Best Python code snippet using playwright-python
...21async def test_jshandle_evaluate_accept_object_handle_as_argument(page):22 navigator_handle = await page.evaluate_handle("navigator")23 text = await page.evaluate("e => e.userAgent", navigator_handle)24 assert "Mozilla" in text25async def test_jshandle_evaluate_accept_handle_to_primitive_types(page):26 handle = await page.evaluate_handle("5")27 is_five = await page.evaluate("e =>, 5)", handle)28 assert is_five29async def test_jshandle_evaluate_accept_nested_handle(page):30 foo = await page.evaluate_handle('({ x: 1, y: "foo" })')31 result = await page.evaluate("({ foo }) => foo", {"foo": foo})32 assert result == {"x": 1, "y": "foo"}33async def test_jshandle_evaluate_accept_nested_window_handle(page):34 foo = await page.evaluate_handle("window")35 result = await page.evaluate("({ foo }) => foo === window", {"foo": foo})36 assert result37async def test_jshandle_evaluate_accept_multiple_nested_handles(page):38 foo = await page.evaluate_handle('({ x: 1, y: "foo" })')39 bar = await page.evaluate_handle("5")...
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