All posts by Alex Anie

About Alex Anie

A Front End Technical Writer. I write blogs on Front End Technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript. When I am not coding, I enjoy watching tutorials and listening to twitter spaces. I live in Lagos, Nigeria

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Blogs: 16

Web DevelopmentLambdaTest ExperimentsTutorial

How to Implement The Mobile First CSS Approach

Adopting the mobile first CSS approach is crucial as more people access the Internet via mobile phones than desktop devices. This approach helps developers refine website logic, functionality, design, accessibility, performance, and overall optimization for mobile usability.

May 17, 2024

view count259423 Views

Read time10 Min Read

CSS Transitions

TutorialLambdaTest ExperimentsWeb Development

CSS Transitions: A Detailed Guide With Examples

Modern web design isn’t just static pages. It’s about creating interactive experiences for visitors. This includes effects like buttons that change color on hover, pop-up windows (modals) that appear, and elements that fade in or out as you scroll.

April 2, 2024

view count125909 Views

Read time19 Min Read

Centering an Image in CSS: A Detailed Guide

Web DevelopmentTutorial

Centering an Image in CSS: A Detailed Guide

Images are widely used on websites and play an important role in helping users understand and find different types of information on the web.

February 26, 2024

view count85478 Views

Read time23 Min Read

41 Best CSS Button Hover Effects in 2023

LambdaTest ExperimentsWeb Development

41 Best CSS Button Hover Effects in 2024

Buttons are everywhere on the web; they have proven to be an indispensable component of modern web design. Buttons are incorporated into websites, web apps, as well as mobile and desktop applications.

February 23, 2024

view count200402 Views

Read time25 Min Read


Web DevelopmentTutorial

Building Accessible Carousels: A Step-By-Step Guide

Carousels are effective in conveying pieces of information in a concise format on the web page. Many organizations find value in using carousels to showcase their product offerings.

February 15, 2024

view count117405 Views

Read time27 Min Read

35 Best Bootstrap Carousel Examples for 2024

Web DevelopmentLambdaTest Experiments

35 Best Bootstrap Carousel Examples for 2024

Organizing web content can be overwhelming, especially when the types of content you want to add to your web page are in groups and contain text, images, or videos.

December 28, 2023

view count147207 Views

Read time27 Min Read

LambdaTest ExperimentsTutorialWeb Development

How to Set Transition Height in CSS

Web design revolves around the central focus of user experience. Websites that offer a positive user experience captivate visitors during their initial interaction, increasing the likelihood of these users returning to the site.

November 14, 2023

view count196089 Views

Read time16 Min Read

CSS Blend Modes

LambdaTest ExperimentsTutorialWeb Development

CSS Blend Modes: Basics and Getting Started

Blending images together is not new in the design world, but when it comes to the web, things can be tricky or complex, depending on your chosen approach.

October 30, 2023

view count157973 Views

Read time19 Min Read

Complete Guide to Color Contrast Accessibility

LambdaTest ExperimentsTutorialWeb Development

Complete Guide to Color Contrast Accessibility

Modern web design encompasses many things, from putting together HTML tags, adding CSS styling, applying JavaScript to make it interactive, and connecting it to a server so that anybody can access it across the globe.

August 10, 2023

view count373301 Views

Read time31 Min Read

Web DevelopmentTutorial

A Complete Guide To CSS Masking

Since the inception of the web, web design has been a huge part of it. Web designers use different approaches to design web pages

July 12, 2023

view count153903 Views

Read time29 Min Read