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LambdaTest Blog

Our blog on Selenium automation testing, browser compatibility testing, web development, and updates

CSS Transform-Origin

LambdaTest ExperimentsTutorialWeb Development

How To Use CSS Transform-Origin Property

The CSS transform-origin property allows developers to control the origin point of transformations like rotation and scaling, enabling precise manipulation of element behavior and positioning.

June 28, 2024

view count159776 Views

Read time18 Min

Mobile Website vs App

Mobile App Testing

Mobile Website vs App: Key Differences

Organizations often struggle to decide whether to create a mobile app for users to download or a mobile website. A mobile website is accessed through web browsers, while mobile apps are downloaded from app stores.

June 25, 2024

view count18630 Views

Read time14 Min


Selenium C#AutomationTutorial

How to Generate NUnit Reports

This article is a part of our Learning Hub. For more in-depth resources, check out our content hub on Selenium NUnit Tutorial. Test reports help track how the activities related to automation testing have evolved over a period of time.

June 24, 2024

view count280612 Views

Read time20 Min

How to Use Breakpoints for Debugging in Selenium WebDriver

Selenium WebDriverAutomationTutorial

How to Use Breakpoints for Debugging in Selenium WebDriver

Testers using Selenium WebDriver often deal with flaky tests, tricky element locators, and the unpredictable timing of WebElements. Therefore, debugging in Selenium WebDriver becomes essential to stabilize tests, ensure everything works across different browsers, and handle complex data interactions.

June 21, 2024

view count389277 Views

Read time7 Min

2 Million+ Teams Rely On LambdaTest For Test Orchestration and Test Execution Needs.

AutomationSelenium JavaTutorial

How to Create TestNG.xml File in Eclipse

TestNG is a framework used for Java automation testing that makes creating and running automated tests much easier. One of its standout features is running tests in parallel using a TestNG.xml file, which expedites software release cycles.

June 21, 2024

view count246609 Views

Read time14 Min

Mobile Accessibility Testing Checklist, Process and Tools Feature Image

Mobile App TestingAccessibility Testing

Mobile Accessibility Testing: Checklist, Process and Tools

With the growth in digitalization, the use of mobile applications is increasing. As per Statista, by 2026, users are expected to download around 143 billion mobile apps from the Google Play Store.

June 20, 2024

view count26262 Views

Read time17 Min

Unblock a Website


How to Unblock a Website: Step-by-Step Guide

Most of us have encountered a blocked website at some point. Unblocking a website can be essential to access information and services that network policies, geographical limitations, or government regulations may restrict.

June 20, 2024

view count18981 Views

Read time8 Min

Accessibility Testing

Accessibility Colors: Your One-Stop Guide for Web Design

Making web design accessible is essential for inclusivity. A key part of this is using accessibility colors, which help make digital interfaces usable for everyone, including people with visual impairments like color blindness and low vision.

June 20, 2024

view count6011 Views

Read time20 Min

2 Million+ Teams Rely On LambdaTest For Test Orchestration and Test Execution Needs.


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