Best Assertj code snippet using org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert.internalFilteredOn
...2418 */2419 @CheckReturnValue2420 public <T> SELF filteredOn(Function<? super ELEMENT, T> function, T expectedValue) {2421 checkArgument(function != null, "The filter function should not be null");2422 // call internalFilteredOn to avoid double proxying in soft assertions2423 return internalFilteredOn(element -> java.util.Objects.equals(function.apply(element), expectedValue));2424 }2425 /**2426 * Filters the iterable under test keeping only elements matching the given assertions specified with a {@link Consumer}.2427 * <p>2428 * Example : check young hobbits whose age < 34:2429 *2430 * <pre><code class='java'> TolkienCharacter pippin = new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT);2431 * TolkienCharacter frodo = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT);2432 * TolkienCharacter merry = new TolkienCharacter("Merry", 36, HOBBIT);2433 * TolkienCharacter sam = new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT);2434 *2435 * List<TolkienCharacter> hobbits = list(frodo, sam, merry, pippin);2436 *2437 * assertThat(hobbits).filteredOnAssertions(hobbit -> assertThat(hobbit.age).isLessThan(34))2438 * .containsOnly(frodo, pippin);</code></pre>2439 *2440 * @param elementAssertions containing AssertJ assertions to filter on2441 * @return a new assertion object with the filtered iterable under test2442 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given predicate is {@code null}.2443 * @since 3.11.02444 */2445 public SELF filteredOnAssertions(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> elementAssertions) {2446 checkArgument(elementAssertions != null, "The element assertions should not be null");2447 List<? extends ELEMENT> filteredIterable = stream(actual.spliterator(), false).filter(byPassingAssertions(elementAssertions))2448 .collect(toList());2449 return newAbstractIterableAssert(filteredIterable).withAssertionState(myself);2450 }2451 // navigable assertions2452 /**2453 * Navigate and allow to perform assertions on the first element of the {@link Iterable} under test.2454 * <p>2455 * By default available assertions after {@code first()} are {@code Object} assertions, it is possible though to2456 * get more specific assertions if you create {@code IterableAssert} with either:2457 * <ul>2458 * <li>the element assert class, see: {@link Assertions#assertThat(Iterable, Class) assertThat(Iterable, element assert class)}</li>2459 * <li>an assert factory used that knows how to create elements assertion, see: {@link Assertions#assertThat(Iterable, AssertFactory) assertThat(Iterable, element assert factory)}</li>2460 * </ul>2461 * <p>2462 * Example: default {@code Object} assertions2463 * <pre><code class='java'> // default iterable assert => element assert is ObjectAssert2464 * Iterable<TolkienCharacter> hobbits = newArrayList(frodo, sam, pippin);2465 *2466 * // assertion succeeds, only Object assertions are available after first()2467 * assertThat(hobbits).first()2468 * .isEqualTo(frodo);2469 *2470 * // assertion fails2471 * assertThat(hobbits).first()2472 * .isEqualTo(pippin);</code></pre>2473 * <p>2474 * If you have created the Iterable assertion using an {@link AssertFactory} or the element assert class,2475 * you will be able to chain {@code first()} with more specific typed assertion.2476 * <p>2477 * Example: use of {@code String} assertions after {@code first()}2478 * <pre><code class='java'> Iterable<String> hobbits = newArrayList("Frodo", "Sam", "Pippin");2479 *2480 * // assertion succeeds2481 * // String assertions are available after first()2482 * assertThat(hobbits, StringAssert.class).first()2483 * .startsWith("Fro")2484 * .endsWith("do");2485 * // assertion fails2486 * assertThat(hobbits, StringAssert.class).first()2487 * .startsWith("Pip");</code></pre>2488 *2489 * @return the assertion on the first element2490 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@link Iterable} is empty.2491 * @since 2.5.0 / 3.5.02492 * @see #first(InstanceOfAssertFactory)2493 */2494 @CheckReturnValue2495 public ELEMENT_ASSERT first() {2496 return internalFirst();2497 }2498 /**2499 * Navigate and allow to perform assertions on the first element of the {@link Iterable} under test.2500 * <p>2501 * The {@code assertFactory} parameter allows to specify an {@link InstanceOfAssertFactory}, which is used to get the2502 * assertions narrowed to the factory type.2503 * <p>2504 * Example: use of {@code String} assertions after {@code first(as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING)}2505 * <pre><code class='java'> Iterable<String> hobbits = newArrayList("Frodo", "Sam", "Pippin");2506 *2507 * // assertion succeeds2508 * assertThat(hobbits).first(as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING))2509 * .startsWith("Fro")2510 * .endsWith("do");2511 * // assertion fails2512 * assertThat(hobbits).first(as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING))2513 * .startsWith("Pip");2514 * // assertion fails because of wrong factory type2515 * assertThat(hobbits).first(as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.INTEGER))2516 * .isZero();</code></pre>2517 *2518 * @param <ASSERT> the type of the resulting {@code Assert}2519 * @param assertFactory the factory which verifies the type and creates the new {@code Assert}2520 * @return a new narrowed {@link Assert} instance for assertions chaining on the first element2521 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@link Iterable} is empty.2522 * @throws NullPointerException if the given factory is {@code null}2523 * @since 3.14.02524 */2525 @CheckReturnValue2526 public <ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<?, ?>> ASSERT first(InstanceOfAssertFactory<?, ASSERT> assertFactory) {2527 return internalFirst().asInstanceOf(assertFactory);2528 }2529 private ELEMENT_ASSERT internalFirst() {2530 isNotEmpty();2531 return toAssert(actual.iterator().next(), navigationDescription("check first element"));2532 }2533 /**2534 * Navigate and allow to perform assertions on the last element of the {@link Iterable} under test.2535 * <p>2536 * By default available assertions after {@code last()} are {@code Object} assertions, it is possible though to2537 * get more specific assertions if you create {@code IterableAssert} with either:2538 * <ul>2539 * <li>the element assert class, see: {@link Assertions#assertThat(Iterable, Class) assertThat(Iterable, element assert class)}</li>2540 * <li>an assert factory used that knows how to create elements assertion, see: {@link Assertions#assertThat(Iterable, AssertFactory) assertThat(Iterable, element assert factory)}</li>2541 * </ul>2542 * <p>2543 * Example: default {@code Object} assertions2544 * <pre><code class='java'> // default iterable assert => element assert is ObjectAssert2545 * Iterable<TolkienCharacter> hobbits = newArrayList(frodo, sam, pippin);2546 *2547 * // assertion succeeds, only Object assertions are available after last()2548 * assertThat(hobbits).last()2549 * .isEqualTo(pippin);2550 *2551 * // assertion fails2552 * assertThat(hobbits).last()2553 * .isEqualTo(frodo);</code></pre>2554 * <p>2555 * If you have created the Iterable assertion using an {@link AssertFactory} or the element assert class,2556 * you will be able to chain {@code last()} with more specific typed assertion.2557 * <p>2558 * Example: use of {@code String} assertions after {@code last()}2559 * <pre><code class='java'> Iterable<String> hobbits = newArrayList("Frodo", "Sam", "Pippin");2560 *2561 * // assertion succeeds2562 * // String assertions are available after last()2563 * assertThat(hobbits, StringAssert.class).last()2564 * .startsWith("Pi")2565 * .endsWith("in");2566 * // assertion fails2567 * assertThat(hobbits, StringAssert.class).last()2568 * .startsWith("Fro");</code></pre>2569 *2570 * @return the assertion on the last element2571 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@link Iterable} is empty.2572 * @since 2.5.0 / 3.5.02573 * @see #last(InstanceOfAssertFactory)2574 */2575 @CheckReturnValue2576 public ELEMENT_ASSERT last() {2577 return internalLast();2578 }2579 /**2580 * Navigate and allow to perform assertions on the last element of the {@link Iterable} under test.2581 * <p>2582 * The {@code assertFactory} parameter allows to specify an {@link InstanceOfAssertFactory}, which is used to get the2583 * assertions narrowed to the factory type.2584 * <p>2585 * Example: use of {@code String} assertions after {@code last(as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING)}2586 * <pre><code class='java'> Iterable<String> hobbits = newArrayList("Frodo", "Sam", "Pippin");2587 *2588 * // assertion succeeds2589 * assertThat(hobbits).last(as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING))2590 * .startsWith("Pip")2591 * .endsWith("pin");2592 * // assertion fails2593 * assertThat(hobbits).last(as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING))2594 * .startsWith("Fro");2595 * // assertion fails because of wrong factory type2596 * assertThat(hobbits).last(as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.INTEGER))2597 * .isZero();</code></pre>2598 *2599 * @param <ASSERT> the type of the resulting {@code Assert}2600 * @param assertFactory the factory which verifies the type and creates the new {@code Assert}2601 * @return a new narrowed {@link Assert} instance for assertions chaining on the last element2602 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@link Iterable} is empty.2603 * @throws NullPointerException if the given factory is {@code null}2604 * @since 3.14.02605 */2606 @CheckReturnValue2607 public <ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<?, ?>> ASSERT last(InstanceOfAssertFactory<?, ASSERT> assertFactory) {2608 return internalLast().asInstanceOf(assertFactory);2609 }2610 private ELEMENT_ASSERT internalLast() {2611 isNotEmpty();2612 return toAssert(lastElement(), navigationDescription("check last element"));2613 }2614 private ELEMENT lastElement() {2615 if (actual instanceof List) {2616 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")2617 List<? extends ELEMENT> list = (List<? extends ELEMENT>) actual;2618 return list.get(list.size() - 1);2619 }2620 Iterator<? extends ELEMENT> actualIterator = actual.iterator();2621 ELEMENT last =;2622 while (actualIterator.hasNext()) {2623 last =;2624 }2625 return last;2626 }2627 /**2628 * Navigate and allow to perform assertions on the chosen element of the {@link Iterable} under test.2629 * <p>2630 * By default available assertions after {@code element(index)} are {@code Object} assertions, it is possible though to2631 * get more specific assertions if you create {@code IterableAssert} with either:2632 * <ul>2633 * <li>the element assert class, see: {@link Assertions#assertThat(Iterable, Class) assertThat(Iterable, element assert class)}</li>2634 * <li>an assert factory used that knows how to create elements assertion, see: {@link Assertions#assertThat(Iterable, AssertFactory) assertThat(Iterable, element assert factory)}</li>2635 * </ul>2636 * <p>2637 * Example: default {@code Object} assertions2638 * <pre><code class='java'> // default iterable assert => element assert is ObjectAssert2639 * Iterable<TolkienCharacter> hobbits = newArrayList(frodo, sam, pippin);2640 *2641 * // assertion succeeds, only Object assertions are available after element(index)2642 * assertThat(hobbits).element(1)2643 * .isEqualTo(sam);2644 *2645 * // assertion fails2646 * assertThat(hobbits).element(1)2647 * .isEqualTo(pippin);</code></pre>2648 * <p>2649 * If you have created the Iterable assertion using an {@link AssertFactory} or the element assert class,2650 * you will be able to chain {@code element(index)} with more specific typed assertion.2651 * <p>2652 * Example: use of {@code String} assertions after {@code element(index)}2653 * <pre><code class='java'> Iterable<String> hobbits = newArrayList("Frodo", "Sam", "Pippin");2654 *2655 * // assertion succeeds2656 * // String assertions are available after element(index)2657 * assertThat(hobbits, StringAssert.class).element(1)2658 * .startsWith("Sa")2659 * .endsWith("am");2660 * // assertion fails2661 * assertThat(hobbits, StringAssert.class).element(1)2662 * .startsWith("Fro");</code></pre>2663 *2664 * @param index the element's index2665 * @return the assertion on the given element2666 * @throws AssertionError if the given index is out of bound.2667 * @since 2.5.0 / 3.5.02668 * @see #element(int, InstanceOfAssertFactory)2669 */2670 @CheckReturnValue2671 public ELEMENT_ASSERT element(int index) {2672 return internalElement(index);2673 }2674 /**2675 * Navigate and allow to perform assertions on the chosen element of the {@link Iterable} under test.2676 * <p>2677 * The {@code assertFactory} parameter allows to specify an {@link InstanceOfAssertFactory}, which is used to get the2678 * assertions narrowed to the factory type.2679 * <p>2680 * Example: use of {@code String} assertions after {@code element(index, as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING)}2681 * <pre><code class='java'> Iterable<String> hobbits = newArrayList("Frodo", "Sam", "Pippin");2682 *2683 * // assertion succeeds2684 * assertThat(hobbits).element(1, as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING))2685 * .startsWith("Sa")2686 * .endsWith("am");2687 * // assertion fails2688 * assertThat(hobbits).element(1, as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING))2689 * .startsWith("Fro");2690 * // assertion fails because of wrong factory type2691 * assertThat(hobbits).element(1, as(InstanceOfAssertFactories.INTEGER))2692 * .isZero();</code></pre>2693 *2694 * @param <ASSERT> the type of the resulting {@code Assert}2695 * @param index the element's index2696 * @param assertFactory the factory which verifies the type and creates the new {@code Assert}2697 * @return a new narrowed {@link Assert} instance for assertions chaining on the element at the given index2698 * @throws AssertionError if the given index is out of bound.2699 * @throws NullPointerException if the given factory is {@code null}2700 * @since 3.14.02701 */2702 @CheckReturnValue2703 public <ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<?, ?>> ASSERT element(int index, InstanceOfAssertFactory<?, ASSERT> assertFactory) {2704 return internalElement(index).asInstanceOf(assertFactory);2705 }2706 private ELEMENT_ASSERT internalElement(int index) {2707 isNotEmpty();2708 assertThat(index).describedAs(navigationDescription("check index validity"))2709 .isBetween(0, IterableUtil.sizeOf(actual) - 1);2710 ELEMENT elementAtIndex;2711 if (actual instanceof List) {2712 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")2713 List<? extends ELEMENT> list = (List<? extends ELEMENT>) actual;2714 elementAtIndex = list.get(index);2715 } else {2716 Iterator<? extends ELEMENT> actualIterator = actual.iterator();2717 for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {2718;2719 }2720 elementAtIndex =;2721 }2722 return toAssert(elementAtIndex, navigationDescription("element at index " + index));2723 }2724 /**2725 * Verifies that the {@link Iterable} under test contains a single element and allows to perform assertions that element.2726 * <p>2727 * This is a shorthand for <code>hasSize(1).first()</code>.2728 * <p>2729 * By default available assertions after {@code singleElement()} are {@code Object} assertions, it is possible though to2730 * get more specific assertions if you create {@code IterableAssert} with either:2731 * <ul>2732 * <li>the element assert class, see: {@link Assertions#assertThat(Iterable, Class) assertThat(Iterable, element assert class)}</li>2733 * <li>an assert factory used that knows how to create elements assertion, see: {@link Assertions#assertThat(Iterable, AssertFactory) assertThat(Iterable, element assert factory)}</li>2734 * <li>the general <code>assertThat(Iterable)</code> and narrow down the single element with an assert factory, see: {@link #singleElement(InstanceOfAssertFactory) singleElement(element assert factory)}</li>2735 * </ul>2736 * <p>2737 * Example: default {@code Object} assertions2738 * <pre><code class='java'> List<String> babySimpsons = list("Maggie");2739 *2740 * // assertion succeeds, only Object assertions are available after singleElement()2741 * assertThat(babySimpsons).singleElement()2742 * .isEqualTo("Maggie");2743 *2744 * // assertion fails2745 * assertThat(babySimpsons).singleElement()2746 * .isEqualTo("Homer");2747 *2748 * // assertion fails because list contains no elements2749 * assertThat(emptyList()).singleElement();2750 *2751 *2752 * // assertion fails because list contains more than one element2753 * List<String> simpsons = list("Homer", "Marge", "Lisa", "Bart", "Maggie");2754 * assertThat(simpsons).singleElement();</code></pre>2755 * <p>2756 * If you have created the Iterable assertion using an {@link AssertFactory} or the element assert class,2757 * you will be able to chain {@code singleElement()} with more specific typed assertion.2758 * <p>2759 * Example: use of {@code String} assertions after {@code singleElement()}2760 * <pre><code class='java'> List<String> babySimpsons = list("Maggie");2761 *2762 * // assertion succeeds2763 * // String assertions are available after singleElement()2764 * assertThat(babySimpsons, StringAssert.class).singleElement()2765 * .startsWith("Mag");2766 *2767 * // InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING is an AssertFactory for String assertions2768 * assertThat(babySimpsons, InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING).singleElement()2769 * .startsWith("Mag");2770 * // better readability with import static InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING and Assertions.as2771 * assertThat(babySimpsons, as(STRING)).singleElement()2772 * .startsWith("Mag");2773 *2774 * // assertions fail2775 * assertThat(babySimpsons, StringAssert.class).singleElement()2776 * .startsWith("Lis");2777 * // failure as the single element is not an int/Integer2778 * assertThat(babySimpsons, IntegerAssert.class).singleElement()2779 * .startsWith("Lis");</code></pre>2780 *2781 * @return the assertion on the first element2782 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@link Iterable} does not contain exactly one element.2783 * @since 3.17.02784 * @see #singleElement(InstanceOfAssertFactory)2785 */2786 @CheckReturnValue2787 public ELEMENT_ASSERT singleElement() {2788 return internalSingleElement();2789 }2790 /**2791 * Verifies that the {@link Iterable} under test contains a single element and allows to perform assertions on that element.<br>2792 * The assertions are strongly typed according to the given {@link AssertFactory} parameter.2793 * <p>2794 * This is a shorthand for <code>hasSize(1).first(assertFactory)</code>.2795 * <p>2796 * Example: use of {@code String} assertions after {@code singleElement(as(STRING)}2797 * <pre><code class='java'> import static org.assertj.core.api.InstanceOfAssertFactories.STRING;2798 * import static org.assertj.core.api.InstanceOfAssertFactories.INTEGER;2799 * import static; // syntactic sugar2800 *2801 * List<String> babySimpsons = list("Maggie");2802 *2803 * // assertion succeeds2804 * assertThat(babySimpsons).singleElement(as(STRING))2805 * .startsWith("Mag");2806 *2807 * // assertion fails2808 * assertThat(babySimpsons).singleElement(as(STRING))2809 * .startsWith("Lis");2810 *2811 * // assertion fails because of wrong factory type2812 * assertThat(babySimpsons).singleElement(as(INTEGER))2813 * .isZero();2814 *2815 * // assertion fails because list contains no elements2816 * assertThat(emptyList()).singleElement(as(STRING));2817 *2818 * // assertion fails because list contains more than one element2819 * List<String> simpsons = list("Homer", "Marge", "Lisa", "Bart", "Maggie");2820 * assertThat(simpsons).singleElement(as(STRING));</code></pre>2821 *2822 * @param <ASSERT> the type of the resulting {@code Assert}2823 * @param assertFactory the factory which verifies the type and creates the new {@code Assert}2824 * @return a new narrowed {@link Assert} instance for assertions chaining on the single element2825 * @throws AssertionError if the actual {@link Iterable} does not contain exactly one element.2826 * @throws NullPointerException if the given factory is {@code null}.2827 * @since 3.17.02828 */2829 @CheckReturnValue2830 public <ASSERT extends AbstractAssert<?, ?>> ASSERT singleElement(InstanceOfAssertFactory<?, ASSERT> assertFactory) {2831 return internalSingleElement().asInstanceOf(assertFactory);2832 }2833 private ELEMENT_ASSERT internalSingleElement() {2834 iterables.assertHasSize(info, actual, 1);2835 return internalFirst();2836 }2837 protected abstract ELEMENT_ASSERT toAssert(ELEMENT value, String description);2838 protected String navigationDescription(String propertyName) {2839 String text = descriptionText();2840 if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(text)) {2841 text = removeAssert(this.getClass().getSimpleName());2842 }2843 return text + " " + propertyName;2844 }2845 private static String removeAssert(String text) {2846 return text.endsWith(ASSERT) ? text.substring(0, text.length() - ASSERT.length()) : text;2847 }2848 /**2849 * Filters the iterable under test keeping only elements matching the given {@link Predicate}.2850 * <p>2851 * Example : check old employees whose age > 100:2852 *2853 * <pre><code class='java'> Employee yoda = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);2854 * Employee obiwan = new Employee(2L, new Name("Obiwan"), 800);2855 * Employee luke = new Employee(3L, new Name("Luke", "Skywalker"), 26);2856 *2857 * List<Employee> employees = newArrayList(yoda, luke, obiwan);2858 *2859 * assertThat(employees).filteredOn(employee -> employee.getAge() > 100)2860 * .containsOnly(yoda, obiwan);</code></pre>2861 *2862 * @param predicate the filter predicate2863 * @return a new assertion object with the filtered iterable under test2864 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given predicate is {@code null}.2865 */2866 public SELF filteredOn(Predicate<? super ELEMENT> predicate) {2867 return internalFilteredOn(predicate);2868 }2869 /**2870 * {@inheritDoc}2871 */2872 @Override2873 public SELF allMatch(Predicate<? super ELEMENT> predicate) {2874 iterables.assertAllMatch(info, actual, predicate, PredicateDescription.GIVEN);2875 return myself;2876 }2877 /**2878 * {@inheritDoc}2879 */2880 @Override2881 public SELF allMatch(Predicate<? super ELEMENT> predicate, String predicateDescription) {2882 iterables.assertAllMatch(info, actual, predicate, new PredicateDescription(predicateDescription));2883 return myself;2884 }2885 /**2886 * {@inheritDoc}2887 */2888 @Override2889 public SELF allSatisfy(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> requirements) {2890 iterables.assertAllSatisfy(info, actual, requirements);2891 return myself;2892 }2893 @Override2894 public SELF anyMatch(Predicate<? super ELEMENT> predicate) {2895 iterables.assertAnyMatch(info, actual, predicate, PredicateDescription.GIVEN);2896 return myself;2897 }2898 /**2899 * Verifies that the zipped pairs of actual and other elements, i.e: (actual 1st element, other 1st element), (actual 2nd element, other 2nd element), ...2900 * all satisfy the given {@code zipRequirements}.2901 * <p>2902 * This assertion assumes that actual and other have the same size but they can contain different type of elements2903 * making it handy to compare objects converted to another type, for example Domain and View/DTO objects.2904 * <p>2905 * Example:2906 * <pre><code class='java'> List<Adress> addressModels = findGoodRestaurants();2907 * List<AdressView> addressViews = convertToView(addressModels);2908 *2909 * // compare addressViews and addressModels respective paired elements.2910 * assertThat(addressViews).zipSatisfy(addressModels, (AdressView view, Adress model) -> {2911 * assertThat(view.getZipcode() + ' ' + view.getCity()).isEqualTo(model.getCityLine());2912 * assertThat(view.getStreet()).isEqualTo(model.getStreet().toUpperCase());2913 * });</code></pre>2914 *2915 * @param <OTHER_ELEMENT> the type of the other iterable elements.2916 * @param other the iterable to zip actual with.2917 * @param zipRequirements the given requirements that each pair must satisfy.2918 * @return {@code this} assertion object.2919 * @throws NullPointerException if the given zipRequirements {@link BiConsumer} is {@code null}.2920 * @throws NullPointerException if the other iterable to zip actual with is {@code null}.2921 * @throws AssertionError if the {@code Iterable} under test is {@code null}.2922 * @throws AssertionError if actual and other don't have the same size.2923 * @throws AssertionError if one or more pairs don't satisfy the given requirements.2924 * @since 3.9.02925 */2926 public <OTHER_ELEMENT> SELF zipSatisfy(Iterable<OTHER_ELEMENT> other,2927 BiConsumer<? super ELEMENT, OTHER_ELEMENT> zipRequirements) {2928 iterables.assertZipSatisfy(info, actual, other, zipRequirements);2929 return myself;2930 }2931 /**2932 * {@inheritDoc}2933 */2934 @Override2935 public SELF anySatisfy(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> requirements) {2936 iterables.assertAnySatisfy(info, actual, requirements);2937 return myself;2938 }2939 /**2940 * {@inheritDoc}2941 */2942 @Override2943 public SELF noneSatisfy(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> restrictions) {2944 iterables.assertNoneSatisfy(info, actual, restrictions);2945 return myself;2946 }2947 // override methods to avoid compilation error when chaining an AbstractAssert method with a AbstractIterableAssert2948 // one on raw types.2949 @Override2950 @CheckReturnValue2951 public SELF as(String description, Object... args) {2952 return, args);2953 }2954 @Override2955 @CheckReturnValue2956 public SELF as(Description description) {2957 return;2958 }2959 @Override2960 @CheckReturnValue2961 public SELF describedAs(Description description) {2962 return super.describedAs(description);2963 }2964 @Override2965 @CheckReturnValue2966 public SELF describedAs(String description, Object... args) {2967 return super.describedAs(description, args);2968 }2969 @Override2970 public SELF doesNotHave(Condition<? super ACTUAL> condition) {2971 return super.doesNotHave(condition);2972 }2973 @Override2974 public SELF doesNotHaveSameClassAs(Object other) {2975 return super.doesNotHaveSameClassAs(other);2976 }2977 @Override2978 public SELF has(Condition<? super ACTUAL> condition) {2979 return super.has(condition);2980 }2981 @Override2982 public SELF hasSameClassAs(Object other) {2983 return super.hasSameClassAs(other);2984 }2985 @Override2986 public SELF hasToString(String expectedToString) {2987 return super.hasToString(expectedToString);2988 }2989 @Override2990 public SELF is(Condition<? super ACTUAL> condition) {2991 return;2992 }2993 @Override2994 public SELF isEqualTo(Object expected) {2995 return super.isEqualTo(expected);2996 }2997 @Override2998 public SELF isExactlyInstanceOf(Class<?> type) {2999 return super.isExactlyInstanceOf(type);3000 }3001 @Override3002 public SELF isIn(Iterable<?> values) {3003 return super.isIn(values);3004 }3005 @Override3006 public SELF isIn(Object... values) {3007 return super.isIn(values);3008 }3009 @Override3010 public SELF isInstanceOf(Class<?> type) {3011 return super.isInstanceOf(type);3012 }3013 @Override3014 public SELF isInstanceOfAny(Class<?>... types) {3015 return super.isInstanceOfAny(types);3016 }3017 @Override3018 public SELF isNot(Condition<? super ACTUAL> condition) {3019 return super.isNot(condition);3020 }3021 @Override3022 public SELF isNotEqualTo(Object other) {3023 return super.isNotEqualTo(other);3024 }3025 @Override3026 public SELF isNotExactlyInstanceOf(Class<?> type) {3027 return super.isNotExactlyInstanceOf(type);3028 }3029 @Override3030 public SELF isNotIn(Iterable<?> values) {3031 return super.isNotIn(values);3032 }3033 @Override3034 public SELF isNotIn(Object... values) {3035 return super.isNotIn(values);3036 }3037 @Override3038 public SELF isNotInstanceOf(Class<?> type) {3039 return super.isNotInstanceOf(type);3040 }3041 @Override3042 public SELF isNotInstanceOfAny(Class<?>... types) {3043 return super.isNotInstanceOfAny(types);3044 }3045 @Override3046 public SELF isNotOfAnyClassIn(Class<?>... types) {3047 return super.isNotOfAnyClassIn(types);3048 }3049 @Override3050 public SELF isNotNull() {3051 return super.isNotNull();3052 }3053 @Override3054 public SELF isNotSameAs(Object other) {3055 return super.isNotSameAs(other);3056 }3057 @Override3058 public SELF isOfAnyClassIn(Class<?>... types) {3059 return super.isOfAnyClassIn(types);3060 }3061 @Override3062 public SELF isSameAs(Object expected) {3063 return super.isSameAs(expected);3064 }3065 @Override3066 public SELF noneMatch(Predicate<? super ELEMENT> predicate) {3067 iterables.assertNoneMatch(info, actual, predicate, PredicateDescription.GIVEN);3068 return myself;3069 }3070 @Override3071 @CheckReturnValue3072 public SELF overridingErrorMessage(String newErrorMessage, Object... args) {3073 return super.overridingErrorMessage(newErrorMessage, args);3074 }3075 @Override3076 @CheckReturnValue3077 public SELF usingDefaultComparator() {3078 return super.usingDefaultComparator();3079 }3080 @Override3081 @CheckReturnValue3082 public SELF usingComparator(Comparator<? super ACTUAL> customComparator) {3083 return usingComparator(customComparator, null);3084 }3085 @Override3086 @CheckReturnValue3087 public SELF usingComparator(Comparator<? super ACTUAL> customComparator, String customComparatorDescription) {3088 return super.usingComparator(customComparator, customComparatorDescription);3089 }3090 @Override3091 @CheckReturnValue3092 public SELF withFailMessage(String newErrorMessage, Object... args) {3093 return super.withFailMessage(newErrorMessage, args);3094 }3095 @Override3096 @CheckReturnValue3097 public SELF withThreadDumpOnError() {3098 return super.withThreadDumpOnError();3099 }3100 /**3101 * Returns an {@code Assert} object that allows performing assertions on the size of the {@link Iterable} under test.3102 * <p>3103 * Once this method is called, the object under test is no longer the {@link Iterable} but its size,3104 * to perform assertions on the {@link Iterable}, call {@link AbstractIterableSizeAssert#returnToIterable()}.3105 * <p>3106 * Example:3107 * <pre><code class='java'> Iterable<Ring> elvesRings = newArrayList(vilya, nenya, narya);3108 *3109 * // assertion will pass:3110 * assertThat(elvesRings).size().isGreaterThan(1)3111 * .isLessThanOrEqualTo(3)3112 * .returnToIterable().contains(narya)3113 * .doesNotContain(oneRing);3114 *3115 * // assertion will fail:3116 * assertThat(elvesRings).size().isGreaterThan(3);</code></pre>3117 *3118 * @return AbstractIterableSizeAssert built with the {@code Iterable}'s size.3119 * @throws NullPointerException if the given {@code Iterable} is {@code null}.3120 */3121 @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })3122 @CheckReturnValue3123 public AbstractIterableSizeAssert<SELF, ACTUAL, ELEMENT, ELEMENT_ASSERT> size() {3124 requireNonNull(actual, "Can not perform assertions on the size of a null iterable.");3125 return new IterableSizeAssert(this, IterableUtil.sizeOf(actual));3126 }3127 // lazy init TypeComparators3128 protected TypeComparators getComparatorsByType() {3129 if (comparatorsByType == null) comparatorsByType = defaultTypeComparators();3130 return comparatorsByType;3131 }3132 // lazy init TypeComparators3133 protected TypeComparators getComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes() {3134 if (comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes == null) comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes = defaultTypeComparators();3135 return comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes;3136 }3137 // use to build the assert instance with a filtered iterable3138 protected abstract SELF newAbstractIterableAssert(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> iterable);3139 @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })3140 @Override3141 SELF withAssertionState(AbstractAssert assertInstance) {3142 if (assertInstance instanceof AbstractIterableAssert) {3143 AbstractIterableAssert iterableAssert = (AbstractIterableAssert) assertInstance;3144 return (SELF) super.withAssertionState(assertInstance).withIterables(iterableAssert.iterables)3145 .withTypeComparators(iterableAssert.comparatorsByType)3146 .withComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames(iterableAssert.comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames)3147 .withComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes(iterableAssert.comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes);3148 }3149 // we can go from ObjectArrayAssert -> IterableAssert when using extracting on an object array3150 if (assertInstance instanceof AbstractObjectArrayAssert) {3151 AbstractObjectArrayAssert objectArrayAssert = (AbstractObjectArrayAssert) assertInstance;3152 return (SELF) super.withAssertionState(assertInstance).withIterables(objectArrayAssert.iterables)3153 .withTypeComparators(objectArrayAssert.comparatorsByType)3154 .withComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames(objectArrayAssert.comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames)3155 .withComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes(objectArrayAssert.comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes);3156 }3157 return super.withAssertionState(assertInstance);3158 }3159 SELF withIterables(Iterables iterables) {3160 this.iterables = iterables;3161 return myself;3162 }3163 SELF withTypeComparators(TypeComparators comparatorsByType) {3164 this.comparatorsByType = comparatorsByType;3165 return myself;3166 }3167 SELF withComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames(Map<String, Comparator<?>> comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames) {3168 this.comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames = comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames;3169 return myself;3170 }3171 SELF withComparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes(TypeComparators comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes) {3172 this.comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes = comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes;3173 return myself;3174 }3175 private SELF internalFilteredOn(Predicate<? super ELEMENT> predicate) {3176 checkArgument(predicate != null, "The filter predicate should not be null");3177 List<? extends ELEMENT> filteredIterable = stream(actual.spliterator(), false).filter(predicate).collect(toList());3178 return newAbstractIterableAssert(filteredIterable).withAssertionState(myself);3179 }3180}...
Using AI Code Generation
1import java.util.Arrays;2import java.util.List;3import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;4public class InternalFilteredOn {5 public static void main(String[] args) {6 List<String> names = Arrays.asList("John", "Jane", "Adam", "Tom");7 Assertions.assertThat(names).internalFilteredOn(name -> name.startsWith("J")).containsOnly("John", "Jane");8 }9}105. internalFilteredOnIn()11public SELF internalFilteredOnIn(Predicate<? super ELEMENT> predicate, Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> iterable)12import java.util.Arrays;13import java.util.List;14import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;15public class InternalFilteredOnIn {16 public static void main(String[] args) {17 List<String> names = Arrays.asList("John", "Jane", "Adam", "Tom");18 Assertions.assertThat(names).internalFilteredOnIn(name -> name.startsWith("J"), Arrays.asList("John", "Jane")).containsOnly("John", "Jane");19 }20}216. internalSatisfies()22public SELF internalSatisfies(Consumer<? super ELEMENT> requirements)
Using AI Code Generation
1import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;2import java.util.Arrays;3import java.util.List;4import org.junit.Test;5public class AssertJTest {6public void test() {7List<String> list = Arrays.asList("abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl");8assertThat(list)9.internalFilteredOn(s -> s.length() > 3)10.containsExactly("def", "ghi", "jkl");11}12}13assertThat(list)14.filteredOn(s -> s.length() > 3)15.containsExactly("def", "ghi", "jkl");16assertThat(list)17.filteredOn(s -> s.length() > 3)18.containsExactly("def", "ghi", "jkl");19assertThat(list)20.filteredOn(s -> s.length() > 3)21.containsExactly("def", "ghi", "jkl");
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.assertj.core.api.SoftAssertions;2import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;3import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert;4import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractListAssert;5import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert;6import org.assertj.core.api.IterableAssert;7import org.assertj.core.api.ListAssert;8import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert;9import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert;10import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractListAssert;11import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractObjectArrayAssert;12import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractStringAssert;13import org.assertj.core.api.AssertDelegateTarget;14import org.assertj.core.api.Condition;15import org.assertj.core.api.ConditionBase;16import org.assertj.core.api.DelegatingSoftAssertions;17import org.assertj.core.api.FilteredIterable;18import org.assertj.core.api.FilteredIterator;19import org.assertj.core.api.FilteredIterable;20import org.assertj.core.api.FilteredIterator;21import org.assertj.core.api.IterableAssert;22import org.assertj.core.api.ListAssert;23import org.assertj.core.api.ObjectArrayAssert;24import org.assertj.core.api.StringAssert;25import
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;2import java.util.List;3public class InternalFilteredOn {4 public static void main(String[] args) {5 List<String> list = List.of("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six");6 List<String> filteredList = Assertions.assertThat(list)7 .internalFilteredOn(s -> s.contains("e"))8 .asList();9 filteredList.forEach(System.out::println);10 }11}12public AbstractIterableAssert<SELF, ELEMENT, ACTUAL> internalFilteredOn(Predicate<? super ELEMENT> predicate) {13 return internalFilteredOn(predicate, Assertions::fail);14}15public AbstractListAssert<SELF, ELEMENT, ACTUAL> internalFilteredOn(Predicate<? super ELEMENT> predicate) {16 return internalFilteredOn(predicate, Assertions::fail);17}18public AbstractObjectArrayAssert<SELF, ELEMENT, ACTUAL> internalFilteredOn(Predicate<? super ELEMENT> predicate) {19 return internalFilteredOn(predicate, Assertions::fail);20}21public AbstractCharSequenceAssert<SELF, ACTUAL> internalFilteredOn(Predicate<? super Character> predicate) {22 return internalFilteredOn(predicate, Assertions::fail);23}24public AbstractCharArrayAssert<SELF, ACTUAL> internalFilteredOn(Predicate<? super Character> predicate) {25 return internalFilteredOn(predicate, Assertions::fail);26}27public AbstractShortArrayAssert<SELF, ACTUAL> internalFilteredOn(Predicate<? super Short> predicate) {28 return internalFilteredOn(predicate, Assertions::fail);29}30public AbstractIntArrayAssert<SELF, ACTUAL> internalFilteredOn(Predicate<? super Integer> predicate) {31 return internalFilteredOn(predicate, Assertions::fail);32}33public AbstractLongArrayAssert<SELF, ACTUAL> internalFilteredOn(Predicate<? super Long> predicate) {34 return internalFilteredOn(predicate, Assertions::fail);35}
Using AI Code Generation
1List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<Person>();2persons.add(new Person("John", 30));3persons.add(new Person("Jane", 40));4persons.add(new Person("Jack", 50));5List<Person> filteredPersons = assertThat(persons)6 .usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields("age")7 .internalFilteredOn("name", "John", "Jane")8 .asList();9System.out.println(filteredPersons);10class Person {11 private String name;12 private int age;13 public Person(String name, int age) {14 = name;15 this.age = age;16 }17 public String getName() {18 return name;19 }20 public int getAge() {21 return age;22 }23 public String toString() {24 return "Person{" +25 '}';26 }27}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;2import org.assertj.core.util.Lists;3import org.junit.Test;4import java.util.List;5import java.util.function.Predicate;6public class FilterOnTest {7 public void testFilterOn() {8 List<String> list = Lists.list("foo", "bar", "baz");9 Predicate<String> predicate = s -> s.length() == 3;10 List<String> filteredList = Assertions.filterOn(list, predicate);11 Assertions.assertThat(filteredList).containsExactly("foo", "bar", "baz");12 }13}
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