How to use mocks_store method of ActiveMocker Package

Best Active_mocker_ruby code snippet using ActiveMocker.mocks_store


Source:loaded_mocks_spec.rb Github


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...21 end22 ActiveMocker::LoadedMocks23 end24 after(:each) do25 described_class.send(:mocks_store).send(:clear)26 end27 describe "::class_name_to_mock deprecated removed in 2.1" do28 subject { described_class.class_name_to_mock }29 it "returns key of mocked_class and a constant of the mock class" do30 described_class.send :add, MockClass31 expect(subject.to_hash).to eq("MockClass" => MockClass)32 end33 end34 describe "::all deprecated removed in 2.1" do35 subject { described_class.all }36 it "returns key of mocked_class and a constant of the mock class" do37 described_class.send :add, MockClass38 expect(subject.to_hash).to eq("MockClass" => MockClass)39 end...

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Source:loaded_mocks.rb Github


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...11 # ActiveMocker::LoadedMocks.mocks12 # => <Collection @hash: {'Person' => PersonMock}>13 # @return ActiveMocker::LoadedMocks::Collection14 def mocks15{}) do |mock_constant, hash|16 hash[mock_constant.send(:mocked_class)] = mock_constant17 end)18 end19 # @deprecated Use {#mocks} instead of this method.20 alias class_name_to_mock mocks21 # @deprecated Use {#mocks} instead of this method.22 alias all mocks23 # @deprecated Use {#delete_all} instead of this method.24 alias clear_all delete_all25 def features26 @features ||= Features.instance27 end28 class Collection29 include Enumerable30 # @option opts [Hash] hash31 def initialize(hash = {})32 @hash = Hash[hash]33 end34 extend Forwardable35 def_delegators :hash, :[]=, :[], :each, :to_hash, :to_h36 # Calls {#delete_all} for all mocks globally, which removes all records that were saved or created.37 # @return [NilClass]38 def delete_all39 mocks.each(&__method__)40 end41 # @param [Array<Symbol, String, ActiveMocker::Mock>] args an array of ActiveRecord Model Names as Strings or Symbols42 # or of mock object.43 # @return [ActiveMocker::LoadedMocks::Collection] returns ActiveMock equivalent class.44 def slice(*args)45 { |k, v| get_item(args, k, v) })46 end47 # Input ActiveRecord Model Name as String or Symbol and it returns everything but that ActiveMock equivalent class.48 # except('User') => [AccountMock, OtherMock]49 # @param [Array<Symbol, String, ActiveMocker::Mock>] args50 # @return ActiveMocker::LoadedMocks::Collection51 def except(*args)52 { |k, v| get_item(args, k, v) })53 end54 # Input ActiveRecord Model Name as String or Symbol returns ActiveMock equivalent class.55 # find('User') => UserMock56 # @param [Symbol, String, ActiveMocker::Mock] item57 # @return ActiveMocker::Mock58 def find(item)59 slice(item).mocks.first60 end61 # @return [Array<ActiveMocker::Mock>]62 def mocks63 hash.values64 end65 alias values mocks66 private67 attr_reader :hash68 def get_item(args, k, v)69 do |e|70 if [:to_str, :to_sym].any? { |i| e.respond_to? i }71 e.to_s == k72 else73 e == v74 end75 end.any? { |a| a }76 end77 end78 private79 def mocks_store80 @mocks ||= {}81 end82 def add(mocks_to_add)83 mocks_store.merge!( => mocks_to_add)84 end85 end86 end87end...

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Using AI Code Generation


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Using AI Code Generation


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1 @mocks ||= {}2 @mocks ||= {}3 @mocks ||= {}4 @mocks ||= {}5 @mocks ||= {}6 @mocks ||= {}7 @mocks ||= {}8 @mocks ||= {}

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