How to use checkNodeOk method in Appium

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Source:config-specs.js Github


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1/​/​ transpile:mocha2import _ from 'lodash';3import chai from 'chai';4import sinon from 'sinon';5import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised';6import { getGitRev, getAppiumConfig, checkNodeOk, warnNodeDeprecations,7 getNonDefaultArgs, getDeprecatedArgs, validateServerArgs,8 validateTmpDir, showConfig, checkValidPort } from '../​lib/​config';9import getParser from '../​lib/​parser';10import logger from '../​lib/​logger';11let should = chai.should();12chai.use(chaiAsPromised);13describe('Config', () => {14 describe('getGitRev', () => {15 it('should get a reasonable git revision', async () => {16 let rev = await getGitRev();17'string');18;19 rev.match(/​[0-9a-f]+/​i)[0].should.eql(rev);20 });21 });22 describe('Appium config', () => {23 describe('getAppiumConfig', () => {24 it('should get a configuration object', async () => {25 let config = await getAppiumConfig();26'object');27 should.exist(config['git-sha']);28 should.exist(config.built);29 should.exist(config.version);30 });31 });32 describe('showConfig', () => {33 before(() => {34 sinon.spy(console, "log");35 });36 it('should log the config to console', async () => {37 let config = await getAppiumConfig();38 await showConfig();39; /​/​ eslint-disable-line no-console40 console.log.getCall(0).args[0].should.contain(JSON.stringify(config)); /​/​ eslint-disable-line no-console41 });42 });43 });44 describe('node.js config', () => {45 let _process = process;46 before(() => {47 /​/​ need to be able to write to process.version48 /​/​ but also to have access to process methods49 /​/​ so copy them over to a writable object50 let tempProcess = {};51 for (let [prop, value] of _.toPairs(process)) {52 tempProcess[prop] = value;53 }54 process = tempProcess;55 });56 after(() => {57 process = _process;58 });59 describe('checkNodeOk', () => {60 it('should fail if node is below 4', () => {61 process.version = 'v4.4.7';62 checkNodeOk.should.throw();63 process.version = 'v0.9.12';64 checkNodeOk.should.throw();65 process.version = 'v0.1';66 checkNodeOk.should.throw();67 process.version = 'v0.10.36';68 checkNodeOk.should.throw();69 process.version = 'v0.12.14';70 checkNodeOk.should.throw();71 });72 it('should succeed if node is 5+', () => {73 process.version = 'v5.7.0';74 checkNodeOk.should.not.throw();75 });76 it('should succeed if node is 6+', () => {77 process.version = 'v6.3.1';78 checkNodeOk.should.not.throw();79 });80 it('should succeed if node is 7+', () => {81 process.version = 'v7.1.1';82 checkNodeOk.should.not.throw();83 });84 it('should succeed if node is 8+', () => {85 process.version = 'v8.1.2';86 checkNodeOk.should.not.throw();87 });88 });89 describe('warnNodeDeprecations', () => {90 let spy;91 before(() => {92 spy = sinon.spy(logger, "warn");93 });94 beforeEach(() => {95 spy.reset();96 });97 it('should log a warning if node is below 4', () => {98 process.version = 'v0.9.12';99 warnNodeDeprecations();100 logger.warn.callCount.should.equal(1);101 });102 it('should log a warning if node is 0.12', () => {103 process.version = 'v0.12.0';104 warnNodeDeprecations();105 logger.warn.callCount.should.equal(1);106 });107 it('should not log a warning if node is 4+', () => {108 process.version = 'v4.4.7';109 warnNodeDeprecations();110 logger.warn.callCount.should.equal(0);111 });112 it('should not log a warning if node is 5+', () => {113 process.version = 'v5.7.0';114 warnNodeDeprecations();115 logger.warn.callCount.should.equal(0);116 });117 it('should not log a warning if node is 6+', () => {118 process.version = 'v6.3.1';119 warnNodeDeprecations();120 logger.warn.callCount.should.equal(0);121 });122 });123 });124 describe('server arguments', () => {125 let parser = getParser();126 parser.debug = true; /​/​ throw instead of exit on error; pass as option instead?127 let args = {};128 beforeEach(() => {129 /​/​ give all the defaults130 for (let rawArg of parser.rawArgs) {131 args[rawArg[1].dest] = rawArg[1].defaultValue;132 }133 });134 describe('getNonDefaultArgs', () => {135 it('should show none if we have all the defaults', () => {136 let nonDefaultArgs = getNonDefaultArgs(parser, args);137 _.keys(nonDefaultArgs).length.should.equal(0);138 });139 it('should catch a non-default argument', () => {140 args.isolateSimDevice = true;141 let nonDefaultArgs = getNonDefaultArgs(parser, args);142 _.keys(nonDefaultArgs).length.should.equal(1);143 should.exist(nonDefaultArgs.isolateSimDevice);144 });145 });146 describe('getDeprecatedArgs', () => {147 it('should show none if we have no deprecated arguments', () => {148 let deprecatedArgs = getDeprecatedArgs(parser, args);149 _.keys(deprecatedArgs).length.should.equal(0);150 });151 it('should catch a deprecated argument', () => {152 args.showIOSLog = true;153 let deprecatedArgs = getDeprecatedArgs(parser, args);154 _.keys(deprecatedArgs).length.should.equal(1);155 should.exist(deprecatedArgs['--show-ios-log']);156 });157 it('should catch a non-boolean deprecated argument', () => {158 args.calendarFormat = 'orwellian';159 let deprecatedArgs = getDeprecatedArgs(parser, args);160 _.keys(deprecatedArgs).length.should.equal(1);161 should.exist(deprecatedArgs['--calendar-format']);162 });163 });164 });165 describe('checkValidPort', () => {166 it('should be false for port too high', () => {167 checkValidPort(65536);168 });169 it('should be false for port too low', () => {170 checkValidPort(0);171 });172 it('should be true for port 1', () => {173 checkValidPort(1);174 });175 it('should be true for port 65535', () => {176 checkValidPort(65535);177 });178 });179 describe('validateTmpDir', () => {180 it('should fail to use a tmp dir with incorrect permissions', async () => {181 validateTmpDir('/​private/​if_you_run_with_sudo_this_wont_fail')​could not ensure/​);182 });183 it('should fail to use an undefined tmp dir', async () => {184 validateTmpDir()​could not ensure/​);185 });186 it('should be able to use a tmp dir with correct permissions', async () => {187 validateTmpDir('/​tmp/​test_tmp_dir/​with/​any/​number/​of/​levels');188 });189 });190 describe('parsing args with empty argv[1]', () => {191 let argv1;192 before(() => {193 argv1 = process.argv[1];194 });195 after(() => {196 process.argv[1] = argv1;197 });198 it('should not fail if process.argv[1] is undefined', () => {199 process.argv[1] = undefined;200 let args = getParser();201'Appium');202 });203 it('should set "prog" to process.argv[1]', () => {204 process.argv[1] = 'Hello World';205 let args = getParser();206'Hello World');207 });208 });209 describe('validateServerArgs', () => {210 let parser = getParser();211 parser.debug = true; /​/​ throw instead of exit on error; pass as option instead?212 const defaultArgs = {};213 /​/​ give all the defaults214 for (let rawArg of parser.rawArgs) {215 defaultArgs[rawArg[1].dest] = rawArg[1].defaultValue;216 }217 let args = {};218 beforeEach(() => {219 args = _.clone(defaultArgs);220 });221 describe('mutually exclusive server arguments', () => {222 describe('noReset and fullReset', () => {223 it('should not allow both', () => {224 (() => {225 args.noReset = args.fullReset = true;226 validateServerArgs(parser, args);227 }).should.throw();228 });229 it('should allow noReset', () => {230 (() => {231 args.noReset = true;232 validateServerArgs(parser, args);233 }).should.not.throw();234 });235 it('should allow fullReset', () => {236 (() => {237 args.fullReset = true;238 validateServerArgs(parser, args);239 }).should.not.throw();240 });241 });242 describe('ipa and safari', () => {243 it('should not allow both', () => {244 (() => {245 args.ipa = args.safari = true;246 validateServerArgs(parser, args);247 }).should.throw();248 });249 it('should allow ipa', () => {250 (() => {251 args.ipa = true;252 validateServerArgs(parser, args);253 }).should.not.throw();254 });255 it('should allow safari', () => {256 (() => {257 args.safari = true;258 validateServerArgs(parser, args);259 }).should.not.throw();260 });261 });262 describe('app and safari', () => {263 it('should not allow both', () => {264 (() => {265 = args.safari = true;266 validateServerArgs(parser, args);267 }).should.throw();268 });269 it('should allow app', () => {270 (() => {271 = true;272 validateServerArgs(parser, args);273 }).should.not.throw();274 });275 });276 describe('forceIphone and forceIpad', () => {277 it('should not allow both', () => {278 (() => {279 args.forceIphone = args.forceIpad = true;280 validateServerArgs(parser, args);281 }).should.throw();282 });283 it('should allow forceIphone', () => {284 (() => {285 args.forceIphone = true;286 validateServerArgs(parser, args);287 }).should.not.throw();288 });289 it('should allow forceIpad', () => {290 (() => {291 args.forceIpad = true;292 validateServerArgs(parser, args);293 }).should.not.throw();294 });295 });296 describe('deviceName and defaultDevice', () => {297 it('should not allow both', () => {298 (() => {299 args.deviceName = args.defaultDevice = true;300 validateServerArgs(parser, args);301 }).should.throw();302 });303 it('should allow deviceName', () => {304 (() => {305 args.deviceName = true;306 validateServerArgs(parser, args);307 }).should.not.throw();308 });309 it('should allow defaultDevice', () => {310 (() => {311 args.defaultDevice = true;312 validateServerArgs(parser, args);313 }).should.not.throw();314 });315 });316 });317 describe('validated arguments', () => {318 /​/​ checking ports is already done.319 /​/​ the only argument left is `backendRetries`320 describe('backendRetries', () => {321 it('should fail with value less than 0', () => {322 args.backendRetries = -1;323 (() => {validateServerArgs(parser, args);}).should.throw();324 });325 it('should succeed with value of 0', () => {326 args.backendRetries = 0;327 (() => {validateServerArgs(parser, args);}).should.not.throw();328 });329 it('should succeed with value above 0', () => {330 args.backendRetries = 100;331 (() => {validateServerArgs(parser, args);}).should.not.throw();332 });333 });334 });335 });...

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1var AppiumDriver = require('appium-js').AppiumDriver;2var driver = new AppiumDriver();3driver.checkNodeOk(function(err, res) {4 if (err) {5 console.log(err);6 } else {7 console.log(res);8 }9});10 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var desired = {4};5var driver = wd.remote("", 80, "SAUCE_USERNAME", "SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY");6driver.init(desired, function() {7 driver.title(function(err, title) {8 assert.ok(~title.indexOf('Google'));9 driver.quit();10 });11 });12});13desiredCapabilities: {14}15desiredCapabilities: {16}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { AppiumDriver } = require('@appium/​base-driver');2const { AndroidDriver } = require('appium-android-driver');3const { AndroidUiautomator2Driver } = require('appium-uiautomator2-driver');4const { AndroidUiautomator2Server } = require('appium-uiautomator2-server');5const { AndroidBootstrap } = require('appium-android-bootstrap');6const { AndroidEmulator } = require('appium-android-emulator');7const adb = new ADB();8const bootstrap = new AndroidBootstrap();9const uiautomator2Server = new AndroidUiautomator2Server();10const emulator = new AndroidEmulator();11const driver = new AndroidUiautomator2Driver();12const appiumDriver = new AppiumDriver();13(async () => {14 try {15 await adb.getApiLevel();16 await adb.getEmulatorPort();17 await adb.getConnectedDevices();18 await adb.getRunningAVD();19 await adb.getRunningAVDWithRetry();20 await adb.forwardPort(8200, 8200);21 await adb.killAllEmulators();22 await adb.killEmulator();23 await adb.launchAVD(avdName, avdArgs, language, locale, avdLaunchTimeout);24 await adb.launchAVDWithRetry(avdName, avdArgs, language, locale, avdLaunchTimeout);25 await adb.isDeviceConnected();26 await adb.isEmulatorConnected();27 await adb.isEmulatorRunning();28 await adb.isLockScreenEnabled();29 await adb.isScreenLocked();30 await adb.isSoftKeyboardPresent();31 await adb.portForwardingRemoveAll();32 await adb.reboot();33 await adb.root();34 await adb.screenOn();35 await adb.sendTelnetCommand();36 await adb.setDeviceId();37 await adb.setEmulatorPort();38 await adb.setIME();39 await adb.startLogcat();40 await adb.stopLogcat();41 await adb.unlock();42 await adb.uninstallApk(apk);43 await adb.waitForDevice();44 await adb.waitForEmulator();45 await adb.waitForEmulatorConnected(60000);46 await adb.waitForEmulatorReady(60000);47 await adb.waitForDeviceAvailable();48 await adb.waitForDeviceNotAvailable();49 await adb.waitForNotBusy(60000);50 await adb.waitForNotPresent();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const AppiumServer = require('./​appiumserver');2const appiumServer = new AppiumServer();3appiumServer.checkNodeOk().then((result) => {4 console.log(result);5}).catch((err) => {6 console.log(err);7});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var appium = require('wd').promiseChainRemote('localhost', 4723);4 .init({5 })6 .then(function() {7 return appium.setImplicitWaitTimeout(5000);8 })9 .then(function() {10 })11 .then(function(el) {12 return;13 })14 .then(function() {15 })16 .then(function(el) {17 return;18 })19 .then(function() {20 })21 .then(function(el) {22 return;23 })24 .fin(function() { return appium.quit(); })25 .done();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require("wd");2var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);3driver.init({browserName:'chrome', app:'safari'});4driver.checkNodeOk();5driver.quit();6var wd = require("wd");7var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);8driver.init({browserName:'chrome', app:'safari'});9driver.checkAppPresent("");10driver.quit();11var wd = require("wd");12var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);13driver.init({browserName:'chrome', app:'safari'});14driver.checkAppNotPresent("");15driver.quit();16var wd = require("wd");17var driver = wd.promiseChainRemote("localhost", 4723);18driver.init({browserName:'chrome', app:'safari'});19driver.checkAlertPresent();20driver.quit();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { AppiumDriver } from '../​AppiumDriver';2import { checkNodeOk } from '../​AppiumDriver';3const driver = new AppiumDriver();4(async () => {5 await driver.checkNodeOk();6})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wd = require('wd');2var assert = require('assert');3var driver = wd.remote("localhost", 4723);4driver.init({browserName:'chrome'}, function() {5 driver.checkNodeOk(function(err, data) {6 console.log(data);7 });8});

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