Best Assertj code snippet using org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert.usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator
...562 objects = new Objects(new IterableElementComparisonStrategy<>(elementComparator));563 return myself;564 }565 @CheckReturnValue566 private SELF usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator(Comparator<Object> elementComparator) {567 return usingElementComparator(new ExtendedByTypesComparator(elementComparator, comparatorsByType));568 }569 /**570 * {@inheritDoc}571 */572 @Override573 @CheckReturnValue574 public SELF usingDefaultElementComparator() {575 usingDefaultComparator();576 this.iterables = Iterables.instance();577 return myself;578 }579 /**580 * Verifies that the actual {@link Iterable} contains at least one of the given values.581 * <p>582 * Example :583 * <pre><code class='java'> Iterable<String> abc = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");584 *585 * // assertions will pass586 * assertThat(abc).containsAnyOf("b")587 * .containsAnyOf("b", "c")588 * .containsAnyOf("a", "b", "c")589 * .containsAnyOf("a", "b", "c", "d")590 * .containsAnyOf("e", "f", "g", "b");591 *592 * // assertions will fail593 * assertThat(abc).containsAnyOf("d");594 * assertThat(abc).containsAnyOf("d", "e", "f", "g");</code></pre>595 *596 * @param values the values whose at least one which is expected to be in the {@code Iterable} under test.597 * @return {@code this} assertion object.598 * @throws NullPointerException if the array of values is {@code null}.599 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the array of values is empty and the {@code Iterable} under test is not empty.600 * @throws AssertionError if the {@code Iterable} under test is {@code null}.601 * @throws AssertionError if the {@code Iterable} under test does not contain any of the given {@code values}.602 * @since 2.9.0 / 3.9.0603 */604 @Override605 public SELF containsAnyOf(@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ELEMENT... values) {606 iterables.assertContainsAnyOf(info, actual, values);607 return myself;608 }609 /**610 * Verifies that the {@link Iterable} under test contains at least one of the given {@link Iterable} elements.611 * <p>612 * Example :613 * <pre><code class='java'> Iterable<String> abc = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");614 *615 * // assertions will pass616 * assertThat(abc).containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("b"))617 * .containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("b", "c"))618 * .containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"))619 * .containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d"))620 * .containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("e", "f", "g", "b"));621 *622 * // assertions will fail623 * assertThat(abc).containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("d"));624 * assertThat(abc).containsAnyElementsOf(Arrays.asList("d", "e", "f", "g"));</code></pre>625 *626 * @param iterable the iterable whose at least one element is expected to be in the {@code Iterable} under test.627 * @return {@code this} assertion object.628 * @throws NullPointerException if the iterable of expected values is {@code null}.629 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the iterable of expected values is empty and the {@code Iterable} under test is not empty.630 * @throws AssertionError if the {@code Iterable} under test is {@code null}.631 * @throws AssertionError if the {@code Iterable} under test does not contain any of elements from the given {@code Iterable}.632 * @since 2.9.0 / 3.9.0633 */634 @Override635 public SELF containsAnyElementsOf(Iterable<ELEMENT> iterable) {636 return containsAnyOf(toArray(iterable));637 }638 /**639 * Extract the values of the given field or property from the Iterable's elements under test into a new Iterable, this new640 * Iterable becoming the Iterable under test.641 * <p>642 * It allows you to test a property/field of the the Iterable's elements instead of testing the elements themselves, which643 * can be be much less work !644 * <p>645 * Let's take a look at an example to make things clearer :646 * <pre><code class='java'> // build a list of TolkienCharacters: a TolkienCharacter has a name, and age and a Race (a specific class)647 * // they can be public field or properties, both can be extracted.648 * List<TolkienCharacter> fellowshipOfTheRing = new ArrayList<TolkienCharacter>();649 *650 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT));651 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT));652 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Gandalf", 2020, MAIA));653 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Legolas", 1000, ELF));654 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT));655 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Gimli", 139, DWARF));656 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Aragorn", 87, MAN);657 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Boromir", 37, MAN));658 *659 * // let's verify the names of the TolkienCharacters in fellowshipOfTheRing :660 *661 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting("name")662 * .contains("Boromir", "Gandalf", "Frodo")663 * .doesNotContain("Sauron", "Elrond");664 *665 * // you can extract nested properties/fields like the name of the race :666 *667 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting("")668 * .contains("Hobbit", "Elf")669 * .doesNotContain("Orc");</code></pre>670 * <p>671 * A property with the given name is searched for first. If it doesn't exist a field with the given name is looked672 * for. If the field does not exist an {@link IntrospectionError} is thrown. By default private fields are read but673 * you can change this with {@link Assertions#setAllowComparingPrivateFields(boolean)}. Trying to read a private field674 * when it's not allowed leads to an {@link IntrospectionError}.675 * <p>676 * Note that the order of extracted property/field values is consistent with the iteration order of the Iterable under677 * test, for example if it's a {@link HashSet}, you won't be able to make any assumptions on the extracted values678 * order.679 * <hr>680 * <p>681 * Extracting also support maps, that is, instead of extracting values from an Object, it extracts maps values682 * corresponding to the given keys.683 * <p>684 * Example:685 * <pre><code class='java'> Employee yoda = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);686 * Employee luke = new Employee(2L, new Name("Luke"), 22);687 * Employee han = new Employee(3L, new Name("Han"), 31);688 *689 * // build two maps690 * Map<String, Employee> map1 = new HashMap<>();691 * map1.put("key1", yoda);692 * map1.put("key2", luke);693 *694 * Map<String, Employee> map2 = new HashMap<>();695 * map2.put("key1", yoda);696 * map2.put("key2", han);697 *698 * // instead of a list of objects, we have a list of maps699 * List<Map<String, Employee>> maps = asList(map1, map2);700 *701 * // extracting a property in that case = get values from maps using the property as a key702 * assertThat(maps).extracting("key2").containsExactly(luke, han);703 * assertThat(maps).extracting("key1").containsExactly(yoda, yoda);704 *705 * // type safe version706 * assertThat(maps).extracting(key2, Employee.class).containsExactly(luke, han);707 *708 * // it works with several keys, extracted values being wrapped in a Tuple709 * assertThat(maps).extracting("key1", "key2").containsExactly(tuple(yoda, luke), tuple(yoda, han));710 *711 * // unknown keys leads to null (map behavior)712 * assertThat(maps).extracting("bad key").containsExactly(null, null);</code></pre>713 *714 * @param propertyOrField the property/field to extract from the elements of the Iterable under test715 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of extracted property/field values.716 * @throws IntrospectionError if no field or property exists with the given name in one of the initial717 * Iterable's element.718 */719 @CheckReturnValue720 public AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends Object>, Object, ObjectAssert<Object>> extracting(String propertyOrField) {721 List<Object> values = FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(actual, byName(propertyOrField));722 String extractedDescription = extractedDescriptionOf(propertyOrField);723 String description = mostRelevantDescription(info.description(), extractedDescription);724 return newListAssertInstance(values).as(description);725 }726 /**727 * Extract the result of given method invocation on the Iterable's elements under test into a new Iterable, this new728 * Iterable becoming the Iterable under test.729 * <p>730 * It allows you to test the method results of the Iterable's elements instead of testing the elements themselves. This731 * is especially useful for classes that do not conform to the Java Bean's getter specification (i.e. public String732 * toString() or public String status() instead of public String getStatus()).733 * <p>734 * Let's take a look at an example to make things clearer :735 * <pre><code class='java'> // Build a array of WesterosHouse, a WesterosHouse has a method: public String sayTheWords()736 *737 * List<WesterosHouse> greatHouses = new ArrayList<WesterosHouse>();738 * greatHouses.add(new WesterosHouse("Stark", "Winter is Coming"));739 * greatHouses.add(new WesterosHouse("Lannister", "Hear Me Roar!"));740 * greatHouses.add(new WesterosHouse("Greyjoy", "We Do Not Sow"));741 * greatHouses.add(new WesterosHouse("Baratheon", "Our is the Fury"));742 * greatHouses.add(new WesterosHouse("Martell", "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"));743 * greatHouses.add(new WesterosHouse("Tyrell", "Growing Strong"));744 *745 * // let's verify the words of the great houses of Westeros:746 * assertThat(greatHouses).extractingResultOf("sayTheWords")747 * .contains("Winter is Coming", "We Do Not Sow", "Hear Me Roar")748 * .doesNotContain("Lannisters always pay their debts");</code></pre>749 *750 * Following requirements have to be met to extract method results:751 * <ul>752 * <li>method has to be public,</li>753 * <li>method cannot accept any arguments,</li>754 * <li>method cannot return void.</li>755 * </ul>756 * <p>757 * Note that the order of extracted results is consistent with the iteration order of the Iterable under test, for758 * example if it's a {@link HashSet}, you won't be able to make any assumptions on the extracted results order.759 *760 * @param method the name of the method which result is to be extracted from the array under test761 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the Iterable of extracted values.762 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no method exists with the given name, or method is not public, or method does763 * return void, or method accepts arguments.764 */765 @CheckReturnValue766 public AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends Object>, Object, ObjectAssert<Object>> extractingResultOf(String method) {767 // can't refactor by calling extractingResultOf(method, Object.class) as SoftAssertion would fail768 List<Object> values = FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(actual, resultOf(method));769 String extractedDescription = extractedDescriptionOfMethod(method);770 String description = mostRelevantDescription(info.description(), extractedDescription);771 return newListAssertInstance(values).as(description);772 }773 /**774 * Extract the result of given method invocation on the Iterable's elements under test into a new list of the given775 * class, this new List becoming the object under test.776 * <p>777 * It allows you to test the method results of the Iterable's elements instead of testing the elements themselves, it778 * is especially useful for classes that do not conform to the Java Bean's getter specification (i.e. public String779 * toString() or public String status() instead of public String getStatus()).780 * <p>781 * Let's take an example to make things clearer :782 * <pre><code class='java'> // Build a array of WesterosHouse, a WesterosHouse has a method: public String sayTheWords()783 * List<WesterosHouse> greatHouses = new ArrayList<WesterosHouse>();784 * greatHouses.add(new WesterosHouse("Stark", "Winter is Coming"));785 * greatHouses.add(new WesterosHouse("Lannister", "Hear Me Roar!"));786 * greatHouses.add(new WesterosHouse("Greyjoy", "We Do Not Sow"));787 * greatHouses.add(new WesterosHouse("Baratheon", "Our is the Fury"));788 * greatHouses.add(new WesterosHouse("Martell", "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"));789 * greatHouses.add(new WesterosHouse("Tyrell", "Growing Strong"));790 *791 * // let's verify the words of the great houses of Westeros:792 * assertThat(greatHouses).extractingResultOf("sayTheWords", String.class)793 * .contains("Winter is Coming", "We Do Not Sow", "Hear Me Roar")794 * .doesNotContain("Lannisters always pay their debts");</code></pre>795 *796 * Following requirements have to be met to extract method results:797 * <ul>798 * <li>method has to be public,</li>799 * <li>method cannot accept any arguments,</li>800 * <li>method cannot return void.</li>801 * </ul>802 * <p>803 * Note that the order of extracted property/field values is consistent with the iteration order of the Iterable under804 * test, for example if it's a {@link HashSet}, you won't be able to make any assumptions of the extracted values805 * order.806 *807 * @param method the name of the method which result is to be extracted from the array under test808 * @param extractedType type of element of the extracted List809 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the Iterable of extracted values.810 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no method exists with the given name, or method is not public, or method does811 * return void or method accepts arguments.812 */813 @CheckReturnValue814 public <P> AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends P>, P, ObjectAssert<P>> extractingResultOf(String method,815 Class<P> extractedType) {816 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")817 List<P> values = (List<P>) FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(actual, resultOf(method));818 String extractedDescription = extractedDescriptionOfMethod(method);819 String description = mostRelevantDescription(info.description(), extractedDescription);820 return newListAssertInstance(values).as(description);821 }822 /**823 * Extract the values of given field or property from the Iterable's elements under test into a new Iterable, this new824 * Iterable becoming the Iterable under test.825 * <p>826 * It allows you to test a property/field of the the Iterable's elements instead of testing the elements themselves,827 * which can be much less work !828 * <p>829 * Let's take an example to make things clearer :830 * <pre><code class='java'> // Build a list of TolkienCharacter, a TolkienCharacter has a name, and age and a Race (a specific class)831 * // they can be public field or properties, both can be extracted.832 * List<TolkienCharacter> fellowshipOfTheRing = new ArrayList<TolkienCharacter>();833 *834 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT));835 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT));836 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Gandalf", 2020, MAIA));837 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Legolas", 1000, ELF));838 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT));839 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Gimli", 139, DWARF));840 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Aragorn", 87, MAN);841 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Boromir", 37, MAN));842 *843 * // let's verify the names of TolkienCharacter in fellowshipOfTheRing :844 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting("name", String.class)845 * .contains("Boromir", "Gandalf", "Frodo")846 * .doesNotContain("Sauron", "Elrond");847 *848 * // you can extract nested property/field like the name of Race :849 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting("", String.class)850 * .contains("Hobbit", "Elf")851 * .doesNotContain("Orc");</code></pre>852 *853 * A property with the given name is looked for first, if it doesn't exist then a field with the given name is looked854 * for, if the field does not exist an {@link IntrospectionError} is thrown, by default private fields are read but855 * you can change this with {@link Assertions#setAllowComparingPrivateFields(boolean)}, trying to read a private field856 * when it's not allowed leads to an {@link IntrospectionError}.857 * <p>858 * Note that the order of extracted property/field values is consistent with the iteration order of the Iterable under859 * test, for example if it's a {@link HashSet}, you won't be able to make any assumptions on the extracted values860 * order.861 * <hr>862 * <p>863 * Extracting also support maps, that is, instead of extracting values from an Object, it extract maps values864 * corresponding to the given keys.865 * <p>866 * Example:867 * <pre><code class='java'> Employee yoda = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);868 * Employee luke = new Employee(2L, new Name("Luke"), 22);869 * Employee han = new Employee(3L, new Name("Han"), 31);870 *871 * // build two maps872 * Map<String, Employee> map1 = new HashMap<>();873 * map1.put("key1", yoda);874 * map1.put("key2", luke);875 *876 * Map<String, Employee> map2 = new HashMap<>();877 * map2.put("key1", yoda);878 * map2.put("key2", han);879 *880 * // instead of a list of objects, we have a list of maps881 * List<Map<String, Employee>> maps = asList(map1, map2);882 *883 * // extracting a property in that case = get values from maps using property as a key884 * assertThat(maps).extracting(key2, Employee.class).containsExactly(luke, han);885 *886 * // non type safe version887 * assertThat(maps).extracting("key2").containsExactly(luke, han);888 * assertThat(maps).extracting("key1").containsExactly(yoda, yoda);889 *890 * // it works with several keys, extracted values being wrapped in a Tuple891 * assertThat(maps).extracting("key1", "key2").containsExactly(tuple(yoda, luke), tuple(yoda, han));892 *893 * // unknown keys leads to null (map behavior)894 * assertThat(maps).extracting("bad key").containsExactly(null, null);</code></pre>895 *896 * @param propertyOrField the property/field to extract from the Iterable under test897 * @param extractingType type to return898 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of extracted property/field values.899 * @throws IntrospectionError if no field or property exists with the given name in one of the initial900 * Iterable's element.901 */902 @CheckReturnValue903 public <P> AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends P>, P, ObjectAssert<P>> extracting(String propertyOrField,904 Class<P> extractingType) {905 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")906 List<P> values = (List<P>) FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(actual, byName(propertyOrField));907 String extractedDescription = extractedDescriptionOf(propertyOrField);908 String description = mostRelevantDescription(info.description(), extractedDescription);909 return newListAssertInstance(values).as(description);910 }911 /**912 * Extract the values of the given fields/properties from the Iterable's elements under test into a new Iterable composed913 * of Tuples (a simple data structure), this new Iterable becoming the Iterable under test.914 * <p>915 * It allows you to test fields/properties of the the Iterable's elements instead of testing the elements themselves,916 * which can be much less work!917 * <p>918 * The Tuple data corresponds to the extracted values of the given fields/properties, for instance if you ask to919 * extract "id", "name" and "email" then each Tuple data will be composed of id, name and email extracted from the920 * element of the initial Iterable (the Tuple's data order is the same as the given fields/properties order).921 * <p>922 * Let's take an example to make things clearer :923 * <pre><code class='java'> // Build a list of TolkienCharacter, a TolkienCharacter has a name, and age and a Race (a specific class)924 * // they can be public field or properties, both can be extracted.925 * List<TolkienCharacter> fellowshipOfTheRing = new ArrayList<TolkienCharacter>();926 *927 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT));928 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT));929 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Gandalf", 2020, MAIA));930 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Legolas", 1000, ELF));931 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT));932 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Gimli", 139, DWARF));933 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Aragorn", 87, MAN);934 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Boromir", 37, MAN));935 *936 * // let's verify 'name' and 'age' of some TolkienCharacter in fellowshipOfTheRing :937 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting("name", "age")938 * .contains(tuple("Boromir", 37),939 * tuple("Sam", 38),940 * tuple("Legolas", 1000));941 *942 *943 * // extract 'name', 'age' and Race name values :944 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting("name", "age", "")945 * .contains(tuple("Boromir", 37, "Man"),946 * tuple("Sam", 38, "Hobbit"),947 * tuple("Legolas", 1000, "Elf"));</code></pre>948 *949 * A property with the given name is looked for first, if it doesn't exist then a field with the given name is looked950 * for, if the field does not exist an {@link IntrospectionError} is thrown, by default private fields are read but951 * you can change this with {@link Assertions#setAllowComparingPrivateFields(boolean)}, trying to read a private field952 * when it's not allowed leads to an {@link IntrospectionError}.953 * <p>954 * Note that the order of extracted property/field values is consistent with the iteration order of the Iterable under955 * test, for example if it's a {@link HashSet}, you won't be able to make any assumptions on the extracted values956 * order.957 * <hr>958 * <p>959 * Extracting also support maps, that is, instead of extracting values from an Object, it extract maps values960 * corresponding to the given keys.961 * <p>962 * Example:963 * <pre><code class='java'> Employee yoda = new Employee(1L, new Name("Yoda"), 800);964 * Employee luke = new Employee(2L, new Name("Luke"), 22);965 * Employee han = new Employee(3L, new Name("Han"), 31);966 *967 * // build two maps968 * Map<String, Employee> map1 = new HashMap<>();969 * map1.put("key1", yoda);970 * map1.put("key2", luke);971 *972 * Map<String, Employee> map2 = new HashMap<>();973 * map2.put("key1", yoda);974 * map2.put("key2", han);975 *976 * // instead of a list of objects, we have a list of maps977 * List<Map<String, Employee>> maps = asList(map1, map2);978 *979 * // extracting a property in that case = get values from maps using property as a key980 * assertThat(maps).extracting("key2").containsExactly(luke, han);981 * assertThat(maps).extracting("key1").containsExactly(yoda, yoda);982 *983 * // it works with several keys, extracted values being wrapped in a Tuple984 * assertThat(maps).extracting("key1", "key2").containsExactly(tuple(yoda, luke), tuple(yoda, han));985 *986 * // unknown keys leads to null (map behavior)987 * assertThat(maps).extracting("bad key").containsExactly(null, null);</code></pre>988 *989 * @param propertiesOrFields the properties/fields to extract from the elements of the Iterable under test990 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of Tuple with extracted properties/fields values991 * as data.992 * @throws IntrospectionError if one of the given name does not match a field or property in one of the initial993 * Iterable's element.994 */995 @CheckReturnValue996 public AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends Tuple>, Tuple, ObjectAssert<Tuple>> extracting(String... propertiesOrFields) {997 List<Tuple> values = FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(actual, byName(propertiesOrFields));998 String extractedDescription = extractedDescriptionOf(propertiesOrFields);999 String description = mostRelevantDescription(info.description(), extractedDescription);1000 return newListAssertInstance(values).as(description);1001 }1002 /**1003 * Extract the values from Iterable's elements under test by applying an extracting function on them. The returned1004 * iterable becomes a new object under test.1005 * <p>1006 * It allows to test values from the elements in more safe way than by using {@link #extracting(String)}, as it1007 * doesn't utilize introspection.1008 * <p>1009 * Let's have a look at an example :1010 * <pre><code class='java'> // Build a list of TolkienCharacter, a TolkienCharacter has a name, and age and a Race (a specific class)1011 * // they can be public field or properties, both can be extracted.1012 * List<TolkienCharacter> fellowshipOfTheRing = new ArrayList<TolkienCharacter>();1013 *1014 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT));1015 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT));1016 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Gandalf", 2020, MAIA));1017 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Legolas", 1000, ELF));1018 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT));1019 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Gimli", 139, DWARF));1020 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Aragorn", 87, MAN);1021 * fellowshipOfTheRing.add(new TolkienCharacter("Boromir", 37, MAN));1022 *1023 * // this extracts the race1024 * Extractor<TolkienCharacter, Race> race = new Extractor<TolkienCharacter, Race>() {1025 * {@literal @}Override1026 * public Race extract(TolkienCharacter input) {1027 * return input.getRace();1028 * }1029 * }1030 *1031 * // fellowship has hobbitses, right, my presioussss?1032 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).extracting(race).contains(HOBBIT);</code></pre>1033 *1034 * Note that the order of extracted property/field values is consistent with the iteration order of the Iterable under1035 * test, for example if it's a {@link HashSet}, you won't be able to make any assumptions on the extracted values1036 * order.1037 *1038 * @param extractor the object transforming input object to desired one1039 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of values extracted1040 */1041 @CheckReturnValue1042 public <V> AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends V>, V, ObjectAssert<V>> extracting(Extractor<? super ELEMENT, V> extractor) {1043 List<V> values = FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(actual, extractor);1044 return newListAssertInstance(values);1045 }1046 /**1047 * Extract the Iterable values from Iterable's elements under test by applying an Iterable extracting function on them1048 * and concatenating the result lists. The returned iterable becomes a new object under test.1049 * <p>1050 * It allows testing the results of extracting values that are represented by Iterables.1051 * <p>1052 * For example:1053 * <pre><code class='java'> CartoonCharacter bart = new CartoonCharacter("Bart Simpson");1054 * CartoonCharacter lisa = new CartoonCharacter("Lisa Simpson");1055 * CartoonCharacter maggie = new CartoonCharacter("Maggie Simpson");1056 * CartoonCharacter homer = new CartoonCharacter("Homer Simpson");1057 * homer.addChildren(bart, lisa, maggie);1058 *1059 * CartoonCharacter pebbles = new CartoonCharacter("Pebbles Flintstone");1060 * CartoonCharacter fred = new CartoonCharacter("Fred Flintstone");1061 * fred.getChildren().add(pebbles);1062 *1063 * Extractor<CartoonCharacter, List<CartoonCharacter>> childrenOf = new Extractor<CartoonChildren, List<CartoonChildren>>() {1064 * {@literal @}Override1065 * public List<CartoonChildren> extract(CartoonCharacter input) {1066 * return input.getChildren();1067 * }1068 * }1069 *1070 * List<CartoonCharacter> parents = newArrayList(homer, fred);1071 * // check children1072 * assertThat(parent).flatExtracting(childrenOf)1073 * .containsOnly(bart, lisa, maggie, pebbles);</code></pre>1074 *1075 * The order of extracted values is consisted with both the order of the collection itself, as well as the extracted1076 * collections.1077 *1078 * @param extractor the object transforming input object to an Iterable of desired ones1079 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of values extracted1080 */1081 @CheckReturnValue1082 public <V> AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends V>, V, ObjectAssert<V>> flatExtracting(Extractor<? super ELEMENT, ? extends Collection<V>> extractor) {1083 List<V> result = newArrayList();1084 final List<? extends Collection<V>> extractedValues = FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(actual, extractor);1085 for (Collection<? extends V> iterable : extractedValues) {1086 result.addAll(iterable);1087 }1088 return newListAssertInstance(result);1089 }1090 /**1091 * Extract from Iterable's elements the Iterable/Array values corresponding to the given property/field name and1092 * concatenate them into a single list becoming the new object under test.1093 * <p>1094 * It allows testing the elements of extracting values that are represented by iterables or arrays.1095 * <p>1096 * For example:1097 * <pre><code class='java'> CartoonCharacter bart = new CartoonCharacter("Bart Simpson");1098 * CartoonCharacter lisa = new CartoonCharacter("Lisa Simpson");1099 * CartoonCharacter maggie = new CartoonCharacter("Maggie Simpson");1100 * CartoonCharacter homer = new CartoonCharacter("Homer Simpson");1101 * homer.addChildren(bart, lisa, maggie);1102 *1103 * CartoonCharacter pebbles = new CartoonCharacter("Pebbles Flintstone");1104 * CartoonCharacter fred = new CartoonCharacter("Fred Flintstone");1105 * fred.getChildren().add(pebbles);1106 *1107 * List<CartoonCharacter> parents = newArrayList(homer, fred);1108 * // check children1109 * assertThat(parents).flatExtracting("children")1110 * .containsOnly(bart, lisa, maggie, pebbles);</code></pre>1111 *1112 * The order of extracted values is consisted with both the order of the collection itself, as well as the extracted1113 * collections.1114 *1115 * @param fieldOrPropertyName the object transforming input object to an Iterable of desired ones1116 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is the list of values extracted1117 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if one of the extracted property value was not an array or an iterable.1118 */1119 @CheckReturnValue1120 public AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends Object>, Object, ObjectAssert<Object>> flatExtracting(String fieldOrPropertyName) {1121 List<Object> extractedValues = newArrayList();1122 List<?> extractedGroups = FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(actual, byName(fieldOrPropertyName));1123 for (Object group : extractedGroups) {1124 // expecting group to be an iterable or an array1125 if (isArray(group)) {1126 int size = Array.getLength(group);1127 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {1128 extractedValues.add(Array.get(group, i));1129 }1130 } else if (group instanceof Iterable) {1131 Iterable<?> iterable = (Iterable<?>) group;1132 for (Object value : iterable) {1133 extractedValues.add(value);1134 }1135 } else {1136 CommonErrors.wrongElementTypeForFlatExtracting(group);1137 }1138 }1139 return newListAssertInstance(extractedValues);1140 }1141 /**1142 * Extract the given properties/fields values from each {@code Iterable}'s element and1143 * flatten the extracted values in a list that is used as the new object under test.1144 * <p>1145 * Given 2 properties, if the extracted values were not flattened, instead having a simple list like :1146 * <pre>element1.value1, element1.value2, element2.value1, element2.value2, ... </pre>1147 * ... we would get a list of list :1148 * <pre>list(element1.value1, element1.value2), list(element2.value1, element2.value2), ... </pre>1149 * <p>1150 * Code example:1151 * <pre><code class='java'> // fellowshipOfTheRing is a List<TolkienCharacter>1152 *1153 * // values are extracted in order and flattened : age1, name1, age2, name2, age3 ...1154 * assertThat(fellowshipOfTheRing).flatExtracting("age", "name")1155 * .contains(33 ,"Frodo",1156 * 1000, "Legolas",1157 * 87, "Aragorn");</code></pre>1158 *1159 * @param fieldOrPropertyNames the field and/or property names to extract from each actual {@code Iterable}'s element1160 * @return a new assertion object whose object under test is a flattened list of all extracted values.1161 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if fieldOrPropertyNames vararg is null or empty1162 * @since 2.5.01163 */1164 @CheckReturnValue1165 public AbstractListAssert<?, List<? extends Object>, Object, ObjectAssert<Object>> flatExtracting(String... fieldOrPropertyNames) {1166 List<Object> extractedValues = newArrayList();1167 for (Tuple tuple : FieldsOrPropertiesExtractor.extract(actual, Extractors.byName(fieldOrPropertyNames))) {1168 extractedValues.addAll(tuple.toList());1169 }1170 return newListAssertInstance(extractedValues);1171 }1172 /**1173 * {@inheritDoc}1174 */1175 @Override1176 public SELF containsExactlyElementsOf(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> iterable) {1177 return containsExactly(toArray(iterable));1178 }1179 /**1180 * {@inheritDoc}1181 */1182 @Override1183 public SELF containsOnlyElementsOf(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> iterable) {1184 return containsOnly(toArray(iterable));1185 }1186 /**1187 * {@inheritDoc}1188 */1189 @Override1190 public SELF hasSameElementsAs(Iterable<? extends ELEMENT> iterable) {1191 return containsOnlyElementsOf(iterable);1192 }1193 /**1194 * Allows to set a comparator to compare properties or fields of elements with the given names.1195 * A typical usage is for comparing fields of numeric type at a given precision.1196 * <p>1197 * To be used, comparators need to be specified by this method <b>before</b> calling any of:1198 * <ul>1199 * <li>{@link #usingFieldByFieldElementComparator}</li>1200 * <li>{@link #usingElementComparatorOnFields}</li>1201 * <li>{@link #usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields}</li>1202 * <li>{@link #usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator}</li>1203 * </ul>1204 * <p>1205 * Comparators specified by this method have precedence over comparators specified by1206 * {@link #usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(Comparator, Class) usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType}.1207 * <p>1208 * Example:1209 *1210 * <pre><code class='java'> public class TolkienCharacter {1211 * private String name;1212 * private double height;1213 * // constructor omitted1214 * }1215 *1216 * TolkienCharacter frodo = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 1.2);1217 * TolkienCharacter tallerFrodo = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 1.3);1218 * TolkienCharacter reallyTallFrodo = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 1.9);1219 *1220 * Comparator<Double> closeEnough = new Comparator<Double>() {1221 * double precision = 0.5;1222 * public int compare(Double d1, Double d2) {1223 * return Math.abs(d1 - d2) <= precision ? 0 : 1;1224 * }1225 * };1226 *1227 * // assertions will pass1228 * assertThat(asList(frodo)).usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(closeEnough, "height")1229 * .usingFieldByFieldElementComparator()1230 * .contains(tallerFrodo);1231 *1232 * assertThat(asList(frodo)).usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(closeEnough, "height")1233 * .usingElementComparatorOnFields("height")1234 * .contains(tallerFrodo);1235 *1236 * assertThat(asList(frodo)).usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(closeEnough, "height")1237 * .usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields("name")1238 * .contains(tallerFrodo);1239 *1240 * assertThat(asList(frodo)).usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(closeEnough, "height")1241 * .usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator()1242 * .contains(tallerFrodo);1243 *1244 * // assertion will fail1245 * assertThat(asList(frodo)).usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(closeEnough, "height")1246 * .usingFieldByFieldElementComparator()1247 * .containsExactly(reallyTallFrodo);</code></pre>1248 *1249 * @param comparator the {@link java.util.Comparator} to use1250 * @param elementPropertyOrFieldNames the names of the properties and/or fields of the elements the comparator should be used for1251 * @return {@code this} assertions object1252 * @since 2.5.0 / 3.5.01253 */1254 @CheckReturnValue1255 public <T> SELF usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(Comparator<T> comparator,1256 String... elementPropertyOrFieldNames) {1257 for (String elementPropertyOrField : elementPropertyOrFieldNames) {1258 comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames.put(elementPropertyOrField, comparator);1259 }1260 return myself;1261 }1262 /**1263 * Allows to set a specific comparator to compare properties or fields of elements with the given type.1264 * A typical usage is for comparing fields of numeric type at a given precision.1265 * <p>1266 * To be used, comparators need to be specified by this method <b>before</b> calling any of:1267 * <ul>1268 * <li>{@link #usingFieldByFieldElementComparator}</li>1269 * <li>{@link #usingElementComparatorOnFields}</li>1270 * <li>{@link #usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields}</li>1271 * <li>{@link #usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator}</li>1272 * </ul>1273 * <p>1274 * Comparators specified by {@link #usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(Comparator, String...) usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames}1275 * have precedence over comparators specified by this method.1276 * <p>1277 * Example:1278 * <pre><code class='java'> public class TolkienCharacter {1279 * private String name;1280 * private double height;1281 * // constructor omitted1282 * }1283 * TolkienCharacter frodo = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 1.2);1284 * TolkienCharacter tallerFrodo = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 1.3);1285 * TolkienCharacter reallyTallFrodo = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 1.9);1286 *1287 * Comparator<Double> closeEnough = new Comparator<Double>() {1288 * double precision = 0.5;1289 * public int compare(Double d1, Double d2) {1290 * return Math.abs(d1 - d2) <= precision ? 0 : 1;1291 * }1292 * };1293 *1294 * // assertions will pass1295 * assertThat(Arrays.asList(frodo)).usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(closeEnough, Double.class)1296 * .usingFieldByFieldElementComparator()1297 * .contains(tallerFrodo);1298 *1299 * assertThat(Arrays.asList(frodo)).usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(closeEnough, Double.class)1300 * .usingElementComparatorOnFields("height")1301 * .contains(tallerFrodo);1302 *1303 * assertThat(Arrays.asList(frodo)).usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(closeEnough, Double.class)1304 * .usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields("name")1305 * .contains(tallerFrodo);1306 *1307 * assertThat(Arrays.asList(frodo)).usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(closeEnough, Double.class)1308 * .usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator()1309 * .contains(tallerFrodo);1310 *1311 * // assertion will fail1312 * assertThat(Arrays.asList(frodo)).usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(closeEnough, Double.class)1313 * .usingFieldByFieldElementComparator()1314 * .contains(reallyTallFrodo);</code></pre>1315 *1316 * @param comparator the {@link java.util.Comparator} to use1317 * @param type the {@link java.lang.Class} of the type of the element fields the comparator should be used for1318 * @return {@code this} assertions object1319 * @since 2.5.0 / 3.5.01320 */1321 @CheckReturnValue1322 public <T> SELF usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(Comparator<T> comparator, Class<T> type) {1323 comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes.put(type, comparator);1324 return myself;1325 }1326 /**1327 * Allows to set a specific comparator for the given type of elements or their fields.1328 * Extends {@link #usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType} by applying comparator specified for given type1329 * to elements themselves, not only to their fields.1330 * <p>1331 * Usage of this method affects comparators set by next methods:1332 * <ul>1333 * <li>{@link #usingFieldByFieldElementComparator}</li>1334 * <li>{@link #usingElementComparatorOnFields}</li>1335 * <li>{@link #usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields}</li>1336 * <li>{@link #usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator}</li>1337 * </ul>1338 * <p>1339 * Example:1340 * <pre><code class='java'>1341 * // assertion will pass1342 * assertThat(asList("some", new BigDecimal("4.2")))1343 * .usingComparatorForType(BIG_DECIMAL_COMPARATOR, BigDecimal.class)1344 * .contains(new BigDecimal("4.20"));1345 * </code></pre>1346 * </p>1347 *1348 * @param comparator the {@link java.util.Comparator} to use1349 * @param type the {@link java.lang.Class} of the type of the element or element fields the comparator should be used for1350 * @return {@code this} assertions object1351 * @since 2.9.0 / 3.9.01352 */1353 @CheckReturnValue1354 public <T> SELF usingComparatorForType(Comparator<T> comparator, Class<T> type) {1355 if (iterables.getComparator() == null) {1356 usingElementComparator(new ExtendedByTypesComparator(comparatorsByType));1357 }1358 comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes.put(type, comparator);1359 comparatorsByType.put(type, comparator);1360 return myself;1361 }1362 /**1363 * Use field/property by field/property comparison (including inherited fields/properties) instead of relying on1364 * actual type A <code>equals</code> method to compare group elements for incoming assertion checks. Private fields1365 * are included but this can be disabled using {@link Assertions#setAllowExtractingPrivateFields(boolean)}.1366 * <p>1367 * This can be handy if <code>equals</code> method of the objects to compare does not suit you.1368 * <p>1369 * Note that the comparison is <b>not</b> recursive, if one of the fields/properties is an Object, it will be compared1370 * to the other field/property using its <code>equals</code> method.1371 * <p>1372 * You can specify a custom comparator per name or type of element field with1373 * {@link #usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(Comparator, String...)}1374 * and {@link #usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(Comparator, Class)}.1375 * <p>1376 * Example:1377 * <pre><code class='java'> TolkienCharacter frodo = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT);1378 * TolkienCharacter frodoClone = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT);1379 *1380 * // Fail if equals has not been overridden in TolkienCharacter as equals default implementation only compares references1381 * assertThat(newArrayList(frodo)).contains(frodoClone);1382 *1383 * // frodo and frodoClone are equals when doing a field by field comparison.1384 * assertThat(newArrayList(frodo)).usingFieldByFieldElementComparator().contains(frodoClone);</code></pre>1385 *1386 * @return {@code this} assertion object.1387 */1388 @CheckReturnValue1389 public SELF usingFieldByFieldElementComparator() {1390 return usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator(new FieldByFieldComparator(comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames,1391 comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes));1392 }1393 /**1394 * Use a recursive field/property by field/property comparison (including inherited fields/properties)1395 * instead of relying on actual type <code>equals</code> method to compare group elements for incoming1396 * assertion checks. This can be useful if actual's {@code equals} implementation does not suit you.1397 * <p>1398 * The recursive property/field comparison is <b>not</b> applied on fields having a custom {@code equals}1399 * implementation, i.e. the overridden {@code equals} method will be used instead of a field/property by field/property1400 * comparison.1401 * <p>1402 * The recursive comparison handles cycles.1403 * <p>1404 * You can specify a custom comparator per (nested) name or type of element field with1405 * {@link #usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(Comparator, String...) usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames}1406 * and {@link #usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(Comparator, Class) usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType}.1407 * <p>1408 * The objects to compare can be of different types but must have the same properties/fields. For example if actual1409 * object has a {@code name} String field, the other object must also have one.1410 * <p>1411 * If an object has a field and a property with the same name, the property value will be used over the field.1412 * <p>1413 * Example:1414 * <pre><code class='java'> TolkienCharacter frodo = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT);1415 * TolkienCharacter pippin = new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT);1416 * frodo.setFriend(pippin);1417 * pippin.setFriend(frodo);1418 *1419 * TolkienCharacter frodoClone = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT);1420 * TolkienCharacter pippinClone = new TolkienCharacter("Pippin", 28, HOBBIT);1421 * frodoClone.setFriend(pippinClone);1422 * pippinClone.setFriend(frodoClone);1423 *1424 * List<TolkienCharacter> hobbits = Arrays.asList(frodo, pippin);1425 *1426 * // fails if equals has not been overridden in TolkienCharacter as it would compares object references1427 * assertThat(hobbits).contains(frodoClone, pippinClone);1428 *1429 * // frodo/frodoClone and pippin/pippinClone are equals when doing a recursive property/field by property/field comparison1430 * assertThat(hobbits).usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator()1431 * .contains(frodoClone, pippinClone);</code>1432 * </pre>1433 *1434 * @return {@code this} assertion object.1435 * @since 2.5.0 / 3.5.01436 */1437 @CheckReturnValue1438 public SELF usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator() {1439 return usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator(new RecursiveFieldByFieldComparator(comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames,1440 comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes));1441 }1442 /**1443 * Use field/property by field/property comparison on the <b>given fields/properties only</b> (including inherited1444 * fields/properties) instead of relying on actual type A <code>equals</code> method to compare group elements for1445 * incoming assertion checks. Private fields are included but this can be disabled using1446 * {@link Assertions#setAllowExtractingPrivateFields(boolean)}.1447 * <p>1448 * This can be handy if <code>equals</code> method of the objects to compare does not suit you.1449 * <p>1450 * You can specify a custom comparator per name or type of element field with1451 * {@link #usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(Comparator, String...)}1452 * and {@link #usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(Comparator, Class)}.1453 * <p>1454 * Note that the comparison is <b>not</b> recursive, if one of the fields/properties is an Object, it will be compared1455 * to the other field/property using its <code>equals</code> method.1456 * </p>1457 * Example:1458 * <pre><code class='java'> TolkienCharacter frodo = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT);1459 * TolkienCharacter sam = new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT);1460 *1461 * // frodo and sam both are hobbits, so they are equals when comparing only race1462 * assertThat(newArrayList(frodo)).usingElementComparatorOnFields("race").contains(sam); // OK1463 *1464 * // ... but not when comparing both name and race1465 * assertThat(newArrayList(frodo)).usingElementComparatorOnFields("name", "race").contains(sam); // FAIL</code></pre>1466 *1467 * @param fields the fields/properties to compare using element comparators1468 * @return {@code this} assertion object.1469 */1470 @CheckReturnValue1471 public SELF usingElementComparatorOnFields(String... fields) {1472 return usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator(new OnFieldsComparator(comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames,1473 comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes,1474 fields));1475 }1476 protected SELF usingComparisonStrategy(ComparisonStrategy comparisonStrategy) {1477 iterables = new Iterables(comparisonStrategy);1478 return myself;1479 }1480 /**1481 * Use field/property by field/property comparison on all fields/properties <b>except</b> the given ones (including inherited1482 * fields/properties) instead of relying on actual type A <code>equals</code> method to compare group elements for1483 * incoming assertion checks. Private fields are included but this can be disabled using1484 * {@link Assertions#setAllowExtractingPrivateFields(boolean)}.1485 * <p>1486 * This can be handy if <code>equals</code> method of the objects to compare does not suit you.1487 * <p>1488 * You can specify a custom comparator per name or type of element field with1489 * {@link #usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(Comparator, String...)}1490 * and {@link #usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(Comparator, Class)}.1491 * <p>1492 * Note that the comparison is <b>not</b> recursive, if one of the fields/properties is an Object, it will be compared1493 * to the other field/property using its <code>equals</code> method.1494 * </p>1495 * Example:1496 * <pre><code class='java'> TolkienCharacter frodo = new TolkienCharacter("Frodo", 33, HOBBIT);1497 * TolkienCharacter sam = new TolkienCharacter("Sam", 38, HOBBIT);1498 *1499 * // frodo and sam both are hobbits, so they are equals when comparing only race (i.e. ignoring all other fields)1500 * assertThat(newArrayList(frodo)).usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields("name", "age").contains(sam); // OK1501 *1502 * // ... but not when comparing both name and race1503 * assertThat(newArrayList(frodo)).usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields("age").contains(sam); // FAIL</code></pre>1504 *1505 * @return {@code this} assertion object.1506 */1507 @CheckReturnValue1508 public SELF usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields(String... fields) {1509 return usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator(new IgnoringFieldsComparator(comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldNames,1510 comparatorsForElementPropertyOrFieldTypes,1511 fields));1512 }1513 /**1514 * Enable hexadecimal representation of Iterable elements instead of standard representation in error messages.1515 * <p>1516 * It can be useful to better understand what the error was with a more meaningful error message.1517 * <p>1518 * Example1519 * <pre><code class='java'> final List<Byte> bytes = newArrayList((byte) 0x10, (byte) 0x20);</code></pre>1520 *1521 * With standard error message:1522 * <pre><code class='java'> assertThat(bytes).contains((byte) 0x30);1523 *...
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.junit.Test;2import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;3public class UsingExtendedByTypesElementComparatorTest {4 public void testUsingExtendedByTypesElementComparator() {5 assertThat(new String[] { "a", "b" })6 .usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator()7 .contains("a", "b");8 }9}
Using AI Code Generation
1import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;2import java.util.ArrayList;3import java.util.List;4import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;5public class AssertJUsingExtendedByTypesElementComparatorExample {6 public void usingExtendedByTypesElementComparatorTest() {7 List<String> actual = new ArrayList<>();8 actual.add("a");9 actual.add("b");10 actual.add("c");11 assertThat(actual).usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator().contains("a", "b", "c");12 }13}
Using AI Code Generation
1import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*;2import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;3import java.util.ArrayList;4import java.util.List;5import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert;6import org.junit.Test;7public class IterableAssert_usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator_Test {8 public void test() {9 List<AbstractIterableAssert_usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator_Test_Person> persons = new ArrayList<>();10 persons.add(new AbstractIterableAssert_usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator_Test_Person("John", 35));11 persons.add(new AbstractIterableAssert_usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator_Test_Person("Jane", 33));12 persons.add(new AbstractIterableAssert_usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator_Test_Person("Jack", 33));13 assertThat(persons).usingElementComparatorOnFields("age").contains(new AbstractIterableAssert_usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator_Test_Person("Jack", 33));14 assertThat(persons).usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator().usingElementComparatorOnFields("age").contains(new AbstractIterableAssert_usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator_Test_Person("Jack", 33));15 }16}17class AbstractIterableAssert_usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator_Test_Person {18 private final String name;19 private final int age;20 public AbstractIterableAssert_usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator_Test_Person(String name, int age) {21 = name;22 this.age = age;23 }24 public String getName() {25 return name;26 }27 public int getAge() {28 return age;29 }30 public String toString() {31 return "Person [name=" + name + ", age=" + age + "]";32 }33}34 at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals( at org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert_usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator_Test.test(
Using AI Code Generation
1assertThat(employees).usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator().containsOnly(2 new Employee("John", 34, "NY"),3 new Employee("Jane", 35, "NY"),4 new Employee("Jack", 36, "NY")5);6assertThat(employees).usingRecursiveFieldByFieldElementComparator().containsOnly(7 new Employee("John", 34, "NY"),8 new Employee("Jane", 35, "NY"),9 new Employee("Jack", 36, "NY")10);11assertThat(employees).usingElementComparatorOnFields("age").containsOnly(12 new Employee("John", 34, "NY"),13 new Employee("Jane", 35, "NY"),14 new Employee("Jack", 36, "NY")15);16assertThat(employees).usingElementComparatorOnFields("age", "city").containsOnly(17 new Employee("John", 34, "NY"),18 new Employee("Jane", 35, "NY"),19 new Employee("Jack", 36, "NY")20);21assertThat(employees).usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields("city").containsOnly(22 new Employee("John", 34, "NY"),23 new Employee("Jane", 35, "NY"),24 new Employee("Jack", 36, "NY")25);26assertThat(employees).usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithNames(CASE_INSENSITIVE_STRING_COMPARATOR,27 "name").containsOnly(28 new Employee("John", 34, "NY"),29 new Employee("Jane", 35, "NY"),30 new Employee("Jack", 36, "NY")31);32assertThat(employees).usingComparatorForElementFieldsWithType(CASE_INSENSITIVE_STRING_COMPARATOR,33 String.class).containsOnly(34 new Employee("John", 34, "NY"),
Using AI Code Generation
1import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;2import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.within;3import static org.assertj.core.util.Lists.newArrayList;4import static org.assertj.core.util.Sets.newLinkedHashSet;5import static org.assertj.core.util.Sets.newTreeSet;6import static org.assertj.core.util.Maps.newHashMap;7import static org.assertj.core.util.Maps.newLinkedHashMap;8import static org.assertj.core.util.Maps.newTreeMap;9import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractIterableAssert;10import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;11import org.assertj.core.api.ExtendedByTypesElementComparator;12import org.assertj.core.internal.Iterables;13import org.assertj.core.internal.Objects;14import org.assertj.core.util.introspection.IntrospectionError;15import org.junit.Test;16import java.util.List;17import java.util.Map;18import java.util.Set;19import java.util.TreeMap;20import java.util.TreeSet;21public class ExtendedByTypesElementComparatorTest {22 public void should_pass_if_iterables_are_equal_using_extended_by_types_element_comparator() {23 List<String> list1 = newArrayList("a", "b", "c");24 List<String> list2 = newArrayList("a", "b", "c");25 assertThat(list1).usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator().isEqualTo(list2);26 }27 public void should_pass_if_iterables_are_equal_using_extended_by_types_element_comparator_with_null() {28 List<String> list1 = newArrayList("a", null, "c");29 List<String> list2 = newArrayList("a", null, "c");30 assertThat(list1).usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator().isEqualTo(list2);31 }32 public void should_pass_if_iterables_are_equal_using_extended_by_types_element_comparator_with_double() {33 List<Double> list1 = newArrayList(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);34 List<Double> list2 = newArrayList(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);35 assertThat(list1).usingExtendedByTypesElementComparator().isEqualTo(list2);36 }37 public void should_pass_if_sets_are_equal_using_extended_by_types_element_comparator() {38 Set<String> set1 = newLinkedHashSet("a", "b", "c");
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