How to use expression_filters method of Capybara Package

Best Capybara code snippet using Capybara.expression_filters


Source:definition.rb Github


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...15 @match = nil16 @label = nil17 @failure_message = nil18 @expressions = {}19 @expression_filters = {}20 @locator_filter = nil21 @default_visibility = nil22 @locator_type = locator_type23 @raw_locator = raw_locator24 @supports_exact = supports_exact25 instance_eval(&block)26 end27 def custom_filters28 warn "Deprecated: Selector#custom_filters is not valid when same named expression and node filter exist - don't use"29 node_filters.merge(expression_filters).freeze30 end31 def node_filters32 @filter_set.node_filters33 end34 def expression_filters35 @filter_set.expression_filters36 end37 ##38 #39 # Define a selector by an xpath expression40 #41 # @overload xpath(*expression_filters, &block)42 # @param [Array<Symbol>] expression_filters ([]) Names of filters that are implemented via this expression, if not specified the names of any keyword parameters in the block will be used43 # @yield [locator, options] The block to use to generate the XPath expression44 # @yieldparam [String] locator The locator string passed to the query45 # @yieldparam [Hash] options The options hash passed to the query46 # @yieldreturn [#to_xpath, #to_s] An object that can produce an xpath expression47 #48 # @overload xpath()49 # @return [#call] The block that will be called to generate the XPath expression50 #51 def xpath(*allowed_filters, &block)52 expression(:xpath, allowed_filters, &block)53 end54 ##55 #56 # Define a selector by a CSS selector57 #58 # @overload css(*expression_filters, &block)59 # @param [Array<Symbol>] expression_filters ([]) Names of filters that can be implemented via this CSS selector60 # @yield [locator, options] The block to use to generate the CSS selector61 # @yieldparam [String] locator The locator string passed to the query62 # @yieldparam [Hash] options The options hash passed to the query63 # @yieldreturn [#to_s] An object that can produce a CSS selector64 #65 # @overload css()66 # @return [#call] The block that will be called to generate the CSS selector67 #68 def css(*allowed_filters, &block)69 expression(:css, allowed_filters, &block)70 end71 ##72 #73 # Automatic selector detection74 #75 # @yield [locator] This block takes the passed in locator string and returns whether or not it matches the selector76 # @yieldparam [String], locator The locator string used to determine if it matches the selector77 # @yieldreturn [Boolean] Whether this selector matches the locator string78 # @return [#call] The block that will be used to detect selector match79 #80 def match(&block)81 @match = block if block82 @match83 end84 ##85 #86 # Set/get a descriptive label for the selector87 #88 # @overload label(label)89 # @param [String] label A descriptive label for this selector - used in error messages90 # @overload label()91 # @return [String] The currently set label92 #93 def label(label = nil)94 @label = label if label95 @label96 end97 ##98 #99 # Description of the selector100 #101 # @!method description(options)102 # @param [Hash] options The options of the query used to generate the description103 # @return [String] Description of the selector when used with the options passed104 def_delegator :@filter_set, :description105 ##106 #107 # Should this selector be used for the passed in locator108 #109 # This is used by the automatic selector selection mechanism when no selector type is passed to a selector query110 #111 # @param [String] locator The locator passed to the query112 # @return [Boolean] Whether or not to use this selector113 #114 def match?(locator)115 @match&.call(locator)116 end117 ##118 #119 # Define a node filter for use with this selector120 #121 # @!method node_filter(name, *types, options={}, &block)122 # @param [Symbol, Regexp] name The filter name123 # @param [Array<Symbol>] types The types of the filter - currently valid types are [:boolean]124 # @param [Hash] options ({}) Options of the filter125 # @option options [Array<>] :valid_values Valid values for this filter126 # @option options :default The default value of the filter (if any)127 # @option options :skip_if Value of the filter that will cause it to be skipped128 # @option options [Regexp] :matcher (nil) A Regexp used to check whether a specific option is handled by this filter. If not provided the filter will be used for options matching the filter name.129 #130 # If a Symbol is passed for the name the block should accept | node, option_value |, while if a Regexp131 # is passed for the name the block should accept | node, option_name, option_value |. In either case132 # the block should return `true` if the node passes the filer or `false` if it doesn't133 ##134 #135 # Define an expression filter for use with this selector136 #137 # @!method expression_filter(name, *types, matcher: nil, **options, &block)138 # @param [Symbol, Regexp] name The filter name139 # @param [Regexp] matcher (nil) A Regexp used to check whether a specific option is handled by this filter140 # @param [Array<Symbol>] types The types of the filter - currently valid types are [:boolean]141 # @param [Hash] options ({}) Options of the filter142 # @option options [Array<>] :valid_values Valid values for this filter143 # @option options :default The default value of the filter (if any)144 # @option options :skip_if Value of the filter that will cause it to be skipped145 # @option options [Regexp] :matcher (nil) A Regexp used to check whether a specific option is handled by this filter. If not provided the filter will be used for options matching the filter name.146 #147 # If a Symbol is passed for the name the block should accept | current_expression, option_value |, while if a Regexp148 # is passed for the name the block should accept | current_expression, option_name, option_value |. In either case149 # the block should return the modified expression150 def_delegators :@filter_set, :node_filter, :expression_filter, :filter151 def locator_filter(*types, **options, &block)152 types.each { |type| options[type] = true }153 @locator_filter =, **options) if block154 @locator_filter155 end156 def filter_set(name, filters_to_use = nil)157 @filter_set.import(name, filters_to_use)158 end159 def_delegator :@filter_set, :describe160 def describe_expression_filters(&block)161 if block162 describe(:expression_filters, &block)163 else164 describe(:expression_filters) do |**options|165 describe_all_expression_filters(**options)166 end167 end168 end169 def describe_all_expression_filters(**opts)170 do |ef_name, ef|171 if ef.matcher?172 handled_custom_options(ef, opts).map { |option, value| " with #{ef_name}[#{option} => #{value}]" }.join173 elsif opts.key?(ef_name)174 " with #{ef_name} #{opts[ef_name]}"175 end176 end.join177 end178 def describe_node_filters(&block)179 describe(:node_filters, &block)180 end181 ##182 #183 # Set the default visibility mode that shouble be used if no visibile option is passed when using the selector.184 # If not specified will default to the behavior indicated by Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements185 #186 # @param [Symbol] default_visibility Only find elements with the specified visibility:187 # * :all - finds visible and invisible elements.188 # * :hidden - only finds invisible elements.189 # * :visible - only finds visible elements.190 def visible(default_visibility = nil, &block)191 @default_visibility = block || default_visibility192 end193 def default_visibility(fallback = Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements, options = {})194 vis = if @default_visibility.respond_to?(:call)195 else197 @default_visibility198 end199 vis.nil? ? fallback : vis200 end201 # @api private202 def raw_locator?203 !!@raw_locator204 end205 # @api private206 def supports_exact?207 @supports_exact208 end209 def default_format210 return nil if @expressions.keys.empty?211 if @expressions.size == 1212 @expressions.keys.first213 else214 :xpath215 end216 end217 # @api private218 def locator_types219 return nil unless @locator_type220 Array(@locator_type)221 end222 private223 def handled_custom_options(filter, options)224 do |option, _|225 filter.handles_option?(option) && !::Capybara::Queries::SelectorQuery::VALID_KEYS.include?(option)226 end227 end228 def parameter_names(block)229 key_types = %i[key keyreq]230 # user filter_map when we drop dupport for 2.6231 { |(type, _name)| key_types.include? type }.map { |(_, name)| name }232 end233 def expression(type, allowed_filters, &block)234 if block235 @expressions[type] = block236 allowed_filters = parameter_names(block) if allowed_filters.empty?237 allowed_filters.flatten.each do |ef|238 expression_filters[ef] = end240 end241 @expressions[type]242 end243 end244 end245end...

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Source:filter_set.rb Github


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2require 'capybara/selector/filter'3module Capybara4 class Selector5 class FilterSet6 attr_reader :node_filters, :expression_filters7 def initialize(name, &block)8 @name = name9 @node_filters = {}10 @expression_filters = {}11 @descriptions = { |hsh, key| hsh[key] = [] }12 instance_eval(&block) if block13 end14 def node_filter(names, *types, **options, &block)15 Array(names).each do |name|16 add_filter(name, Filters::NodeFilter, *types, **options, &block)17 end18 end19 alias_method :filter, :node_filter20 def expression_filter(name, *types, **options, &block)21 add_filter(name, Filters::ExpressionFilter, *types, **options, &block)22 end23 def describe(what = nil, &block)24 case what25 when nil26 undeclared_descriptions.push block27 when :node_filters28 node_filter_descriptions.push block29 when :expression_filters30 expression_filter_descriptions.push block31 else32 raise ArgumentError, 'Unknown description type'33 end34 end35 def description(node_filters: true, expression_filters: true, **options)36 opts = options_with_defaults(options)37 description = +''38 description << { |desc|**opts).to_s }.join39 description << { |desc|**opts).to_s }.join if expression_filters40 description << { |desc|**opts).to_s }.join if node_filters41 description42 end43 def descriptions44 Capybara::Helpers.warn 'DEPRECATED: FilterSet#descriptions is deprecated without replacement'45 [undeclared_descriptions, node_filter_descriptions, expression_filter_descriptions].flatten46 end47 def import(name, filters = nil)48 filter_selector = filters.nil? ? ->(*) { true } : ->(filter_name, _) { filters.include? filter_name }49 self.class[name].tap do |f_set|50 expression_filters.merge!( node_filters.merge!( f_set.undeclared_descriptions.each { |desc| describe(&desc) }53 f_set.expression_filter_descriptions.each { |desc| describe(:expression_filters, &desc) }54 f_set.node_filter_descriptions.each { |desc| describe(:node_filters, &desc) }55 end56 self57 end58 class << self59 def all60 @filter_sets ||= {} # rubocop:disable Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName61 end62 def [](name)63 all.fetch(name.to_sym) { |set_name| raise ArgumentError, "Unknown filter set (:#{set_name})" }64 end65 def add(name, &block)66 all[name.to_sym] =, &block)67 end68 def remove(name)69 all.delete(name.to_sym)70 end71 end72 protected73 def undeclared_descriptions74 @descriptions[:undeclared]75 end76 def node_filter_descriptions77 @descriptions[:node_filters]78 end79 def expression_filter_descriptions80 @descriptions[:expression_filters]81 end82 private83 def options_with_defaults(options)84 expression_filters.chain(node_filters)85 .select { |_n, filter| filter.default? }86 .each_with_object(options.dup) do |(name, filter), opts|87 opts[name] = filter.default unless opts.key?(name)88 end89 end90 def add_filter(name, filter_class, *types, matcher: nil, **options, &block)91 types.each { |type| options[type] = true }92 if matcher && options[:default]93 raise 'ArgumentError', ':default option is not supported for filters with a :matcher option'94 end95 filter =, matcher, block, **options)96 (filter_class <= Filters::ExpressionFilter ? @expression_filters : @node_filters)[name] = filter97 end98 end99 end100end...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1, {js_errors: false})2 self.gsub(/ /, '+')3 def search(search_term)4 self.fill_in('q', with: search_term.to_search)5Capybara.visit('/') do |page|6'Capybara')7, {js_errors: false})8 self.gsub(/ /, '+')9Capybara::Node::Element.send(:define_method, :search) do |search_term|10 self.fill_in('q', with: search_term.to_search)11Capybara.visit('/') do |page|12'Capybara')13, {js_errors: false})14 self.gsub(/ /, '+')15 def search(search_term)16 self.fill_in('q', with: search_term.to_search)17Capybara.visit('/') do |page|

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Using AI Code Generation


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1, {js_errors: false})2 self.gsub(/ /, '+')3 def search(search_term)4 self.fill_in('q', with: search_term.to_search)5Capybara.visit('/') do |page|6'Capybara')7, {js_errors: false})8 self.gsub(/ /, '+')9Capybara::Node::Element.send(:define_method, :search) do |search_term|10 self.fill_in('q', with: search_term.to_search)11Capybara.visit('/') do |page|12'Capybara')13require 'capybara'orld").click_button("

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Capybara.add_selector(:link) do2 filter(:link) do |node, locator|3Capybara.add_selector(:link) do4 filter(:link do |node, locator|5Capybara.add_seletor(:lin) do6 filter(:link) do |node, locator|7 filter(:link) do |node, locator|8Capybara.add_selector(:link) do9 filter(:link) do |node, locator|10Capybara.add_selector(:link) do11 filter(:link) do |node, locator|

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)2 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)3 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)4 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)5 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)6 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)7 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)8 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)9 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)10 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)11 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)12 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)13, {js_errors: false})14 self.gsub(/ /, '+')15 def search(search_term)16 self.fill_in('q', with: search_term.to_search)17Capybara.visit('/') do |page|

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Using AI Code Generation


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1, :remove_text)2 def remove_text(*args)3 def remove_text(*args)4 page.evaluate_script("var x=document.getElementsByTagName('*');for(var i=0;i<x.length;i++){x[i].innerHTML=''}")"/")"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World")"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World").click_button("Google Search")"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World").click_button("Google Search").remove_text.find('a')"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World").click_button("Google Search").remove_text.find('a')"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World").click_button("Google Search").remove_text.find('a')'a')"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World").click_button("Google Search").remove_text.find('a')'a')"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World").click_button("

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)2 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)3 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)4 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)5 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)6 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)7 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)8 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)9 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)10 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)11 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)12 locator = locator.inspect unless locator.is_a?(String)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Capybara.find(:xpath, Capybara.expression_filters("/html/body/div/div[3]/form/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/div/div/div[2]/input"))2Capybara.fill_in('q', :with => 'Hello World')3Capybara.click_button('Google Search')4Capybara.save_screenshot('google.png')5Capybara.find(:xpath, Capybara.expression_filters("/html/body/div/div[3]/form/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/div/div/div[2]/input"))6Capybara.find(:xpath, Capybara.expression_filters("//input[@id='lst-ib']"))7Capybara.find(:xpath, Capybara.expression_filters("//input[@id='lst-ib']"))

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Using AI Code Generation


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1, :remove_text)2 def remove_text(*args)3 def remove_text(*args)4 page.evaluate_script("var x=document.getElementsByTagName('*');for(var i=0;i<x.length;i++){x[i].innerHTML=''}")"/")"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World")"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World").click_button("Google Search")"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World").click_button("Google Search").remove_text.find('a')"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World").click_button("Google Search").remove_text.find('a')"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World").click_button("Google Search").remove_text.find('a')'a')"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World").click_button("Google Search").remove_text.find('a')'a')"/").remove_text.find('input').set("Hello World").click_button("

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Capybara.find(:xpath, Capybara.expression_filters("/html/body/div/div[3]/form/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/div/div/div[2]/input"))2Capybara.fill_in('q', :with => 'Hello World')3Capybara.click_button('Google Search')4Capybara.save_screenshot('google.png')5Capybara.find(:xpath, Capybara.expression_filters("/html/body/div/div[3]/form/div[2]/div/div/div/div/div/div/div/div[2]/input"))6Capybara.find(:xpath, Capybara.expression_filters("//input[@id='lst-ib']"))7Capybara.find(:xpath, Capybara.expression_filters("//input[@id='lst-ib']"))

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