How to use CachedServerIconMock method of be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.ServerMock class

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...164 private final MockCommandMap commandMap = new MockCommandMap(this);165 private final HelpMapMock helpMap = new HelpMapMock();166 private final StandardMessenger messenger = new StandardMessenger();167 private final Map<Integer, MapViewMock> mapViews = new HashMap<>();168 private CachedServerIconMock serverIcon = new CachedServerIconMock(null);169 private int nextMapId = 1;170 private GameMode defaultGameMode = GameMode.SURVIVAL;171 private ConsoleCommandSenderMock consoleSender;172 private int spawnRadius = 16;173 private @NotNull WarningState warningState = WarningState.DEFAULT;174 private boolean isWhitelistEnabled = false;175 private boolean isWhitelistEnforced = false;176 private final @NotNull Set<OfflinePlayer> whitelistedPlayers = new LinkedHashSet<>();177 public ServerMock()178 {179 ServerMock.registerSerializables();180 // Register default Minecraft Potion Effect Types181 createPotionEffectTypes();182 TagsMock.loadDefaultTags(this, true);183 EnchantmentsMock.registerDefaultEnchantments();184 try185 {186 InputStream stream = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("");187 LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(stream);188 }189 catch (IOException e)190 {191 logger.warning("Could not load file");192 }193 logger.setLevel(Level.ALL);194 try195 {196 buildProperties.load(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(""));197 }198 catch (IOException | NullPointerException e)199 {200 logger.warning("Could not load build properties");201 }202 }203 /**204 * Checks if we are on the main thread. The main thread is the thread used to create this instance of the mock205 * server.206 *207 * @return {@code true} if we are on the main thread, {@code false} if we are running on a different thread.208 */209 public boolean isOnMainThread()210 {211 return mainThread.equals(Thread.currentThread());212 }213 /**214 * Registers an entity so that the server can track it more easily. Should only be used internally.215 *216 * @param entity The entity to register217 */218 public void registerEntity(@NotNull EntityMock entity)219 {220 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("entity add");221 entities.add(entity);222 }223 /**224 * Returns a set of entities that exist on the server instance.225 *226 * @return A set of entities that exist on this server instance.227 */228 @NotNull229 public Set<EntityMock> getEntities()230 {231 return Collections.unmodifiableSet(entities);232 }233 /**234 * Add a specific player to the set.235 *236 * @param player The player to add.237 */238 public void addPlayer(@NotNull PlayerMock player)239 {240 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("player add");241 playerList.addPlayer(player);242 CountDownLatch conditionLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);243 InetSocketAddress address = player.getAddress();244 AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent preLoginEvent = new AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent(player.getName(),245 address.getAddress(), player.getUniqueId());246 getPluginManager().callEventAsynchronously(preLoginEvent, (e) -> conditionLatch.countDown());247 try248 {249 conditionLatch.await();250 }251 catch (InterruptedException e)252 {253 getLogger().severe("Interrupted while waiting for AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent! " +254 (StringUtils.isEmpty(e.getMessage()) ? "" : e.getMessage()));255 Thread.currentThread().interrupt();256 }257 PlayerLoginEvent playerLoginEvent = new PlayerLoginEvent(player, address.getHostString(), address.getAddress());258 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(playerLoginEvent);259 Component joinMessage = MiniMessage.miniMessage()260 .deserialize("<name> has joined the Server!", Placeholder.component("name", player.displayName()));261 PlayerJoinEvent playerJoinEvent = new PlayerJoinEvent(player, joinMessage);262 Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(playerJoinEvent);263 if (isWhitelistEnabled && !whitelistedPlayers.contains(player))264 {265 PlayerConnectionCloseEvent playerConnectionCloseEvent =266 new PlayerConnectionCloseEvent(player.getUniqueId(),267 player.getName(),268 player.getAddress().getAddress(),269 false);270 getPluginManager().callEvent(playerConnectionCloseEvent);271 playerList.disconnectPlayer(player);272 return;273 }274 player.setLastPlayed(getCurrentServerTime());275 registerEntity(player);276 }277 /**278 * Creates a random player and adds it.279 *280 * @return The player that was added.281 */282 public @NotNull PlayerMock addPlayer()283 {284 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("player add");285 PlayerMock player = playerFactory.createRandomPlayer();286 addPlayer(player);287 return player;288 }289 /**290 * Creates a player with a given name and adds it.291 *292 * @param name The name to give to the player.293 * @return The added player.294 */295 public @NotNull PlayerMock addPlayer(@NotNull String name)296 {297 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("player add");298 PlayerMock player = new PlayerMock(this, name);299 addPlayer(player);300 return player;301 }302 /**303 * Set the numbers of mock players that are on this server. Note that it will remove all players that are already on304 * this server.305 *306 * @param num The number of players that are on this server.307 */308 public void setPlayers(int num)309 {310 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("set players");311 playerList.clearOnlinePlayers();312 for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)313 addPlayer();314 }315 /**316 * Set the numbers of mock offline players that are on this server. Note that even players that are online are also317 * considered offline player because an {@link OfflinePlayer} really just refers to anyone that has at some point in318 * time played on the server.319 *320 * @param num The number of players that are on this server.321 */322 public void setOfflinePlayers(int num)323 {324 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("set offline players");325 playerList.clearOfflinePlayers();326 for (PlayerMock player : getOnlinePlayers())327 {328 playerList.addPlayer(player);329 }330 for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)331 {332 OfflinePlayer player = playerFactory.createRandomOfflinePlayer();333 playerList.addOfflinePlayer(player);334 }335 }336 /**337 * Get a specific mock player. A player's number will never change between invocations of {@link #setPlayers(int)}.338 *339 * @param num The number of the player to retrieve.340 * @return The chosen player.341 */342 public @NotNull PlayerMock getPlayer(int num)343 {344 return playerList.getPlayer(num);345 }346 /**347 * Returns the {@link MockPlayerList} instance that is used by this server.348 *349 * @return The {@link MockPlayerList} instance.350 */351 public @NotNull MockPlayerList getPlayerList()352 {353 return playerList;354 }355 @Override356 public @Nullable UUID getPlayerUniqueId(@NotNull String playerName)357 {358 return playerList.getOfflinePlayer(playerName).getUniqueId();359 }360 /**361 * Adds a very simple super flat world with a given name.362 *363 * @param name The name to give to the world.364 * @return The {@link WorldMock} that has been created.365 */366 public @NotNull WorldMock addSimpleWorld(String name)367 {368 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("world creation");369 WorldMock world = new WorldMock();370 world.setName(name);371 worlds.add(world);372 return world;373 }374 /**375 * Adds the given mocked world to this server.376 *377 * @param world The world to add.378 */379 public void addWorld(WorldMock world)380 {381 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("world add");382 worlds.add(world);383 }384 /**385 * Executes a command as the console.386 *387 * @param command The command to execute.388 * @param args The arguments to pass to the commands.389 * @return The value returned by {@link Command#execute}.390 */391 public @NotNull CommandResult executeConsole(@NotNull Command command, String... args)392 {393 return execute(command, getConsoleSender(), args);394 }395 /**396 * Executes a command as the console.397 *398 * @param command The command to execute.399 * @param args The arguments to pass to the commands.400 * @return The value returned by {@link Command#execute}.401 */402 public @NotNull CommandResult executeConsole(@NotNull String command, String... args)403 {404 return executeConsole(getCommandMap().getCommand(command), args);405 }406 /**407 * Executes a command as a player.408 *409 * @param command The command to execute.410 * @param args The arguments to pass to the commands.411 * @return The value returned by {@link Command#execute}.412 */413 public @NotNull CommandResult executePlayer(@NotNull Command command, String... args)414 {415 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("command dispatch");416 if (playerList.isSomeoneOnline())417 return execute(command, getPlayer(0), args);418 else419 throw new IllegalStateException("Need at least one player to run the command");420 }421 /**422 * Executes a command as a player.423 *424 * @param command The command to execute.425 * @param args The arguments to pass to the commands.426 * @return The value returned by {@link Command#execute}.427 */428 public @NotNull CommandResult executePlayer(@NotNull String command, String... args)429 {430 return executePlayer(getCommandMap().getCommand(command), args);431 }432 /**433 * Executes a command.434 *435 * @param command The command to execute.436 * @param sender The person that executed the command.437 * @param args The arguments to pass to the commands.438 * @return The value returned by {@link Command#execute}.439 */440 public @NotNull CommandResult execute(@NotNull Command command, CommandSender sender, String... args)441 {442 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("command dispatch");443 if (!(sender instanceof MessageTarget))444 {445 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only a MessageTarget can be the sender of the command");446 }447 boolean status = command.execute(sender, command.getName(), args);448 return new CommandResult(status, (MessageTarget) sender);449 }450 /**451 * Executes a command.452 *453 * @param command The command to execute.454 * @param sender The person that executed the command.455 * @param args The arguments to pass to the commands.456 * @return The value returned by {@link Command#execute}.457 */458 public @NotNull CommandResult execute(@NotNull String command, CommandSender sender, String... args)459 {460 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("command dispatch");461 return execute(getCommandMap().getCommand(command), sender, args);462 }463 @Override464 public @NotNull String getName()465 {466 return "ServerMock";467 }468 @Override469 public @NotNull String getVersion()470 {471 return String.format("MockBukkit (MC: %s)", getMinecraftVersion());472 }473 @Override474 public @NotNull String getBukkitVersion()475 {476 Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.buildProperties, "Failed to load build properties!");477 String apiVersion = buildProperties.getProperty("full-api-version");478 Preconditions.checkNotNull(apiVersion, "Failed to get full-api-version from the build properties!");479 return apiVersion;480 }481 @Override482 public @NotNull String getMinecraftVersion()483 {484 return this.getBukkitVersion().split("-")[0];485 }486 @Override487 public @NotNull Collection<? extends PlayerMock> getOnlinePlayers()488 {489 return playerList.getOnlinePlayers();490 }491 @Override492 public OfflinePlayer @NotNull [] getOfflinePlayers()493 {494 return playerList.getOfflinePlayers();495 }496 @Override497 public @Nullable OfflinePlayer getOfflinePlayerIfCached(@NotNull String name)498 {499 //TODO Auto-generated method stub500 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();501 }502 @Override503 public Player getPlayer(@NotNull String name)504 {505 return playerList.getPlayer(name);506 }507 @Override508 public Player getPlayerExact(@NotNull String name)509 {510 return playerList.getPlayerExact(name);511 }512 @Override513 public @NotNull List<Player> matchPlayer(@NotNull String name)514 {515 return playerList.matchPlayer(name);516 }517 @Override518 public Player getPlayer(@NotNull UUID id)519 {520 return playerList.getPlayer(id);521 }522 @Override523 public @NotNull PluginManagerMock getPluginManager()524 {525 return pluginManager;526 }527 @NotNull528 public MockCommandMap getCommandMap()529 {530 return commandMap;531 }532 @Override533 public PluginCommand getPluginCommand(@NotNull String name)534 {535 Command command = getCommandMap().getCommand(name);536 return command instanceof PluginCommand ? (PluginCommand) command : null;537 }538 @Override539 public @NotNull Logger getLogger()540 {541 return logger;542 }543 @Override544 public @NotNull ConsoleCommandSenderMock getConsoleSender()545 {546 if (consoleSender == null)547 {548 consoleSender = new ConsoleCommandSenderMock();549 }550 return consoleSender;551 }552 @Override553 public @NotNull CommandSender createCommandSender(@NotNull Consumer<? super Component> feedback)554 {555 //TODO Auto-generated method stub556 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();557 }558 @NotNull559 @Deprecated560 public InventoryMock createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, @NotNull InventoryType type, String title, int size)561 {562 if (!type.isCreatable())563 {564 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Inventory Type is not creatable!");565 }566 switch (type)567 {568 case CHEST:569 return new ChestInventoryMock(owner, size > 0 ? size : 9 * 3);570 case DISPENSER:571 return new DispenserInventoryMock(owner);572 case DROPPER:573 return new DropperInventoryMock(owner);574 case PLAYER:575 if (owner instanceof HumanEntity)576 {577 return new PlayerInventoryMock((HumanEntity) owner);578 }579 else580 {581 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a Player Inventory for: " + owner);582 }583 case ENDER_CHEST:584 return new EnderChestInventoryMock(owner);585 case HOPPER:586 return new HopperInventoryMock(owner);587 case SHULKER_BOX:588 return new ShulkerBoxInventoryMock(owner);589 case BARREL:590 return new BarrelInventoryMock(owner);591 case LECTERN:592 return new LecternInventoryMock(owner);593 case GRINDSTONE:594 return new GrindstoneInventoryMock(owner);595 case STONECUTTER:596 return new StonecutterInventoryMock(owner);597 case CARTOGRAPHY:598 return new CartographyInventoryMock(owner);599 case SMOKER, FURNACE, BLAST_FURNACE:600 return new FurnaceInventoryMock(owner);601 case LOOM:602 return new LoomInventoryMock(owner);603 case ANVIL:604 return new AnvilInventoryMock(owner);605 case SMITHING:606 return new SmithingInventoryMock(owner);607 case BEACON:608 return new BeaconInventoryMock(owner);609 case WORKBENCH:610 return new WorkbenchInventoryMock(owner);611 case ENCHANTING:612 return new EnchantingInventoryMock(owner);613 case BREWING:614 return new BrewerInventoryMock(owner);615 default:616 throw new UnimplementedOperationException("Inventory type not yet supported");617 }618 }619 @Override620 public @NotNull InventoryMock createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, @NotNull InventoryType type)621 {622 return createInventory(owner, type, "Inventory");623 }624 @Override625 public @NotNull InventoryMock createInventory(@Nullable InventoryHolder owner, @NotNull InventoryType type, @NotNull Component title)626 {627 //TODO Auto-generated method stub628 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();629 }630 @Override631 @Deprecated632 public @NotNull InventoryMock createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, @NotNull InventoryType type, String title)633 {634 return createInventory(owner, type, title, -1);635 }636 @Override637 public @NotNull InventoryMock createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, int size)638 {639 return createInventory(owner, size, "Inventory");640 }641 @Override642 public @NotNull InventoryMock createInventory(@Nullable InventoryHolder owner, int size, @NotNull Component title) throws IllegalArgumentException643 {644 //TODO Auto-generated method stub645 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();646 }647 @Override648 @Deprecated649 public @NotNull InventoryMock createInventory(InventoryHolder owner, int size, String title)650 {651 return createInventory(owner, InventoryType.CHEST, title, size);652 }653 @Override654 public @NotNull Merchant createMerchant(@Nullable Component title)655 {656 //TODO Auto-generated method stub657 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();658 }659 @Override660 public @NotNull ItemFactoryMock getItemFactory()661 {662 return factory;663 }664 @Override665 public @NotNull List<World> getWorlds()666 {667 return new ArrayList<>(worlds);668 }669 @Override670 public World getWorld(String name)671 {672 return -> world.getName().equals(name)).findAny().orElse(null);673 }674 @Override675 public World getWorld(UUID uid)676 {677 return -> world.getUID().equals(uid)).findAny().orElse(null);678 }679 @Override680 public @Nullable World getWorld(@NotNull NamespacedKey worldKey)681 {682 // TODO Auto-generated method stub683 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();684 }685 @NotNull686 @Override687 public WorldBorder createWorldBorder()688 {689 // TODO Auto-generated method stub690 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();691 }692 @Override693 public @NotNull BukkitSchedulerMock getScheduler()694 {695 return scheduler;696 }697 @Override698 public int getMaxPlayers()699 {700 return playerList.getMaxPlayers();701 }702 @Override703 public void setMaxPlayers(int maxPlayers)704 {705 playerList.setMaxPlayers(maxPlayers);706 }707 @Override708 public @NotNull Set<String> getIPBans()709 {710 return this.playerList.getIPBans().getBanEntries().stream().map(BanEntry::getTarget)711 .collect(Collectors.toSet());712 }713 @Override714 public void banIP(@NotNull String address)715 {716 this.playerList.getIPBans().addBan(address, null, null, null);717 }718 @Override719 public void unbanIP(@NotNull String address)720 {721 this.playerList.getIPBans().pardon(address);722 }723 @Override724 public @NotNull BanList getBanList(@NotNull Type type)725 {726 return switch (type)727 {728 case IP -> playerList.getIPBans();729 case NAME -> playerList.getProfileBans();730 };731 }732 @Override733 public @NotNull Set<OfflinePlayer> getOperators()734 {735 return playerList.getOperators();736 }737 @Override738 public @NotNull GameMode getDefaultGameMode()739 {740 return this.defaultGameMode;741 }742 @Override743 public void setDefaultGameMode(GameMode mode)744 {745 this.defaultGameMode = mode;746 }747 @Override748 @Deprecated749 public int broadcastMessage(@NotNull String message)750 {751 Collection<? extends PlayerMock> players = getOnlinePlayers();752 for (Player player : players)753 {754 player.sendMessage(message);755 }756 return players.size();757 }758 @Override759 @Deprecated760 public int broadcast(@NotNull String message, @NotNull String permission)761 {762 Collection<? extends PlayerMock> players = getOnlinePlayers();763 int count = 0;764 for (Player player : players)765 {766 if (player.hasPermission(permission))767 {768 player.sendMessage(message);769 count++;770 }771 }772 return count;773 }774 @Override775 public int broadcast(@NotNull Component message)776 {777 Collection<? extends PlayerMock> players = getOnlinePlayers();778 for (Player player : players)779 {780 player.sendMessage(message);781 }782 return players.size();783 }784 @Override785 public int broadcast(@NotNull Component message, @NotNull String permission)786 {787 Collection<? extends PlayerMock> players = getOnlinePlayers();788 int count = 0;789 for (Player player : players)790 {791 if (player.hasPermission(permission))792 {793 player.sendMessage(message);794 count++;795 }796 }797 return count;798 }799 /**800 * Registers any classes that are serializable with the ConfigurationSerializable system of Bukkit.801 */802 public static void registerSerializables()803 {804 ConfigurationSerialization.registerClass(ItemMetaMock.class);805 }806 @Override807 public boolean addRecipe(Recipe recipe)808 {809 recipes.add(recipe);810 return true;811 }812 @Override813 public @NotNull List<Recipe> getRecipesFor(@NotNull ItemStack item)814 {815 return ->816 {817 ItemStack result = recipe.getResult();818 // Amount is explicitly ignored here819 return result.getType() == item.getType() && result.getItemMeta().equals(item.getItemMeta());820 }).collect(Collectors.toList());821 }822 @Override823 public Recipe getRecipe(NamespacedKey key)824 {825 for (Recipe recipe : recipes)826 {827 // Seriously why can't the Recipe interface itself just extend Keyed...828 if (recipe instanceof Keyed && ((Keyed) recipe).getKey().equals(key))829 {830 return recipe;831 }832 }833 return null;834 }835 @Nullable836 @Override837 public Recipe getCraftingRecipe(@NotNull ItemStack[] craftingMatrix, @NotNull World world)838 {839 // TODO Auto-generated method stub840 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();841 }842 @NotNull843 @Override844 public ItemStack craftItem(@NotNull ItemStack[] craftingMatrix, @NotNull World world, @NotNull Player player)845 {846 // TODO Auto-generated method stub847 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();848 }849 @Override850 public boolean removeRecipe(NamespacedKey key)851 {852 Iterator<Recipe> iterator = recipeIterator();853 while (iterator.hasNext())854 {855 Recipe recipe =;856 // Seriously why can't the Recipe interface itself just extend Keyed...857 if (recipe instanceof Keyed && ((Keyed) recipe).getKey().equals(key))858 {859 iterator.remove();860 return true;861 }862 }863 return false;864 }865 @Override866 public @NotNull Iterator<Recipe> recipeIterator()867 {868 return recipes.iterator();869 }870 @Override871 public void clearRecipes()872 {873 recipes.clear();874 }875 @Override876 public boolean dispatchCommand(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull String commandLine)877 {878 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("command dispatch");879 String[] commands = commandLine.split(" ");880 String commandLabel = commands[0];881 String[] args = Arrays.copyOfRange(commands, 1, commands.length);882 Command command = getCommandMap().getCommand(commandLabel);883 if (command != null)884 {885 return command.execute(sender, commandLabel, args);886 }887 else888 {889 return false;890 }891 }892 public @NotNull List<String> getCommandTabComplete(@NotNull CommandSender sender, @NotNull String commandLine)893 {894 AsyncCatcher.catchOp("command tabcomplete");895 int idx = commandLine.indexOf(' ');896 String commandLabel = commandLine.substring(0, idx);897 String[] args = commandLine.substring(idx + 1).split(" ", -1);898 Command command = getCommandMap().getCommand(commandLabel);899 if (command != null)900 {901 return command.tabComplete(sender, commandLabel, args);902 }903 else904 {905 return Collections.emptyList();906 }907 }908 @Override909 public @NotNull HelpMapMock getHelpMap()910 {911 return helpMap;912 }913 @Override914 public void sendPluginMessage(@NotNull Plugin source, @NotNull String channel, byte[] message)915 {916 StandardMessenger.validatePluginMessage(this.getMessenger(), source, channel, message);917 for (Player player : this.getOnlinePlayers())918 {919 player.sendPluginMessage(source, channel, message);920 }921 }922 @Override923 public @NotNull Set<String> getListeningPluginChannels()924 {925 Set<String> result = new HashSet<>();926 for (Player player : this.getOnlinePlayers())927 {928 result.addAll(player.getListeningPluginChannels());929 }930 return result;931 }932 @Override933 public int getPort()934 {935 // TODO Auto-generated method stub936 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();937 }938 @Override939 public int getViewDistance()940 {941 // TODO Auto-generated method stub942 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();943 }944 @Override945 public @NotNull String getIp()946 {947 // TODO Auto-generated method stub948 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();949 }950 @Override951 public @NotNull String getWorldType()952 {953 // TODO Auto-generated method stub954 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();955 }956 @Override957 public boolean getGenerateStructures()958 {959 // TODO Auto-generated method stub960 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();961 }962 @Override963 public boolean getAllowEnd()964 {965 // TODO Auto-generated method stub966 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();967 }968 @Override969 public boolean getAllowNether()970 {971 // TODO Auto-generated method stub972 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();973 }974 @NotNull975 @Override976 public String getResourcePack()977 {978 // TODO Auto-generated method stub979 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();980 }981 @NotNull982 @Override983 public String getResourcePackHash()984 {985 // TODO Auto-generated method stub986 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();987 }988 @NotNull989 @Override990 public String getResourcePackPrompt()991 {992 // TODO Auto-generated method stub993 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();994 }995 @Override996 public boolean isResourcePackRequired()997 {998 // TODO Auto-generated method stub999 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1000 }1001 @Override1002 public boolean hasWhitelist()1003 {1004 return this.isWhitelistEnabled;1005 }1006 @Override1007 public void setWhitelist(boolean value)1008 {1009 this.isWhitelistEnabled = value;1010 WhitelistToggleEvent event = new WhitelistToggleEvent(value);1011 this.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);1012 }1013 @Override1014 public boolean isWhitelistEnforced()1015 {1016 return this.isWhitelistEnforced;1017 }1018 @Override1019 public void setWhitelistEnforced(boolean value)1020 {1021 this.isWhitelistEnforced = value;1022 }1023 @Override1024 public @NotNull Set<OfflinePlayer> getWhitelistedPlayers()1025 {1026 return this.whitelistedPlayers;1027 }1028 @Override1029 public void reloadWhitelist()1030 {1031 //Pretend we load the Whitelist from Disk1032 if (!isWhitelistEnforced && isWhitelistEnabled)1033 {1034 return;1035 }1036 MockBukkit.getMock().getOnlinePlayers().forEach(p ->1037 {1038 if (!MockBukkit.getMock().getWhitelistedPlayers().contains(p))1039 {1040 p.kick();1041 }1042 });1043 }1044 @Override1045 public @NotNull String getUpdateFolder()1046 {1047 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1048 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1049 }1050 @Override1051 public @NotNull File getUpdateFolderFile()1052 {1053 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1054 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1055 }1056 @Override1057 public long getConnectionThrottle()1058 {1059 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1060 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1061 }1062 @Override1063 @Deprecated1064 public int getTicksPerAnimalSpawns()1065 {1066 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1067 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1068 }1069 @Override1070 @Deprecated1071 public int getTicksPerMonsterSpawns()1072 {1073 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1074 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1075 }1076 @Override1077 public @NotNull ServicesManagerMock getServicesManager()1078 {1079 return servicesManager;1080 }1081 @Override1082 public World createWorld(@NotNull WorldCreator creator)1083 {1084 WorldMock world = new WorldMock(creator);1085 addWorld(world);1086 return world;1087 }1088 @Override1089 public boolean unloadWorld(String name, boolean save)1090 {1091 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1092 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1093 }1094 @Override1095 public boolean unloadWorld(World world, boolean save)1096 {1097 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1098 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1099 }1100 @Override1101 public @NotNull MapViewMock createMap(@NotNull World world)1102 {1103 MapViewMock mapView = new MapViewMock(world, nextMapId++);1104 mapViews.put(mapView.getId(), mapView);1105 new MapInitializeEvent(mapView).callEvent();1106 return mapView;1107 }1108 @Override1109 public void reload()1110 {1111 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1112 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1113 }1114 @Override1115 public void reloadData()1116 {1117 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1118 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1119 }1120 @Override1121 public void savePlayers()1122 {1123 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1124 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1125 }1126 @Override1127 public void resetRecipes()1128 {1129 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1130 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1131 }1132 @Override1133 public @NotNull Map<String, String[]> getCommandAliases()1134 {1135 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1136 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1137 }1138 @Override1139 public int getSpawnRadius()1140 {1141 return spawnRadius;1142 }1143 @Override1144 public void setSpawnRadius(int spawnRadius)1145 {1146 this.spawnRadius = spawnRadius;1147 }1148 @Override1149 public boolean shouldSendChatPreviews()1150 {1151 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1152 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1153 }1154 @Override1155 public boolean isEnforcingSecureProfiles()1156 {1157 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1158 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1159 }1160 @Override1161 public boolean getOnlineMode()1162 {1163 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1164 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1165 }1166 @Override1167 public boolean getAllowFlight()1168 {1169 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1170 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1171 }1172 @Override1173 public boolean isHardcore()1174 {1175 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1176 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1177 }1178 @Override1179 public void shutdown()1180 {1181 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1182 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1183 }1184 @Override1185 @Deprecated1186 public @NotNull OfflinePlayer getOfflinePlayer(@NotNull String name)1187 {1188 return playerList.getOfflinePlayer(name);1189 }1190 @Override1191 public @NotNull OfflinePlayer getOfflinePlayer(@NotNull UUID id)1192 {1193 OfflinePlayer player = playerList.getOfflinePlayer(id);1194 if (player != null)1195 {1196 return player;1197 }1198 else1199 {1200 return playerFactory.createOfflinePlayer(id);1201 }1202 }1203 @Override1204 public @NotNull Set<OfflinePlayer> getBannedPlayers()1205 {1206 return this.getBanList(Type.NAME)1207 .getBanEntries()1208 .stream()1209 .map(banEntry -> getOfflinePlayer(banEntry.getTarget()))1210 .collect(Collectors.toSet());1211 }1212 @Override1213 public @NotNull File getWorldContainer()1214 {1215 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1216 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1217 }1218 @Override1219 public @NotNull Messenger getMessenger()1220 {1221 return this.messenger;1222 }1223 @Override1224 @Deprecated1225 public @NotNull Merchant createMerchant(String title)1226 {1227 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1228 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1229 }1230 @Override1231 public int getMaxChainedNeighborUpdates()1232 {1233 //TODO Auto-generated method stub1234 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1235 }1236 @Override1237 @Deprecated1238 public int getMonsterSpawnLimit()1239 {1240 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1241 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1242 }1243 @Override1244 @Deprecated1245 public int getAnimalSpawnLimit()1246 {1247 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1248 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1249 }1250 @Override1251 @Deprecated1252 public int getWaterAnimalSpawnLimit()1253 {1254 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1255 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1256 }1257 @Override1258 @Deprecated1259 public int getAmbientSpawnLimit()1260 {1261 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1262 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1263 }1264 @Override1265 public boolean isPrimaryThread()1266 {1267 return this.isOnMainThread();1268 }1269 @Override1270 public @NotNull Component motd()1271 {1272 return MOTD;1273 }1274 @Override1275 @Deprecated1276 public @NotNull String getMotd()1277 {1278 return LegacyComponentSerializer.legacySection().serialize(MOTD);1279 }1280 @Override1281 public @Nullable Component shutdownMessage()1282 {1283 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1284 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1285 }1286 @Override1287 @Deprecated1288 public String getShutdownMessage()1289 {1290 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1291 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1292 }1293 /**1294 * Sets the return value of {@link #getWarningState}.1295 *1296 * @param warningState The {@link WarningState} to set.1297 */1298 public void setWarningState(@NotNull WarningState warningState)1299 {1300 Preconditions.checkNotNull(warningState, "warningState cannot be null");1301 this.warningState = warningState;1302 }1303 @Override1304 public @NotNull WarningState getWarningState()1305 {1306 return this.warningState;1307 }1308 @Override1309 public @NotNull ScoreboardManagerMock getScoreboardManager()1310 {1311 return scoreboardManager;1312 }1313 @Override1314 public @NotNull Criteria getScoreboardCriteria(@NotNull String name)1315 {1316 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1317 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1318 }1319 /**1320 * Sets the return value of {@link #getServerIcon()}.1321 *1322 * @param serverIcon The icon to set.1323 */1324 public void setServerIcon(CachedServerIconMock serverIcon)1325 {1326 this.serverIcon = serverIcon;1327 }1328 @Override1329 public CachedServerIconMock getServerIcon()1330 {1331 return this.serverIcon;1332 }1333 @Override1334 public @NotNull CachedServerIconMock loadServerIcon(@NotNull File file) throws IOException1335 {1336 Preconditions.checkNotNull(file, "File cannot be null");1337 Preconditions.checkArgument(file.isFile(), file + " isn't a file");1338 return loadServerIcon(;1339 }1340 @Override1341 public @NotNull CachedServerIconMock loadServerIcon(@NotNull BufferedImage image) throws IOException1342 {1343 Preconditions.checkNotNull(image, "Image cannot be null");1344 Preconditions.checkArgument(image.getWidth() == 64, "Image must be 64 pixels wide");1345 Preconditions.checkArgument(image.getHeight() == 64, "Image must be 64 pixels high");1346 ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();1347 ImageIO.write(image, "PNG", out);1348 String encoded = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(out.toByteArray());1349 return new CachedServerIconMock(CachedServerIconMock.PNG_BASE64_PREFIX + encoded);1350 }1351 @Override1352 public void setIdleTimeout(int threshold)1353 {1354 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1355 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1356 }1357 @Override1358 public int getIdleTimeout()1359 {1360 // TODO Auto-generated method stub1361 throw new UnimplementedOperationException();1362 }1363 @Override...

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...798 BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(64, 64, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);799 Graphics2D g = image.createGraphics();800 g.drawOval(0, 0, 64, 64);801 g.dispose();802 CachedServerIconMock icon = server.loadServerIcon(image);803 byte[] decodedBase64 = Base64.getDecoder().decode(icon.getData().replace(CachedServerIconMock.PNG_BASE64_PREFIX, ""));804 BufferedImage decodedImage = ByteArrayInputStream(decodedBase64));805 for (int x = 0; x < 64; x++)806 {807 for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++)808 {809 assertEquals(image.getRGB(x, y), decodedImage.getRGB(x, y));810 }811 }812 }813}814class TestRecipe implements Recipe815{816 private final @NotNull ItemStack result;817 public TestRecipe(@NotNull ItemStack result)...

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...4import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;5import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;6import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;7import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull;8class CachedServerIconMockTest9{10 private ServerMock mock;11 @BeforeEach12 public void setUp()13 {14 mock = MockBukkit.mock();15 }16 @AfterEach17 public void teardown()18 {19 MockBukkit.unmock();20 }21 @Test22 void constructor_NotNull_SetsData()23 {24 CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock(null);25 assertNull(icon.getData());26 }27 @Test28 void constructor_WithData_SetsData()29 {30 CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock("mmm yes data");31 assertNotNull(icon.getData());32 assertEquals("mmm yes data", icon.getData());33 }34}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1ServerMock server = new ServerMock();2CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();3server.setServerIcon(icon);4server.getServerIcon();5ServerMock server = new ServerMock();6CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();7server.setServerIcon(icon);8server.getServerIcon();9ServerMock server = new ServerMock();10CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();11server.setServerIcon(icon);12server.getServerIcon();13ServerMock server = new ServerMock();14CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();15server.setServerIcon(icon);16server.getServerIcon();17ServerMock server = new ServerMock();18CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();19server.setServerIcon(icon);20server.getServerIcon();21ServerMock server = new ServerMock();22CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();23server.setServerIcon(icon);24server.getServerIcon();25ServerMock server = new ServerMock();26CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();27server.setServerIcon(icon);28server.getServerIcon();29ServerMock server = new ServerMock();30CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();31server.setServerIcon(icon);32server.getServerIcon();33ServerMock server = new ServerMock();

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1public class CachedServerIconMockTest {2 public void testCachedServerIconMock() {3 ServerMock server = MockBukkit.mock();4 CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();5 server.setServerIcon(icon);6 Assert.assertEquals(icon, server.getServerIcon());7 }8}9public class CachedServerIconMockTest {10 public void testCachedServerIconMock() {11 ServerMock server = MockBukkit.mock();12 CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();13 server.setServerIcon(icon);14 Assert.assertEquals(icon, server.getServerIcon());15 }16}17public class CachedServerIconMockTest {18 public void testCachedServerIconMock() {19 ServerMock server = MockBukkit.mock();20 CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();21 server.setServerIcon(icon);22 Assert.assertEquals(icon, server.getServerIcon());23 }24}25public class CachedServerIconMockTest {26 public void testCachedServerIconMock() {27 ServerMock server = MockBukkit.mock();28 CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();29 server.setServerIcon(icon);30 Assert.assertEquals(icon, server.getServerIcon());31 }32}33public class CachedServerIconMockTest {34 public void testCachedServerIconMock() {35 ServerMock server = MockBukkit.mock();36 CachedServerIconMock icon = new CachedServerIconMock();37 server.setServerIcon(icon);38 Assert.assertEquals(icon, server.getServerIcon());39 }40}41public class CachedServerIconMockTest {42 public void testCachedServerIconMock() {

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1import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach;2import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;3import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;4import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;5import org.mockito.Mockito;6import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension;7import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.MockBukkit;8import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.ServerMock;9import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.PlayerMock;10import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.PlayerMockFactory;11import be.seeseemelk.mockbukkit.entity.PlayerMockFactory.PlayerOptions;12import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;13import;14import;15import javax.imageio.ImageIO;16import org.bukkit.entity.Player;17import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;18import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerQuitEvent;19import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;20import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;21import;22import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;23@ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class)24{25 private JavaPlugin plugin;26 private ServerMock server;27 private PluginManager pluginManager;28 private PlayerMockFactory playerFactory;29 private PlayerOptions options;30 private PlayerMock player;31 public void setUp()32 {33 plugin = MockBukkit.load(JavaPlugin.class);34 server = MockBukkit.getMock();35 pluginManager = server.getPluginManager();36 playerFactory = server.getPlayerFactory();37 options = playerFactory.getOptions();38 player = playerFactory.createPlayer(options);39 }40 public void tearDown()41 {42 MockBukkit.unmock();43 }44 public void testServerIcon()45 {46 File file = new File("test.png");47 Assertions.assertTrue(file.exists());48 BufferedImage image = null;49 {50 image =;51 }52 catch (IOException e)53 {54;55 }56 server.setServerIcon(image);57 server.addPlayer(player);58 Mockito.verify(player).setPlayerListHeaderFooter(Mockito.any(), Mockito.any());59 }60}

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