Best JavaScript code snippet using playwright-internal
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"readonly",65 ClipboardEvent: "readonly",66 CloseEvent: "readonly",67 Comment: "readonly",68 CompositionEvent: "readonly",69 ConstantSourceNode: "readonly",70 ConvolverNode: "readonly",71 CountQueuingStrategy: "readonly",72 Credential: "readonly",73 CredentialsContainer: "readonly",74 Crypto: "readonly",75 CryptoKey: "readonly",76 CustomElementRegistry: "readonly",77 CustomEvent: "readonly",78 DOMError: "readonly",79 DOMException: "readonly",80 DOMImplementation: "readonly",81 DOMMatrix: "readonly",82 DOMMatrixReadOnly: "readonly",83 DOMParser: "readonly",84 DOMPoint: "readonly",85 DOMPointReadOnly: "readonly",86 DOMQuad: "readonly",87 DOMRect: "readonly",88 DOMRectReadOnly: "readonly",89 DOMStringList: "readonly",90 DOMStringMap: "readonly",91 DOMTokenList: "readonly",92 DataTransfer: "readonly",93 DataTransferItem: "readonly",94 DataTransferItemList: "readonly",95 DelayNode: "readonly",96 DeviceMotionEvent: "readonly",97 DeviceOrientationEvent: "readonly",98 Document: "readonly",99 DocumentFragment: "readonly",100 DocumentType: "readonly",101 DragEvent: "readonly",102 DynamicsCompressorNode: "readonly",103 Element: "readonly",104 ErrorEvent: "readonly",105 Event: "readonly",106 EventSource: "readonly",107 EventTarget: "readonly",108 File: "readonly",109 FileList: "readonly",110 FileReader: "readonly",111 FocusEvent: "readonly",112 FontFace: "readonly",113 FontFaceSetLoadEvent: "readonly",114 FormData: "readonly",115 GainNode: "readonly",116 Gamepad: "readonly",117 GamepadButton: "readonly",118 GamepadEvent: "readonly",119 HTMLAllCollection: "readonly",120 HTMLAnchorElement: "readonly",121 HTMLAreaElement: "readonly",122 HTMLAudioElement: "readonly",123 HTMLBRElement: "readonly",124 HTMLBaseElement: "readonly",125 HTMLBodyElement: "readonly",126 HTMLButtonElement: "readonly",127 HTMLCanvasElement: "readonly",128 HTMLCollection: "readonly",129 HTMLContentElement: "readonly",130 HTMLDListElement: "readonly",131 HTMLDataElement: "readonly",132 HTMLDataListElement: 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MediaStreamTrackEvent: "readonly",255 MessageChannel: "readonly",256 MessageEvent: "readonly",257 MessagePort: "readonly",258 MimeType: "readonly",259 MimeTypeArray: "readonly",260 MouseEvent: "readonly",261 MutationEvent: "readonly",262 MutationObserver: "readonly",263 MutationRecord: "readonly",264 NamedNodeMap: "readonly",265 NavigationPreloadManager: "readonly",266 Navigator: "readonly",267 NetworkInformation: "readonly",268 Node: "readonly",269 NodeFilter: "readonly",270 NodeIterator: "readonly",271 NodeList: "readonly",272 Notification: "readonly",273 OfflineAudioCompletionEvent: "readonly",274 OfflineAudioContext: "readonly",275 OffscreenCanvas: "writable",276 Option: "readonly",277 OscillatorNode: "readonly",278 PageTransitionEvent: "readonly",279 PannerNode: "readonly",280 Path2D: "readonly",281 PaymentAddress: "readonly",282 PaymentRequest: "readonly",283 PaymentRequestUpdateEvent: "readonly",284 PaymentResponse: "readonly",285 Performance: "readonly",286 PerformanceEntry: "readonly",287 PerformanceLongTaskTiming: "readonly",288 PerformanceMark: "readonly",289 PerformanceMeasure: "readonly",290 PerformanceNavigation: "readonly",291 PerformanceNavigationTiming: "readonly",292 PerformanceObserver: "readonly",293 PerformanceObserverEntryList: "readonly",294 PerformancePaintTiming: "readonly",295 PerformanceResourceTiming: "readonly",296 PerformanceTiming: "readonly",297 PeriodicWave: "readonly",298 PermissionStatus: "readonly",299 Permissions: "readonly",300 PhotoCapabilities: "readonly",301 Plugin: "readonly",302 PluginArray: "readonly",303 PointerEvent: "readonly",304 PopStateEvent: "readonly",305 Presentation: "readonly",306 PresentationAvailability: "readonly",307 PresentationConnection: "readonly",308 PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent: "readonly",309 PresentationConnectionCloseEvent: "readonly",310 PresentationConnectionList: "readonly",311 PresentationReceiver: "readonly",312 PresentationRequest: "readonly",313 ProcessingInstruction: "readonly",314 ProgressEvent: "readonly",315 PromiseRejectionEvent: "readonly",316 PushManager: "readonly",317 PushSubscription: "readonly",318 PushSubscriptionOptions: "readonly",319 RTCCertificate: "readonly",320 RTCDataChannel: "readonly",321 RTCDataChannelEvent: "readonly",322 RTCDtlsTransport: "readonly",323 RTCIceCandidate: "readonly",324 RTCIceGatherer: "readonly",325 RTCIceTransport: "readonly",326 RTCPeerConnection: "readonly",327 RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent: "readonly",328 RTCRtpContributingSource: "readonly",329 RTCRtpReceiver: "readonly",330 RTCRtpSender: "readonly",331 RTCSctpTransport: "readonly",332 RTCSessionDescription: "readonly",333 RTCStatsReport: "readonly",334 RTCTrackEvent: "readonly",335 RadioNodeList: "readonly",336 Range: "readonly",337 ReadableStream: "readonly",338 RemotePlayback: "readonly",339 Request: "readonly",340 ResizeObserver: "readonly",341 ResizeObserverEntry: "readonly",342 Response: "readonly",343 SVGAElement: "readonly",344 SVGAngle: "readonly",345 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SVGFECompositeElement: "readonly",373 SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement: "readonly",374 SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement: "readonly",375 SVGFEDisplacementMapElement: "readonly",376 SVGFEDistantLightElement: "readonly",377 SVGFEDropShadowElement: "readonly",378 SVGFEFloodElement: "readonly",379 SVGFEFuncAElement: "readonly",380 SVGFEFuncBElement: "readonly",381 SVGFEFuncGElement: "readonly",382 SVGFEFuncRElement: "readonly",383 SVGFEGaussianBlurElement: "readonly",384 SVGFEImageElement: "readonly",385 SVGFEMergeElement: "readonly",386 SVGFEMergeNodeElement: "readonly",387 SVGFEMorphologyElement: "readonly",388 SVGFEOffsetElement: "readonly",389 SVGFEPointLightElement: "readonly",390 SVGFESpecularLightingElement: "readonly",391 SVGFESpotLightElement: "readonly",392 SVGFETileElement: "readonly",393 SVGFETurbulenceElement: "readonly",394 SVGFilterElement: "readonly",395 SVGForeignObjectElement: "readonly",396 SVGGElement: "readonly",397 SVGGeometryElement: "readonly",398 SVGGradientElement: "readonly",399 SVGGraphicsElement: "readonly",400 SVGImageElement: "readonly",401 SVGLength: "readonly",402 SVGLengthList: "readonly",403 SVGLineElement: "readonly",404 SVGLinearGradientElement: "readonly",405 SVGMPathElement: "readonly",406 SVGMarkerElement: "readonly",407 SVGMaskElement: "readonly",408 SVGMatrix: "readonly",409 SVGMetadataElement: "readonly",410 SVGNumber: "readonly",411 SVGNumberList: "readonly",412 SVGPathElement: "readonly",413 SVGPatternElement: "readonly",414 SVGPoint: "readonly",415 SVGPointList: "readonly",416 SVGPolygonElement: "readonly",417 SVGPolylineElement: "readonly",418 SVGPreserveAspectRatio: "readonly",419 SVGRadialGradientElement: "readonly",420 SVGRect: "readonly",421 SVGRectElement: "readonly",422 SVGSVGElement: "readonly",423 SVGScriptElement: "readonly",424 SVGSetElement: "readonly",425 SVGStopElement: "readonly",426 SVGStringList: "readonly",427 SVGStyleElement: "readonly",428 SVGSwitchElement: "readonly",429 SVGSymbolElement: "readonly",430 SVGTSpanElement: "readonly",431 SVGTextContentElement: "readonly",432 SVGTextElement: "readonly",433 SVGTextPathElement: "readonly",434 SVGTextPositioningElement: "readonly",435 SVGTitleElement: "readonly",436 SVGTransform: "readonly",437 SVGTransformList: "readonly",438 SVGUnitTypes: "readonly",439 SVGUseElement: "readonly",440 SVGViewElement: "readonly",441 Screen: "readonly",442 ScreenOrientation: "readonly",443 ScriptProcessorNode: "readonly",444 SecurityPolicyViolationEvent: "readonly",445 Selection: "readonly",446 ServiceWorker: "readonly",447 ServiceWorkerContainer: "readonly",448 ServiceWorkerRegistration: "readonly",449 ShadowRoot: "readonly",450 SharedWorker: "readonly",451 SourceBuffer: "readonly",452 SourceBufferList: "readonly",453 SpeechSynthesisEvent: "readonly",454 SpeechSynthesisUtterance: "readonly",455 StaticRange: "readonly",456 StereoPannerNode: "readonly",457 Storage: "readonly",458 StorageEvent: "readonly",459 StorageManager: "readonly",460 StyleSheet: "readonly",461 StyleSheetList: "readonly",462 SubtleCrypto: "readonly",463 TaskAttributionTiming: "readonly",464 Text: "readonly",465 TextDecoder: "readonly",466 TextEncoder: "readonly",467 TextEvent: "readonly",468 TextMetrics: "readonly",469 TextTrack: "readonly",470 TextTrackCue: "readonly",471 TextTrackCueList: "readonly",472 TextTrackList: "readonly",473 TimeRanges: "readonly",474 Touch: "readonly",475 TouchEvent: "readonly",476 TouchList: "readonly",477 TrackEvent: "readonly",478 TransitionEvent: "readonly",479 TreeWalker: "readonly",480 UIEvent: "readonly",481 URL: "readonly",482 URLSearchParams: "readonly",483 VTTCue: "readonly",484 ValidityState: "readonly",485 VisualViewport: "readonly",486 WaveShaperNode: "readonly",487 WebAssembly: "readonly",488 WebGL2RenderingContext: "readonly",489 WebGLActiveInfo: "readonly",490 WebGLBuffer: "readonly",491 WebGLContextEvent: "readonly",492 WebGLFramebuffer: "readonly",493 WebGLProgram: "readonly",494 WebGLQuery: "readonly",495 WebGLRenderbuffer: "readonly",496 WebGLRenderingContext: "readonly",497 WebGLSampler: "readonly",498 WebGLShader: "readonly",499 WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat: "readonly",500 WebGLSync: "readonly",501 WebGLTexture: "readonly",502 WebGLTransformFeedback: "readonly",503 WebGLUniformLocation: "readonly",504 WebGLVertexArrayObject: "readonly",505 WebSocket: "readonly",506 WheelEvent: "readonly",507 Window: "readonly",508 Worker: "readonly",509 WritableStream: "readonly",510 XMLDocument: "readonly",511 XMLHttpRequest: "readonly",512 XMLHttpRequestEventTarget: "readonly",513 XMLHttpRequestUpload: "readonly",514 XMLSerializer: "readonly",515 XPathEvaluator: "readonly",516 XPathExpression: "readonly",517 XPathResult: "readonly",518 XSLTProcessor: "readonly",519 atob: "readonly",520 btoa: "readonly",521 cancelAnimationFrame: "readonly",522 document: "readonly",523 fetch: "readonly",524 indexedDB: "readonly",525 localStorage: "readonly",526 location: "writable",527 matchMedia: "readonly",528 navigator: "readonly",529 requestAnimationFrame: "readonly",530 sessionStorage: "readonly",531 window: "readonly",...
1import reducer, {2 selectNamespace,3 createTab,4 closeTab,5 moveTab,6 nextTab,7 prevTab,8 selectTab,9 SELECT_NAMESPACE,10 SELECT_TAB,11 MOVE_TAB,12 NEXT_TAB,13 PREV_TAB,14 CREATE_TAB,15 CLOSE_TAB16} from 'modules/tabs';17describe('tabs module', () => {18 describe('#selectNamespace', () => {19 it('returns the SELECT_NAMESPACE action', () => {20 expect(selectNamespace('t', 'db.coll', true, 'db.test', 'db.view', {})).to.deep.equal({21 type: SELECT_NAMESPACE,22 id: 't',23 namespace: 'db.coll',24 isReadonly: true,25 sourceName: 'db.test',26 editViewName: 'db.view',27 sourceReadonly: undefined,28 sourceViewOn: undefined,29 context: {}30 });31 });32 });33 describe('#createTab', () => {34 it('returns the CREATE_TAB action', () => {35 expect(36 createTab('id', 'db.coll', true, 'db.test', 'db.view', {})37 ).to.deep.equal({38 id: 'id',39 type: CREATE_TAB,40 namespace: 'db.coll',41 isReadonly: true,42 sourceName: 'db.test',43 editViewName: 'db.view',44 sourceReadonly: undefined,45 sourceViewOn: undefined,46 context: {}47 });48 });49 });50 describe('#selectTab', () => {51 it('returns the SELECT_TAB action', () => {52 expect(selectTab(1)).to.deep.equal({53 type: SELECT_TAB,54 index: 155 });56 });57 });58 describe('#moveTab', () => {59 it('returns the MOVE action', () => {60 expect(moveTab(1, 7)).to.deep.equal({61 type: MOVE_TAB,62 fromIndex: 1,63 toIndex: 764 });65 });66 });67 describe('#nextTab', () => {68 it('returns the NEXT_TAB action', () => {69 expect(nextTab()).to.deep.equal({70 type: NEXT_TAB71 });72 });73 });74 describe('#prevTab', () => {75 it('returns the PREV_TAB action', () => {76 expect(prevTab()).to.deep.equal({77 type: PREV_TAB78 });79 });80 });81 describe('#closeTab', () => {82 it('returns the CLOSE_TAB action', () => {83 expect(closeTab(1)).to.deep.equal({84 type: CLOSE_TAB,85 index: 186 });87 });88 });89 describe('#reducer', () => {90 context('when the action is not found', () => {91 it('returns the default state', () => {92 expect(reducer(undefined, { type: 'test' })).to.deep.equal([]);93 });94 });95 context('when the action is namespace selected', () => {96 context.skip('when no tabs exist', () => {97 let state;98 const namespace = 'db.coll';99 before(() => {100 state = reducer(undefined, selectNamespace(namespace, true));101 });102 it('creates a new tab with the namespace', () => {103 expect(state[0].namespace).to.equal(namespace);104 });105 it('sets the tab to active', () => {106 expect(state[0].isActive).to.equal(true);107 });108 it('sets the tab readonly value', () => {109 expect(state[0].isReadonly).to.equal(true);110 });111 it('does not add additional tabs', () => {112 expect(state.length).to.equal(1);113 });114 });115 context.skip('when one tab exists', () => {116 let state;117 const namespace = 'db.coll';118 const existingState = [119 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: true, isReadonly: false }120 ];121 before(() => {122 state = reducer(existingState, selectNamespace(namespace, true));123 });124 it('sets the new namespace on the tab', () => {125 expect(state[0].namespace).to.equal(namespace);126 });127 it('keeps the tab as active', () => {128 expect(state[0].isActive).to.equal(true);129 });130 it('sets the tab readonly value', () => {131 expect(state[0].isReadonly).to.equal(true);132 });133 it('does not add additional tabs', () => {134 expect(state.length).to.equal(1);135 });136 });137 context.skip('when multiple tabs exist', () => {138 let state;139 const namespace = 'db.coll';140 const existingState = [141 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },142 { namespace: 'db.coll2', isActive: true, isReadonly: false },143 { namespace: 'db.coll3', isActive: false, isReadonly: false }144 ];145 before(() => {146 state = reducer(existingState, selectNamespace(namespace, true));147 });148 it('sets the new namespace on the tab', () => {149 expect(state[1].namespace).to.equal(namespace);150 });151 it('keeps the tab as active', () => {152 expect(state[1].isActive).to.equal(true);153 });154 it('sets the tab readonly value', () => {155 expect(state[1].isReadonly).to.equal(true);156 });157 it('does not add additional tabs', () => {158 expect(state.length).to.equal(3);159 });160 });161 });162 context('when the action is create tab', () => {163 context.skip('when no tabs exist', () => {164 let state;165 const namespace = 'db.coll';166 const store = {};167 before(() => {168 state = reducer(undefined, createTab(namespace, true, store));169 });170 it('creates a new tab with the namespace', () => {171 expect(state[0].namespace).to.equal(namespace);172 });173 it('sets the tab to active', () => {174 expect(state[0].isActive).to.equal(true);175 });176 it('sets the tab readonly value', () => {177 expect(state[0].isReadonly).to.equal(true);178 });179 it('sets the store on the tab', () => {180 expect(state[0].store).to.equal(store);181 });182 it('adds additional tabs', () => {183 expect(state.length).to.equal(1);184 });185 });186 context.skip('when one tab exists', () => {187 let state;188 const namespace = 'db.coll';189 const existingState = [190 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: true, isReadonly: false }191 ];192 before(() => {193 state = reducer(existingState, createTab(namespace, true));194 });195 it('sets the new namespace on the new tab', () => {196 expect(state[1].namespace).to.equal(namespace);197 });198 it('sets the new tab as active', () => {199 expect(state[1].isActive).to.equal(true);200 });201 it('sets the other tab as inactive', () => {202 expect(state[0].isActive).to.equal(false);203 });204 it('sets the tab readonly value', () => {205 expect(state[1].isReadonly).to.equal(true);206 });207 it('adds additional tabs', () => {208 expect(state.length).to.equal(2);209 });210 });211 context.skip('when multiple tabs exist', () => {212 let state;213 const namespace = 'db.coll';214 const existingState = [215 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: true, isReadonly: false },216 { namespace: 'db.coll2', isActive: false, isReadonly: false }217 ];218 before(() => {219 state = reducer(existingState, createTab(namespace, true));220 });221 it('sets the new namespace on the new tab', () => {222 expect(state[2].namespace).to.equal(namespace);223 });224 it('sets the new tab as active', () => {225 expect(state[2].isActive).to.equal(true);226 });227 it('sets the tab readonly value', () => {228 expect(state[2].isReadonly).to.equal(true);229 });230 it('adds additional tabs', () => {231 expect(state.length).to.equal(3);232 });233 });234 });235 context('when the action is select tab', () => {236 context('when one tab exists', () => {237 let state;238 const existingState = [239 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: true, isReadonly: false }240 ];241 before(() => {242 state = reducer(existingState, selectTab(0));243 });244 it('does not change the active state', () => {245 expect(state[0].isActive).to.equal(true);246 });247 it('does not add additional tabs', () => {248 expect(state.length).to.equal(1);249 });250 });251 context('when multiple tabs exist', () => {252 let state;253 const existingState = [254 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: true, isReadonly: false },255 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },256 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: false, isReadonly: false }257 ];258 before(() => {259 state = reducer(existingState, selectTab(1));260 });261 it('it activates the selected tab', () => {262 expect(state[1].isActive).to.equal(true);263 });264 it('deactivates the other tabs', () => {265 expect(state[0].isActive).to.equal(false);266 expect(state[2].isActive).to.equal(false);267 });268 it('does not add additional tabs', () => {269 expect(state.length).to.equal(3);270 });271 });272 });273 context('when the action is move tab', () => {274 context('when moving forward', () => {275 let state;276 const existingState = [277 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: true, isReadonly: false },278 { namespace: 'db.coll2', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },279 { namespace: 'db.coll3', isActive: false, isReadonly: false }280 ];281 before(() => {282 state = reducer(existingState, moveTab(0, 2));283 });284 it('it reorders the tabs', () => {285 expect(state[0].namespace).to.equal('db.coll2');286 expect(state[1].namespace).to.equal('db.coll3');287 expect(state[2].namespace).to.equal('db.coll1');288 });289 });290 context('when moving backwards', () => {291 let state;292 const existingState = [293 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: true, isReadonly: false },294 { namespace: 'db.coll2', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },295 { namespace: 'db.coll3', isActive: false, isReadonly: false }296 ];297 before(() => {298 state = reducer(existingState, moveTab(2, 1));299 });300 it('reorders the tabs', () => {301 expect(state[0].namespace).to.equal('db.coll1');302 expect(state[1].namespace).to.equal('db.coll3');303 expect(state[2].namespace).to.equal('db.coll2');304 });305 });306 });307 context('when the action is prev tab', () => {308 context('when the tab is not the first tab', () => {309 let state;310 const existingState = [311 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },312 { namespace: 'db.coll2', isActive: true, isReadonly: false },313 { namespace: 'db.coll3', isActive: false, isReadonly: false }314 ];315 before(() => {316 state = reducer(existingState, prevTab());317 });318 it('activates the prev tab', () => {319 expect(state[0].isActive).to.equal(true);320 });321 it('deactivates the old tab', () => {322 expect(state[1].isActive).to.equal(false);323 });324 });325 context('when the tab is the first tab', () => {326 let state;327 const existingState = [328 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: true, isReadonly: false },329 { namespace: 'db.coll2', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },330 { namespace: 'db.coll3', isActive: false, isReadonly: false }331 ];332 before(() => {333 state = reducer(existingState, prevTab());334 });335 it('activates the last tab', () => {336 expect(state[2].isActive).to.equal(true);337 });338 it('deactivates the old tab', () => {339 expect(state[0].isActive).to.equal(false);340 });341 });342 });343 context('when the action is next tab', () => {344 context('when the tab is not the last tab', () => {345 let state;346 const existingState = [347 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: true, isReadonly: false },348 { namespace: 'db.coll2', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },349 { namespace: 'db.coll3', isActive: false, isReadonly: false }350 ];351 before(() => {352 state = reducer(existingState, nextTab());353 });354 it('activates the next tab', () => {355 expect(state[1].isActive).to.equal(true);356 });357 it('deactivates the old tab', () => {358 expect(state[0].isActive).to.equal(false);359 });360 });361 context('when the tab is the last tab', () => {362 let state;363 const existingState = [364 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },365 { namespace: 'db.coll2', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },366 { namespace: 'db.coll3', isActive: true, isReadonly: false }367 ];368 before(() => {369 state = reducer(existingState, nextTab());370 });371 it('activates the first tab', () => {372 expect(state[0].isActive).to.equal(true);373 });374 it('deactivates the old tab', () => {375 expect(state[2].isActive).to.equal(false);376 });377 });378 });379 context('when the action is close tab', () => {380 context('when one tab exists', () => {381 let state;382 const existingState = [383 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: true, isReadonly: false }384 ];385 before(() => {386 state = reducer(existingState, closeTab(0));387 });388 it('removes the tab', () => {389 expect(state.length).to.equal(0);390 });391 });392 context('when multiple tabs exist', () => {393 context('when the tab being removed is active', () => {394 context('when there is a tab after it', () => {395 let state;396 const existingState = [397 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: true, isReadonly: false },398 { namespace: 'db.coll2', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },399 { namespace: 'db.coll3', isActive: false, isReadonly: false }400 ];401 before(() => {402 state = reducer(existingState, closeTab(0));403 });404 it('removes the tab', () => {405 expect(state.length).to.equal(2);406 });407 it('makes the next tab active', () => {408 expect(state[0].isActive).to.equal(true);409 expect(state[0].namespace).to.equal('db.coll2');410 });411 });412 context('when there is no tab after it', () => {413 let state;414 const existingState = [415 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },416 { namespace: 'db.coll2', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },417 { namespace: 'db.coll3', isActive: true, isReadonly: false }418 ];419 before(() => {420 state = reducer(existingState, closeTab(2));421 });422 it('removes the tab', () => {423 expect(state.length).to.equal(2);424 });425 it('makes the previous tab active', () => {426 expect(state[1].isActive).to.equal(true);427 expect(state[1].namespace).to.equal('db.coll2');428 });429 });430 });431 context('when the tab being removed is not active', () => {432 let state;433 const existingState = [434 { namespace: 'db.coll1', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },435 { namespace: 'db.coll2', isActive: false, isReadonly: false },436 { namespace: 'db.coll3', isActive: true, isReadonly: false }437 ];438 before(() => {439 state = reducer(existingState, closeTab(1));440 });441 it('removes the tab', () => {442 expect(state.length).to.equal(2);443 });444 it('does not change active state', () => {445 expect(state[1].isActive).to.equal(true);446 });447 });448 });449 });450 });451 describe('#preCreateTab', () => {452 context('when there are no filtered roles', () => {453 });454 });...
1function exportProtocol(id) {2'/DrugAnalitic/ExportProtocol?id=' + id);3}4function chekcInProtocol(control) {5 $(control).change(function () {6 var controlId = $(this).attr('id');7 var fieldValue = $(this).prop('checked');8 var row = $(this).closest('tr');9 var tbody = $(row).closest('tbody').attr('id');10 var entityId=null;11 if (row != null) {12 entityId = row.attr('id');13 }14 $.ajax({15 type: "POST",16 url: "/DrugAnalitic/CheckInProtocol",17 data: { 'entityId': entityId, 'fieldValue': fieldValue },18 dataType: 'json',19 cache: false,20 success: function (data) {21 var exist = false;22 $(".protocol-row").each(function () {23 if ($(this).attr('rowId') === entityId) {24 exist = true;25 if (!fieldValue) {26 $('#' + $(this).attr('Id')).hide();27 } else {28 $('#' + $(this).attr('Id')).show();29 }30 return;31 }32 });33 if (exist) {34 return;35 }36 var rowId = entityId + "rowId";37 var nameRu = entityId + "_NameRu1";38 var temperature = entityId + "_Temperature1";39 var humidity = entityId + "_Humidity1";40 var designation = entityId + "_Designation1";41 var demand = entityId + "_Demand1";42 var actualResult = entityId + "_ActualResult1";43 var tbodyName = tbody + "1";44 var cols = '<tr rowId="' + entityId + '" class="protocol-row" id="' + rowId + '">';45 cols += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + nameRu + '" class="form-control" value="' + $("#" + entityId + "_NameRu").val() + '"/></td>';46 cols += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + temperature + '" class="form-control" value="' + $("#" + entityId + "_Temperature").val() + '"/></td>';47 cols += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + humidity + '" class="form-control" value="' + $("#" + entityId + "_Humidity").val() + '"/></td>';48 cols += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + demand + '" class="form-control growed" value="' + $("#" + entityId + "_Demand").val() + '"/></td>';49 cols += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + actualResult + '" class="form-control growed" value="' + $("#" + entityId + "_ActualResult").val() + '"/></td>';50 cols += '</tr>';51 $('#' + tbodyName).append(cols);52 },53 error: function (data) {54 alert("1Error" + data);55 }56 });57 });58}59function cloneAnaliseDosage(dosageId) {60 var success = function () {61 $.ajax({62 type: "POST",63 url: "/DrugAnalitic/CloneAnaliseDosage",64 data: { 'dosageId': dosageId },65 dataType: 'json',66 cache: false,67 success: function (data) {68 },69 error: function (data) {70 alert("1Error" + data);71 }72 });73 }74 var cancel = function () {75 };76 showConfirmation("ÐодÑвеÑждение", "ÐÑ ÑвеÑÐµÐ½Ñ ÑÑо Ñ
оÑиÑе пÑимениÑÑ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ðµ заклÑÑение и Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð´ÑÑгиÑ
заÑвок?", success, cancel);77}78function removeAnalyseInidcator(modelId) {79 $.ajax({80 type: "POST",81 url: "/DrugAnalitic/DeleteIndicator",82 data: { 'id': modelId },83 dataType: 'json',84 cache: false,85 success: function (data) {86 },87 error: function (data) {88 alert("1Error" + data);89 }90 });91}92function showAnalyseDialog(id, stageId, readonly) {93 var temperatureTemp = "#" + stageId + "_Temperature";94 var humidityTemp = "#" + stageId + "_Humidity";95 var designationTemp = "#" + stageId + "_Designation";96 var demandTemp = "#" + stageId + "_Demand";97 var actualResultTemp = "#" + stageId + "_ActualResult";98 var analyseIndicator = "#" + "AnalyseIndicatorList" + stageId;99 var isMatches = "#" + "Booleans" + stageId;100 var exampleModal = "#" + stageId + "exampleModal";101 $(exampleModal).attr('currentId', id);102 $(temperatureTemp).prop("readonly", readonly);103 $(humidityTemp).prop("readonly", readonly);104 $(designationTemp).prop("readonly", readonly);105 $(demandTemp).prop("readonly", readonly);106 $(actualResultTemp).prop("readonly", readonly);107 108 var submit = "#" + stageId + "_submit";109 if (readonly) {110 $(analyseIndicator).attr('disabled', 'disabled');111 $(isMatches).attr('disabled', 'disabled');112 $(submit).hide();113 } else {114 $(analyseIndicator).removeAttr('disabled');115 $(isMatches).removeAttr('disabled');116 $(submit).show();117 }118 $.ajax({119 type: "POST",120 url: "/DrugAnalitic/GetIndicator",121 data: { 'id': id },122 dataType: 'json',123 cache: false,124 success: function (data) {125 $(temperatureTemp).val(data.Temperature);126 $(humidityTemp).val(data.Humidity);127 $(designationTemp).val(data.Designation);128 $(demandTemp).val(data.Demand);129 $(actualResultTemp).val(data.ActualResult);130 $(analyseIndicator).val(data.AnalyseIndicator);131 $(isMatches).val(data.IsMatches);132 $(exampleModal).modal();133 },134 error: function (data) {135 alert("1Error" + data);136 }137 }); 138}139function submitAnalyseIndicator(stageId,tbody) {140 var temperatureTemp = "#" + stageId + "_Temperature";141 var humidityTemp = "#" + stageId + "_Humidity";142 var designationTemp = "#" + stageId + "_Designation";143 var demandTemp = "#" + stageId + "_Demand";144 var actualResultTemp = "#" + stageId + "_ActualResult";145 var exampleModal = "#" + stageId + "exampleModal";146 var id = $(exampleModal).attr('currentId');147 var analyseIndicator = "#" + "AnalyseIndicatorList" + stageId;148 var isMatches = "#" + "Booleans" + stageId;149 $.ajax({150 type: "POST",151 url: "/DrugAnalitic/SaveOrUpdateIndicator",152 data: {'stageId':stageId, 'id': id, 'temperature': $(temperatureTemp).val(), 'humidity': $(humidityTemp).val(), 'designation': $(designationTemp).val(), 'demand': $(demandTemp).val(), 'actualResult': $(actualResultTemp).val(), 'analyseIndicator': $(analyseIndicator).val(), 'isMatches': $(isMatches).val() },153 dataType: 'json',154 cache: false,155 success: function (data) {156 $(exampleModal).attr('currentId', data.modelId);157 var nameRu = data.modelId + "_NameRu";158 var temperature = data.modelId + "_Temperature";159 var humidity = data.modelId + "_Humidity";160 var designation = data.modelId + "_Designation";161 var demand = data.modelId + "_Demand";162 var actualResult = data.modelId + "_ActualResult";163 var inProtocol = data.modelId + "_InProtocol";164 var isMatchesStr = data.modelId + "_IsMatchesStr";165 debugger;166 if (data.isNew) {167 var cols = '<tr id="' + data.modelId + '">';168 cols += '<td>'+ data.PositionNumber + '</td>';169 cols += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + nameRu + '" class="form-control" value="' + data.AnalyseIndicatorName + '"/></td>';170 cols += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + temperature + '" class="form-control" value="' + $(temperatureTemp).val() + '"/></td>';171 cols += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + humidity + '" class="form-control" value="' + $(humidityTemp).val() + '"/></td>';172 cols += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + designation + '" class="form-control" value="' + $(designationTemp).val() + '"/></td>';173 cols += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + demand + '" class="form-control" value="' + $(demandTemp).val() + '"/></td>';174 cols += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + actualResult + '" class="form-control" value="' + $(actualResultTemp).val() + '"/></td>';175 cols += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + isMatchesStr + '" class="form-control" value="' + data.IsMatchesStr + '"/></td>';176 cols += '<td><input class="form-control" data-val="true" data-val-required="The InProtocol field is required." id="' + data.modelId + '_InProtocol" name="ExpDrugAnaliseIndicators[0].InProtocol" type="checkbox" value="true"></td>';177 cols +=178 '<td><div class="btn-group" style="float: right; margin-right: 10px; color: white; text-align: left"><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">ÐпеÑаÑии <span class="caret"></span></button>' +179 '<ul class="dropdown-menu btnmenu"><li class="btn-info">' +180 '<a href="#" class="link-object" onclick="showAnalyseDialog(' +181 data.modelId +182 ',' +183 stageId +184 ',true)" style="color: white; padding: 5px"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search" aria-hidden="true"></span> ÐÑоÑмоÑÑ</a></li>' +185 '<li class="btn-warning edit-li"><a href="#" class="editExpRow" onclick="showAnalyseDialog(' + data.modelId + ',' + stageId +186 ',false)" class="link-object" style="color: white; padding: 5px"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit" aria-hidden="true"></span> РедакÑиÑоваÑÑ</a> </li>' +187 '<li class="btn-danger edit-li"><a href="#" class="deleteExpRow" style="color: white; padding: 5px"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" aria-hidden="true"></span> УдалиÑÑ</a></li></ul></div></td>';188 cols += '</tr>';189 $('#' + tbody).append(cols);190 var rowId1 = data.modelId + "rowId";191 var nameRu1 = data.modelId + "_NameRu1";192 var temperature1 = data.modelId + "_Temperature1";193 var humidity1 = data.modelId + "_Humidity1";194 var designation1 = data.modelId + "_Designation1";195 var demand1 = data.modelId + "_Demand1";196 var actualResult1 = data.modelId + "_ActualResult1";197 var tbodyName1 = tbody + "1";198 var cols1 = '<tr rowId="' + data.modelId + '" class="protocol-row" id="' + rowId1 + '">';199 cols1 += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + nameRu1 + '" class="form-control" value="' + data.AnalyseIndicatorName + '"/></td>';200 cols1 += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + temperature1 + '" class="form-control" value="' + $(temperatureTemp).val() + '"/></td>';201 cols1 += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + humidity1 + '" class="form-control" value="' + $(humidityTemp).val() + '"/></td>';202 cols1 += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + demand1 + '" class="form-control growed" value="' + $(demandTemp).val() + '"/></td>';203 cols1 += '<td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" id="' + actualResult1 + '" class="form-control growed" value="' + $(actualResultTemp).val() + '"/></td>';204 cols1 += '</tr>';205 $('#' + tbodyName1).append(cols1);206 } else {207 $("#" + nameRu).val(data.AnalyseIndicatorName);208 $("#" + temperature).val($(temperatureTemp).val());209 $("#" + humidity).val($(humidityTemp).val());210 $("#" + designation).val($(designationTemp).val());211 $("#" + demand).val($(demandTemp).val());212 $("#" + actualResult).val($(actualResultTemp).val());213 $("#" + isMatchesStr).val(data.IsMatchesStr);214 }215 $(exampleModal).modal('hide');216 217 },218 error: function (data) {219 alert("1Error" + data);220 }221 });...
1/*! 2* WeX5 v3 ( 3* Copyright 2015 Justep, Inc.4* Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 ( 5*/ 6define(function(require) {7 var $ = require("jquery");8 //var justep = require('$UI/system/lib/justep');9 //var XML = require("$UI/system/lib/base/xml");10 var xuiService = require("$UI/system/components/designerCommon/js/xuiService");11 121314 var Model = function() {15 /*16ruleXID17readonly_XID18readonly_expr_XID1920col_fString_XID21col_fString_required_XID22col_fString_required_expr_XID23col_fString_required_message_XID2425col_fInteger_constraint_XID26col_fInteger_constraint_expr_XID27col_fInteger_constraint_message_XID2829col_fInteger_readonly_XID30col_fInteger_readonly_expr_XID3132col_fInteger_calculate_XID33col_fInteger_calculate_expr_XID34 */35 this.xids = {};36 this.callParent();37 };3839// Model.prototype.def2xml = function() {40// var self = this, data = this.comp('data'), rule = '<rule '+(this.xids['ruleXID']?('xid="'+this.xids['ruleXID']+'"'):'')+'>';41// var dataReadonly = this.comp('dataReadonly').val();42// if (dataReadonly) {// dataçåªè¯»è§å43// rule += ('<readonly '+(this.xids['readonly_XID']?('xid="'+this.xids['readonly_XID']+'"'):'')+'><expr '+(this.xids['readonly_expr_XID']?('xid="'+this.xids['readonly_expr_XID']+'"'):'')+'><![CDATA[' + dataReadonly + ']]></expr></readonly>');44// }45// data46// .each(function(param) {47// var colXml = '', hasDef = false, colName = data.getValue('name', param.row);48// colXml += '<col '+(self.xids['col_'+colName+'_XID']?('xid="'+self.xids['col_'+colName+'_XID']+'"'):'')+' name="' + colName + '">';49// if (data.getValue('readonly', param.row)) {50// colXml += ('<readonly '+(self.xids['col_'+colName+'_readonly_XID']?('xid="'+self.xids['col_'+colName+'_readonly_XID']+'"'):'')+'><expr '+(self.xids['col_'+colName+'_readonly_expr_XID']?('xid="'+self.xids['col_'+colName+'_readonly_expr_XID']+'"'):'')+'><![CDATA[' + data.getValue('readonly', param.row) + ']]></expr></readonly>');51// hasDef = true;52// }53// if (data.getValue('calculate', param.row)) {54// colXml += ('<calculate '+(self.xids['col_'+colName+'_calculate_XID']?('xid="'+self.xids['col_'+colName+'_calculate_XID']+'"'):'')+'><expr '+(self.xids['col_'+colName+'_calculate_expr_XID']?('xid="'+self.xids['col_'+colName+'_calculate_expr_XID']+'"'):'')+'><![CDATA[' + data.getValue('calculate', param.row) + ']]></expr></calculate>');55// hasDef = true;56// }57// if (data.getValue('required', param.row)) {58// colXml += ('<required '+(self.xids['col_'+colName+'_required_XID']?('xid="'+self.xids['col_'+colName+'_required_XID']+'"'):'')+'><expr '+(self.xids['col_'+colName+'_required_expr_XID']?('xid="'+self.xids['col_'+colName+'_required_expr_XID']+'"'):'')+'><![CDATA['59// + data.getValue('required', param.row) + ']]></expr><message '+(self.xids['col_'+colName+'_required_message_XID']?('xid="'+self.xids['col_'+colName+'_required_message_XID']+'"'):'')+'><![CDATA['60// + (data.getValue('requiredMessage', param.row) ? data.getValue('requiredMessage', param.row) : '') + ']]></message></required>');61// hasDef = true;62// }63// if (data.getValue('constraint', param.row)) {64// colXml += ('<constraint '+(self.xids['col_'+colName+'_constraint_XID']?('xid="'+self.xids['col_'+colName+'_constraint_XID']+'"'):'')+'><expr '+(self.xids['col_'+colName+'_constraint_expr_XID']?('xid="'+self.xids['col_'+colName+'_constraint_expr_XID']+'"'):'')+'><![CDATA['65// + data.getValue('constraint', param.row) + ']]></expr><message '+(self.xids['col_'+colName+'_constraint_message_XID']?('xid="'+self.xids['col_'+colName+'_constraint_message_XID']+'"'):'')+'><![CDATA['66// + (data.getValue('constraintMessage', param.row) ? data.getValue('constraintMessage', param.row) : '') + ']]></message></constraint>');67// hasDef = true;68// }69// colXml += '</col>';70// if (hasDef)71// rule += colXml;72// });73// return rule + '</rule>';74// };7576 /**77 * è·åè¿åå¼ï¼ç¹å»ç¡®å®åè°ç¨çæ¹æ³,å¿
é¡»æ¯ä¸ä¸ªjsonæ ¼å¼çæ°æ® .78 */79 Model.prototype.getReturnValue = function() {80 var v = this.comp('dataReadonly').val();81 this.xmlModel.setValue("readonly>expr",v);82 return {83 def : this.xmlModel.asXml()//this.def2xml()84 };85 };8687 Model.prototype.init = function() {88 var self = this;89 var initData = xuiService.getPageParams();// è·åä¼ å
¥çåæ°90 var cols = initData.cols;91 self.cols2data(cols);92 93 var binding = {94 "readonly":"readonly>expr",95 "calculate":"calculate>expr",96 "required":"required>expr",97 "requiredMessage":"required>message",98 "constraint":"constraint>expr",99 "constraintMessage":"constraint>message"};//dataåä¸èç¹ä¹é´çæ å°100 101 var config = {xmlData:initData.xml, //xmlå符串102 rootPath:"rule", //æ ¹èç¹è·¯å¾103 rowIdPath:"@name", //è¡idè·¯å¾ 104 rowNodePath:"col", //è¡èç¹è·¯å¾105 data:this.comp("data"), //data对象106 binding:binding};107 this.xmlModel = xuiService.createXmlModel(config);//å建xml模å108 109 this.comp('dataReadonly').val(this.xmlModel.getValue("readonly>expr"));110 111 // var ruleDef = self.xml2def(initData.xml);// åå§åå±æ§å¼112 113 };114115 Model.prototype.cols2data = function(cols, ruleDef) {116// this.comp('dataReadonly').val(ruleDef['readonly'].expr);117 if ($.isArray(cols)) {118 var defaultValues = [];119 for ( var i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {120 var o = {121 name : cols[i]['alias'],122 type : cols[i]['data-type'],123 displayName : cols[i]['label']124 };125// var colRuleDef = ruleDef.col[];126// if (colRuleDef) {127// o.readonly = colRuleDef.readonly.expr;128// o.calculate = colRuleDef.calculate.expr;129// o.required = colRuleDef.required.expr;130// o.requiredMessage = colRuleDef.required.message;131// o.constraint = colRuleDef.constraint.expr;132// o.constraintMessage = colRuleDef.constraint.message;133// }134 defaultValues.push(o);135 }136137 var data = this.comp('data');138 data.newData({139 defaultValues : defaultValues140 });141 data.first();142 }143 };144145// Model.prototype.xml2def = function(xmlStr) {146// if (xmlStr) {147// var ruleDef = {148// readonly : {},149// col : {}150// };151// /*152// ruleXID153// readonly_XID154// readonly_expr_XID155//156// col_fString_XID157// col_fString_required_XID158// col_fString_required_expr_XID159// col_fString_required_message_XID160//161// col_fInteger_constraint_XID162// col_fInteger_constraint_expr_XID163// col_fInteger_constraint_message_XID164//165// col_fInteger_readonly_XID166// col_fInteger_readonly_expr_XID167//168// col_fInteger_calculate_XID169// col_fInteger_calculate_expr_XID170// this.xids = {};171// */172// var $data = $(XML.fromString(xmlStr).documentElement), $rule = $data.children('rule'), self = this;173// this.xids['ruleXID'] = $rule.attr('xid');174// var $ruleReadonly = $rule.children('readonly');175// this.xids['readonly_XID'] = $ruleReadonly.attr('xid');176// var $ruleReadonlyExpr = $ruleReadonly.children('expr');177// this.xids['readonly_expr_XID'] = $ruleReadonlyExpr.attr('xid');178// ruleDef['readonly'].expr = $.trim($ruleReadonlyExpr.text());179// $rule.children('col').each(function() {180// var $col = $(this), def = {};181// if ($col.attr('name')) {182// var colName = $col.attr('name');183// self.xids['col_'+colName+'_XID'] = $col.attr('xid');184// 185// var $colReadonly = $col.children('readonly');186// self.xids['col_'+colName+'_readonly_XID'] = $colReadonly.attr('xid');187// var $colReadonlyExpr = $colReadonly.children('expr');188// self.xids['col_'+colName+'_readonly_expr_XID'] = $colReadonlyExpr.attr('xid');189// def['readonly'] = {190// expr : $.trim($colReadonlyExpr.text())191// };192//193// var $colcalculate = $col.children('calculate');194// self.xids['col_'+colName+'_calculate_XID'] = $colcalculate.attr('xid');195// var $colcalculateExpr = $colcalculate.children('expr');196// self.xids['col_'+colName+'_calculate_expr_XID'] = $colcalculateExpr.attr('xid');197// def['calculate'] = {198// expr : $.trim($colcalculateExpr.text())199// };200//201// var $colrequired = $col.children('required');202// self.xids['col_'+colName+'_required_XID'] = $colrequired.attr('xid');203// var $colrequiredExpr = $colrequired.children('expr');204// self.xids['col_'+colName+'_required_expr_XID'] = $colrequiredExpr.attr('xid');205// var $colrequiredMessage = $colrequired.children('message');206// self.xids['col_'+colName+'_required_message_XID'] = $colrequiredMessage.attr('xid');207// def['required'] = {208// expr : $.trim($colrequiredExpr.text()),209// message : $.trim($colrequiredMessage.text())210// };211//212// var $colconstraint = $col.children('constraint');213// self.xids['col_'+colName+'_constraint_XID'] = $colconstraint.attr('xid');214// var $colconstraintExpr = $colconstraint.children('expr');215// self.xids['col_'+colName+'_constraint_expr_XID'] = $colconstraintExpr.attr('xid');216// var $colconstraintMessage = $colconstraint.children('message');217// self.xids['col_'+colName+'_constraint_message_XID'] = $colconstraintMessage.attr('xid');218// def['constraint'] = {219// expr : $.trim($colconstraintExpr.text()),220// message : $.trim($colconstraintMessage.text())221// };222// ruleDef.col[$col.attr('name')] = def;223// }224// });225// return ruleDef;226// }227// };228229 Model.prototype.modelLoad = function(event) {230 this.init();231 };232 233 /**234 * æå¼è¡¨è¾¾å¼ç¼è¾å¨.235 */236 Model.prototype.openExpressionEditor = function(currentProp){237 var comp = this.comp("data");238 xuiService.openEditor("jSExpressionEditor", {value : comp.getValue(currentProp),propValue : comp.getValue(currentProp),propName:"dataColRule"}, function(result) {239 comp.setValue(currentProp, result.value);240 });241 };242 243 Model.prototype.readonlyExprClick = function(event) {244 this.openExpressionEditor("readonly");245 };246 247 Model.prototype.calculateExprClick = function(event){248 this.openExpressionEditor("calculate");249 };250 251 Model.prototype.requiredExprClick = function(event){252 this.openExpressionEditor("required");253 };254 255 Model.prototype.constraintExprClick = function(event){256 this.openExpressionEditor("constraint");257 };258 259 Model.prototype.dataReadonlyExprClick = function(event){260 var comp = this.comp("dataReadonly");261 xuiService.openEditor("jSExpressionEditor", {value : comp.val(),propValue : comp.val(),propName:"dataRule"}, function(result) {262 comp.val(result.value);263 });264 };265266267 return Model;
1import React from 'react';2import { mount } from 'enzyme';3import CollectionHeader from 'components/collection-header';4import styles from './collection-header.less';5describe('CollectionHeader [Component]', () => {6 const statsPlugin = () => { return (<div/>); };7 context('when the collection is not readonly', () => {8 let component;9 const statsStore = {};10 const selectOrCreateTabSpy = sinon.spy();11 const sourceReadonly = false;12 beforeEach(() => {13 component = mount(14 <CollectionHeader15 isReadonly={false}16 globalAppRegistry={{}}17 statsPlugin={statsPlugin}18 statsStore={statsStore}19 namespace="db.coll"20 selectOrCreateTab={selectOrCreateTabSpy}21 sourceReadonly={sourceReadonly} />22 );23 });24 afterEach(() => {25 component = null;26 });27 it('renders the correct root classname', () => {28 expect(component.find(`.${styles['collection-header']}`));29 });30 it('renders the db name', () => {31 expect(component.find(`.${styles['collection-header-title-db']}`)).to.have.text('db');32 });33 it('renders the collection name', () => {34 expect(component.find(`.${styles['collection-header-title-collection']}`)).to.have.text('coll');35 });36 });37 context('when the collection is readonly', () => {38 let component;39 const statsStore = {};40 const selectOrCreateTabSpy = sinon.spy();41 const sourceReadonly = false;42 beforeEach(() => {43 component = mount(44 <CollectionHeader45 isReadonly46 globalAppRegistry={{}}47 sourceName="orig.coll"48 statsPlugin={statsPlugin}49 statsStore={statsStore}50 namespace="db.coll"51 selectOrCreateTab={selectOrCreateTabSpy}52 sourceReadonly={sourceReadonly} />53 );54 });55 afterEach(() => {56 component = null;57 });58 it('renders the correct root classname', () => {59 expect(component.find(`.${styles['collection-header']}`));60 });61 it('renders the db name', () => {62 expect(component.find(`.${styles['collection-header-title-db']}`)).63 to.have.text('db');64 });65 it('renders the collection name', () => {66 expect(component.find(`.${styles['collection-header-title-collection']}`)).67 to.have.text('coll');68 });69 it('renders the source collection', () => {70 expect(component.find(`.${styles['collection-header-title-readonly-on']}`)).71 to.have.text('(view on: orig.coll)');72 });73 it('renders the readonly icon', () => {74 expect(component.find('.fa-eye'));75 });76 });77 context('when the collection is readonly but not a view', () => {78 let component;79 const statsStore = {};80 const selectOrCreateTabSpy = sinon.spy();81 const sourceName = null;82 const sourceReadonly = false;83 beforeEach(() => {84 component = mount(85 <CollectionHeader86 isReadonly87 sourceName={sourceName}88 statsPlugin={statsPlugin}89 statsStore={statsStore}90 namespace="db.coll"91 selectOrCreateTab={selectOrCreateTabSpy}92 sourceReadonly={sourceReadonly} />93 );94 });95 afterEach(() => {96 component = null;97 });98 it('does not the source collection', () => {99 expect(component.find(`.${styles['collection-header-title-readonly-on']}`)).100;101 });102 it('renders the readonly icon', () => {103 expect(component.find('.fa-eye'));104 });105 });106 context('when the db name is clicked', () => {107 it('emits the open event to the app registry', () => {108 const statsStore = {};109 const selectOrCreateTabSpy = sinon.spy();110 const sourceReadonly = false;111 let emmittedEventName;112 let emmittedDbName;113 const component = mount(114 <CollectionHeader115 isReadonly={false}116 globalAppRegistry={{117 emit: (eventName, dbName) => {118 emmittedEventName = eventName;119 emmittedDbName = dbName;120 }121 }}122 sourceName="orig.coll"123 statsPlugin={statsPlugin}124 statsStore={statsStore}125 namespace="db.coll"126 selectOrCreateTab={selectOrCreateTabSpy}127 sourceReadonly={sourceReadonly} />128 );129 expect(component.find(`.${styles['collection-header-title-db']}`));130 component.find(`.${styles['collection-header-title-db']}`).simulate('click');131 expect(emmittedEventName).to.equal('select-database');132 expect(emmittedDbName).to.equal('db');133 });134 });...
1if (this.importScripts) {2 importScripts('../../../fast/js/resources/js-test-pre.js');3 importScripts('shared.js');4}5description("Test IndexedDB readonly properties");6function setReadonlyProperty(property, value)7{8 oldValue = eval(property);9 debug("trying to set readonly property " + property);10 evalAndLog(property + " = " + value);11 newValue = eval(property);12 if (oldValue == newValue) {13 testPassed(property + " is still " + oldValue);14 } else {15 testFailed(property + " value was changed");16 }17}18function test()19{20 removeVendorPrefixes();21 name = "foo";22 request = evalAndLog("");23 request.onsuccess = openSuccess;24 request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;25}26function openSuccess()27{28 setReadonlyProperty("request.result", "Infinity");29 setReadonlyProperty("request.errorCode", "666");30 setReadonlyProperty("request.source", "this");31 setReadonlyProperty("request.transaction", "this");32 setReadonlyProperty("request.readyState", "666");33 db = evalAndLog("db =");34 setReadonlyProperty("", "'bar'");35 request = evalAndLog("request = db.setVersion('1')");36 request.onsuccess = createAndPopulateObjectStore;37 request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;38}39function createAndPopulateObjectStore()40{41 transaction = evalAndLog("transaction =;");42 setReadonlyProperty("transaction.mode", "666");43 setReadonlyProperty("transaction.db", "this");44 deleteAllObjectStores(db);45 objectStore = evalAndLog("objectStore = db.createObjectStore('foo');");46 setReadonlyProperty("", "'bar'");47 setReadonlyProperty("objectStore.keyPath", "'bar'");48/* fails, split into separate test49 setReadonlyProperty("objectStore.indexNames", "['bar']");50*/51/* fails, split into separate test52 setReadonlyProperty("objectStore.transaction", "this");53*/54 result = evalAndLog("result = objectStore.add({}, 'first');");55 result.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;56 result.onsuccess = addSuccess;57}58function addSuccess()59{60 result = evalAndLog("result = objectStore.openCursor();");61 result.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;62 result.onsuccess = checkCursor;63}64function checkCursor()65{66 cursor = evalAndLog("cursor =;");67 if (cursor) {68 setReadonlyProperty("cursor.source", "this");69 setReadonlyProperty("cursor.direction", "666");70 setReadonlyProperty("cursor.key", "Infinity");71 setReadonlyProperty("cursor.primaryKey", "Infinity");72 } else {73 testFailed("cursor is null");74 }75 index = evalAndLog("index = objectStore.createIndex('first', 'first');");76 setReadonlyProperty("", "'bar'");77 setReadonlyProperty("index.objectStore", "this");78 setReadonlyProperty("index.keyPath", "'bar'");79 setReadonlyProperty("index.unique", "true");80 keyRange = IDBKeyRange.only("first");81 setReadonlyProperty("keyRange.lower", "Infinity");82 setReadonlyProperty("keyRange.upper", "Infinity");83 setReadonlyProperty("keyRange.lowerOpen", "true");84 setReadonlyProperty("keyRange.upperOpen", "true");85 finishJSTest();86}...
1module.exports = {2 globals: {3 // lifecycle4 onActivated: 'readonly',5 onBeforeMount: 'readonly',6 onBeforeUnmount: 'readonly',7 onBeforeUpdate: 'readonly',8 onDeactivated: 'readonly',9 onErrorCaptured: 'readonly',10 onMounted: 'readonly',11 onServerPrefetch: 'readonly',12 onUnmounted: 'readonly',13 onUpdated: 'readonly',14 // reactivity15 computed: 'readonly',16 customRef: 'readonly',17 isReadonly: 'readonly',18 isRef: 'readonly',19 markRaw: 'readonly',20 reactive: 'readonly',21 readonly: 'readonly',22 ref: 'readonly',23 shallowReactive: 'readonly',24 shallowReadonly: 'readonly',25 shallowRef: 'readonly',26 toRaw: 'readonly',27 toRef: 'readonly',28 toRefs: 'readonly',29 triggerRef: 'readonly',30 unref: 'readonly',31 watch: 'readonly',32 watchEffect: 'readonly',33 // component34 defineComponent: 'readonly',35 defineAsyncComponent: 'readonly',36 getCurrentInstance: 'readonly',37 h: 'readonly',38 inject: 'readonly',39 nextTick: 'readonly',40 provide: 'readonly',41 useCssModule: 'readonly',42 // other43 defineProps: 'readonly',44 defineEmits: 'readonly',45 defineExpose: 'readonly',46 withDefaults: 'readonly',47 // vue-router48 useRoute: 'readonly',49 useRouter: 'readonly'50 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png', fullPage: true });7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png', fullPage: true });15 await browser.close();16})();17const { chromium } = require('playwright');18const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });19const context = await browser.newContext();20const page = await context.newPage();21await page.screenshot({ path: 'google.png', fullPage: true });22await browser.close();23const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });24const context = await browser.newContext();25const page = await context.newPage();
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const value = await page.context().evaluate(() => {7 return window.playwright.readonly;8 });9 console.log(value);10 await browser.close();11})();12const {chromium} = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const browser = await chromium.launch();15 const context = await browser.newContext();16 const page = await context.newPage();17 const value = await page.context().evaluate(() => {18 return window.playwright.readonly;19 });20 console.log(value);21 await browser.close();22})();23const {chromium} = require('playwright');24(async () => {25 const browser = await chromium.launch();26 const context = await browser.newContext();27 const page = await context.newPage();28 const value = await page.context().evaluate(() => {29 return window.playwright.readonly;30 });31 console.log(value);32 await browser.close();33})();34const {chromium} = require('playwright');35(async () => {36 const browser = await chromium.launch();37 const context = await browser.newContext();38 const page = await context.newPage();39 const value = await page.context().evaluate(() => {40 return window.playwright.readonly;41 });42 console.log(value);43 await browser.close();44})();45const {chromium} = require('playwright');46(async () => {47 const browser = await chromium.launch();48 const context = await browser.newContext();49 const page = await context.newPage();50 const value = await page.context().evaluate(() => {51 return window.playwright.readonly;52 });53 console.log(value);
Using AI Code Generation
1const {chromium} = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 const title = await page.evaluate(() => document.title);7 console.log(title);8 await browser.close();9})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium, webkit, firefox } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch();4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium, webkit, firefox } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch();12 const context = await browser.newContext();13 const page = await context.newPage();14 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });15 await browser.close();16})();17const { chromium, webkit, firefox } = require('playwright');18(async () => {19 const browser = await chromium.launch();20 const context = await browser.newContext();21 const page = await context.newPage();22 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium, webkit, firefox } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch();28 const context = await browser.newContext();29 const page = await context.newPage();30 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });31 await browser.close();32})();33const { chromium, webkit, firefox } = require('playwright');34(async () => {35 const browser = await chromium.launch();36 const context = await browser.newContext();37 const page = await context.newPage();38 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });39 await browser.close();40})();41const { chromium, webkit, firefox } = require('playwright');42(async () => {43 const browser = await chromium.launch();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });4 const context = await browser.newContext({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true });5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });7 await browser.close();8})();9const { chromium } = require('playwright');10(async () => {11 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });12 const context = await browser.newContext({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true });13 const page = await context.newPage();14 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });15 await browser.close();16})();17const { chromium } = require('playwright');18(async () => {19 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });20 const context = await browser.newContext({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true });21 const page = await context.newPage();22 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });23 await browser.close();24})();25const { chromium } = require('playwright');26(async () => {27 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });28 const context = await browser.newContext({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true });29 const page = await context.newPage();30 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });31 await browser.close();32})();33const { chromium } = require('playwright');34(async () => {35 const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });36 const context = await browser.newContext({ ignoreHTTPSErrors: true });37 const page = await context.newPage();38 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });39 await browser.close();40})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright-internal');2(async () => {3 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({headless: false});4 const context = await browser.newContext();5 const page = await context.newPage();6 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');7 await'input[value="Google Search"]');8 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');9 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });10 await browser.close();11})();12const playwright = require('playwright');13(async () => {14 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({headless: false});15 const context = await browser.newContext();16 const page = await context.newPage();17 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');18 await'input[value="Google Search"]');19 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');20 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });21 await browser.close();22})();23const playwright = require('playwright-internal');24(async () => {25 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({headless: false});26 const context = await browser.newContext();27 const page = await context.newPage();28 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');29 await'input[value="Google Search"]');30 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');31 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });32 await browser.close();33})();34const playwright = require('playwright');35(async () => {36 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({headless: false});37 const context = await browser.newContext();38 const page = await context.newPage();39 await page.fill('input[name="q"]', 'Playwright');40 await'input[value="Google Search"]');41 await page.waitForLoadState('networkidle');42 await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' });
Using AI Code Generation
1const playwright = require('playwright');2(async () => {3 const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();4 const page = await browser.newPage();5 await page.screenshot({ path: 'example.png' });6 await browser.close();7})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const internal = require('@playwright/test').internal;2const { chromium } = require('playwright');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 const readonlyPage = internal.readonly(page);8 await readonlyPage.screenshot({ path: 'readonly.png' });9 await browser.close();10})();
Using AI Code Generation
1const { chromium } = require('playwright');2const { setReadOnly, getReadOnly } = require('playwright/lib/server/chromium/crBrowser');3(async () => {4 const browser = await chromium.launch();5 const context = await browser.newContext();6 const page = await context.newPage();7 await setReadOnly(page, true);8 const readonly = await getReadOnly(page);9 console.log("readonly", readonly);10 await page.screenshot({ path: `example.png` });11 await browser.close();12})();
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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