How to use ignored method of Header Package

Best Vcr_ruby code snippet using Header.ignored


Source:io.rb Github


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...10 end11 def defaults12 { user: nil, params: {}, request: {} }13 end14 def ignored_cols(keep_gbifID = true)15 if keep_gbifID16 ["dateIdentified_processed", "eventDate_processed", "hasImage"]17 else18 Occurrence::IGNORED_COLUMNS_OUTPUT19 end20 end21 def params22 @params23 end24 def request25 @request26 end27 def csv_stream_agent_occurrences(occurrences)28 do |y|29 header = Occurrence.attribute_names - ignored_cols30 y <<, header, true).to_s31 if !occurrences.empty?32 occurrences.find_each do |o|33 attributes = o.attributes34 ignored_cols.each do |col|35 attributes.delete(col)36 end37 data = attributes.values38 y <<, data).to_s39 end40 end41 end42 end43 def csv_stream_articles_profile(user, articles)44 do |y|45 header = ["doi", "reference", "num_specimens", "URL"]46 y <<, header, true).to_s47 if !articles.empty?48 articles.each do |a|49 data = [50 a.doi,51 (a.citation || "NO TITLE"),52 a.user_specimen_count(,53 "#{Settings.base_url}/profile/citation/#{a.doi}"54 ]55 y <<, data).to_s56 end57 end58 end59 end60 def csv_stream_article_specimen_profile(user, occurrences, article)61 do |y|62 header = Occurrence.attribute_names - ignored_cols63 header.unshift "used_in_doi"64 y <<, header, true).to_s65 if !occurrences.empty?66 occurrences.find_each do |o|67 attributes = o.occurrence.attributes68 ignored_cols.each do |col|69 attributes.delete(col)70 end71 data = attributes.values72 data.unshift article.doi73 y <<, data).to_s74 end75 end76 end77 end78 def csv_stream_occurrences(occurrences)79 do |y|80 header = ["action"].concat(Occurrence.attribute_names - ignored_cols)81 y <<, header, true).to_s82 if !occurrences.empty?83 occurrences.find_each do |o|84 attributes = o.occurrence.attributes85 ignored_cols.each do |col|86 attributes.delete(col)87 end88 data = [o.action].concat(attributes.values)89 y <<, data).to_s90 end91 end92 end93 end94 def csv_stream_candidates(occurrences)95 do |y|96 header = ["action"].concat(Occurrence.attribute_names - ignored_cols)97 .concat(["not me"])98 y <<, header, true).to_s99 if !occurrences.empty?100 occurrences.each do |o|101 attributes = o.occurrence.attributes102 ignored_cols.each do |col|103 attributes.delete(col)104 end105 data = [""].concat(attributes.values)106 .concat([""])107 y <<, data).to_s108 end109 end110 end111 end112 def jsonld_context113 dwc_contexts = Hash[Occurrence.attribute_names114 .reject {|column| ignored_cols(false).include?(column)}115 .map{|o| ["#{o}", "{o}"] if !ignored_cols(false).include?(o)}]116 {117 "@vocab": "",118 sameAs: {119 "@id": "sameAs",120 "@type": "@id"121 },122 identified: "",123 recorded: "",124 PreservedSpecimen: "",125 as: ""126 }.merge(dwc_contexts)127 .merge({128 datasetKey: "",129 license: ""130 })131 end132 def jsonld_stream(scope = "paged")133 output ="", "w+")134 w =, indent: 1)135 w.push_object()136 w.push_value(jsonld_context.as_json, "@context")137 w.push_key("@type")138 w.push_value("Person")139 w.push_key("@id")140 w.push_value("#{Settings.base_url}/#{@user.identifier}")141 w.push_key("givenName")142 w.push_value(@user.given)143 w.push_key("familyName")144 w.push_value( w.push_key("name")146 w.push_value(@user.fullname)147 w.push_value(@user.other_names.split("|"), "alternateName")148 w.push_key("sameAs")149 w.push_value(@user.uri)150 if scope == "paged"151 identifications = jsonld_occurrences_paged("identifications")152 recordings = jsonld_occurrences_paged("recordings")153 if identifications[:metadata][:prev].nil? && recordings[:metadata][:prev].nil?154 prev_url = nil155 else156 if identifications[:metadata][:prev].nil?157 prev_url = "#{Settings.base_url}/#{recordings[:metadata][:prev_url]}"158 else159 prev_url = "#{Settings.base_url}/#{identifications[:metadata][:prev_url]}"160 end161 end162 w.push_value(prev_url, "as:prev")163 current_stub = identifications[:metadata][:page_url] || recordings[:metadata][:page_url]164 if current_stub.nil?165 current_url = nil166 else167 current_url = "#{Settings.base_url}/#{current_stub}"168 end169 w.push_value(current_url, "as:current")170 if identifications[:metadata][:next].nil? && recordings[:metadata][:next].nil?171 next_url = nil172 else173 if identifications[:metadata][:next].nil?174 next_url = "#{Settings.base_url}/#{recordings[:metadata][:next_url]}"175 else176 next_url = "#{Settings.base_url}/#{identifications[:metadata][:next_url]}"177 end178 end179 w.push_value(next_url, "as:next")180 w.push_object("@reverse")181 w.push_array("identified")182 identifications[:results].each do |o|183 w.push_value(o.as_json)184 end185 w.pop186 w.push_array("recorded")187 recordings[:results].each do |o|188 w.push_value(o.as_json)189 end190 w.pop191 else192 w.push_object("@reverse")193 w.push_array("identified")194 jsonld_occurrences_enum("identifications").each do |o|195 w.push_value(o.as_json)196 end197 w.pop198 w.push_array("recorded")199 jsonld_occurrences_enum("recordings").each do |o|200 w.push_value(o.as_json)201 end202 w.pop203 end204 w.pop_all205 output.string()206 end207 def jsonld_occurrences_paged(type = "identifcations")208 begin209 pagy, results = pagy_countless(@user.send(type).includes(:claimant), items: 100)210 metadata = pagy_metadata(pagy)211 rescue212 results = []213 metadata = {214 first_url: nil,215 prev_url: nil,216 page_url: nil,217 next_url: nil,218 prev: nil,219 next: nil220 }221 end222 items = do |o|223 { "@type": "PreservedSpecimen",224 "@id": "#{Settings.base_url}/occurrence/#{}",225 sameAs: "#{o.occurrence.uri}"226 }.merge(o.occurrence.attributes.reject {|column| ignored_cols(false).include?(column)})227 .merge({ license: o.occurrence.license_uri })228 end229 { metadata: metadata, results: items }230 end231 def jsonld_occurrences_enum(type = "identifications")232 do |y|233 @user.send(type).includes(:claimant).find_each do |o|234 y << { "@type": "PreservedSpecimen",235 "@id": "#{Settings.base_url}/occurrence/#{}",236 sameAs: "#{o.occurrence.uri}"237 }.merge(o.occurrence.attributes.reject {|column| ignored_cols(false).include?(column)})238 .merge({ license: o.occurrence.license_uri })239 end240 end241 end242 end243end...

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Source:stylize_as_junit.rb Github


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...52 end # parse()53end # class OptparseExample54class UnityToJUnit55 include FileUtils::Verbose56 attr_reader :report, :total_tests, :failures, :ignored57 attr_writer :targets, :root, :out_file58 def initialize59 @report = ''60 @unit_name = ''61 end62 def run63 # Clean up result file names64 results = { |target|'\\', '/') }65 # puts "Output File: #{@out_file}"66 f =, 'w')67 write_xml_header(f)68 write_suites_header(f)69 results.each do |result_file|70 lines = File.readlines(result_file).map(&:chomp)71 raise "Empty test result file: #{result_file}" if lines.empty?72 result_output = get_details(result_file, lines)73 tests, failures, ignored = parse_test_summary(lines)74 result_output[:counts][:total] = tests75 result_output[:counts][:failed] = failures76 result_output[:counts][:ignored] = ignored77 result_output[:counts][:passed] = (result_output[:counts][:total] - result_output[:counts][:failed] - result_output[:counts][:ignored])78 # use line[0] from the test output to get the test_file path and name79 test_file_str = lines[0].tr('\\', '/')80 test_file_str = test_file_str.split(':')81 test_file = if test_file_str.length < 282 result_file83 else84 test_file_str[0] + ':' + test_file_str[1]85 end86 result_output[:source][:path] = File.dirname(test_file)87 result_output[:source][:file] = File.basename(test_file)88 # save result_output89 @unit_name = File.basename(test_file, '.*')90 write_suite_header(result_output[:counts], f)91 write_failures(result_output, f)92 write_tests(result_output, f)93 write_ignored(result_output, f)94 write_suite_footer(f)95 end96 write_suites_footer(f)97 f.close98 end99 def usage(err_msg = nil)100 puts "\nERROR: "101 puts err_msg if err_msg102 puts 'Usage: unity_to_junit.rb [options]'103 puts ''104 puts 'Specific options:'105 puts ' -r, --results <dir> Look for Unity Results files here.'106 puts ' -p, --root_path <path> Prepend this path to files in results.'107 puts ' -o, --output <filename> XML file to generate.'108 puts ''109 puts 'Common options:'110 puts ' -h, --help Show this message'111 puts ' --version Show version'112 exit 1113 end114 protected115 def get_details(_result_file, lines)116 results = results_structure117 lines.each do |line|118 line ='\\', '/')119 _src_file, src_line, test_name, status, msg = line.split(/:/)120 case status121 when 'IGNORE' then results[:ignores] << { test: test_name, line: src_line, message: msg }122 when 'FAIL' then results[:failures] << { test: test_name, line: src_line, message: msg }123 when 'PASS' then results[:successes] << { test: test_name, line: src_line, message: msg }124 end125 end126 results127 end128 def parse_test_summary(summary)129 raise "Couldn't parse test results: #{summary}" unless summary.find { |v| v =~ /(\d+) Tests (\d+) Failures (\d+) Ignored/ }130 [Regexp.last_match(1).to_i, Regexp.last_match(2).to_i, Regexp.last_match(3).to_i]131 end132 def here133 File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))134 end135 private136 def results_structure137 {138 source: { path: '', file: '' },139 successes: [],140 failures: [],141 ignores: [],142 counts: { total: 0, passed: 0, failed: 0, ignored: 0 },143 stdout: []144 }145 end146 def write_xml_header(stream)147 stream.puts "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>"148 end149 def write_suites_header(stream)150 stream.puts '<testsuites>'151 end152 def write_suite_header(counts, stream)153 stream.puts "\t<testsuite errors=\"0\" skipped=\"#{counts[:ignored]}\" failures=\"#{counts[:failed]}\" tests=\"#{counts[:total]}\" name=\"unity\">"154 end155 def write_failures(results, stream)156 result = results[:failures]157 result.each do |item|158 filename = File.join(results[:source][:path], File.basename(results[:source][:file], '.*'))159 stream.puts "\t\t<testcase classname=\"#{@unit_name}\" name=\"#{item[:test]}\" time=\"0\">"160 stream.puts "\t\t\t<failure message=\"#{item[:message]}\" type=\"Assertion\"/>"161 stream.puts "\t\t\t<system-err>&#xD;[File] #{filename}&#xD;[Line] #{item[:line]}&#xD;</system-err>"162 stream.puts "\t\t</testcase>"163 end164 end165 def write_tests(results, stream)166 result = results[:successes]167 result.each do |item|168 stream.puts "\t\t<testcase classname=\"#{@unit_name}\" name=\"#{item[:test]}\" time=\"0\" />"169 end170 end171 def write_ignored(results, stream)172 result = results[:ignores]173 result.each do |item|174 filename = File.join(results[:source][:path], File.basename(results[:source][:file], '.*'))175 puts "Writing ignored tests for test harness: #{filename}"176 stream.puts "\t\t<testcase classname=\"#{@unit_name}\" name=\"#{item[:test]}\" time=\"0\">"177 stream.puts "\t\t\t<skipped message=\"#{item[:message]}\" type=\"Assertion\"/>"178 stream.puts "\t\t\t<system-err>&#xD;[File] #{filename}&#xD;[Line] #{item[:line]}&#xD;</system-err>"179 stream.puts "\t\t</testcase>"180 end181 end182 def write_suite_footer(stream)183 stream.puts "\t</testsuite>"184 end185 def write_suites_footer(stream)186 stream.puts '</testsuites>'187 end188end # UnityToJUnit189if __FILE__ == $0...

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Source:_mapped_column_headers.html.haml_spec.rb Github


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...22 let(:import) { FactoryGirl.create(:import, fields_mapping: fields_mapping) }23 let(:original_header_name) { 'test' }24 let(:new_header_name) { 'test2' }25 let(:fields_mapping) { {} }26 describe 'unignored/active mapped column headers' do27 let(:fields_mapping) { { original_header_name => new_header_name } }28 it 'outputs the legacy and new column header names' do29 expect(subject).to have_css "[data-describe='mapped-column-header']"30 and_it 'shows the original name' do31 expect(subject).to have_selector "[data-describe='original-column-header']", text: original_header_name32 end33 and_it 'shows the new name' do34 expect(subject).to have_selector "[data-describe='new-column-header']", text: new_header_name35 end36 end37 end38 describe 'ignored column headers' do39 context 'when there are no ignored columns' do40 let(:fields_mapping) { { original_header_name => new_header_name } }41 it 'does not show the ignored columns' do42 expect(subject).not_to have_css "[data-describe='ignored-columns']"43 end44 end45 context 'when there are ignored columns' do46 let(:ignored_header_column) { 'ignore_me' }47 let(:fields_mapping) { { ignored_header_column => 'ignore_column' } }48 it 'shows the ignored columns' do49 expect(subject).to have_css "[data-describe='ignored-columns']"50 and_it 'lists the name of the ignored column' do51 expect(subject).to have_selector "[data-describe='ignored-column-header']", text: ignored_header_column52 end53 end54 end55 end56 end57end...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1h.method_missing(:ignored)2h.method_missing(:ignored, 1)3h.method_missing(:ignored, 1, 2)4h.method_missing(:ignored, 1, 2, 3)5h.method_missing(:ignored)6h.method_missing(:ignored, 1)7h.method_missing(:ignored, 1, 2)8h.method_missing(:ignored, 1, 2, 3)9h.method_missing(:ignored)10h.method_missing(:ignored, 1)11h.method_missing(:ignored, 1, 2)12h.method_missing(:ignored, 1, 2, 3)

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