How to use setRef method of prog Package

Best Syzkaller code snippet using prog.setRef


Source:types.go Github


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...90 mutate(r *randGen, s *state, arg Arg, ctx ArgCtx) (calls []*Call, retry, preserve bool)91 getMutationPrio(target *Target, arg Arg, ignoreSpecial bool) (prio float64, stopRecursion bool)92 minimize(ctx *minimizeArgsCtx, arg Arg, path string) bool93 ref() Ref94 setRef(ref Ref)95}96type Ref uint3297func (ti Ref) String() string { panic("prog.Ref method called") }98func (ti Ref) Name() string { panic("prog.Ref method called") }99func (ti Ref) TemplateName() string { panic("prog.Ref method called") }100func (ti Ref) Optional() bool { panic("prog.Ref method called") }101func (ti Ref) Varlen() bool { panic("prog.Ref method called") }102func (ti Ref) Size() uint64 { panic("prog.Ref method called") }103func (ti Ref) TypeBitSize() uint64 { panic("prog.Ref method called") }104func (ti Ref) Format() BinaryFormat { panic("prog.Ref method called") }105func (ti Ref) BitfieldOffset() uint64 { panic("prog.Ref method called") }106func (ti Ref) BitfieldLength() uint64 { panic("prog.Ref method called") }107func (ti Ref) IsBitfield() bool { panic("prog.Ref method called") }108func (ti Ref) UnitSize() uint64 { panic("prog.Ref method called") }109func (ti Ref) UnitOffset() uint64 { panic("prog.Ref method called") }110func (ti Ref) DefaultArg(dir Dir) Arg { panic("prog.Ref method called") }111func (ti Ref) Clone() Type { panic("prog.Ref method called") }112func (ti Ref) isDefaultArg(arg Arg) bool { panic("prog.Ref method called") }113func (ti Ref) generate(r *randGen, s *state, dir Dir) (Arg, []*Call) { panic("prog.Ref method called") }114func (ti Ref) mutate(r *randGen, s *state, arg Arg, ctx ArgCtx) ([]*Call, bool, bool) {115 panic("prog.Ref method called")116}117func (ti Ref) getMutationPrio(target *Target, arg Arg, ignoreSpecial bool) (float64, bool) {118 panic("prog.Ref method called")119}120func (ti Ref) minimize(ctx *minimizeArgsCtx, arg Arg, path string) bool {121 panic("prog.Ref method called")122}123func (ti Ref) ref() Ref { panic("prog.Ref method called") }124func (ti Ref) setRef(ref Ref) { panic("prog.Ref method called") }125func IsPad(t Type) bool {126 if ct, ok := t.(*ConstType); ok && ct.IsPad {127 return true128 }129 return false130}131type TypeCommon struct {132 TypeName string133 // Static size of the type, or 0 for variable size types and all but last bitfields in the group.134 TypeSize uint64135 IsOptional bool136 IsVarlen bool137 self Ref138}139func (t *TypeCommon) Name() string {140 return t.TypeName141}142func (t *TypeCommon) TemplateName() string {143 name := t.TypeName144 if pos := strings.IndexByte(name, '['); pos != -1 {145 name = name[:pos]146 }147 return name148}149func (t *TypeCommon) Optional() bool {150 return t.IsOptional151}152func (t *TypeCommon) Size() uint64 {153 if t.IsVarlen {154 panic(fmt.Sprintf("static type size is not known: %#v", t))155 }156 return t.TypeSize157}158func (t *TypeCommon) TypeBitSize() uint64 {159 panic("cannot get the bitsize for a non-integer type")160}161func (t *TypeCommon) Varlen() bool {162 return t.IsVarlen163}164func (t *TypeCommon) Format() BinaryFormat {165 return FormatNative166}167func (t *TypeCommon) BitfieldOffset() uint64 {168 return 0169}170func (t *TypeCommon) BitfieldLength() uint64 {171 return 0172}173func (t *TypeCommon) UnitSize() uint64 {174 return t.Size()175}176func (t *TypeCommon) UnitOffset() uint64 {177 return 0178}179func (t *TypeCommon) IsBitfield() bool {180 return false181}182func (t *TypeCommon) ref() Ref {183 if t.self == 0 {184 panic("ref is not assigned yet")185 }186 return t.self187}188func (t *TypeCommon) setRef(ref Ref) {189 t.self = ref190}191type ResourceDesc struct {192 Name string193 Kind []string194 Values []uint64195 Ctors []ResourceCtor196}197type ResourceCtor struct {198 Call int // Index in Target.Syscalls199 Precise bool200}201type ResourceType struct {202 TypeCommon...

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Source:infer_test.go Github


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1package infer2import (3 "dandelion/ast"4 "dandelion/types"5 "fmt"6 "strings"7 "testing"8)9//func TestInfer(t *testing.T) {10// src := `11//a = 1;12//b = a + 4;13//`14//15// progAst := parser.ParseProgram(src)16// InferTypes(progAst.Funcs["main"])17//}18func TestViralVarReplacement(t *testing.T) {19 i := NewInferer()20 root := i.NewVar()21 left := i.NewVar()22 right := i.NewVar()23 i.SetRef(left, right)24 i.SetRef(left, root)25 v := i.NewVar()26 i.SetRef(left, v)27 lastV := i.Resolve(v)28 if i.Resolve(root) == lastV && i.Resolve(left) == lastV && i.Resolve(right) == lastV {29 } else {30 t.Fail()31 }32}33func TestViralReplacementBaseAndVar(t *testing.T) {34 i := NewInferer()35 base := i.BaseRef(TypeBase{types.IntType{}})36 root := i.NewVar()37 left := i.NewVar()38 right := i.NewVar()39 i.SetRef(left, root)40 i.SetRef(right, left)41 i.SetRef(right, base)42 lastV := i.Resolve(base)43 if i.Resolve(root) == lastV && i.Resolve(left) == lastV && i.Resolve(right) == lastV {44 } else {45 t.Fail()46 }47}48func TestViralReplacementFunc(t *testing.T) {49 i := NewInferer()50 t1 := i.NewVar()51 t2 := i.NewVar()52 t3 := i.NewVar()53 base := i.BaseRef(TypeBase{types.IntType{}})54 fun := i.FuncRef(KindFunc, t1, t2, t3)55 fun2 := i.FuncRef(KindFunc, t1, t2)56 i.SetRef(t1, base)57 i.SetRef(t3, fun2)58 fmt.Println(i.String(fun))59 if i.String(fun) != "(t2, (t2) -> <int>) -> <int>" {60 t.Fail()61 }62}63func TestTypeFuncContainsSimple(t *testing.T) {64 i := NewInferer()65 t1 := i.NewVar()66 t2 := i.NewVar()67 t3 := i.NewVar()68 fun := i.FuncRef(KindFunc, t1, t2, t3)69 if !i.Contains(i.Resolve(fun).(TypeFunc), t3) || !i.Contains(i.Resolve(fun).(TypeFunc), t1) {70 t.Fail()71 }72}73func TestTypeFuncContainsComplex(t *testing.T) {74 i := NewInferer()75 t1 := i.NewVar()76 t2 := i.NewVar()77 t3 := i.NewVar()78 t4 := i.NewVar()79 t5 := i.NewVar()80 t6 := i.NewVar()81 fun := i.FuncRef(KindFunc, t1, t2, t3)82 fun2 := i.FuncRef(KindFunc, t4, t5, t6)83 i.SetRef(t3, fun2)84 if !i.Contains(i.Resolve(fun).(TypeFunc), t4) || !i.Contains(i.Resolve(fun).(TypeFunc), t6) {85 t.Fail()86 }87}88func TestViralReplaceFuncsPanic(t *testing.T) {89 i := NewInferer()90 t1 := i.NewVar()91 t2 := i.NewVar()92 t3 := i.NewVar()93 t4 := i.NewVar()94 fun := i.FuncRef(KindFunc, t1, t2)95 fun2 := i.FuncRef(KindFunc, t3, t4)96 unrelatedFun := i.FuncRef(KindFunc, t1, t2, t3, t4)97 i.SetRef(fun, fun2)98 defer func() {99 r := recover()100 if r != nil && strings.Contains(r.(string), "replacement would result in recursive overflow") {101 fmt.Println("recovered: ", r)102 return103 }104 t.Fail()105 }()106 i.SetRef(t3, unrelatedFun)107}108func TestSameReplacement(t *testing.T) {109 i := NewInferer()110 t1 := i.NewVar()111 t2 := i.NewVar()112 i.SetRef(t1, t1)113 i.SetRef(t1, t2)114 if i.String(t1) != "t2" {115 t.Fail()116 }117}118func TestReplacement(t *testing.T) {119 i := NewInferer()120 fun := &ast.FunDef{}121 genRef := i.TypeRef(fun)122 funRef := i.FuncRef(KindFunc, i.NewVar())123 fmt.Println(i.String(genRef))124 fmt.Println(i.String(funRef))125 fmt.Println(i.varLibrary)126}127func TestReplaceFunc(t *testing.T) {128 i := NewInferer()129 funRef := i.FuncRef(KindTupleAccess, i.NewVar())130 t3 := i.NewVar()131 t4 := i.NewVar()132 i.SetRef(t3, funRef)133 i.SetRef(funRef, t4)134 if !stringsEqual(i.String(t3), i.String(t4), i.String(funRef)) {135 t.Fail()136 }137}138func TestFuncMeta(t *testing.T) {139 i := NewInferer()140 t1 := i.NewVar()141 meta := i.FuncMeta(45)142 funRef := i.FuncRef(KindTupleAccess, meta, i.NewVar())143 i.SetRef(funRef, t1)144 fmt.Println(i.String(t1), i.String(funRef), i.String(meta))145}146func TestReplaceTwoFunc(t *testing.T) {147 i := NewInferer()148 t1 := i.NewVar()149 fun1 := i.FuncRef(KindTupleAccess, i.NewVar(), i.NewVar())150 fun2 := i.FuncRef(KindArray, i.NewVar(), i.NewVar())151 i.SetRef(t1, fun1)152 i.SetRef(t1, fun2)153 if !stringsEqual(i.String(t1), i.String(fun1), i.String(fun2)) {154 t.Fail()155 }156}157func stringsEqual(strs... string) bool {158 str1 := strs[0]159 for _, str := range strs[1:] {160 if str != str1 {161 return false162 }163 }164 return true165}...

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Source:prog_test.go Github


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1package exp_test2import (3 "strings"4 "testing"5 ""6 ""7 ""8 ""9)10type Point struct{ X, Y int }11func TestProgEval(t *testing.T) {12 tests := []struct {13 raw string14 want string15 }{16 {`(@test.point {})`, `{x:0 y:0}`},17 {`(dot {a:[{b:2}]} .a.0.b)`, `2`},18 {`(dot {a:[{b:2}, {b:3}]} .a/b)`, `[2 3]`},19 {`(dot {a:'2021-08-19T15:00:00Z'} (month .a))`, `8`},20 {`(dyn (month $now))`, `8`},21 }22 reg := &lit.Reg{}23 mut := reg.MustProxy(&Point{})24 reg.SetRef("test.point", mut.Type(), mut)25 env := &exp.ArgEnv{Par: extlib.Std, Typ: typ.Dict, Val: &lit.Dict{Reg: reg, Keyed: []lit.KeyVal{26 {Key: "now", Val: lit.Str("2021-08-19T15:00:00Z")},27 }}}28 for _, test := range tests {29 got, err := exp.Eval(nil, reg, env, test.raw)30 if err != nil {31 t.Errorf("eval %s failed: %v", test.raw, err)32 continue33 }34 str := got.String()35 if str != test.want {36 t.Errorf("eval %s want res %s got %s", test.raw, test.want, str)37 }38 }39}40func TestProgResl(t *testing.T) {41 tests := []struct {42 raw string43 want string44 sig string45 }{46 {`(if true 1 2)`, `<num@1>`,47 `<form if <tupl cond:any act:exp|num@1> else:exp?|num@1 num@1>`},48 {`(if true "one")`, `<char@1>`,49 `<form if <tupl cond:any act:exp|char@1> else:exp?|char@1 char@1>`},50 {`(make @test.point {})`, `<obj exp_test.Point>`, ``},51 }52 reg := &lit.Reg{}53 mut := reg.MustProxy(&Point{})54 reg.SetRef("test.point", mut.Type(), mut)55 for _, test := range tests {56 e, err := exp.Read(reg, strings.NewReader(test.raw), "test")57 if err != nil {58 t.Errorf("read %s failed: %v", test.raw, err)59 continue60 }61 p := exp.NewProg(nil, reg, extlib.Std, e)62 got, err := p.Resl(p.Root, p.Exp, typ.Void)63 if err != nil {64 t.Errorf("resl %s failed: %v", test.raw, err)65 continue66 }67 ts := got.Resl().String()68 if ts != test.want {69 t.Errorf("resl %s want res %s got %s", test.raw, test.want, ts)70 }71 if test.sig == "" {72 continue73 }74 c, ok := got.(*exp.Call)75 if !ok {76 t.Errorf("resl %s want call got %T", test.raw, got)77 }78 ss := c.Sig.String()79 if ss != test.sig {80 t.Errorf("resl %s want sig %s got %s", test.raw, test.sig, ss)81 }82 }83}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2type prog struct {3}4func (p *prog) setRef(ref string) {5}6func (p *prog) getRef() string {7}8func main() {9 p1 := prog{10 }11 p1.setRef("Golang")12 fmt.Println("Path:", p1.getRef())13 p2 := prog{14 }15 p2.setRef("C++11")16 fmt.Println("Path:", p2.getRef())17 p3 := prog{18 }19 p3.setRef("Java8")20 fmt.Println("Path:", p3.getRef())21}22import (23type prog struct {24}25func (p *prog) setRef(ref string) {26}27func (p *prog) getRef() string {28}29type web struct {30}31func (w *web) setRef(ref string) {32}33func (w *web) getRef() string {34}35func main() {36 w1 := web{37 prog: prog{38 },39 }40 w1.setRef("Golang")41 fmt.Println("Path:", w1.getRef())

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 fmt.Printf("Address of a variable: %x4 fmt.Printf("Address stored in ip variable: %x5 fmt.Printf("Value of *ip variable: %d6}7The value of a pointer to a pointer is the address of the pointer to the variable. To get the value of a pointer to a pointer, we must use the indirection operator ( * ) twice. For example,8fmt.Printf("Value of a = %d9fmt.Printf("Value available at *ptr = %d10fmt.Printf("Value available at **pptr = %d

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2type Prog struct {3}4func (p *Prog) setRef(i int) {5}6func main() {7 p := new(Prog)8 fmt.Println(p.ref)9 p.setRef(10)10 fmt.Println(p.ref)11}12import (13type Prog struct {14}15func (p Prog) setRef(i int) {16}17func main() {18 p := new(Prog)19 fmt.Println(p.ref)20 p.setRef(10)21 fmt.Println(p.ref)22}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2type prog struct {3}4func main() {5 p1 := prog{"Naveen", 50}6 p2 := prog{"Praveen", 40}7 p1.setRef(&p2)8 fmt.Println(p1)9 fmt.Println(p2)10}11func (p prog) setRef(p2 *prog) {12}13import (14type prog struct {15}16func main() {17 p1 := prog{"Naveen", 50}18 p2 := prog{"Praveen", 40}19 p1.setRef(&p2)20 fmt.Println(p1)21 fmt.Println(p2)22}23func (p *prog) setRef(p2 *prog) {24}25import (26type prog struct {27}28func main() {29 p1 := prog{"Naveen", 50}30 p2 := prog{"Praveen", 40}31 p1.setRef(&p2)32 fmt.Println(p1)33 fmt.Println(p2)34}35func (p *prog) setRef(p2 *prog) {36}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 p := prog.Prog{}4 p.SetRef(10)5 fmt.Println(p.GetRef())6}7type Prog struct {8}9func (p *Prog) SetRef(v int) {10}11func (p *Prog) GetRef() int {12}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 a.setRef(10)4 fmt.Println(a.getRef())5}6type prog struct {7}8func (p *prog) setRef(i int) {9}10func (p prog) getRef() int {11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 p.setRef(10)4 fmt.Println(p.i)5}6type prog struct {7}8func (p *prog) setRef(i int) {9}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import "fmt"2func main() {3 p.setRef(5)4 fmt.Println(p.getRef())5}6type prog struct {7}8func (p *prog) setRef(i int) {9}10func (p prog) getRef() int {11}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import (2func main() {3 p := prog.New()4 p.SetRef(1)5 fmt.Println(p.Ref())6}7import "fmt"8type Prog struct {9}10func New() *Prog {11 return &Prog{}12}13func (p *Prog) SetRef(ref int) {14}15func (p *Prog) Ref() int {16}17import (18func TestSetRef(t *testing.T) {19 p := New()20 p.SetRef(1)21 if p.Ref() != 1 {22 t.Errorf("Expected 1, got %d", p.Ref())23 }24}25func ExampleSetRef() {26 p := New()27 p.SetRef(1)28 fmt.Println(p.Ref())29}30func ExampleRef() {31 p := New()32 p.SetRef(1)33 fmt.Println(p.Ref())34}35func ExampleNew() {36 p := New()37 p.SetRef(1)38 fmt.Println(p.Ref())39}40func BenchmarkSetRef(b *testing.B) {41 p := New()42 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {43 p.SetRef(1)44 }45}46func BenchmarkRef(b *testing.B) {47 p := New()48 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {49 p.Ref()50 }51}52func BenchmarkNew(b *testing.B) {53 for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {54 New()55 }56}57import "fmt"58type Prog struct {59}60func New() *Prog {61 return &Prog{}62}

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