How to use collect method of class

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...155 int x = minPt.x();156 int y = minPt.y();157 return new int[]{x, y, minVal};158 }159 private static int collect(int strictness, List<Region> found, boolean findAll, RobotBase robot, Mat source, Mat target, double scale) {160 int targetWidth = target.cols();161 int targetHeight = target.rows();162 int targetMinVal = targetWidth * targetHeight * TARGET_MINVAL_FACTOR * strictness; 163 Mat result = new Mat();164 int[] minData = templateAndMin(strictness, scale, source, target, result);165 int minValue = minData[2];166 if (minValue > targetMinVal) {167 logger.debug("no match at scale {}, minVal: {} / {} at {}:{}", scale, minValue, targetMinVal, minData[0], minData[1]);168 if (robot != null && robot.debug) {169 Rect rect = new Rect(minData[0], minData[1], targetWidth, targetHeight);170 Mat temp = drawOnImage(source, rect, Scalar.RED);171 show(temp, scale + " " + minData[0] + ":" + minData[1] + " " + minValue + " / " + targetMinVal);172 }173 return minData[2];174 }175 logger.debug("found match at scale {}, minVal: {} / {} at {}:{}", scale, minValue, targetMinVal, minData[0], minData[1]);176 if (findAll) {177 List<int[]> points = getPointsBelowThreshold(result, targetMinVal);178 for (int[] p : points) {179 Region region = toRegion(robot, p, scale, targetWidth, targetHeight);180 found.add(region);181 }182 } else {183 Region region = toRegion(robot, minData, scale, targetWidth, targetHeight);184 found.add(region);185 }186 return minValue;187 }188 public static List<Region> find(int strictness, boolean findAll, RobotBase robot, Mat source, Mat target, boolean resize) {189 List<Region> found = new ArrayList();190 collect(strictness, found, findAll, robot, source, target, 1);191 if (!found.isEmpty()) {192 return found;193 }194 int stepUp = collect(strictness, found, findAll, robot, source, target, 1.1);195 if (!found.isEmpty()) {196 return found;197 }198 int stepDown = collect(strictness, found, findAll, robot, source, target, 0.9);199 if (!found.isEmpty()) {200 return found;201 }202 boolean goUpFirst = stepUp < stepDown;203 for (int step = 2; step < 6; step++) {204 double scale = 1 + 0.1 * step * (goUpFirst ? 1 : -1);205 collect(strictness, found, findAll, robot, source, target, scale);206 }207 if (!findAll && !found.isEmpty()) {208 return found;209 }210 for (int step = 2; step < 6; step++) {211 double scale = 1 + 0.1 * step * (goUpFirst ? -1 : 1);212 collect(strictness, found, findAll, robot, source, target, scale);213 } 214 return found;215 }216 public static Mat loadAndShowOrExit(File file, int flags) {217 Mat image = read(file, flags);218 show(image, file.getName());219 return image;220 }221 public static BufferedImage readImageAsGreyScale(File file) {222 Mat mat = read(file, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);223 return toBufferedImage(mat);224 }225 public static byte[] toBytes(BufferedImage img) {226 ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import org.opencv.core.Core3import org.opencv.core.Mat4import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint5import org.opencv.core.Point6import org.opencv.core.Rect7import org.opencv.core.Scalar8import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs9import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc10def mat = OpenCvUtils.loadImage(image)11def gray = new Mat()12Imgproc.cvtColor(mat, gray, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)13def thresh = new Mat()14Imgproc.threshold(gray, thresh, 0, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY_INV + Imgproc.THRESH_OTSU)15def contours = new MatOfPoint()16Imgproc.findContours(thresh, contours, new Mat(), Imgproc.RETR_TREE, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)17def result = OpenCvUtils.collect(contours) { contour ->18 def rect = Imgproc.boundingRect(contour)19 def area = Imgproc.contourArea(contour)20 def perimeter = Imgproc.arcLength(new MatOfPoint2f(contour), true)21 def image = OpenCvUtils.drawContour(mat, contour)22}23Imgcodecs.imwrite(output, image)24* def mat = OpenCvUtils.loadImage(image)25* def gray = new Mat()26* Imgproc.cvtColor(mat, gray, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)27* def thresh = new Mat()28* Imgproc.threshold(gray, thresh, 0, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY_INV + Imgproc.THRESH_OTSU)29* def contours = new MatOfPoint()30* Imgproc.findContours(thresh, contours,

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1def collect = OpenCvUtils.collect('/path/to/image1.png', '/path/to/image2.png')2def match = OpenCvUtils.match('/path/to/image1.png', '/path/to/image2.png')3def find = OpenCvUtils.find('/path/to/image1.png', '/path/to/image2.png')4def find = OpenCvUtils.find('/path/to/image1.png', '/path/to/image2.png', 0.8)5def find = OpenCvUtils.find('/path/to/image1.png', '/path/to/image2.png', 0.8, 0.5)6def find = OpenCvUtils.find('/path/to/image1.png', '/path/to/image2.png', 0.8, 0.5, 0.5)7def find = OpenCvUtils.find('/path/to/image1.png', '/path/to/image2.png', 0.8, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)8def find = OpenCvUtils.find('/path/to/image1.png', '/path/to/image2.png', 0.8, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)9def find = OpenCvUtils.find('/path/to/image1.png', '/path/to/image2.png', 0.8, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)10def find = OpenCvUtils.find('/path/to/image1.png',

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1* def opencv = read('classpath:com/intuit/karate/robot/')2* def collect = opencv['collect(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)']3* def images = collect(path, 'png')4* def opencv = read('classpath:com/intuit/karate/robot/')5* def collect = opencv['collect(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)']6* def images = collect(path, 'png')7* def opencv = read('classpath:com/intuit/karate/robot/')8* def collect = opencv['collect(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)']9* def images = collect(path, 'png')

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1import org.opencv.core.Mat3import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint4* def image ='classpath:opencv/contours.png')5* def allContours = OpenCvUtils.collect(image, OpenCvUtils.FIND_CONTOURS_SIMPLE)6* match allContours.size() == 187* def filteredContours = allContours.findAll { OpenCvUtils.area(it) > 1000 }8* match filteredContours.size() == 49* def contours = OpenCvUtils.collect(image, OpenCvUtils.FIND_CONTOURS_SIMPLE, { OpenCvUtils.area(it) > 1000 })10* match contours.size() == 411* def contours = OpenCvUtils.collect(image, OpenCvUtils.FIND_CONTOURS_SIMPLE, { OpenCvUtils.area(it) > 1000 }, { OpenCvUtils.boundingRect(it) })12* match contours.size() == 413* def contours = OpenCvUtils.collect(image, OpenCvUtils.FIND_CONTOURS_SIMPLE, { OpenCvUtils.area(it) > 1000 }, { OpenCvUtils.boundingRect(it) }, { it[0].x })14* match contours.size() == 415* def contours = OpenCvUtils.collect(image, OpenCvUtils.FIND_CONTOURS_SIMPLE, { OpenCvUtils.area(it) > 1000 }, { OpenCvUtils.boundingRect(it) }, { it[0].x }, { it.sort() })16* match contours.size() == 417import org.opencv.core.Mat19import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint20* def image ='classpath:opencv/contours.png')

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1def template = collect('template.png')2def match = collect('match.png')3def result = template.match(match, 0.6)4def match ='template.png', 'match.png', 0.6)5def match ='template.png', 'match.png', 0.6)6def match ='template.png', 'match.png', 0.6)7def match ='template.png', 'match.png', 0.6)8def match ='template.png', 'match.png', 0.6)9def match ='template.png', 'match.png', 0.6)10def match ='template.png', 'match.png', 0.6)11def match ='template.png', 'match.png', 0.6)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1* def robot = read('classpath:robot/robot.feature')2* def image = read('classpath:robot/robot.png')3* def gray = robot.toGray(image)4* def hsv = robot.toHsv(image)5* def red = robot.toRed(hsv)6* def contours = robot.findContours(red)7* def largest = robot.largestContour(contours)8* def result = robot.drawRectangle(image, largest)9* def expected = read('classpath:robot/robot-largest.png')10* def robot = read('classpath:robot/robot.feature')11* def image = read('classpath:robot/robot.png')12* def gray = robot.toGray(image)13* def hsv = robot.toHsv(image)14* def red = robot.toRed(hsv)15* def contours = robot.findContours(red)16* def smallest = robot.smallestContour(contours)17* def result = robot.drawRectangle(image, smallest)18* def expected = read('classpath:robot/robot-smallest.png')19* def robot = read('classpath:robot/robot.feature')20* def image = read('classpath:robot/robot.png')

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1* def images = OpenCvUtils.collect()2* match images.size() == 13* match images[0].name.startsWith('data/2020-06-20T15:09:07')4* match images[0].name.endsWith('.png')5* def images = OpenCvUtils.collect('data', 'png')6* match images.size() == 17* match images[0].name.startsWith('data/2020-06-20T15:09:07')8* match images[0].name.endsWith('.png')9* def images = OpenCvUtils.collect('data', 'png', 1)10* match images.size() == 111* match images[0].name.startsWith('data/2020-06-20T15:09:07')12* match images[0].name.endsWith('.png')13* def images = OpenCvUtils.collect('data', 'png', 1, 1000)14* match images.size() == 115* match images[0].name.startsWith('data/2020-06-20T15:09:07')16* match images[0].name.endsWith('.png')

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1def image =, 3, 3, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])2def matrix = bytes = base64 = toBase64(bytes) {6 Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bytes)7}8def toBytes(base64) {9 Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64)10}11def toMat(image) {12 MatOfByte mob = new MatOfByte()13 Highgui.imencode(".jpg", image, mob)14 Mat mat = new Mat(1, mob.toArray().length, CvType.CV_8UC1)15 mat.put(0, 0, mob.toArray())16}17def toBufferedImage(mat) {18 MatOfByte mob = new MatOfByte()19 Highgui.imencode(".jpg", mat, mob)20 InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(mob.toArray())21 BufferedImage image =}23def toBufferedImage(width, height, channels, values) {24 if (total != values.size()) {25 throw new RuntimeException('invalid values size: ' + values.size())

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