Best Python code snippet using playwright-python
...883async def test_fill_should_be_able_to_fill_input_type_number__with_empty_string(page):884 await page.set_content('<input id="input" type="number" value="123"></input>')885 await page.fill("input", "")886 assert await page.evaluate("input.value") == ""887async def test_fill_should_not_be_able_to_fill_text_into_the_input_type_number_(page):888 await page.set_content('<input id="input" type="number"></input>')889 with pytest.raises(Error) as exc_info:890 await page.fill("input", "abc")891 assert "Cannot type text into input[type=number]" in exc_info.value.message892async def test_fill_should_be_able_to_clear(page, server):893 await page.goto(server.PREFIX + "/input/textarea.html")894 await page.fill("input", "some value")895 assert await page.evaluate("result") == "some value"896 await page.fill("input", "")897 assert await page.evaluate("result") == ""898async def test_close_event_should_work_with_window_close(page, server):899 async with page.expect_popup() as popup_info:900 await page.evaluate("window['newPage'] ='about:blank')")901 popup = await popup_info.value...
LambdaTest’s Playwright tutorial will give you a broader idea about the Playwright automation framework, its unique features, and use cases with examples to exceed your understanding of Playwright testing. This tutorial will give A to Z guidance, from installing the Playwright framework to some best practices and advanced concepts.
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