All posts by Faisal Khatri

About Faisal Khatri

Faisal is a Software Testing Professional having 14+ years of experience in automation as well as manual testing. He is a QA, freelancer, blogger and open source contributor. He loves learning new tools and technologies and sharing his experience by writing blogs.

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Blogs: 30

TutorialAutomationSelenium Tutorial

How To Take Full Page Screenshots In Selenium WebDriver

Taking screenshots is one of the most common actions for any web page tester. Screenshots or videos are essential when reporting bugs, as they provide visual evidence of issues.

July 9, 2024

view count272209 Views

Read time19 Min Read

Selenium Grid Setup Basics and Getting Started Tutorial

AutomationSelenium TutorialTutorial

Selenium Grid Tutorial: Parallel Testing Guide with Examples

Selenium Grid, an essential component of the Selenium suite, enables you to run test cases simultaneously in different browsers and browser versions.

July 8, 2024

view count337904 Views

Read time17 Min Read

How to Run WebdriverIO Tests: Getting Started Tutorial

AutomationSelenium JavaScriptTutorialWebDriverIO

How to Run WebdriverIO Tests: Getting Started Tutorial

WebdriverIO is a widely used JavaScript testing framework for automating tests on web and mobile applications. It’s known for its simplicity and the ability to control browsers with just a few lines of code.

July 2, 2024

view count233228 Views

Read time17 Min Read

How to Use Breakpoints for Debugging in Selenium WebDriver

Selenium WebDriverAutomationTutorial

How to Use Breakpoints for Debugging in Selenium WebDriver

Testers using Selenium WebDriver often deal with flaky tests, tricky element locators, and the unpredictable timing of WebElements. Therefore, debugging in Selenium WebDriver becomes essential to stabilize tests, ensure everything works across different browsers, and handle complex data interactions.

June 21, 2024

view count389249 Views

Read time7 Min Read

AutomationSelenium JavaTutorial

How to Create TestNG.xml File in Eclipse

TestNG is a framework used for Java automation testing that makes creating and running automated tests much easier. One of its standout features is running tests in parallel using a TestNG.xml file, which expedites software release cycles.

June 21, 2024

view count246585 Views

Read time14 Min Read

Mobile TestingTutorial

Handling Alerts and Popups in Appium

It is common for any mobile application to show alerts and popups. These alerts and popups prompt users to grant various permissions, like contacts, notifications, etc. However, they need to be handled when performing mobile application testing.

May 8, 2024

view count126959 Views

Read time13 Min Read

How to Use Thread.sleep() in Selenium

Selenium JavaAutomationTutorial

How to Use Thread.sleep() in Selenium

When performing Selenium automation testing, you might encounter a NoSuchElementException() when the element you’re trying to interact with isn’t found.

April 25, 2024

view count202233 Views

Read time20 Min Read

How to Handle Shadow Root in Selenium Java

AutomationSelenium JavaTutorial

How to Handle Shadow Root in Selenium Java

When automating tests using Selenium, there may be a scenario where you can’t find an element on a web page even though it seems to be in the Document Object Model (DOM).

April 22, 2024

view count133650 Views

Read time19 Min Read

How To Perform React Native Testing Using Appium

Mobile App TestingTutorial

How To Perform React Native Testing Using Appium

With the technology emerging so fast, mobile apps have captured most of the industry market. Every organization is focused on creating a new app for their business platform, and the React Native framework is trending in developing mobile apps.

April 12, 2024

view count205707 Views

Read time30 Min Read

Handling Element is Not Clickable at Point Exception in Selenium

AutomationSelenium JavaTutorial

Handling “Element is Not Clickable at Point” Exception in Selenium

In Selenium automation testing, locators help identify and interact with any element on the web page. For example, ID, Name, ClassName, XPath, CSS Selector, TagName, LinkText, and Partial LinkText are widely used to help you interact with the elements on the web page.

March 28, 2024

view count358711 Views

Read time9 Min Read