How to use line method of Inspec Package

Best Inspec_ruby code snippet using Inspec.line


Source:system.rb Github


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1# frozen_string_literal: true2# system.rb -- InSpec resources for system values3# Author: Daniel Dehennin <>4# Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Dehennin <>5# rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength6class SystemResource < Inspec.resource(1)7 name 'system'8 attr_reader :platform9 def initialize10 super11 @platform = build_platform12 end13 private14 def build_platform15 {16 family: build_platform_family,17 name: build_platform_name,18 release: build_platform_release,19 finger: build_platform_finger,20 codename: build_platform_codename21 }22 end23 def build_platform_family24 case inspec.platform[:name]25 when 'arch', 'gentoo'26 inspec.platform[:name]27 else28 inspec.platform[:family]29 end30 end31 def build_platform_name32 case inspec.platform[:name]33 when 'amazon', 'oracle', 'rocky'34 "#{inspec.platform[:name]}linux"35 when /^windows_/36 inspec.platform[:family]37 else38 inspec.platform[:name]39 end40 end41 # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity42 def build_platform_release43 case inspec.platform[:name]44 when 'amazon'45 # `2018` relase is named `1` in `kitchen.yml`46 inspec.platform[:release].gsub(/2018.*/, '1')47 when 'arch'48 'base-latest'49 when 'gentoo'50 "#{inspec.platform[:release].split('.')[0]}-#{derive_gentoo_init_system}"51 when 'opensuse'52 # rubocop:disable Style/NumericLiterals,Layout/LineLength53 inspec.platform[:release].to_i > 20210101 ? 'tumbleweed' : inspec.platform[:release]54 # rubocop:enable Style/NumericLiterals,Layout/LineLength55 when 'windows_8.1_pro'56 '8.1'57 when 'windows_server_2022_datacenter'58 '2022-server'59 when 'windows_server_2019_datacenter'60 '2019-server'61 when 'windows_server_2016_datacenter'62 '2016-server'63 else64 inspec.platform[:release]65 end66 end67 # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity68 def derive_gentoo_init_system69 inspec.command('systemctl').exist? ? 'sysd' : 'sysv'70 end71 def build_platform_finger72 "#{build_platform_name}-#{build_finger_release}"73 end74 def build_finger_release75 case inspec.platform[:name]76 when 'ubuntu'77 build_platform_release.split('.').slice(0, 2).join('.')78 else79 build_platform_release.split('.')[0]80 end81 end82 # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity83 def build_platform_codename84 case build_platform_finger85 when 'ubuntu-20.04'86 'focal'87 when 'ubuntu-18.04'88 'bionic'89 when 'debian-11'90 'bullseye'91 when 'debian-10'92 'buster'93 when 'debian-9'94 'stretch'95 when 'almalinux-8'96 "AlmaLinux #{build_platform_release} (Arctic Sphynx)"97 when 'amazonlinux-2'98 'Amazon Linux 2'99 when 'arch-base-latest'100 'Arch Linux'101 when 'centos-7'102 'CentOS Linux 7 (Core)'103 when 'centos-8'104 'CentOS Stream 8'105 when 'opensuse-tumbleweed'106 'openSUSE Tumbleweed'107 when 'opensuse-15'108 "openSUSE Leap #{build_platform_release}"109 when 'oraclelinux-8', 'oraclelinux-7'110 "Oracle Linux Server #{build_platform_release}"111 when 'gentoo-2-sysd', 'gentoo-2-sysv'112 'Gentoo/Linux'113 when 'rockylinux-8'114 "Rocky Linux #{build_platform_release} (Green Obsidian)"115 else116 ''117 end118 end119 # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity120end121# rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 expect(port(80)).to be_listening2 expect(port(80)).to be_listening3 expect(port(80)).to be_listening4 expect(port(80)).to be_listening5 expect(port(80)).to be_listening6 expect(port(80)).to be_listening7 expect(port(80)).to be_listening8 expect(port(80)).to be_listening9 expect(port(80)).to be_listening

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 resource = Inspec.resource(1)2 resource = Inspec.resource(:line)3 resource = Inspec.resource('ine')4 resource Inspec.resource('inspec/line')5 resource = Inspec.resource('inspec/line')6 resource = Inspec.resource('inspec/line')7 resource = Inspec.resource('inspec

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe file('test.txt') do2 its('content') { should match /Hello/ }3describe file('test.txt') do4 its('content') { should match /Hello/ }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 resource = Inspec.resource(1)2 resource = Inspec.resource(:line)3 resource = Inspec.resource('line')4 resource = Inspec.resource('inspec/line')5 resource = Inspec.resource('inspec/line')6 resource = Inspec.resource('inspec/line')7 resource = Inspec.resource('inspec/line')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe file('/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf') do2 its('content') { should match /ServerName localhost/ }3 its('content') { should match /ServerTokens Prod/ }4 its('content') { should match /TraceEnable Off/ }5describe file('/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf') do6 its('content') { should match /ServerName localhost/ }7 its('content') { should match /ServerTokens Prod/ }8 its('content') { should match /TraceEnable Off/ }9describe file('/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf') do10 its('content') { should match /ServerName localhost/ }11 its('content') { should match /ServerTokens Prod/ }12 its('content') { should match /TraceEnable Off/ }13describe file('/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf') do14 its('content') { should match /ServerName localhost/ }15 its('content') { should match /ServerTokens Prod/ }16 its('content') { should match /TraceEnable Off/ }17describe file('/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf') do18 its('content') { should match /ServerName localhost/ }19 its('content') { should match /ServerTokens Prod/ }20 its('content') { should match /TraceEnable Off/ }21describe file('/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf') do22 its('content') { should match /ServerName localhost/ }23 its('content') { should match /ServerTokens Prod/ }24 its('content') { should match /TraceEnable Off/ }25describe file('/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf') do26 its('content') { should match /27 resource = Inspec.resource('inspec

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe file('test.txt') do2 its('lines') { should eq [3 ]}4describe file('test.txt') do5 its('lines') { should include 'Second line' }6describe file('test.txt') do7 its('lines') { should include 'Fourth line' }8describe file('test.txt') do9 its('lines') { should include 'Second line' }10 its('lines') { should include 'Fourth line' }11describe file('test.txt') do12 its('lines') { should include 'Second line' }13 its('lines') { should include 'Fourth line' }14describe file('test.txt') do15 its('lines') { should include 'Second line' }16 its('lines') { should include 'Fourth line' }17describe file('test.txt') do18 its('lines') { should include 'Second line' }19 its('lines') { should include 'Fourth line' }20describe file('test.txt') do21 its('lines') { should include 'Second line' }22 its('lines') { should include 'Fourth line' }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1file_content = inspec.file(file_name).content2file_content = inspec.file(file_name).content3file_content_array = file_content.split('4file_content = inspec.file(file_name).content5file_content_array = file_content.split('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe file('/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf') do2 its('content') { should match /ServerName localhost/ }3 its('content') { should match /ServerTokens Prod/ }4 its('content') { should match /TraceEnable Off/ }5describe file('/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf') do6 its('content') { should match /ServerName localhost/ }7 its('content') { should match /ServerTokens Prod/ }8 its('content') { should match /TraceEnable Off/ }9describe file('/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf') do10 its('content') { should match /ServerName localhost/ }11 its('content') { should match /ServerTokens Prod/ }12 its('content') { should match /TraceEnable Off/ }13describe file('/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf') do14 its('content') { should match /ServerName localhost/ }15 its('content') { should match /ServerTokens Prod/ }16 its('content') { should match /TraceEnable Off/ }17describe file('/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf') do18 its('content') { should match /ServerName localhost/ }19 its('content') { should match /ServerTokens Prod/ }20 its('content') { should match /TraceEnable Off/ }21describe file('/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf') do22 its('content') { should match /ServerName localhost/ }23 its('content') { should match /ServerTokens Prod/ }24 its('content') { should match /TraceEnable Off/ }25describe file('/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf') do26 its('content') { should match /

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Using AI Code Generation


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1inspec.file(file_path).content.split('2 it { should_not match(/password/) }3inspec.file(file_path).content.split('4 it { should_not match(/password/) }5inspec.file(file_path).content.split('6 it { should_not match(/password/) }7inspec.file(file_path).content.split('8 it { should_not match(/password/) }9inspec.file(file_path).content.split('10 it { should_not match(/password/) }

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