All posts by Jaydeep Karale

About Jaydeep Karale

Jaydeep is a software engineer with 10 years of experience, most recently developing and supporting applications written in Python. He has extensive with shell scripting and is also an AI/ML enthusiast. He is also a tech educator, creating content on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Link to his YouTube channel-

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Blogs: 6

AutomationPlaywright TestingSelenium PythonTutorial

What Is Hypothesis Testing in Python: A Hands-On Tutorial

In software testing, there is an approach known as property-based testing that leverages the concept of formal specification of code behavior and focuses on asserting properties that hold true for a wide range of inputs rather than individual test cases.

June 5, 2024

view count112292 Views

Read time28 Min Read

How to Scroll to an Element in Playwright

Playwright TestingAutomationTutorial

How to Scroll to an Element in Playwright

Creating visually stunning and interactive websites has become a norm in the dynamic landscape of web development. However, this has led to the proliferation of content-rich pages extending beyond the viewport’s confines.

January 11, 2024

view count143278 Views

Read time18 Min Read

How to Perform Screenshot Comparison in Playwright

Playwright TestingAutomationTutorial

How to Perform Playwright Screenshot Comparison

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, accessing the Internet and browsing websites has undergone significant transformations. With the rise of laptops, mobile devices, and an array of screen sizes and resolutions, how we engage with the web has evolved considerably.

November 6, 2023

view count133943 Views

Read time25 Min Read

Playwright Inspector

Playwright TestingTutorial

How To Use Playwright Inspector For Debugging

Debugging is the process of identifying and resolving errors or bugs in software. In web automation testing, debugging plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and accuracy of automated tests.

May 19, 2023

view count162274 Views

Read time33 Min Read

How To Find Elements Using Playwright Locators

Playwright TestingTutorial

How To Find Elements Using Playwright Locators

End-to-end testing is essential for ensuring the quality and usability of a website or web application. And a crucial aspect of end-to-end testing is the ability to reliably, correctly, and easily locate elements on a web page.

February 20, 2023

view count136911 Views

Read time24 Min Read

How To Use Playwright For Web Scraping with Python

Selenium PythonPlaywright TestingTutorial

How To Use Playwright For Web Scraping with Python

In today’s data-driven world, the ability to access and analyze large amounts of data can give researchers, businesses & organizations a competitive edge. One of the most important & free sources of this data is the Internet, which can be accessed and mined through web scraping.

January 4, 2023

view count67792 Views

Read time29 Min Read