('error', reject);83 // On each entry, call 'onEntry' and then read the next entry84 zipfile.on('entry', async (entry) => {85 const res = await onEntry({86 entry,87 extractEntryTo: async (destDir) => await _extractEntryTo(zipfile, entry, destDir)88 });89 if (res === false) {90 return zipfile.emit('end');91 }92 zipfile.readEntry();93 });94 });95 zipfile.readEntry();96 // Wait for the entries to finish being iterated through97 return await zipReadStreamPromise;98}99/**100 * Converts contents of local directory to an in-memory .zip buffer101 *102 * @param {string} srcDir The full path to the folder being zipped103 * @returns {Buffer} Zipped content of the source folder as memory buffer104 */105async function toInMemoryZip (srcDir) {106 // Create a writable stream that zip buffers will be streamed to107 const zipBufferArr = [];108 const zipWriteStream = new stream.Writable({109 write: (buffer, encoding, next) => {110 zipBufferArr.push(buffer);111 next();112 },113 });114 const zipWriteStreamPromise = new B((resolve) => {115 // Don't need to do error handling since this writeStream is in-memory and doesn't emit any errors116 zipWriteStream.once('finish', resolve);117 });118 // Zip 'srcDir' and stream it to the above writable stream119 const archive = archiver('zip', {120 zlib: {level: 9}121 });122 const archiveStreamPromise = new B((resolve, reject) => {123 archive.once('finish', resolve);124 archive.once('error', (errStr) => reject(new Error(`Failed to zip directory ${srcDir}: ${errStr}`)));125 });126, false);127 archive.pipe(zipWriteStream);128 archive.finalize();129 // Wait for the streams to finish130 await B.all([archiveStreamPromise, zipWriteStreamPromise]);131 // Return the array of zip buffers concatenated into one buffer132 return Buffer.concat(zipBufferArr);133}134/**135 * Verifies whether the given file is a valid ZIP archive136 *137 * @param {string} filePath - Full path to the file138 * @throws {Error} If the file does not exist or is not a valid ZIP archive139 */140async function assertValidZip (filePath) {141 if (!await fs.exists(filePath)) {142 throw new Error(`The file at '${filePath}' does not exist`);143 }144 const {size} = await fs.stat(filePath);145 if (size < 4) {146 throw new Error(`The file at '${filePath}' is too small to be a ZIP archive`);147 }148 const fd = await, 'r');149 try {150 const buffer = Buffer.alloc(ZIP_MAGIC.length);151 await, buffer, 0, ZIP_MAGIC.length, 0);152 const signature = buffer.toString('ascii');153 if (signature !== ZIP_MAGIC) {154 throw new Error(`The file signature '${signature}' of '${filePath}' ` +155 `is not equal to the expected ZIP archive signature '${ZIP_MAGIC}'`);156 }157 return true;158 } finally {159 await fs.close(fd);160 }161}162export { extractAllTo, readEntries, toInMemoryZip, _extractEntryTo, assertValidZip };...

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Source:helpers-specs.js Github


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1import { zip, fs, tempDir } from 'appium-support';2import { configureApp, isPackageOrBundle, duplicateKeys, parseCapsArray } from '../../lib/basedriver/helpers';3import chai from 'chai';4import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised';5import sinon from 'sinon';6chai.use(chaiAsPromised);7const should = chai.should();8describe('helpers', function () {9 describe('#isPackageOrBundle', function () {10 it('should accept packages and bundles', function () {11 isPackageOrBundle('io.appium.testapp');12 });13 it('should not accept non-packages or non-bundles', function () {14 isPackageOrBundle('foo');15 isPackageOrBundle('/path/to/');16 isPackageOrBundle('/path/to/an.apk');17 });18 });19 describe('#duplicateKeys', function () {20 it('should translate key in an object', function () {21 duplicateKeys({'foo': 'hello world'}, 'foo', 'bar').should.eql({'foo': 'hello world', 'bar': 'hello world'});22 });23 it('should translate key in an object within an object', function () {24 duplicateKeys({'key': {'foo': 'hello world'}}, 'foo', 'bar').should.eql({'key': {'foo': 'hello world', 'bar': 'hello world'}});25 });26 it('should translate key in an object with an array', function () {27 duplicateKeys([28 {'key': {'foo': 'hello world'}},29 {'foo': 'HELLO WORLD'}30 ], 'foo', 'bar').should.eql([31 {'key': {'foo': 'hello world', 'bar': 'hello world'}},32 {'foo': 'HELLO WORLD', 'bar': 'HELLO WORLD'}33 ]);34 });35 it('should duplicate both keys', function () {36 duplicateKeys({37 'keyOne': {38 'foo': 'hello world',39 },40 'keyTwo': {41 'bar': 'HELLO WORLD',42 },43 }, 'foo', 'bar').should.eql({44 'keyOne': {45 'foo': 'hello world',46 'bar': 'hello world',47 },48 'keyTwo': {49 'bar': 'HELLO WORLD',50 'foo': 'HELLO WORLD',51 }52 });53 });54 it('should not do anything to primitives', function () {55 [0, 1, -1, true, false, null, undefined, '', 'Hello World'].forEach((item) => {56 should.equal(duplicateKeys(item), item);57 });58 });59 it('should rename keys on big complex objects', function () {60 const input = [61 {'foo': 'bar'},62 {63 hello: {64 world: {65 'foo': 'BAR',66 }67 },68 foo: 'bahr'69 },70 'foo',71 null,72 073 ];74 const expectedOutput = [75 {'foo': 'bar', 'FOO': 'bar'},76 {77 hello: {78 world: {79 'foo': 'BAR',80 'FOO': 'BAR',81 }82 },83 foo: 'bahr',84 FOO: 'bahr'85 },86 'foo',87 null,88 089 ];90 duplicateKeys(input, 'foo', 'FOO').should.deep.equal(expectedOutput);91 });92 });93 describe('#configureApp', function () {94 let sandbox;95 beforeEach(function () {96 sandbox = sinon.createSandbox();97 sandbox.stub(zip, 'extractAllTo').resolves();98 sandbox.stub(zip, 'assertValidZip').resolves();99 sandbox.stub(fs, 'mv').resolves();100 sandbox.stub(fs, 'exists').resolves(true);101 sandbox.stub(fs, 'hash').resolves('0xDEADBEEF');102 sandbox.stub(fs, 'glob').resolves(['/path/to/an.apk']);103 sandbox.stub(fs, 'rimraf').resolves();104 sandbox.stub(fs, 'stat').resolves({105 isDirectory: () => false,106 });107 sandbox.stub(tempDir, 'openDir').resolves('/some/dir');108 });109 afterEach(function () {110 sandbox.restore();111 });112 it('should pass "useSystemUnzip" flag through to appium-support', async function () {113 await configureApp('/path/to/', '.apk');114 zip.extractAllTo.getCall(0);115 });116 });117});118describe('parseCapsArray', function () {119 it('should parse string into array', function () {120 parseCapsArray('/tmp/my/').should.eql(['/tmp/my/']);121 });122 it('should parse array as string into array', function () {123 parseCapsArray('["/tmp/my/"]').should.eql(['/tmp/my/']);124 parseCapsArray('["/tmp/my/","/tmp/my/"]').should.eql([125 '/tmp/my/',126 '/tmp/my/'127 ]);128 });129 it('should return an array without change', function () {130 parseCapsArray(['a', 'b']).should.eql(['a', 'b']);131 });...

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1const assert = require('assert');2const path = require('path');3const { AppiumBaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');4const driver = new AppiumBaseDriver();5const zipPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '');;7const assert = require('assert');8const path = require('path');9const { AppiumBaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');10const driver = new AppiumBaseDriver();11const zipPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '');12const extractToPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'extracted');, extractToPath);14const assert = require('assert');15const path = require('path');16const { AppiumBaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');17const driver = new AppiumBaseDriver();18const zipPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '');19const extractToPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'extracted');, 'test.txt', extractToPath);21const assert = require('assert');22const path = require('path');23const { AppiumBaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');24const driver = new AppiumBaseDriver();25const zipPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '');26const extractToPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'extracted');;28const assert = require('assert');29const path = require('path');30const { AppiumBaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');31const driver = new AppiumBaseDriver();32const folderPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'test');33const outputPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '');, outputPath);35const assert = require('assert');36const path = require('path');37const { AppiumBaseDriver } = require('appium-base-driver');38const driver = new AppiumBaseDriver();39const zipPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '');40const newFilePath = path.resolve(__dirname

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1const assert = require('assert');2const path = require('path');3const appiumBaseDriver = require('appium-base-driver');4const { zip } = appiumBaseDriver;5const zipPath = path.resolve('');6const zipContent = 'test';7const zipContentPath = path.resolve('test.txt');8const writeZip = async () => {9 await zip.toInMemoryZip(zipContentPath, zipContent);10 const isValidZip = await zip.assertValidZip(zipPath);11 assert.ok(isValidZip, 'zip is not valid');12};13writeZip();

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1var assert = require('assert');2var zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;3var validZip = '';4var invalidZip = 'test.txt';5zip.assertValidZip(validZip);6zip.assertValidZip(invalidZip);7zip.assertValidZip = function (zipPath) {8 try {9 assert.ok(zip.isValidZip(zipPath));10 } catch (e) {11 logger.errorAndThrow(`The archive at '${zipPath}' is not a valid zip file`);12 }13};14zip.isValidZip = function (zipPath) {15 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {16 try {17 let zip = new AdmZip(zipPath);18 resolve(zip.getEntries().length > 0);19 } catch (err) {20 reject(err);21 }22 });23};24var assert = require('assert');25var zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;26var validZip = '';27var invalidZip = 'test.txt';28zip.isValidZip(validZip).then((result) => {29 console.log(result);30});31zip.isValidZip(invalidZip).then((result) => {32 console.log(result);33});34zip.isValidZip = function (zipPath) {35 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {36 try {37 let zip = new AdmZip(zipPath);38 resolve(zip.getEntries().length > 0);39 } catch (err) {40 reject(err);41 }42 });43};44var assert = require('assert');45var zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;46var zipPath = '';47var destPath = 'test';48zip.extractAllTo(zipPath, destPath);

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1var zip = require('appium-support').zip;2var path = require('path');3var zipPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '');4zip.assertValidZip(zipPath).then(function (isValid) {5console.log(isValid);6});

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1var path = require('path');2var zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;3var zipPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '');4zip.assertValidZip(zipPath);5var path = require('path');6var zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;7var zipPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '');8zip.toInMemoryZip(zipPath).then(function (base64Zip) {9});10var path = require('path');11var zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;12var zipPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '');13zip.fromInMemoryZip(base64Zip, zipPath).then(function () {14});15var path = require('path');16var zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;17var zipPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '');18zip.toInMemoryZip(zipPath).then(function (base64Zip) {19});20var path = require('path');21var zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;22var zipPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '');23zip.fromInMemoryZip(base64Zip, zipPath).then(function () {24});25var path = require('path');26var zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;

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1const AppiumBaseDriver = require ( 'appium-base-driver' ) ;2let zip = new AppiumBaseDriver . helpers . Zip () ;3let zipFilePath = '/Users/username/Downloads/' ;4zip . assertValidZip ( zipFilePath ) ;5let invalidZipFilePath = '/Users/username/Downloads/' ;6zip . assertValidZip ( invalidZipFilePath ) ;7const AppiumBaseDriver = require ( 'appium-base-driver' ) ;8let zip = new AppiumBaseDriver . helpers . Zip () ;9let zipFilePath = '/Users/username/Downloads/' ;10let destination = '/Users/username/Downloads/zipfile' ;11zip . extractAllTo ( zipFilePath , destination ) ;

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1var assertValidZip = require('appium-base-driver').zip.assertValidZip;2var zipFile = 'path/to/zip/file';3assertValidZip(zipFile).then(function () {4 console.log('Zip file is valid');5}).catch(function (err) {6 console.log('Zip file is invalid');7});8assertValidZip(zipFile, {app: true})9assertValidZip(zipFile, {app: true, platform: 'android'})10assertValidZip(zipFile, {app: true, platform: 'android', bundleId: ''})11assertValidZip(zipFile, {app: true, platform: 'android', bundleId: '', appPackage: ''})12assertValidZip(zipFile, {app: true, platform: 'android', bundleId: '', appPackage: '', appActivity: ''})13assertValidZip(zipFile, {app: true, platform: 'android', bundleId: '', appPackage: '', appActivity: '', appWaitActivity: ''})14assertValidZip(zipFile, {app: true, platform: 'android', bundleId: '', appPackage: '', appActivity: '', appWaitActivity: '', appWaitDuration: 30000})15assertValidZip(zipFile, {app: true, platform: 'android', bundleId: '', appPackage: '', appActivity: '', appWaitActivity: '', appWaitDuration: 30000, appProcess: ''})16assertValidZip(zipFile, {app: true, platform: 'android', bundleId: '', appPackage: '', appActivity: '', appWaitActivity: '', app

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('assert');2var zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;3var zipFile = '/Users/username/Desktop/';4zip.assertValidZip(zipFile, function(err, valid) {5 assert.equal(valid, true);6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const assert = require('assert');2const zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;3const zipfile = './';4zip.assertValidZip(zipfile).then(function () {5 console.log('Zip file is valid');6}).catch(function (err) {7 console.log('Zip file is invalid');8});9const assert = require('assert');10const zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;11const zipfile = './';12const destination = './test';13zip.unzip(zipfile, destination).then(function () {14 console.log('Zip file unzipped successfully');15}).catch(function (err) {16 console.log('Error unzipping zip file');17});18const assert = require('assert');19const zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;20const source = './test';21const destination = './';, destination).then(function () {23 console.log('Zip file created successfully');24}).catch(function (err) {25 console.log('Error creating zip file');26});

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1const path = require('path');2const zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;3const zipFile = process.argv[2];4const dest = process.argv[3];5async function main () {6 if (!zipFile) {7 throw new Error("Please provide a zip file");8 }9 if (!dest) {10 throw new Error("Please provide a destination folder");11 }12 zip.assertValidZip(zipFile);13 await zip.extractAllTo(zipFile, dest);14}15main();16const path = require('path');17const zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;18const zipFile = process.argv[2];19async function main () {20 if (!zipFile) {21 throw new Error("Please provide a zip file");22 }23 zip.assertValidZip(zipFile);24 await zip.extractAllTo(zipFile);25}26main();27const path = require('path');28const zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;29const zipFile = process.argv[2];30const dest = process.argv[3];31async function main () {32 if (!zipFile) {33 throw new Error("Please provide a zip file");34 }35 if (!dest) {36 throw new Error("Please provide a destination folder");37 }38 zip.assertValidZip(zipFile);39 await zip.extractAllTo(zipFile, dest);40}41main();42const path = require('path');43const zip = require('appium-base-driver').zip;44const zipFile = process.argv[2];45async function main () {46 if (!zipFile) {47 throw new Error("Please provide a zip file");48 }

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